
即:International School of Berne




The strong educational curriculum follows a philosophy of education based on the principles of educating the whole person; of promoting international understanding; of education through a broad, balanced curriculum; and of respect for and tolerance of cultural diversity. The elementary and middle school programme includes French and German, music, visual arts, theatre arts, the sciences, humanities, mathematics, and English. The grade 5 students complete their elementary education with an Exhibition, which celebrates their learning over their six years in elementary school. The middle school students complete their educational programme through a Personal Project in grade 10. The IB Diploma programme in grades 11 and 12 is a comprehensive and rigorous two-year curriculum to prepare students for university entrance. Students choose six subjects to study, write an extended essay, follow a Theory of Knowledge Course, and complete a Community, Service and Action Program.

The school is located in the suburb of Gümligen, 15 minutes from the centre of Berne, capital of Switzerland. The three sections, Early Learning Centre, Elementary, and Secondary, are on three sites, all within 200 metres of one another.

Specialist areas in the school include a gymnasium, two computer labs, three science labs, two art rooms, a theatre arts rehearsal area, and a music room. Extensive use of local facilities for athletics, sports tournaments, theatre, and music productions enable the school to complement its programme. The physical education programme includes seven ice skating days for kindergarten and grade 1 and seven ski/snowboarding days for grades 2–12 during the winter term.



瑞士的法語時事周刊《L'hebdo》報導,最有可能成為金正日繼任者的三兒子金正雲在瑞士瑞士伯爾尼國際學院(International School of Berne)就讀時曾化名“朴哲”,還有一個負責保鏢任務的同學“文光哲”。經確認,這一報導是錯誤的,原因可能是混淆了金正哲和金正雲。

2008年日本《周刊現代》的副主編近藤大介公開的金正哲入學相冊,已經證實在瑞士國際學院使用“朴哲”化名的不是金正雲,而是金正哲。相冊中金正哲的照片上寫著“Chol. Park”,國籍為“N . Korea”。




