

任毅,1982 年畢業於蘭州大學生物學系,獲理學學士學位,同年分配至西北大學任教




任毅[陝西師範大學教授、博士生導師] 任毅[陝西師範大學教授、博士生導師]

1959 年 8 月出生




1. Ren Y., Li Z.-J, Lei Y.-J. 2003. Achene and seed abortion contribute to the rarity of Kingdonia uniflora. Israel Journal of Plant Sciences 51: 39–44

2. Ren Y., Li Z.-J., Chang H.-L., Lei Y.-J. and Lu A.-M. 2004. Floral Development of Kingdonia (Ranunculaceae s. l., Ranunculales). Plant Systematics and Evolution 247:145–153.

3. 李紅芳,任毅*. 2005. 領春木莖次生木質部中導管穿孔板的變異. 植物分類學報 43:1–11.

4. Ren Y.., Liu X., Ge S. 2005. Low genetic diversity among populations of the rare Chinese endemic Kingdonia uniflora revealed by RAPD-analysis. Israel Journal of Plant Sciences 53: 65–73.

5. Chang H.-L., Ren Y.* and Lu A.-M. 2005. Floral morphogenesis of Anemone rivularis Buch.-Ham. ex DC. var. flore-minore Maxim. (Ranunculaceae) with special emphasis on androecium development sequence. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 47: 257–263.

6. Zhang X.-H., Ren Y.*, Tian X.-H., Pan L.-Z. 2005. Anatomical studies on Sinofranchetia chinensis (Lardizabalaceae) and their systematic significance. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 149: 271–281.

7. Tian X.-H., Zhang L.,Ren Y. 2006. Morphogenesis of flowers and inflorescences of Circaeaster (Circaeasteraceae, Ranunculales). Plant Systematics and Evolution 256: 89–96.

8. 賀海霞,張小玲,任毅*. 2006. 獨葉草的不育雄蕊、花被片和可育雄蕊對傳粉昆蟲和傳粉的影響. 雲南植物研究 28: 371–377.

9. 辜天琪,任毅*. 2007. 黃連屬 Coptis(毛茛科)花的形態發生研究. 植物學通報 24: 80–86.

10. Chen L., Ren Y.*, Endress P. K., Tian X.-H., Zhang X.-H. 2007. Floral organogenesis in Tetracentron sinense (Trochodendraceae) and its systematic significance. Plant Systematics and Evolution 264: 183–193.

11. Ren Y., Li H.-F., Zhao L., Endress P. K. 2007. Floral morphogenesis in Euptelea (Eupteleaceae, Ranunculales). Annals of Botany 100: 185–193.

12. Tian X.-H., Zhao L., Ren Y., Zhang X.-H. 2007. Number of floral organs in Circaeaster agrestis (Circaeasteraceae) and possible homeosis among floral organs. Plant Systematics and Evolution 265: 259–265.

13. Yan X.-L., Ren Y.*, Tian X.-H., Zhang X.-H. 2007. Morphogenesis of pistillate flowers of Cercidiphyllum japonicum (Cercidiphylleceae). Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 49: 1400–1408.

14. Ren Y., Cheng L., Tian X.-H., Zhang X.-H., Lu A.-M. 2007. Discovery of vessels in Tetracentron (Trochodendraceae) and its systematic significance. Plant Systematics and Evolution 267: 155–161.

15. 宋萍, 田先華, 任毅. 2007. 驢蹄草屬和金蓮花屬(毛茛科)花器官的形態發生及系統學意義. 植物分類學報 45: 769–782.

16. Wang Z.-F., Ren Y.*. 2008. Ovule morphogenesis in Ranunculaceae and its systematic significance. Annals of Botany 101: 447–462.

17. Li J., Ren Y.*. 2008. Floral morphogenesis of Aristolochia L. (Aristolochiaceae). 西北植物學報 28: 267–271.

18. Zhang X.-H., Ren Y*. 2008. Floral morphology and development in Sargentodoxa (Lardizabalaceae). International Journal of Plant Sciences 169: 1148–1158.

19. Zhang X.-H., Ren Y.*, and Tian X.-H. 2009. Floral morphogenesis of the genus Sinofranchetia (Lardizabalaceae) and its systematic significance. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 160: 82-92.


1. 秦嶺南坡植物物種多樣性的垂直分布格局,科技部973項目專題,2000至2005;

2. 陝西太白山國家級自然保護區綜合考察,國家計委委託太白山國家級自然保護區下達,2005至2006;

3. 國產毛茛科(廣義)植物花的形態發育研究,國家自然科學基金,2004至2006;

4. 陝西省農業重點保護植物研究,農業部委託陝西省農業廳下達,2006;

5. 水青樹科、昆欄樹科、連香樹科和領春木科的形態、結構、發育和系統位置研究,國家自然科學基金,2007;

6. 陝西龍池自然保護區科學考察,西鄉縣林業局,2006至2007;

7. 陝西省紅豆杉資源調查研究,陝西省林業廳,2006至2007;

8. 毛茛科植物花瓣的發生、發育及演化研究,國家自然科學基金,2009至2010;

9. 秦嶺大熊貓主食竹開花現狀及其預警方法研究,國家林業局大熊貓專項,2009至2010;

10. 《西安市滻灞生態區動植物》,西安滻灞河綜合治理開發建設管理委員會,2008至2009;

11. 陝西省珙桐資源調查,陝西省林業廳,2008至2009;

12. 西安市滻灞生態區動植物名錄審核和印刷,西安滻灞河綜合治理開發建設管理委員會,2008至2009;

13. 陝西省重點保護植物名錄修訂,陝西省林業廳,2008至2009;

14. 獨葉草繁育技術及野外擴大種群技術研究,國家環境保護部“十۰一五”國家科技支撐計畫專題,2008到2011。



