

《馬勒傳》由肯·羅素所導,羅伯特·鮑威爾、Georgina Hale、Lee Montague參與了演出。這是一部音樂傳記片,描寫了猶太音樂家古斯塔夫·馬勒的生平事跡。


  • 馬勒傳
  • 音樂家馬勒傳
  • Mahler
  • 主演:
  • 米萊姆卡琳 Miriam Karlin
  • 李蒙塔古 Lee Montague
  • 傑歐吉納·黑爾 Georgina Hale
  • 羅伯特·鮑威爾 Robert Powell
  • 片長: 115 分鐘
    類型: 劇情 音樂
    地區: 英國
    導演: 肯·拉塞爾 Ken Russell
    年份: 1975年2月7日
    語言: 英語
    級別: Finland:K-16 USA:PG
    Both trifles and structure are tossed out the door by director Ken Russell in this film. Here, historical content matters not so much as metaphors, feelings, emotions, and interpretations, and pay close attention, as every word and frame is intended to be important. The film takes place on a single train ride, in which the sickly, aged composer Gustav Mahler and his wife, Alma, confront the reasons behind their faltered marriage and dying love. Each word seems to evoke memories of past, and so the audience witnesses events of Mahler's life that explain somewhat his present state. Included are his turbulent and dysfunctional family life as a child, his discovery of solace in the "natural" world, his brother's suicide, his [unwanted] conversion from Judiasm to Catholicism, his rocky marriage and the death of his young children. The movie weaves in and out of dreams, flashbacks, thoughts and reality as Russell poetically describes the man behind the music.



