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姓 名: 韓淑敏

性 別: 女

職 稱: 副研究員

通訊地址: 河北省石家莊市槐中路286號


1994.9-1998.7,河北農業大學,城鄉建設學院農田水利工程專業,學士; 2000.9-2003.7,中科院遺傳與發育生物學研究所農業資源研究中心,生態學專業,碩士。





農業用水演變及對水資源影響機制研究. 2015, 河北省自然科學二等獎. 河北省人民政府, 楊永輝, 楊艷敏, 韓淑敏, 胡玉昆, 郝小華.


[1]. Shumin Han, Qiuli Hu, Yonghui Yang*, Jiusheng Wang, Ping Wang, Quan Wang, Characteristics and driving factors of drainage water in irrigation districts in arid areas, Water resources management

[2]. Shumin Han, Yonghui Yang*, Tong Fan, Dengpan Xiao, Juana Paul Moiwo, Precipitation-runoff processes in Shimen hillslope micro-catchment of Taihang Mountain

[3]. Shumin Han, Yonghui Yang*, Yuping Lei, Changyuan Tang. Seasonal water table fluctuation and vadose zone soil moisture as indicators of Precipitation recharge in the piedmont region of Mount Taihang in North China Plain

[4]. Cao Jiansheng, Liu Changming, Zhang Wanjun, Shumin Han*, Using temperature effect on seepage variations as proxy for phenological processes of basin-scale vegetation communities

[5]. Moiwo JP*, Yonghui Yang*, Shumin Han, Wenxi Lu, Nana Yan, Bingfang Wu, 2011, A method for estimating soil moisture storage in regions under water stress and storage depletion—a study of Haihe River Basin

[6]. Fei Tian, Yonghui Yang, Shumin Han, Juana P. Moiwo, Guoyu Qiu, 2010, Determination of the period of major runoff decline and related driving factors in Ye River Basin

[7]. Fei Tian, Yonghui Yang, Shumin Han, 2009. Using runoff slope-break to determine dominate factors of runoff decline in Hutuo River Basin, North China

[8]. Moiwo JP, Yonghui Yang, Han SM, Hu YK, 2009, Comparison of GRACE with in situ hydrological measurement data shows storage depletion in Hai River basin, Northern China

[9]. Juana Paul Moiwo, Yonghui Yang*, Huilong Li, Shumin Han, Yanmin Yang, Impact of water resource exploitation on the hydrology and water storage in Baiyangdian Lake, Hydrological Process

[10]. Yukun Hu, Juana Paul Moiwo, Yonghui Yang*, Shumin Han, Yanmin Yang, Agricultural water-saving and sustainable groundwater management in Shijiazhuang Irrigation District, North China Plain, Journal of Hydrology.Shumin Han, Qiuli Hu, Yonghui Yang*, Jiusheng Wang, Ping Wang, Quan Wang, Characteristics and driving factors of drainage water in irrigation districts in arid areas, Water resources management

[11]. 牛松濤, 鄭迎春, 韓淑敏*. 農業發展對區域地下水資源的影響. 南水北調與水利科技

[12]. 韓淑敏,付玉琴,楊艷敏,田菲. 大型環境採樣機Geoprob 54DT在水資源與水環境中的套用. 儀器儀表學報

[13]. 韓淑敏. 不同灌水方式下溫室青椒的耗水規律. 乾旱地區農業研究

[14]. 韓淑敏, 鄭力, 雷玉平. 太行山山前平原主要農作物蒸散量估算方法比較. 灌溉排水學報

[15]. 韓淑敏, 程一松, 胡春勝. 太行山山前平原主要作物蒸散與降水年型的關係淺析. 乾旱地區農業研究

[16]. 韓淑敏, 田魁祥, 劉小京. 點源入滲與蒸發條件下土壤水鹽運移試驗研究. 河北農業大學學報

[17]. 韓淑敏, 崔建偉, 王賀輝等. 溫室青椒開花座果初期耗水規律與影響因素分析. 西北農林科技大學學報

[18]. 韓淑敏, 崔建偉, 王賀輝等. 滴灌情況下溫室青椒開花座果初期耗水規律與影響因素分析. 灌溉排水





