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2012 年全國九省市藝術聯展(中國上海)
2011 年中國實力藝術作品展(中國北京)
2011 年現代抽象作品在美國亞洲文化學院展出(美國華盛頓)
2010 年“非凡藝術榜樣(Viva Art Icon・China)”中國美術大賽,(中國北京)
2009 年“當代抽象藝術展”(美國紐約)
2008 年邁阿密藝術博覽會(美國佛羅里達)
2007 年中藝博國際博覽會, (中國北京)
2006 年國際春季藝術沙龍展, (中國上海)
2005 年當代藝術家聯展(中國上海)
2004 年國際藝術展, (美國佛羅里達)
2003 年紀念毛澤東同志誕辰110周年藝術精品展, (中國北京)
第七屆. 國際藝術博覽會,(中國上海)
2002 年第六屆. 國際藝術博覽會,(中國上海)
紀念中.德建交三十周年,中.德藝術家九人展, (中國上海)
2001 年中外抽象藝術家五人展, (中國上海)
2000 年青年當代藝術雙年展之外圍展,(中國上海)
Shaoqing Peter Wu:
I am an abstract artist from Zhejiang, China,
born in 1960. I am currently a member of the
World Chinese Artists Association and live with
my family in Shanghai.
In the early 1980s, I received my college education
in art from the China Academy of Arts in Hangzhou.
I also attended Hangzhou Institute of Arts and
Crafts for special training in craft art design.
My works were influenced by many artists such
as Feng-mian Lin, WujiZhao, Guanzhong Wu, Dequn
Zhu,etc. In order to gain inspiration by the
spirits of the nature, I traveled around the country
to sketch and toured many times to places such as
Dunhuang Mogao, where I felt intense attraction
towards the ancient oriental mysticism aesthetics.
Since the late 90s, I have embarked the exploration
of ideas and techniques of the modern abstract paintings,
which I fused eastern and western aesthetics to create
my own unique style. The masterpieces of this period
are: The Light and Shadow Series 、The Earth Series,
etc. From the early 20s, my representative works are:
The Being Series, The Chinese Landscape Series, Country
Rich in Natural Beauty Series, etc.
Recently, I have participated in many solo and group
exhibitions held by Peninsula Museum of Art in Shanghai,
the Shanghai International Art Fair, Shanghai Spring
International Art Salon, and U.S. Asian Cultural Academy.
I was awarded as a Distinguished Artist by the Association
of North America and Asia. Many of my works have been
collected by U.S. Asian Cultural Academy and worldwide
art collectors, and two of my art works were honored
by the Asian Cultural Preservation Commission for the
special project of "Record Today For The Future", and
they were collected by the Asian Museum of the United
States Congress Library.



