

伊利諾伊大學芝加哥分校(the University of Illinois at Chicago, UIC),創立於1982年,為伊利諾伊大學系統內的第二個成員,實力僅次於伊利諾伊大學厄巴納-香檳分校,是芝加哥地區規模最大的公立研究型大學。 伊利諾伊大學芝加哥分校擁有東西兩個校區,皆位於美國第二大商業中心芝加哥市的心臟地帶,地理位置優勢顯著。位於東校區的Liautaud商學院在美國排名前100,依託芝加哥的金融中心優勢,與各個行業的結合交流十分緊密,學生有很多與世界尖端行業企業交流實習工作的機會;位於西校區的醫學院更是在業內頗具影響力,口腔醫學院、臨床醫學院、公共衛生學院、藥學院、護理學院等為伊利諾伊培養了很多的醫學專業人士,也承擔了美國甚至世界範圍內醫學健康領域多個大型項目與工程。 伊利諾伊大學芝加哥分校被US News評為一級國家級大學,同時也是由卡內基基金會評選的88所研究型一類美國大學以及全美最大的10所大學之一,2019年全美綜合大學排名第129位,公立大學排名第61位 ,全球第204位 ,2019年在QS世界大學綜合排名位列全球第214,並被上海交大ARWU世界大學學術排名列為全球201-300位 。根據US News發布的美國大學排名,UIC的公共事務課程排名全美34, 護理管理、心理健康等多個專業位列全美前10,金融、工業工程、生物工程等數十個專業位列前50。



伊利諾伊大學芝加哥分校 伊利諾伊大學芝加哥分校

伊利諾伊大學芝加哥分校(the University of Illinois at Chicago,簡稱UIC),是美國資助的公立研究型大學以及伊利諾伊大學系統的第二個成員,實力僅次於伊利諾伊大學厄巴納-香檳分校;同時,該校也是由卡內基基金會評選的88所研究型一類美國大學以及全美最大的10所大學之一。

位於東校區的Liautaud商學院在美國排名前100,依託芝加哥的金融中心優勢,與各個行業的結合交流十分緊密,學生有很多與世界尖端行業企業交流實習工作的機會,特別是在會計、金融、企業管理、醫療等行業有強大的關係網。在UIC任教26年的會計系主任陳立齊 教授,是美國政府會計準則委員會和聯邦政府會計準則諮詢委員會成員,現為中國財政部財政科學研究所研究生部特聘教授。

位於西校區的醫學院在業內頗具影響力,口腔醫學院、臨床醫學院、公共衛生學院、藥學院、護理學院等,都在全美屬於頂尖水平,為伊利諾伊培養了很多的醫學專業人士,也承擔了美國甚至世界範圍內醫學健康領域多個大型項目與工程,2014年6月24日我國衛生部人才交流服務中心就衛生和醫學人才培養合作與UIC簽署了合作備忘錄 。


伊利諾伊大學芝加哥分校 伊利諾伊大學芝加哥分校





學校的醫藥學、商業管理、工程、社會科學、健康科學、心理學、建築學頗負盛名,深受學生們喜愛。 伊利諾大學芝加哥分校在專業領域上也獨樹一幟,擁有多種專業的研究中心及機構。



芝加哥 芝加哥






伊利諾伊大學芝加哥分校 伊利諾伊大學芝加哥分校

芝加哥的氣候一年四季分明。一年中最熱的七月份,平均最高氣溫為29°C, 平均最低氣溫為17°C;而最冷的一月份,平均最高氣溫為2°C, 平均最低氣溫為-11 °C。歷史上記錄的最高氣溫為40°C(1934年7月24日),最低氣溫為-32 °C(1985年1月20日)。由於受密西根湖的影響,芝加哥冬季多風。芝加哥氣溫適宜,1月份平均溫度為6℃,4月9℃,7月22.8℃,10月11.4℃。



UIC校園由位於芝加哥市小義大利(Littel Italy)和大學村(University Village)的三個園區組成。東校園在希臘城(Greektown)以南的近西錫德(Near West Side),離芝加哥市中心只有15分鐘的步行距離。西校園坐落於在伊利諾伊醫療地區的中心。南校園位於大學村。




伊利諾伊大學芝加哥分校 伊利諾伊大學芝加哥分校

UIC的商學院被美國《成功》雜誌列為“最佳的50所企業家商學院”中的第3位,在《美國新聞及世界報導》的全美商學院排名中列第62位,其中的城市政策及管理專業排名第5位,金融專業排名第24位,MBA學位經過了全美高等商學院聯合會(AACSB)認證 。

多年來,芝加哥伊利諾大學與中國各地政府部門,專門開辦了針對政府人員的的MBA及MPA課程,因此該校在中國地方政府有較高的知名度。 伊利諾大學芝加哥校區的商業管理、工程、社會科學、健康科學、心理學、建築學頗負盛名 ,深受學生們喜愛,擁有多種專業的研究中心及機構,多有傑出表現,並獲得美國科學發展協會(American Association for the Advancement of Science)、美國人文基金會等多種國家級評鑑優良聲譽或獎項。


伊利諾伊大學芝加哥分校 伊利諾伊大學芝加哥分校

2019 U.S. News & World Report全球綜合大學排名 - 第204位

2019 U.S. News & World Report全美綜合大學排名 - 第129位

2019 U.S. News & World Report全美公立大學排名 - 第61位

2018年泰晤士高等教育 全美公立大學前25

2018 上海交通大學ARWU世界大學學術排名 全球201-300

2019年《華爾街日報》與《泰晤士高等教育》 “最具價值大學”排名 - 第7位

2019 U.S. News & World Report全美最佳教育學院 – 第54位

2019 U.S. News & World Report全美最佳工程學院 – 第65位

2019 U.S. News & World Report全美研究生臨床心理學專業 – 第41位

2019 U.S. News & World Report全美研究生計算機科學專業 – 第64位

2019 U.S. News & World Report全美研究生犯罪學專業 – 第27位

2019 U.S. News & World Report全美研究生經濟學專業 – 第68位

2019 U.S. News & World Report全美研究生英語專業 – 第35位

2019 U.S. News & World Report全美最佳純藝術課程 – 第33位

2019 U.S. News & World Report全美研究生健康管理專業 – 第38位

2019 U.S. News & World Report全美研究生歷史專業 – 第53位

2019 U.S. News & World Report全美研究生數學專業 – 第39位

2019 U.S. News & World Report全美研究生藥劑學專業 – 第6位

2019 U.S. News & World Report全美研究生物理學專業 – 第71位

2019 U.S. News & World Report全美研究生政治科學專業 – 第81位

2019 U.S. News & World Report全美研究生心理學專業 – 第75位

2019 U.S. News & World Report全美最佳公共事務課程 – 第34位

2019 U.S. News & World Report全美研究生公共健康專業 – 第17位

2019 U.S. News & World Report全美研究生社會工作專業 – 第24位

2019 U.S. News & World Report全美研究生社會學專業 – 第42位

2019 U.S. News & World Report全美研究生統計學專業 – 第67位

2017年College Choice設計課程在最佳平面設計學位課程中排名前50



學校有以下幾棟宿舍樓: Commons South (CMS) Commons West (CMW) Courtyard (CTY) James Stukel Towers (JST) Marie Robinson Hall (MRH) Polk Street Residence (PSR) Single Student Residence (SSR) Student Residence Hall (SRH) Thomas Beckham Hall (TBH) 。




芝加哥分校圖片 芝加哥分校圖片

UIC是超過200個學生組織,體育俱樂部,志願者團體,希臘的兄弟會和姐妹,和其他協會的家園。 大部分這些組織的主要目標是幫助學生完成他們的學業,提高個人和專業潛力。除了舉辦嘉賓演講和研討會,這些組織可以幫助你結識新朋友同時發現潛在的獎學金,實習和就業機會。 UIC鼓勵你騰出時間來涉足一個學生活動,這將豐富你的大學生活。社團種類大致有文化,運動,知識探索,人文,地理等。


伊利諾伊大學芝加哥分校 伊利諾伊大學芝加哥分校

伊利諾伊大學(英語:University of Illinois,簡稱UI或U of I)創建於1867年,是美國伊利諾州的一個大學系統,也是美國最具影響力的公立大學系統之一,在全世界享有盛譽。




UIC Administration

Michael D. AmiridisChancellor
Susan PoserProvost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Robert BarishVice Chancellor for Health Affairs
John CoronadoVice Chancellor for Administrative Services
Rex TolliverVice Chancellor for Student Affairs
Joanna GrodenVice Chancellor for Research
Theresa MintleInterim Vice Chancellor for Public and Government Affairs
Jeff NearhoofVice Chancellor for Advancement

UIC Deans

Bo FernhallCollege of Applied Health Sciences
Walter Benn Michaels (interim)College of Architecture, Design, and the Arts
Michael B. MikhailCollege of Business Administration
Clark StanfordCollege of Dentistry
Alfred TatumCollege of Education
Peter C. NelsonCollege of Engineering
Karen J. ColleyGraduate College
Ralph KeenHonors College
Creasie Finney HairstonJane Addams College of Social Work
Astrida Orle TantilloCollege of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Mark RosenblattCollege of Medicine
Sara L. Rusch Regional DeanCollege of Medicine at Peoria
Alex Stagnaro-Green Regional DeanCollege of Medicine at Rockford
Janet JokelaRegional Dean (acting)College of Medicine at Urbana-Champaign
Terri E. WeaverCollege of Nursing
Glen SchumockCollege of Pharmacy
Wayne H. GilesSchool of Public Health
Michael PaganoCollege of Urban Planning and Public Affairs
Mary CaseUniversity Librarian



Anne Allison, professor of cultural anthropology at Duke University, specializing in contemporary Japanese society

Nancy Cartwright, Ph.D. Professor of philosophy at the London School of Economics and the University of California at San Diego, and a recipient of the MacArthur Fellowship

Kevin Desouza, Associate Dean for Research, College of Public Programs, Arizona State University. Prior appointments include: University of Washington, London School of Economics, Virginia Tech, and the University of Witwatersrand. Author of nine books and over 100 articles on information management, knowledge and innovation management, and security. Fellow, Royal Society of the Arts.

William A. Dembski, B.A. 1981, M.S. 1983. Mathematician, philosopher, theologian, author, and professor of philosophy at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas

Lindsay Grace, C. Michael Armstrong professor of Fine Arts atMiami University, focusing on game design theory and writing

Richard I. Morimoto, B.S. Bill and Gayle Cook Professor of Biology, Professor of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology an Cell Biology, and Director of the Rice Institute for Biomedical Research at Northwestern University

Kali Nikitas, B.F.A. Chair of the Communication Arts department at Otis College of Art and Design

Richard Schneirov, 1971. Professor of history, noted labor historian at Indiana State University and Fulbright Scholar

Roger Wojtkiewicz, B.A. 1974. Professor, former Chairperson, Department of Sociology, Ball State University

Architecture and design

George J. Efstathiou, 1974. Architect and managing partner of Skidmore, Owings and Merrill, LLP

Tom Marshall, M.A. Award-winning architect who served on the Memphis City Council for 21 years

Dan Meis, 1985. Award-winning architect of ballparks, arenas and stadiums (e.g.,Miller Park,Paul Brown Stadium,Safeco Field,Saitama Super Arena,Staples Center, andSports City Stadium)

Adrian D. Smith, 1969. Former longtime partner at Skidmore, Owings and Merrill LLP, before starting his own firm, designed theTrump International Hotel and Tower (Chicago),Burj KhalifaandJin Mao Tower

Michael G. Turnbull, 1973. AssistantArchitect of the Capitolin Washington, D.C., previously head of the Department of Design and Construction at theArt Institute of Chicago

Arts and entertainment

Santiago Durango, attorney and guitarist remembered for his work with the 1980s punk rock groups, Naked Raygun and Big Black

Tom Friedman, M.F.A. in sculpture in 1990.

Janina Gavankar, actress and recording artist

Michael Gross, 1970. Movie and television actor best known for his role as Steven Keaton on the 1980s NBC sitcom,Family Ties

Angelina Gualdoni, M.F.A. 2000. Painter

Justin Hartley, actor best known for his roles on the NBC daytime soap opera,Passions, and the WB/CW Superman-inspired series,Smallville

Megan Hauserman, 2005. Reality TV Celebrity and Model

Michael Heinstein, M.A. 1997. Founder and Chairman, art.com

Patty Hou, Taiwanese news anchor and actress

Richard Hunt, 1965. Sculptor known for large public works

Al Jourgensen, attended the Circle Campus c. 1979

Ronnie Kroell, fashion model and former contestant on Bravo's reality series Make Me a Supermodel

Mike Nawrocki, B.S. 1992. Co-Creator, Writer and Director of the computer animated seriesVeggieTales. Also the voiceLarry the Cucumber

Lucas Neff, B.F.A. 2008. Actor best known for his starring role as James "Jimmy Chance in Fox's sitcom,Raising Hope

Roger Neal Smith, B.F.A. 1982. Chairman of the Board President and Chief Executive Officer OBN Holdings, Inc.

Christopher Sperandio, M.F.A. 1991. Artist known for his collaborative work with British artist Simon Grennan

Kenny Techstepper, 2006. Co-host & technical producer forMancow's Morning Madhouse, a nationally syndicated talk radio show

Azhar Usman, comedian, lecturer, community activist and lawyer


Anuradha Acharya, Founder and Chief Executive Officer,Ocimum Bio Solutions

Jim E. Compton, Executive Vice President and Chief Revenue Officer, United Continental Holdings

Charles Dangelo, 1971. President and CEO, Starr Indemnity and Liability

Mary N. Dillon, President and Chief Executive Officer, U.S. Cellular

Louis Gries, B.S. Mathematics 1977. Chief Executive Officer, James Hardie

Richard S. Hill, B.S. 1974. Former Chief Executive Officer, Novellus Systems, Inc.

Cary Kochman, co-head of M & A at UBS

Marc J. Lane, 1967. Business and tax attorney, entrepreneur and founder of The Marc J. Lane Wealth Group

Robert "Bill" Anthony Mariano, B.S. 1971. Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and President, Roundy's, Inc.

Leo Melamed, attended in 1940s. Former chairman,Chicago Mercantile Exchange(CME); current board member,CME Group; chairman, CME Group Foundation

Tony Podesta, class of '67, prominent Washington lobbyist, founder of thePodesta Group

Government, politics, and service

Carol Moseley Braun, 1969. Politician and lawyer and the first African-American woman elected to theU.S. Senate

John H. Cox, lawyer, accountant, businessman, broadcaster, and aspiring politician

Sharon Denise Dixon, 1985. Democratic alderman representing the 24th Ward on the Chicago City Council

Freddrenna Lyle, alderman of the 6th ward of the City of Chicago

Iris Martinez, Democratic member of the Illinois Senate, representing the 20th district

Michael Noland, B.A. 1991, M.B.A. 2001. Democratic member of the Illinois Senate, representing the 22nd District

Milton Patterson, M.P.A. Former two-term Democratic member of the Illinois House of Representatives, representing the 32nd District

Tony Peraica1980. Cook County Commissioner

Louanner Peters, M.A. 1973. Former deputy governor of Illinois

Bobby Rush, 1994. U.S. Congressman and civil rights leader

James R. Thompson(Navy Pier), former governor of Illinois and member of the 9/11 Commission

Lloyd Zimmerman, 1975. Minnesota jurist

Radovan Jelasic, Former Governor of the National Bank of Serbia

Jesus G. Garcia, Cook County Commissioner

Kevin Bautista, City Year Chicago Team Leader 2014-2015

Journalism, literature and writing

Charles Blackstone, novelist, editor and winner of the Barker Award for Fiction in 2001

Patricia Brieschke, Ph.D. 1983. Short story writer

John Chancellor(Navy Pier), 1950. Leading news anchor forNBC Nightly Newsfrom 1970 to 1982

Michael Collins, Ph.D. 1997. Irish novelist and international ultra-distance runner

Tina De Rosa(master's degreein English) - Author ofPaper Fish

M. Miriam Herrera, M.A. 1981. Author and poet

Ma. Luisa Aguilar Igloria, Ph.D. 1995. Poet and author of various award-winning collections

Stuart Kaminsky, 1957. Author of over 50 award-winning novels; predominant genre is mystery

Rich King, weekend sports anchor and sports reporter forWGN-TVin Chicago

Gerald Nicosia, B.A. 1971, M.A. 1973. Freelance journalist, interviewer, and literary critic

Bernard Shaw, 1968. Leading news anchor forCNNfrom 1980 to his retirement in 2001

Shel Silverstein, attended the University of Illinois atNavy Pierfor a year

Kenny Techstepper, 2006. Nationally syndicated broadcast journalist

Corrina Wycoff, M.A. Writer, best known for her short story collection,O Street

Alaa Al Aswany, MDent, writer and political activist.

Medicine and dentistry

Mark FreyB.A. 1977. President and Chief Executive Officer, Alexian Brothers Health System

Stanley J. Korsmeyer(1951–2005). Oncologist who helped develop the concepts of the role of programmed cell death in carcinogenesis

Harry Watson Martin(1889-1951), medical director of 20th Century Fox Studios and third husband ofLouella Parsons

John ShortB.S. 1977. Senior VP, Chief Operating Officer, Resurrection Medical Center at Resurrection Health Care

Sheila Tlou1990. Botswana specialist in HIV/AIDS and women's health, nursing educator and former Minister of Health

Non-profit organizations

Charles Dean Connor, 1972. President & CEO, American Lung Association

Barbara A. Schaal, 1969. Evolutionary biologist, professor at Washington University in St. Louis and vice president of theNational Academy of Sciences


Jeff Bzdelik, basketball coach atWake Forest University, former head coach of theDenver Nuggetsand the University of Colorado basketball team.

Jay DeMerit, professional soccer player formally ofWatford F.C.of the EnglishFootball League Championship, currently of theVancouver Whitecaps FCofMajor League Soccer, and longtime member of theU.S. National Team.

Curtis Granderson, Major League Baseball center fielder for theNew York Yankeesand finalist for the 2011American LeagueMVP.

Baggio Husidić, professional soccer player formally of theChicago FireofMajor League Soccer, currently withHammarby IFin the SwedishSuperettan.

Joanne McCarthy, 1998. UIC career scoring and assists recordholder and former professional women's basketball player.

Monroe Saffold Jr., American bodybuilder, first place Masters Mr. America AAU, tall division 1990.

Chuck Ulrich, former NFL defensive tackle

Cesar Zambrano, former UIC and professional soccer player.

Jerry O. Haynes, professional soccer playerChicago FireofMajor League Soccer.



伊利諾伊大學芝加哥分校 伊利諾伊大學芝加哥分校






SAT 總分:1460-1890

SAT 閱讀:460-630

SAT 數學:510-660

SAT 寫作:490-630

ACT 總分22

ACT 英語21

ACT 數學21



支出項目 項目英文名 2016-2017學年費用
學費 Tuition and fees $26,520
住宿費用 Room and board $10,960
書本費 Books and supplies $1,400
個人花費 Estimated personal expenses $2,176
交通費 Transportation expenses $1,452
合計 Estimated Total $42,508



