jay brannan

jay brannan

Jay Brannan於1982年出生在德克薩斯州一個中產階級家庭,是一個石油工程師和教師的兒子。他說他的家人是“保守的浸禮宗教徒”。




jay brannan jay brannan

Jay Brannan於1982年出生在德克薩斯州一個中產階級家庭,是一個石油工程師和教師的兒子。他說他的家人是“ 保守的浸禮宗教徒”。Brannan在俄亥俄州辛辛那提讀過一個學期的大學,隨後他和一名他在網上認識的男子一起遠行到了加利福尼亞州,他們首先在棕櫚泉短暫居留,後來他去到了洛杉磯,試圖成為一名演員。2002年他和男友結束了戀愛關係,然後接到了一家公司的試鏡通知,於是他搬到了紐約市,並提交了自己的試鏡帶。

Brannan於2003年在電影《 性愛巴士》里出演了一個角色,他在這部電影裡大膽的性愛場景令人印象尤深。與此同時,他還找了一份校對的工作來養活自己。他的一首歌《soda shop》被電影作為配樂,這是他的第一個專業錄製曲目。後來,Brannan開始在You Tube上上傳自己的音樂視頻,這使得他在沒有任何企業贊助的情況下吸引了一大批國際冬粉群。

2007年他在電影《 Holding Trevor》中扮演主角的一個性夥伴,還發行了一張限量版的單曲。

2008年7月,Brannan自己發行了名為《 Goddamned》的專輯。同一年,他辭退了他的校對工作,完全靠專輯和演唱會收入來養活自己。

他的第二張專輯《 In Living Cover》在2009年發行,並於2009年7月25日登上 TOP HEATSEEKERS排行榜的第十名

第三張專輯《 ROB ME BLIND》預計在2012年3月27日開始發售。目前該專輯在iTUNES上的PRE ORDER CHART上穩定在 21位左右。

自述受到【lisa loeb, ani difranco, the cranberries, tori amos, fiona apple, bjork, liz phair, me'shell n'degeocello, alana davis, sinead o'connor, jack daniels】的影響

新單Beautifully在itunes上大獲好評 新單Beautifully在itunes上大獲好評

Jay Brannan自我介紹

Brannan Brannan

jay brannan was born under a rock in the coldest part of the himalayas where he was raised by trappist monks who taught him to maintain his body temperature without the necessity of food and clothing through intense meditation and really hard drinking. shortly after his first birthday, he suffered a graphic and painful death to a hungry mountain lion who wasn't so good at meditation and just needed a hearty snack. it wasn't long however before jay's indomitable spirit reappeared in southeast texas to a family who actually wanted a girl. in many ways,they got what they wanted, yet the compromise seemed to be much more controversial than the original disappointment. after years and years of southern baptist immersion in texas, canada, and oklahoma, jay found himself once again outside houston, TX, continuing in the public school system (quite similar to cattle herding, state prisons, or perhaps eventhe new york city healthcare system) and a conservative, repressive society infiltrated by a mixture of religion, rebellion, used car lots,and lots of barbecue (the latter being the most repulsive?).

by 1999, jay really threw a dildo in a small town's gears when he decided that he hated high school so much that he would graduate in three years. he then moved on to scarier territories by attending the university of cincinnati's acting program where he was kicked out after six months because they no longer needed his slave labor services to build sets for the musical theatre and opera students. it was quite the blessing in disguise, however. rather than transferring to another school and wasting more time and money going to college for a degree only slightly more useful than aromatherapy, he moved to palm springs,CA, to live with a man he met on the internet.

obviously that didn't last long.

in a matter of months, jay found himself living in los angeles, CA, in atiny studio apartment off the sunset strip. what a star, huh? well, eventually the bathroom of that studio fell through into the garage below. so jay moved in with the guy he had been dating for a whole month. i mean, the guy's roommate had moved out...the timing was perfect, right?

after that, jay moved into another little apartment in hollywood where he remained for about a year until moving to new york city where he has currently resided for six years.

see what happens when you make me talk about my past? if you think this bio is long and boring, all the good stuff happened in between the lines. oh shit, was i supposed to say something about music in here??



最喜歡的名言:if you're considered useless, no one will feed you anymore


唱片名稱 發行時間 語言 類別
soda shop 2005-11 英語 其他
Unmastered 2007-4-4 英語 single
Housewife 2008-5-25 英語 single
The Freshmen 2009-6-16 英語 single
Christman really sucks 2009-11-17 英語 single
Greatest Hits 2011-10-25 英語 single
Dear Santa 2011-11-22 英語 single
Beautifully 2012-1-17 英語 single
Goddamned' 2008-7-1 英語 Album
In Living Cover 2009-7-7 英語 Album
Rob me blind 2012-3-27 英語 Album
Live at Eddie's Attic 2012-4-10 英語 Live


jay brannan jay brannan

1st singl e Unmastered



名稱 持續時間
Half-boyfriend 4:11
Body’s a Temple 3:49
26-Hour a day 5:51
Unstable boy 3:36
jay brannan jay brannan

2nd single 【Housewife】發行時間:2008-5-25曲目列表

名稱 持續時間
Housewife 3:31
jay brannan jay brannan

3rd single【The Freshmen】發行時間:2009-6-16


名稱 持續時間
The Freshmen 4:13
jay brannan jay brannan

4th single 【Christmas Really sucks】發行時間:2009-11-17


名稱 持續時間
Christmas Really Sucks 3:24
jay brannan jay brannan

5th single 【Greatest Hits



名稱 持續時間
Greatest Hits 3:49
jay brannan jay brannan

6th single【Dear Santa】發行時間:2011-11-22


名稱 持續時間
Dear Santa 3:29
Christmas Really Sucks 3:24
jay brannan jay brannan

7th single 【Beautifully】發行時間:2012-1-17


名稱 持續時間
Beautifully 3:13


1st album【Goddamned】


jay brannan jay brannan


名稱 持續時間
Can't Have It All 4:00
Half-Boyfriend 4:10
American Idol 3:48
A Death Waltz 3:57
At First Sight 3:52
Housewife 3:33
Goddamned 5:46
Home 3:53
Bowlegged & Starving 4:00
On All Fours 4:30
String-a-long Song 4:55
Ever After Happily (Bonus track) 5:23
jay brannan jay brannan

2nd album【In Living Cover】發行時間:2009-7-7


名稱 持續時間
Beautifully 3:14
Say It's Possible 3:25
All I Want 4:06
Blowin' In the Wind 2:02
The Freshmen 4:16
Good Mother 3:10
Both Hands 1:27
Zombie 3:12
Drowning 4:25
jay brannan jay brannan

3rd album 【Rob Me Blind】



名稱 持續時間
Everywhere There's Statues 3:25
Beautifully(new album version) 3:14
The Spanglish Song 3:57
Rob Me Blind 5:03
Greatest Hits 3:49
La La La 3:40
Denmark 3:34
Myth of Happiness 3:33
The state of music 4:21
A Love Story 3:22
BookletDigital Booklet - Rob Me Blind


jay brannan jay brannan

0th singl eso da shop】



名稱 持續時間 備註
soda shop 3:06 只在官網以數字形式發售

1st Live CD【Live at Eddie's Attic】


jay brannan jay brannan


名稱 持續時間
The Spanglish Song (Live) 4:35
How Was Your Rapture? (Interlude) 1:06
Super Bass (Live - Nicki Minaj Cover) 2:30
A Death Waltz (Live) 4:06
Coke & Dance Music (Interlude) 1:19
Half-Boyfriend (Live) 4:05
Housewife (Live) 3:38
Someone Like You (Live - Adele Cover) 5:46
Goddess Protector Of Nashville (Interlude) 1:32
26-Hour Day (Live) 5:56
Since We're Here... (Interlude) 1:09
Ever After Happily (Live) 4:57



導演 Director 約翰·卡梅隆·米切爾 John Cameron Mitchell 


編劇 Writer 約翰·卡梅隆·米切爾 John Cameron Mitchell .....(written by)飾演角色:Ceth



Holding Trevor

導演: Rosser Goodman


編劇: 布倫特·哥爾斯基 Brent·Gorski

主演: Brent Gorski, Jay Brannan, Melissa Searing

上映: 2007-06-17




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