Yellow Submarine[The Beatles歌曲]

Yellow Submarine[The Beatles歌曲]
Yellow Submarine[The Beatles歌曲]
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《Yellow Submarine》是Ringo Starr主唱的一首歌,收錄於英國搖滾樂隊The Beatles1966年專輯《Revolver》。



《Yellow Submarine》一歌由Paul McCartney創作(署名為Lennon-McCartney),並以《Eleanor Rigby》作為A面發行雙面單曲。單曲占據英國單曲榜冠軍位置4周,在榜單上共停留13周,獲得了Ivor Novello Award評選的“for the highest certified sales of any single issued in the UK in 1966”獎項。

歌曲成為1968年United Artist (UA)公司動畫電影的同名主題曲,也是電影原聲帶專輯的名稱。


單曲A面 Eleanor Rigby
發行時間 1966年8月5日
規格 7"
錄製 26 May and 1 June 1966年4月26日,6月1日; 倫敦EMI錄音室
風格 Children's music,Folk,Pop
時長 2:38
廠牌 Parlophone
作者 Lennon–McCartney
製作人 George Martin
銷量認證 Gold (RIAA)


Ringo Starr – 主唱,鼓

Paul McCartney – 合唱,喊叫,貝斯

John Lennon – 合唱,喊叫,節奏吉他

George Harrison – 合唱,手鼓

Mal Evans – 合唱,貝司鼓

George Martin – 合唱,製作人

Geoff Emerick – 合唱,工程師

Neil Aspinall – 合唱

Alf Bicknell – 聲音效果(敲擊鐵鏈)

Pattie Boyd – 合唱

Marianne Faithfull – 合唱

Brian Jones – 合唱,聲音效果(敲擊玻璃)

人員信息來源於Ian MacDonald Brian Jones:奧卡里那(ocarina,或譯成“塤”,一種豎笛類梨狀小型管樂器,音質與豎笛相仿。音域極小,簡直像個玩具。——《外國音樂辭典》)


當時McCartney正住在時任女友Jane Asher父母的家中,他找到了創作的靈感:“當時我正躺在Asher閣樓的床上……我正想著為Ringo寫首歌,最後寫出來了,所以這首歌我沒有弄得音域很廣,就像個老水手之歌,開始時編個故事,告訴小孩兒們他住在那兒。這些大概就是我能回憶起來的……我想John 幫了些忙。歌詞的創作有越來越多人參與,但合唱、旋律和獨唱部分是我的。” 歌曲中的潛水艇原本有多種顏色,但後來改為只有黃色一種。

1980年,Lennon談到這首歌:“《Yello Submarine》是Paul的寶貝。我和Donovan在歌詞上幫了些忙。事實上我們在錄音室里把歌弄得跟真的似的,但這些都是基於Paul的靈感,他的注意,他的標題……為Ringo寫的。”Donovan加了句“Sky of blue and sea of green”。 McCartney也說:“那是個快樂的地方,就是這樣。你知道,我們在嘗試寫一首兒童歌曲。那就是最初的想法。你沒法從任何兒童歌曲的歌詞里解讀出更多的東西。






*George回憶說,每次他們帶著吉他坐在鋼琴旁邊,開始準備錄音,他們總會忍不住胡鬧起來。John模仿海員通過管子或船上的煙窗發音的聲音,最後也被放在錄音里了。John說,歌曲在錄音室中獲得了生命力。他和Paul在歌曲中間模仿潛水艇上的船員對話。這些都是在Ringo演唱的同時現場錄製的,並不是隨後錄製後加上的。當時George在金屬澡盆里攪水、滾石樂隊的Brian Jones敲玻璃杯子,John則用麥管對著水桶吹泡泡。錄音室的工作人員在金屬盆里搖鐵索、搖船上的鈴鐺。

*6月1日那天製作最精心的一段錄音是本打算用在歌曲開頭的一段道白。Ringo念道“And we will march to free the day to see them gather there, from Land O'Groats to John O'Green, from Stepney to Utrecht”,隨後其他幾位甲殼蟲加入,一起念道:“to see a yellow submarine”,然後是“We love it”。這段錄音後來在製作過程中被刪去了,在1996年隨著Anthology II推出的Real Love單曲唱片上收入的“Yellow Submarine”中可以聽到。

*由於食物中毒,George Martin沒有參加5月26日的錄音。那天的錄音由Geoff Emerick住持。不過Martin讓未婚妻Judy Lockhart-Smith來照顧一下甲殼蟲們。




*注意一下“Revolver”專輯中的這首歌和1999年“Yellow Submarine”重新混音版的區別。在第三段主歌(As we live a life of ease……)中,Ringo每唱完一句,都可以聽到John在背景中重複喊著這句歌詞。“Revolver”版里,John是從“Every one of us”開始重複的,而1999年的“Yellow Submarine”重新混音版中,他是從“a life of ease”這句開始喊的。紅專和“1”精選輯里的版本都沒有這半句。



In the town

where I was born

Lived a man

who sailed to sea

And he told

us of his life

In the land

of submarines

So we sailed

up to the sun

Till we found

the sea of green

And we lived

beneath the waves

In our yellow


We all live in a yellow submarine,

yellow submarine,

yellow submarine

We all live in a yellow submarine,

yellow submarine,

yellow submarine

And our friends

are all on board

Many more of them

live next door

And the band

begins to play

We all live in a yellow submarine,

yellow submarine,

yellow submarine

We all live in a yellow submarine,

yellow submarine,

yellow submarine

As we live

a life of ease

Everyone of us

has all we need

Sky of blue

and sea of green

In our yelllow


We all live in a yellow submarine,

yellow submarine,

yellow submarine

We all live in a yellow submarine,

yellow submarine,

yellow submarine

We all live in a yellow submarine,

yellow submarine,

yellow submarine

We all live in a yellow submarine,

yellow submarine,

yellow submarine



歌曲:Yellow submarine



專輯:My Oh My 至愛吾愛




In the town where I was born

Lived a man who sailed to sea

And he told us of his life

In the land submarines

So we sailed up to the sun

Till we found the sea of green

And we lived beneath the waves

In our yellow submarine

We all live in our yellow submarine

Yellow submarine

Yellow submarine

We all live in our yellow submarine

Yellow submarine

Yellow submarine

And our friends are all on board

Many more of them live next door

And the band begins to play

We all live in our yellow submarine

Yellow submarine

Yellow submarine

We all live in our yellow submarine

Yellow submarine

Yellow submarine

As we live a life of ease

Everyone of us has all we need

Sky of blue and sea of green

In our yellow submarine

We all live in our yellow submarine

Yellow submarine

Yellow submarine

We all live in our yellow submarine

Yellow submarine

Yellow submarine

We all live in our yellow submarine

Yellow submarine

Yellow submarine

We all live in our yellow submarine

Yellow submarine

Yellow submarine



