

天津經濟技術開發區(TEDA-Tianjin Economic-Technological Development Area) 1984年12月6日,經國務院正式批准,天津經濟技術開發區正式成立。 天津經濟技術開發區位於天津市東南,距市中心50公里,緊靠天津新港和塘沽市區,東臨渤海,西臨京山鐵路,南至新港四號路,北界北塘鎮。總面積33平方公里。其西面38公里有天津國際機場,南面有京津塘高速公路和海河,東南面2公里有天津新港;周邊自然資源有大港油田和渤海海上油田,有馳名中外的長蘆鹽田,有儲量豐富的煤田和優質陶土,有豐富的地熱資源和適於發展養殖業的130公里長的海岸線。 開發區實行黨、政、企分開,分別設立了中共天津市經濟技術開發區工作委員會、天津經濟技術開發區管理委員會和天津經濟技術開發區總公司三套機構。


天津經濟技術開發區(TEDA-Tianjin Economic-Technological Development Area)





在開發區內,外資企業可享受優惠的政策待遇。1984~1996年,天津經濟技術開發區共開發土地20平方公里,其中已建成工業區15.5平方公里,生活區4.5平方公里,道路65.1公里;道路面積185.6萬平方米;給水管網151.2公里,排水管網292.5公司;供熱445噸/小時;供電2×50兆伏安;供燃氣10萬立方米/日;供水10.5萬噸/日;全區綠地面積120公頃;綠化覆蓋率15.2%。全區空氣環境、水環境、環境噪聲、綠化、生活垃圾處理率等各項城市環境綜合定量考核指標均達到要求。與此同時,頒布了《天津經濟技術開發區管理規定》、《 天津經濟技術開發區企業登記管理規定》、《天津經濟技術開發區勞動管理規定》、《天津經濟技術開發區土地管理規定》等50多項區域基本法規,法制建設日益健全。工業項目迅速發展,經濟效益穩定增長,截至1996年底已批准62個國家和地區的外商投資企業2744家,累計批准1000萬美元以上的項目128家。累計協定投資總額77.85億美元,協定外資額60.25億美元。累計註冊內資企業10993家,註冊資本198.98億元。已開工投產的工業企業達1425家。1997年,開發區實現國內生產總值170.11 億元,占濱海新區的比重由40.9%上升到44.5%,成為濱海新區經濟發展的重要支撐力量。開發區14項主要經濟指標有13項在全國各開發區中名列第一,累計簽約三資企業2916家。協定外資額73.33億美元,占全市的25.2%和37.6%;外貿出口20.04億美元,占全市39.9%;累計吸引了28個省市自治區的11568家內資企業,註冊資本254.3億元。


The establishment of Tianjin Economic and Technological Development Area (TEDA) was given government approval on December 6, 1984. One of the country’s first state-class development areas, TEDA has developed into one of the country’s most influential hotbeds for high-tech and new industries. But TEDA has a more ambitious goal for the new century: to build “Asia’s biggest and China’s best modern industrial area in the 21st century”. To make that dream come true, TEDA has embarked upon another arduous pioneering journey and jump-started diverse projects zeroing in on better investment environment, cityscape and habitability of this young urban area.

TEDA runs four pillar industries: the electronics communications industry represented by Motorola, GS, Samsung, Hyundai and LG, the biomedicine industry represented by Novo Nordisk and SmithKline Beecham , the machinery manufacturing industry represented by Toyota and Volkswagen, and the food and beverage industry represented by Tinghsin Group, Coca Cola and Pepsi Cola.

TEDA’s prime geographic location, vast expanses of land and big investments in infrastructure have combined to guarantee a sustained economic growth. It’s been long since TEDA has had in place a fully developed market mechanism supported by sound legal system, policy framework and transparent and supportive government. By attracting outside investments, TEDA has developed into one of the country’s most influential hotbeds for high-tech and new industries.

Who are we? What are we here for? We want to be the best in China and the most respected development area in the world; we are committed to making life easier for investors and letting investors make good return on their investments. That’s the answer to the questions above. That’s our guideline that we will always bear in mind.



