Nancy Mulligan

Nancy Mulligan

《Nancy Mulligan》是由英國新生代歌手Ed Sheeran (艾德·希蘭)演唱的一首歌曲,是Ed Sheeran (艾德·希蘭)2017年新專輯《÷ (Deluxe)》中的第15首。


〈Nancy Mulligan〉是由英國新生代歌手Ed Sheeran (艾德·希蘭)演唱的一首歌曲,是Ed Sheeran (艾德·希蘭)2017年新專輯《÷ (Deluxe)》中的第15首。

Nancy Mulligan是Ed三專中較為個人化的曲子,創作靈感來自於一段真實的愛情故事。主人公Nancy是一位來自南愛爾蘭的天主教徒,她與來自北愛爾蘭倫敦德里的新教徒小伙William相知相戀,最終不顧家長反對私奔成婚,而William和Nancy即為Ed的祖父母William Sheeran 和 Anne Mulligan。



Nancy Mulligan - Ed Sheeran

I was twenty four years old when

I met the woman I would call my own

Twenty two grand kids now growing old,

in the house that your brother brought ya

On the summer day when I proposed,

I made that wedding ring from dentist gold

And I asked her father but her daddy said no

You can’t marry my daughter

She and I went on the run

Don’t care about religion

I’m gonna marry the woman I love

Down by the Wexford border

She was Nancy Mulligan, and I was William Sheeran

She took my name and then we were one

Down by the Wexford border

Well I met at her Guys in the second world war

She was working on a soldier’s ward

Never had I seen such beauty before

The moment that I saw her

Nancy was my yellow rose

And we got married wearing borrowed clothes

We got eight children now growing old

Five sons and three daughters

She and I went on the run

Don’t care about religion

I’m gonna marry the woman I love

Down by the Wexford border

She was Nancy Mulligan, and I was William Sheeran

She took my name and then we were one

Down by the Wexford border

From her snow white streak in her jet black hair

Over sixty years I’ve been loving her

Now we’re sat by the fire, in our old armchairs

You know Nancy I adore ya

From a farm boy born near Belfast town

I never worried about the king and crown

Cause I found my heart upon the southern ground

There’s no difference, I assure ya

She and I went on the run

Don’t care about religion

I’m gonna marry the woman I love

Down by the Wexford border

She was Nancy Mulligan, and I was William Sheeran

She took my name and then we were one

Down by the Wexford border


