Jacques FC-2 Fat Burner Professional Compressor

Jacques FC-2 Fat Burner Professional Compressor

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Jacques FC-2 Fat Burner Professional CompressorJacques FC-2 Fat Burner Professional Compressor
Jacques FC-2 Fat Burner Professional Compressor Should I use a compressor? This age-old question has confounded guitarists for decades, and it becomes even more pressing when you consider that many of the most amazing guitar tones Throughout history were created using this very effect. Now Jacques has given you four good reasons to add a compressor to your rig - and they're all packed inside his new FC-2 Fatburner! Four reasons? You read right - because the Fatburner is not only an amazing sounding vintage-style compressor w/tons of pinch; it's also a headphone practice amp, an amp splitter/volume optimizer, and a clean booster all in one! The Fatburner beautiful, singing sustain will make it an essential part of your sound, but if you dare to take it off your pedalboard you can also use it to practice in complete privacy with either clean or compressed tones via the headphone out. Using this output into the front end of your amp you can also achieve a 10X clean boost that will turn a single-channel amp into a two-tone monster! If you already have two amps, you can use the Fatburner to split your signal to them and have one clean and one blazing hot. So why pay top dollars for sophisticated signal splitters when you can have the same quality PLUS unlimited gain AND marvelous compression? Get the Jacques FC-2 Fatburner and trim the fat from your guitar rig, losing pounds while gaining tones of tone!


