Huaihai Campaign

Huaihai Campaign

Huai - Hai Campaign "in modern Chinese history in the Second Civil War" Battles".In 1948 and started on November 6, 1949 and ended on 10 January, the U.S. ending 65 days.Communist Party of China (CPC) called the "Huai - Hai Campaign, the KMT is referred to as a" mussel Xu Battle ".Tu and Liu Guojun in command of the Republic of China and the five Corps unit, 22 Military Departments, the divisions of a total of 56 55. 5 million new case of Liu Bocheng and Su Yu, Deng Xiaoping, the Communist Party of China under the command of the Central Plains Field Army and the East China Field Army eradication and adaptation, the PLA casualties out of a total of 13. 4 million people.


Huai - Hai Campaign, was during the war of liberation of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, East China, Central Plains Field Army in Xuzhou as the center, this project extends from the states, West 5,253 Shangqiu, north of Lincheng County (now in Xuecheng District in Zaozhuang) in the south of the Huaihe River.Accordingly the vast areas, Kuomintang troops carried out the second of the strategic offensive campaign is of decisive significance in the Battles of two major battles (the other is Liaoshen Campaign, Pingjin Campaign) is of decisive significance in the Battles of two major battles (the other is Liaoshen Campaign, Pingjin Campaign) .
J - in - chief of the kuomintang one of a total of 55. 5 million people, the liberation of the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze river north of large areas, so that the Kuomintang army in East China, Central Plains, the workhorses of the battle is lost,Kuomintang - in Nanjing in the People's Liberation Army has been the center of the direct threat is the Huai - Hai Campaign the Kuomintang at to Xuzhou in the Huaihai region as its core played a season in the biggest military - to - head match - ups to Xuzhou in the Huaihai region as its core played a season in the biggest military - to - head match - ups .
massed in that area, the Kuomintang army, which has 50 million people, after the start of the campaign through the years as reinforcements 30 million people, most of Chiang Kai - shek descendant massed in that area, the Kuomintang army, which has 50 million people, after the start of the campaign through the years as reinforcements 30 million people, most of Chiang Kai - shek descendant . PLA military personnel took about 66 million people and 2 additional local troops of the 39 priests and nuns 1 PLA military personnel took about 66 million people and 2 additional local troops of the 39 priests and nuns 1 .
battle from November 6, 1948, and 1949 ended on 10 January, the U.S. ending 65 days, wiping out the Kuomintang army 55. 5 million people,Chiang Kai - shek relied upon the backbone of the civil war between the troops would fight evolution processes in the Huai - Hai Campaign, the army in the history circle known as" Little Huaihai and All the Huaihai " evolution processes in the Huai - Hai Campaign, the army in the history circle known as" Little Huaihai and All the Huaihai ".
Suyu earliest in accordance with the recommendations, the Huai - Hai Campaign, in the north of Jiangsu and Huaibei (Huaian and Huaiyin) Haizhou area, historians have called a" small Huaihai " Suyu earliest in accordance with the recommendations, the Huai - Hai Campaign, in the north of Jiangsu and Huaibei (Huaian and Huaiyin) Haizhou area, historians have called a" small Huaihai ". later, the scale of the battles fought so big, it developed into the large Huaihai" later, the scale of the battles fought so big, it developed into the large Huaihai" .
"large Huaihai" means downstream of the Huaihe River, the Yellow Sea, "Yu Gong" records that "the sea, Dai Wei and Huai, the Xuzhou, substantially and today the Huaihai area range as "large Huaihai" means downstream of the Huaihe River, the Yellow Sea, "Yu Gong" records that "the sea, Dai Wei and Huai, the Xuzhou, substantially and today the Huaihai area range as . it south to the Huaihe River, the eastern shore of the Yellow Sea, north to Mount Tai,Henan Province to the west ( it south to the Huaihe River, the eastern shore of the Yellow Sea, north to Mount Tai,Henan Province to the west (.
the Huai - Hai Campaign the Kuomintang says, "Xu mussel Battle") on the eve of Ho Ying - chin in the Ministry of Defence convened a council of war, "Jiang Huai keeper: and they shall keep the proposition of" the Huai - Hai Campaign the Kuomintang says, "Xu mussel Battle") on the eve of Ho Ying - chin in the Ministry of Defence convened a council of war, "Jiang Huai keeper: and they shall keep the proposition of" . "Shouhuai" of concrete approach and concentrating superior strength, Xuzhou, Bengbu Railway between both sides, with the Communists' lowed "Shouhuai" of concrete approach and concentrating superior strength, Xuzhou, Bengbu Railway between both sides, with the Communists' lowed .
battle Chiang Kai - shek declared: Xu mussel was the regime's survival of the biggest key to the " battle Chiang Kai - shek declared: Xu mussel was the regime's survival of the biggest key to the ".
Huaihai Campaign

Background Of The War

PLA Aspects

September 24, 1948, the East China Field Army in the Jinan Campaign victory three days later, on behalf of the commander and political commissar su yu to on behalf of the Party's Central Military Commission proposal, as a victory, and wipe out the Huaiyin, Huai 'an, Baoying, Gaoyou, Haizhou, Lianyungang campaign, called for the Huai - Hai, the primary objective of a diversionary Qiu Qingquan, Li Mi Armies, wipe out the xuzhou farther, the position marked by the fact that Huang Po - tao as Xuzhou ready September 24, 1948, the East China Field Army in the Jinan Campaign victory three days later, on behalf of the commander and political commissar su yu to on behalf of the Party's Central Military Commission proposal, as a victory, and wipe out the Huaiyin, Huai 'an, Baoying, Gaoyou, Haizhou, Lianyungang campaign, called for the Huai - Hai, the primary objective of a diversionary Qiu Qingquan, Li Mi Armies, wipe out the xuzhou farther, the position marked by the fact that Huang Po - tao as Xuzhou ready . the plan meets the CPC's" enemy to the north of the Yangtze, "the guideline, approved the plan meets the CPC's" enemy to the north of the Yangtze, "the guideline, approved .
This is the original is subjected to a predetermined relatively small - sized, the Huai - Hai CampaignCommittee of the Communist Party of China initiative decisive right This is the original is subjected to a predetermined relatively small - sized, the Huai - Hai CampaignCommittee of the Communist Party of China initiative decisive right . workhorses in the East China Field Army to the south of Jinan, Shandong Province, Linyi, and the District of Suqian in Jiangsu province after a period of rest, started attacking workhorses in the East China Field Army to the south of Jinan, Shandong Province, Linyi, and the District of Suqian in Jiangsu province after a period of rest, started attacking .
Guojun Guojun.
Huaihai Campaign


on behalf of the East China Field Army commander and political commissar of the Dai: Suyu, deputy political commissar: Tan Zhenlin Chiefs: Chen, Director of the Department of Political Affairs of the Moment: Tang Liang, deputy director of the Department of Political Affairs: Zhong Qi light logistics commander: Liu Ruilong army headquarters directly under the authority of the first column (commander Ye Fei (and did not participate in the Huai - Hai);Zhang Yixiang, deputy commander, Liu Fei;Tan Qilong, political commissar of the 1st division (division commander) Liao Zhengguo;Zeng Qing) as political commissar of the 2nd (Mr Cheng Ye - tong;Commissar Zhang Wenbi) served as commander of the 3rd Division (Chen Ting;Qiu Xiang Tian), political commissar of the 3rd Flotilla (commander of the Sun;Commissar Ding Qiusheng) 8th Division (commander Chen of method;Commissar Wang Liusheng) 9th division (division commander Xie Bin;Liu Wei, political commissar of the 4th Flotilla (Commander) Tao Yong;Commissar Guo Huaruo) 10th division (division commander Du Ping;Commissar Jian Fu Que) 11 Martial (Mr Tan Geng Zhi;Wang Jing, political commissar of division (or group) 12 He Minxue teachers;Wu Hong Xiang), political commissar of the 6th Flotilla (Wang Bicheng, the commander of the military;political commissar; Wang Yiping) (Milne, the Commander of the 16th division;political commissar Xie Li Quan), 17th (for teachers Liang Jinhua;Huang political commissar of the first (18), the Commander of the State of Chu Shi Zhong;Commissar Zhang Chuang) at the beginning of the 8th Flotilla (Commander Zhang Renchu.political commissar; Wang Yiping in Article 22 (commander Shi Wen Gao Ran;Dong Chao, political commissar of the 23rd division (division commander) and Chen Mei;Commissar Cao Pu rain), the commander of the 9th Flotilla (Niefengzhi;Commissar Liu Haotian) served as commander of the 25th Division (Xiao, mirror sea restaurant;Commissar Tan Youming) 26 (commander Zhang Xiu Shi Zhi;zhang shaozhen, political commissar of the 27th (Rainbow) Division commander Sun Duanfu;Commissar Liu Zhong Hua) in the southern and central columns (the commander of the Qian Jun;zhang shaozhen, political commissar of the 46th Division (male) commander Jun Qian;Commissar Kong Bin) 47 (Mr. Hu, Shi Rong;Commissar Peng Shengbiao) Situation at the Liangguang's Flotilla (Commander Zeng Sheng;Commissar Lei Jingtian) 35 military commanders (Wu Huawen;He was the first political commissar of division (division commander) 103) 104 of the You - Bo Yang division (division commander Zhao Guangxing) 105 teachers (teachers of He Zhi Bin) Commando (Flotilla commander Chen Rui Ting;Commissar Liu Shuzhou) Artillery Corps Artillery Regiment of Artillery Regiment 3 2 corps cavalry regiment of the Panzer - Abteilungen Shandong Corps Commander: Xu Shiyou (and did not participate in the Huai - Hai) Commissar: Tan Chen - lin (concurrently) of deputy commander: WangJianAn Chiefs: Li Ying Xi governs: the 7th Flotilla (Commander Cheng Jun;Commissar. Miranda Zhao) 19 (as commander and Xiong Ying Shi Tong;Commissar Xiao Xuelin) 20th Division (commander Zhang Huai - zhong;Commissar Deng and the 21st Division commander) (Xie Rui;He Zhiyuan), political commissar of the 10th Flotilla (Commander Song Shilun;Commissar Pei Shan Liu Shi (teacher) Wang Degui;Commissar, and if he is Jay), the Commander of the 29th Division (Xiao - feng;and the commissar Li's village) 13 (Flotilla commander Zhou Zhi - jian;Commissar Liao Haiguang) 37 Normal (teachers is high;zhang shaozhen, political commissar of the 38th Division (British) commander Xu Shan body;Commissar Zhang Yingbo) 39 of the division (division commander Fu - fu;Commissar Yu Ming commander Yuan () in the Bohai Sea Flotilla also fierce;Zhou Guan, political commissar of the five divisions (the 7th) commander Zeng Xu Qing;political commissar Li with a new Part 11) Normal (teachers) Fu Jize Subei corps commander: political commissar Wei Guoqing: Chen Pixian, deputy political commissar: Gilo (ji pengfei) Chiefs: Qin Jian jurisdiction: Article 2 (Flotilla commander Teng Hai Qing;Commissar Kang Shi Zhiqiang) 4 (Yin Shao as commander and rites;Wang Min, political commissar of the Jing), the Commander of the 5th Division (Yao Yunliang;political commissar fang Duo) in division 6 (commander Wu Hua Duo;political commissar Xie Yu - tin), the commander of the 11th Flotilla (Hu Bing Yun;Commissar Zhang Fan) 31 Brigade (brigadier - general Zhu Yun Qian;Commissar Sun Keji) 32nd Brigade (brigadier - general of the Wu Yong Xiang;Commissar Liu Yu) 33 Brigade (brigadier - general Zhang Yi Friends;commissar Wu), commander of the 12th Flotilla (Xie Zhenhua;and the commissar Li Qianhui) 35 Brigade (brigadier - general Wang Naigui;Wang Zhengwei straight section 36 of the Brigade (brigadier - general Zhu Guohua shantung Army Command) under the direct command of the local military commander of the troops of Subei (Guan Wen Wei;Chen pixian), political commissar of the military commander Chen Huai (Qing firstly;Commissar Cao Diqiu) 34th Brigade (brigadier - general Liao Mei Cheng;and the commissar Li Shiying) independent brigades (Brigade Commander Zhang Xiu Long) in the southern and central military regions (military region commander Fu Qiutao;Commissar Kangsheng (military commander) of Jiaodong Tan Xilin;Bohai military region political commissar Xiang Ming commander Yuan () is also fierce;Commissar Zhang Ye, north china military region commander (Hebei), Zhao Jianmin;Commissar) commander of the Central Plains Field Army: Liu Bocheng Commissar: Deng Xiaoping, deputy commander of: Chen and army commanders (still, but the action with the Central Plains Field Army), and Li Xiannian deputy political commissar: Deng Zihui, Zhang Jichun Chiefs: Li was the Director of the Department: Zhang Jichun (concurrently), the supply minister: Liu Dai peak directly under the authority of the Central Plains Field Army Headquarters Section 1 Flotilla (Commander Yang Yong;political commissar su zhenhua) 1st Brigade (Brigadier Yang Junsheng;Chen Yunkai), political commissar of the 2nd Brigade (Brigadier Dai Runsheng;political commissar Shi Xinan) 3rd Brigade (Brigadier Wu Zhong;Commissar Liu Zhenguo (2) - th column commander Chen Zaidao.Wang Gang), political commissar of the 4th Brigade (brigadier - general of the Wu Chung - cheng;Mr. Commissar) 5th Brigade (brigadier - general Fa Zhou Tian;Commissar Liu Huaqing) 3rd Flotilla commander Chen Xilian () 7th Brigade (Brigadier Lan Tian Zhao;political commissar zhou) 8th Brigade (brigadier - general Huang Lin;Commissar Lu Nan Qiao) 9th Brigade (brigadier - general of the State of Tong Gui;Political Commissar Gao Zhiguo (4) of the columns (the commander Chen Geng;Commissar) 10 Brigade (brigadier - general;Liao Guanxian), political commissar of the 11th brigade (brigade commander Liu Feng;Commissar Hu Rong Gui) 13th Brigade (brigadier - general Chen Kang;political commissar of the Nanjing People's Republic of China) No 22 (Brigadier Cha Yusheng;Commissar Pei Zhu Xuan), the commander of the 6th Flotilla (Wang Jinshan;Commissar Du Yide) 16th Brigade (Brigadier You Taizhong;Commissar Shao Ziyan) 17 Brigade (Brigadier Bretzlaff K.Rationale;political commissar Han Ming) 18 Brigade (Brigadier siu; silver;Commissar Liu Chang) (Qin Jiwei, commander of the 9th Flotilla.Article 26 the commissar Li Chengfang) Brigade (brigadier - general to Shouzhi;Commissar Yu Hongyuan) 27 brigade (brigade commander Cui Jiangong) 11th Flotilla (Commander Wang Bingzhang;Commissar Zhang Lin Zhi) 31 Brigade (brigadier - general of Wang Dao;Sun Zhengwei Rendao) 32nd Brigade (brigadier - general Hu Ju Hua () and the Central Plains Field Army Command) under the command of local forces in the Henan - Anhui Soviet Area (commander of the new year;Song Renqiong, Political Commissar of the Henan - Anhui - Jiangsu) independent brigades (Brigade Commander Jin Shaoshan () in Southern Shaanxi Military District commander Liu Jin Xuan;Commissar Zhang Ying Bang) 12th Brigade (brigadier - general Xue Kezhong;Tan Youfu, political commissar of the Henan Military Region Commander Zeng Xisheng ();Commissar Zhang Xi) Tongbai military regions (military region commander Wang Hongkun;Commissar liuzhijian Hubei and Henan) Military Region commander Wang Shusheng (;political commissar of the military district commander of West Anhui Duan Junyi) (Zeng Shaoshan;Commissar Peng Tao)

The Republic Of China

Xuzhou bandits Aggies - sors: Liu Chih - in - Chief: Tu, Sun Zhen, Liu Ruming, Feng Zhian, Han Deqin, was chief of staff: 1 Li deputy chiefs of staff: Zhang Yu Jin, director of the Forward Command: Tu Deputy Director: Sun Yuanliang, Zhao Jiaxiang Chiefs: Chief of Staff of the comfortable deposit: Wen Qiang, Liu Bo (not arrived),Wu Bao Yun (not either) of bandits and Xuzhou headquarters under direct jurisdictions of the XX Corps commander Yang Gan (133), the Commander of the Shi Jing (Jia) 134 of the division (division commander Li Jieli) 107 when the captains of the army (Sun Liangcheng). 260 (commander Wang Shi Qing Han) tentatively numbered 25th Division (commander) of the Republic of China Sun Yutian Guojun, commander of the Second Corps: the deputy head of China's Qiu Qingquan: comfortable, secondary Tan MF, Wang C, Gao Ji Chiefs person: Li Ping, deputy chief of staff: Dong Xi governs: the Fifth Army commander Xiong (up three) 45 (Mr Guo Qian Shi Ji → Cui Xian Wen Shi (46) of the divisional commander Chen Fu of the Han - Guo Fangping Deputy Divisional Commander (Dai) of protection (tentatively numbered 14th incorporated,The commander of the Huang Zong Shi Yan) 200 (Zhou Lang), the Commander of the 70th Army captains (high human to Deng Ji Lin Jun, 32), the Commander of the Gong Shi (2008) 96 (Shi Lin Liu - Deng Army commander Zhidao) (Zeng into fast Flotilla, Deng Lin is a Director of the Army, the Commander of the Flotilla) 139 (commander Shi Tang Hua Nan) 72 of the President of the Army captains (Yu Jin) source 34 (Shi Pu) commander Chen Yu Shi Xiong teachers. 122 (Shunyi) (former sixteenth regiment under the command of the 41st Army, of which the sixteenth regiment wiped out after the breakout,The remnants of his division numbered 122) 233 of the division (division commander Li Zhi Hua Xu →) No.74 (Qiu Vader, commander of the Army) and 51 (division commander Wang Geng Shi (teacher) 57 - 58) Feng Ji Shi (teacher) Wang Kui (Chang Shu Rong, commander of the XII Corps) Divisional Commander Yu Shi. 112 (a) Where Article 238 teachers Xu Cheng Shi (have) Article 316 (military commanders) Tan Xin (not plaited) 287 Shi Li Zhi (teachers) 288 teachers Yuanliang Shi (Chen) independent brigades (Brigade Commander Wang Pingnan), a new division (44) Geng Wenzhe, the Commander of the 1st Brigade of the 3rd Cavalry Brigade Commander Zhang Rong (), of the republic of china through the sixth corps (the former 9th Pacification Zone Division)Order: Li Yannian received the Chief of Staff: Liang Dong, a new jurisdiction:39th Army (commander Wang Boxun) 103 of the rules of procedure of the division (division commander had three Yuan Shi (teacher) 147 McMullen) 91 (Shi Liu Tiren () served as commander of this division not to Huai Army commander of the 54th (battlefield) Que Han Jian () 8th Division commander Zhou Wentao? Shi Youren) 198 teachers Zhang Shi (pure) 291 of the division (Liao Fan) is fixed, the Commander of the 96th Army captains (Long Yu Zhao Shi (141), the Commander of the Xiao Xu Wu) Shi Rong (212), the Commander of the British Army (commander of the 99th Kui Hu Changqing). 92 of Yuan Shi (Ai), the Commander of the 99th Division commander (Yang) 268 of the division (division commander Li Guojun Shenyan seventh caporegime of the Republic of China): Huang Baitao, the deputy head of China: Guo - Liang (not either), Tang Yun - shan, Chief of Staff: Wei Ao governs:25th Army (Chen Zhang), commander of the 40th Division as commander and I (was) 108 Mr Li Shi (Shijing) 148 Shi (teacher Liu Qingchang) 44th Army (commander Wang Zexun) 150 division (division chief zhao wall 162 of the light), division (division commander Li Nong Chen, commander of the 63rd Army) (Cap. 152 (commander Shi Lei Xiumin. 186), division (division commander Zhang Ze - chen), commander of the 64th Army (Liu Zhen Xiang Shi (teacher) 156 Liu Zhenxiang) 159 teachers (teachers? Zhong Liu Shaowu, head of the Shiqian) Army commander Zhou Zhidao (Article 19), division (division commander Zhao Yao () 44th Air Division commander Liu Hesheng) 63 (Sheng Shi) in super teachersHua Minguo Guojun eighth corps (formerly fourth) Pacification Zone Commander: Liu Ru - ming, the deputy head of China: the Tian Zhennan, Cao Fulin, meters and Wen, Liu Ruzhen Chiefs: Zhu De, the Deputy Chief of Staff? Ran Yang: Yang Ran → Li Chengyi governs: 55th Army captains Fulin (Cao) 29 Shi Xing teacher (glory) 74 of the rules of procedure of the division (division commander Li Yizhi). 181 (commander Shi Mi and Liu Wen Xingyuan) (sixty - eighth army commander Liu Ruzhen) 81 (Shi Shi Changge Kaixiang) 119 of the division (division commander Zhang Xunting. 143), division (division commander Yan Shang Yuan of the Republic of China (R.O. C. Guojun twelfth the regiment was owned by the Ministry of Defense) commander: Huang Wei, the deputy head of China: Hu Lian,Chiefs: Xiao Rui, the deputy chief of staff for: Wei Zhen Fu, Liu Wenxiu governs: the Tenth Army (captains) 18 Jun Yin Shi (teacher) 75 teachers (teachers Wang Jing Shi (114) of the first divisional commander Xia Jianxun, commander of Fourteenth Army) (Xiong Shouchun) 10th Shi (teacher) Pan Qi (83rd Division commander Zhang Yongbin) 85 of the division (division commander) of the eighteenth army commander Yang Botao (11) Normal (teachers) 49 (Shi He Zhu teachers in this division (118), the Commander of the Zhong Yin Yue) (Zeng quickly into columns,Zhong Yin Yue, the Commander of the Flotilla Commander, who is 85 this army captains) (23) Normal (teachers) dayo wong and 110 teachers (Shi Liao Yunzhou. 216), division (division commander) of the Republic of China Guojun Gu Huai Yun thirteenth caporegime: Micah, the deputy head of China's Li: Zhao Jiping, Chen Bing, Li Si, Chief of Staff of the IX: Wu Jiayu, the Deputy Chief of Staff: Zhou Yu Gao governs:Eighth Army commander Zhou Kaicheng () Article 42 division (division commander Shi Jianzhong → Zijing Wu) 170 of the division (division commander Yang Xu Zhao Shi (237), the Commander of the Ninth Army (Jinxian) Sun - Huang), commander of the 3rd Division commander Zhou Fan (166), division (division commander Wu Xiao Chao) 253 of Shi (teacher) Wang Qingyun 64th Army commander Li Jin Xuan () (not plaited). 156 (Shi Wu Jiayu, not any) 159 (Shi Huang Zhisheng, not any) Articles (Army Commander - in - Chief of the Division of Kai Yuan Shi (39), the Commander of the Han Zhao Lian) 180 of the division (division commander) of the Republic of China Chen Zhi Fang Guojun sixteenth caporegime: Yuan - liang, the deputy head of China:Zeng Su Yuan Chiefs: Zhang Xi, the Deputy Chief of Staff: Gao Jian, and Xiong Shunyi governs: the 41st Army captains (Hu Lin Shi Cong. 122) (124) of the Xuanwu division commander Zhang Shi Yan Yi (), the Commander of the 47th Army commander Wang Feng (cassette) of the 125 th division commander Chen Ling () (Zeng into Fast column, Mr Chen Ling is a Director of the Flotilla) 127 of the division (division commander Zhang), commander of the Third Pacification Zone, KONG - HAN: deputy commander Feng Zhian: Zhang Kexia,, LiWenTian Chiefs: Chen are flooding forces:Liu Zhen, commander of the Army of the fifty - ninth (iii) Article 38 (commander Shi Yang and Qian Shi (180), the Commander of the Army's 77th Cui Zhen) (Wang C), commander of the 37th Division commander Li Baoshan (132) in the same house as commander and division (aromatic)

The Course Of The War

Huaihai Campaign in 1948 started on November 6, 1949, ended on 10 January, a total of three stages Huaihai Campaign in 1948 started on November 6, 1949, ended on 10 January, a total of three stages .

First Stage

1948 Sep. 24, after the fall of Jinan, eastern military headquarters thought require lengthy recuperation, could not foresee the East China Field Army in the Jinan Campaign loss is not large, it can quickly attack the south in Xuzhou, with the result that the careless attitude in the Suyu confuse Guojun, specially in Shandong opened a dozen high - power radio, out - going non - stop instruction, the main army still mistakenly Guojun Suyu confuse Guojun, specially in Shandong opened a dozen high - power radio, out - going non - stop instruction, the main army still mistakenly Guojun .
bandits in Shandong to Xuzhou headquarters deployed to adjust, the troops' mobilizing also hasten slowly bandits in Shandong to Xuzhou headquarters deployed to adjust, the troops' mobilizing also hasten slowly . 11 Jan. 1, the Party's Central Military Commission decision to the Central Plains Field Army and seven columns, a total of about 15 million people, and a portion of the local troops conducted jointly with the field army, eastern China, the Huai - Hai CampaignTroops
actually reached 60 million people, about half a million different directions from the People's Liberation Army started secretly in their mouth, and in the national army under "swooping in on Xuzhou Xuzhou actually reached 60 million people, about half a million different directions from the People's Liberation Army started secretly in their mouth, and in the national army under "swooping in on Xuzhou Xuzhou . Headquarters of the Commander - in - Chief of the Japanese bandits and Liu incompetent combat, this fight before, Guojun embattle is extremely unfavorable, with the PLA's combat is passive and is to split up attack Headquarters of the Commander - in - Chief of the Japanese bandits and Liu incompetent combat, this fight before, Guojun embattle is extremely unfavorable, with the PLA's combat is passive and is to split up attack .
Guojun yet to be heard on" Xu mussel battle plan "to the south, and on 5 November, and Liu Guojun see the regiments have been found in the front face of the main report of People's Liberation Army have tried to show her potential of Xuzhou, in deference to the Chiang Kai - shek, the Xuzhou Xuzhou contraction closer to the peripheral forces, then retreat to the Huaihe River in terms of FIG. command Huang Baitao Section 7 Corps,Li Mi 13 Corps returned to the eastern suburb of Xuzhou, Bengbu to the mobilization of Mengcheng liang 16th Corps retreated northward via envrtonment of Xuzhou, Qiu Qingquan 2 Corps returned to the western suburbs of Xuzhou, Xuzhou command Huang Baitao Section 7 Corps,Li Mi 13 Corps returned to the eastern suburb of Xuzhou, Bengbu to the mobilization of Mengcheng liang 16th Corps retreated northward via envrtonment of Xuzhou, Qiu Qingquan 2 Corps returned to the western suburbs of Xuzhou, Xuzhou .
Thill on 6 November, the military mobilization in Central China and General Headquarters of the Corps into 12 to Taihe, eastern Fuyang district, Xuzhou, Bengbu battlefield military strength was increased to 70 million people Thill on 6 November, the military mobilization in Central China and General Headquarters of the Corps into 12 to Taihe, eastern Fuyang district, Xuzhou, Bengbu battlefield military strength was increased to 70 million people . shantung, scheduled for November 6 at night launched the Huai - Hai Campaign, the forces belonging to the predetermined target lines, has been shrinking, immediately ordered a pursuit into shantung, scheduled for November 6 at night launched the Huai - Hai Campaign, the forces belonging to the predetermined target lines, has been shrinking, immediately ordered a pursuit into .
Huang Baitao 7th Corps because of orders like Haizhou 9th Pacification Zone of the 44th Army retreat westward,Postponed to 7 December Huang Baitao 7th Corps because of orders like Haizhou 9th Pacification Zone of the 44th Army retreat westward,Postponed to 7 December . shantung Army of the Western Cape and on the basis of which this delay, the chase is in progress on the Crossing of the Grand Canal of the 7th Corps, responsible for bring up the rear of the 7th Army Corps Article 63, Article 83 100 Army divisions were rapidly annihilate shantung Army of the Western Cape and on the basis of which this delay, the chase is in progress on the Crossing of the Grand Canal of the 7th Corps, responsible for bring up the rear of the 7th Army Corps Article 63, Article 83 100 Army divisions were rapidly annihilate .
Huang Baitao Xianshibumiao hope Li Mi 13 Corps to assist the retreat Huang Baitao Xianshibumiao hope Li Mi 13 Corps to assist the retreat . Li Mi took command of liu chih, insisted a planned withdrawal, refuse to have their Li Mi took command of liu chih, insisted a planned withdrawal, refuse to have their .
on 8 November, the Canal defensive line more than three fourths of the 3rd Pacification Zone, member of the CPC, deputy commander of Pacification Zone, and Zhang Kexia led a general strike, insurrection in Jiawang on 8 November, the Canal defensive line more than three fourths of the 3rd Pacification Zone, member of the CPC, deputy commander of Pacification Zone, and Zhang Kexia led a general strike, insurrection in Jiawang . after the People's Liberation Army on the speedy adoption of the Third Pacification Zone of Stand - off after the People's Liberation Army on the speedy adoption of the Third Pacification Zone of Stand - off .
10 day, the People's Liberation Army troops.Shandong Corps, it has wiped out the 7th Corps retreat westward of the head of the Division, the 2nd Corps retreat 7 7th Corps crossed the Grand Canal, was walking to the Nianzhuang, 64th army commander Liu Zhenxiang recommendations, relying on Article 13 Corps in Nianzhuang left by military fortifications, and battle the PLA 7th Corps crossed the Grand Canal, was walking to the Nianzhuang, 64th army commander Liu Zhenxiang recommendations, relying on Article 13 Corps in Nianzhuang left by military fortifications, and battle the PLA .
at the same time, the Ministry of Defence sent electrically, said to be belligerent, as can repulse the enemy go again, so the 7th regiment in Nianzhuang hesitated for a day, the final decision of the People's Liberation Army against the People's Liberation Army marching speed at the same time, the Ministry of Defence sent electrically, said to be belligerent, as can repulse the enemy go again, so the 7th regiment in Nianzhuang hesitated for a day, the final decision of the People's Liberation Army against the People's Liberation Army marching speed . results exceeded expectations, and in one and the same day, the three columns of army, it captured the Nianzhuang between Xuzhou and Cao's eight or the like for each site, 11 day,The eastern 7 Corps encircled in Nianzhuang area results exceeded expectations, and in one and the same day, the three columns of army, it captured the Nianzhuang between Xuzhou and Cao's eight or the like for each site, 11 day,The eastern 7 Corps encircled in Nianzhuang area .
Xuzhou southern battleground that at this time, since the People's Republic of China under Sun Yuan - liang envrtonment of 16 corps northward of Xuzhou, to assist in the defense of Suxian County in the northwest liu 4 Pacification Zone, was also due to the withdrawal of the Xuzhou southern battleground that at this time, since the People's Republic of China under Sun Yuan - liang envrtonment of 16 corps northward of Xuzhou, to assist in the defense of Suxian County in the northwest liu 4 Pacification Zone, was also due to the withdrawal of the . command of liu chih flurried, Chiang Kai - shek's decision of 10 November to repatriate the Ren Tu Xuzhou Command forward headquarters and the bandits and deputy director, specific responsible for commanding;simultaneous command 2 Corps Chiu Ching - chuan and Li Mi 13 Corps by Xuzhou eastward attack, Huang Baitao Section 7 command of liu chih flurried, Chiang Kai - shek's decision of 10 November to repatriate the Ren Tu Xuzhou Command forward headquarters and the bandits and deputy director, specific responsible for commanding;simultaneous command 2 Corps Chiu Ching - chuan and Li Mi 13 Corps by Xuzhou eastward attack, Huang Baitao Section 7 .
rescue corps in Bengbu, 9th Pacification Zone, was established in order to change the sixth regiment, the 4th modified Pacification Zone established 8th Corps, Armies, along both sides will cooperate to Pukou to Suxian propulsion rescue corps in Bengbu, 9th Pacification Zone, was established in order to change the sixth regiment, the 4th modified Pacification Zone established 8th Corps, Armies, along both sides will cooperate to Pukou to Suxian propulsion ., Xuzhou, Bengbu battlefield military strength was increased to 80 million people , Xuzhou, Bengbu battlefield military strength was increased to 80 million people .
on 15 November, the representative of the Central Plains Field Army captured the emptiness of Suxian County, Xuzhou, Bengbu, cut off the garrison's retreat and on 15 November, the representative of the Central Plains Field Army captured the emptiness of Suxian County, Xuzhou, Bengbu, cut off the garrison's retreat and . Given the scale of the Huai - Hai Campaign fought so large, of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Military Commission decided on 16 composed of the Huai - Hai Campaign, in total form a front committee and co - ordinate the East, Given the scale of the Huai - Hai Campaign fought so large, of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Military Commission decided on 16 composed of the Huai - Hai Campaign, in total form a front committee and co - ordinate the East,.
Zhonyuan Districts of Chiang Kai - shek ordered Huang Wei matters 12 corps and Bengbu, Li Yannian's 6th Corps, Liu Ru - ming 8th Corps pushed northward, as per Zhonyuan Districts of Chiang Kai - shek ordered Huang Wei matters 12 corps and Bengbu, Li Yannian's 6th Corps, Liu Ru - ming 8th Corps pushed northward, as per . Suxian County on Nov. 13, the Xuzhou Guojun to 2nd Corps of Qiu Qingquan and Li Mi 13 Corps coordinated attack full de - 7th Armies Wai
Suyu began making the East China Field Army, 7, 10, 11 of the Flotilla is composed of a regiment, the commander 10 by the longitudinal Song Shilun, Commissar Pei - Shan Liu, unity of command in the set, Lin Tong Shan Xu to large geographical, face - up Defense Position. blitter Xuzhou East Military Aid;Taking North Jiangsu Xuzhou Corps columns from the southeast flank attack on the 2nd, 13th Corps reinforcements, Pan Pond in fierce fighting in the vicinity of 22 in the Shansi - Hopei - Shantung - Honan Field Army to blocking 2 is 12 km away from Nianzhuang is large at the frontline, "Xu said, couldn't see past in the Shansi - Hopei - Shantung - Honan Field Army to blocking 2 is 12 km away from Nianzhuang is large at the frontline, "Xu said, couldn't see past .
19, shantung and accelerate on the 7th regiment of siege warfare, to 22 November, the East China Field Army. 7 - 10 million people and destroy all of the Corps, 7th Corps commander Huang Baitao killed Guojun stage 7 of the corps which were wiped out by the march of Bengbu Li Yannian received the 6th Corps, Liu Ru - ming 8th Corps of the People's Liberation Army and the fear of being attacked and dragged into the North,resulting from the headquarters in Central China and reinforcements to Suxian County into the 12th regiment commander Huang Wei () projects to a position, in isolation, in the People's Liberation Army and closed down, the three corps near Xuzhou, Xuzhou, Bengbu, and opening the way to the linkages between, on the battlefield situation proved detrimental to Guojun stage 7 of the corps which were wiped out by the march of Bengbu Li Yannian received the 6th Corps, Liu Ru - ming 8th Corps of the People's Liberation Army and the fear of being attacked and dragged into the North,resulting from the headquarters in Central China and reinforcements to Suxian County into the 12th regiment commander Huang Wei () projects to a position, in isolation, in the People's Liberation Army and closed down, the three corps near Xuzhou, Xuzhou, Bengbu, and opening the way to the linkages between, on the battlefield situation proved detrimental to .
12 by Mengcheng Corps crossed the River's departure, on 21 November, the 12th Corps arrived in Nanping set and crossed the river and Hui river, found there; the People's Liberation Army, the 23rd, Guzhen turns south in the direction of the transfer, attempting to engage in Li Yannian Article 6 - - - - - - - -There 12 by Mengcheng Corps crossed the River's departure, on 21 November, the 12th Corps arrived in Nanping set and crossed the river and Hui river, found there; the People's Liberation Army, the 23rd, Guzhen turns south in the direction of the transfer, attempting to engage in Li Yannian Article 6 - - - - - - - -There . Central Plains Field Army Corps forces encircled the 12th Corps to Wong, On 25 November,Central Plains Field Army 7 columns will Guojun 12 surrounded by corps Suxian County lies in the southwest of Shuangduiji Central Plains Field Army Corps forces encircled the 12th Corps to Wong, On 25 November,Central Plains Field Army 7 columns will Guojun 12 surrounded by corps Suxian County lies in the southwest of Shuangduiji .
27 November, Huang Wei commanding the 12th regiment encircled by Shang is not tight to 4 divisions of troops, leading to the southeast in the direction of full - encirclement, wherein 85 to 110th Division of the Army, member of the Communist Party of China Liao Yunzhou RUF troops defected to Wong's breakout plan failed, morale was shaken, morale had followed suit, with a sort of in - situ to 27 November, Huang Wei commanding the 12th regiment encircled by Shang is not tight to 4 divisions of troops, leading to the southeast in the direction of full - encirclement, wherein 85 to 110th Division of the Army, member of the Communist Party of China Liao Yunzhou RUF troops defected to Wong's breakout plan failed, morale was shaken, morale had followed suit, with a sort of in - situ to . this time, the military has now reached the status of being passive and, because of the 7th regiment is annihilated, Xuzhou East is uncovered;Xuzhou into retreat of Bengbu, Suxian is also due to the occupation of the Central Plains Field Army cut off this time, the military has now reached the status of being passive and, because of the 7th regiment is annihilated, Xuzhou East is uncovered;Xuzhou into retreat of Bengbu, Suxian is also due to the occupation of the Central Plains Field Army cut off .
while Wong 12th Corps of the People's Liberation Army is encircled, has wiped out about the dangers of while Wong 12th Corps of the People's Liberation Army is encircled, has wiped out about the dangers of . 28 November in Nanjing, Chiang Kai - shek's military council, ordered the Xuzhou Garrison to Article 2, Article 13, Article 16 of the three corps to retreat south to abandon Xuzhou, Xuzhou bandits and Commander - in - Chief of the Japanese and Liu Xuzhou, Bengbu, leaving to command the 6th Corps, 8th Corps again the Beiyuan, by Bandits in Xuzhou Xuzhou Command and deputy commander of the 30 - million Tu Shoujun, on 30 November 2005 between Xuzhou to the southwest along the Yongcheng, 28 November in Nanjing, Chiang Kai - shek's military council, ordered the Xuzhou Garrison to Article 2, Article 13, Article 16 of the three corps to retreat south to abandon Xuzhou, Xuzhou bandits and Commander - in - Chief of the Japanese and Liu Xuzhou, Bengbu, leaving to command the 6th Corps, 8th Corps again the Beiyuan, by Bandits in Xuzhou Xuzhou Command and deputy commander of the 30 - million Tu Shoujun, on 30 November 2005 between Xuzhou to the southwest along the Yongcheng,.
shantung Woyang retreat has been withdrawn i.e. with 7 columns 30 million people chased, intercepted at the same time, since the latter retracted of Bengbu South line regiment, the East China Field Army turn south from another drawn 3 column is added on the north of the besieged at the same time, since the latter retracted of Bengbu South line regiment, the East China Field Army turn south from another drawn 3 column is added on the north of the besieged .
Tu Tu Group unit receiving the command of Chiang Kai - shek's on the way to the southeast, and rescued Wong 12th regiment, the 2nd Corps of Qiu Qingquan, Li Mi and the 13th Corps, under Sun Yuan - liang 16th Corps had turned to the southeast, the final 12 - 4 to be surrounded by the army in the Northeast in Chenguanzhuang area, Yongcheng Tu Tu Group unit receiving the command of Chiang Kai - shek's on the way to the southeast, and rescued Wong 12th regiment, the 2nd Corps of Qiu Qingquan, Li Mi and the 13th Corps, under Sun Yuan - liang 16th Corps had turned to the southeast, the final 12 - 4 to be surrounded by the army in the Northeast in Chenguanzhuang area, Yongcheng . 6 December, the 16th Corps due to coordinate error, out of an encirclement 6 December, the 16th Corps due to coordinate error, out of an encirclement.
which were wiped out most of the Central Plains Field Army on Brunswick, 12th Corps to take a number of earth - working of an impending battle on 12 corps encircled ring shrinking sector shrinks, and the beginning of December, the 12th Corps grain bullet is insufficient in trouble and where there are only limited supplies flight which were wiped out most of the Central Plains Field Army on Brunswick, 12th Corps to take a number of earth - working of an impending battle on 12 corps encircled ring shrinking sector shrinks, and the beginning of December, the 12th Corps grain bullet is insufficient in trouble and where there are only limited supplies flight . In addition, the East China Field Army also transferred a 5 column by column plus the Commando Huaye chief Chen of command, is added to Article 12 of the Shansi - Hopei - Shantung - Honan Field Army besieged In addition, the East China Field Army also transferred a 5 column by column plus the Commando Huaye chief Chen of command, is added to Article 12 of the Shansi - Hopei - Shantung - Honan Field Army besieged .
12 corps deputy commander Hu Lian because the funeral home did not initially Suijun, 12th Corps following the siege of flying into the Shuangduiji 12 corps deputy commander Hu Lian because the funeral home did not initially Suijun, 12th Corps following the siege of flying into the Shuangduiji . encirclement on 6 December, the Central Plains Field Army,The 12th Corps of the East China Field Army across the board to launch an attack, Dec. 12 assault, 12 to 15, each of which is out of the encirclement of the remnants of the regiment were wiped out, wiped out the 12 million people in the military, prisoners 12 caporegime Huang Wei, deputy head of China's Hu Lian Zhan aboard a fighting Battalion commander Dai Yi Gan San's car, a separate breakout to escape this chariot is a chariot (two battalion commanding an encirclement, only to have this car out of the encirclement of the map and route information), but the tanks of the People's Liberation Army is also hit with serious injuries, Deerfield, i.e. in Shanghai was undergoing surgery due to the third stage has been eliminated in
Guojun 34 divisions, the 2nd Corps of Qiu Qingquan, Li Mi and 13th Armies 22 divisions are surrounded,To tie in with the Beiping - Tianjin Campaign, Fu Zuoyi is having on the Group of its relevant decisions to avoid encirclement by sea and fled south, and the PLA is the encircling portion Tu to postpone the attack, carried out for 20 days to rest, to launch a publicity blitz and political warfare Tu, F. S.consumption and their psychology, is the last portion to surround and annihilate Tu made their final preparations, although Tu refused to surrender, but wrecked the morale of officers and men in the ring of encirclement of the State grain for the army missile two. Notwithstanding the airdrop, but far enough under the handle
19 December that the military had contrived air cover to the next breakthrough, incapable of enforcing the 19 December that the military had contrived air cover to the next breakthrough, incapable of enforcing the . Beiping Liberation Army completed the Beiping, Tianjin etc, and after segmentation and surrounds, 6 January 1949, the People's Liberation Army to, Chenguanzhuang area encircled portion Tu of a general assault, on 9 to destroy the 13th corps greater part,The remnants of the regiment to retreat inside the second sector Beiping Liberation Army completed the Beiping, Tianjin etc, and after segmentation and surrounds, 6 January 1949, the People's Liberation Army to, Chenguanzhuang area encircled portion Tu of a general assault, on 9 to destroy the 13th corps greater part,The remnants of the regiment to retreat inside the second sector .
1 10 1 10 . Xuzhou battle ended with the bandits and deputy commander of the forward headquarters Headquarters Director Tu captive, the Xuzhou Command Headquarters of the Forward Problem Caused by Bandits and the deputy director of the commander of the 2nd Corps of Qiu Qingquan, Li Mi 13 Corps commander escaped Xuzhou battle ended with the bandits and deputy commander of the forward headquarters Headquarters Director Tu captive, the Xuzhou Command Headquarters of the Forward Problem Caused by Bandits and the deputy director of the commander of the 2nd Corps of Qiu Qingquan, Li Mi 13 Corps commander escaped .
6 Li Yannian, Liu Ruming 8th Corps subsequently dropped to the south of huaihe river, north of the yangtze river, retreating to the south of the Yangtze River, the Huai - Hai Campaign ended, the People's Liberation Army occupied large tracts of land in the area north of the Huai - Hai Campaign "in Zhanguo 6 Li Yannian, Liu Ruming 8th Corps subsequently dropped to the south of huaihe river, north of the yangtze river, retreating to the south of the Yangtze River, the Huai - Hai Campaign ended, the People's Liberation Army occupied large tracts of land in the area north of the Huai - Hai Campaign "in Zhanguo . statistics is the decisive Battles of the War of Liberation in the largest battle in 1948, on 6 November 1949 to Jan. 10,
KMT army lasted sixty - six trial days spent seven corps, Pacification Zone two, four, eight, sixteen, a total of about 800,000 people, 2,957 sorties flown up to KMT army lasted sixty - six trial days spent seven corps, Pacification Zone two, four, eight, sixteen, a total of about 800,000 people, 2,957 sorties flown up to . PLA troops sixteen columns of the East China Field Army, Central Plains Field Army of 7 columns, together with the East China Military Region, the local plains field army is a total of about 600,000 people PLA troops sixteen columns of the East China Field Army, Central Plains Field Army of 7 columns, together with the East China Military Region, the local plains field army is a total of about 600,000 people .
Battle of wiping out the Kuomintang Army Committee of the Communist Party of China in Xuzhou Command forward headquarters and the command of five regiments, corps of twenty, fifty, one Pacification Zone, along with other regular army troops were 555099 people, about 69% of its fighting force, wherein the human captives 320355,171151, 35093 people defecting, the uprising to an adaptation of the Kuomintang more than 28,500 people Battle of wiping out the Kuomintang Army Committee of the Communist Party of China in Xuzhou Command forward headquarters and the command of five regiments, corps of twenty, fifty, one Pacification Zone, along with other regular army troops were 555099 people, about 69% of its fighting force, wherein the human captives 320355,171151, 35093 people defecting, the uprising to an adaptation of the Kuomintang more than 28,500 people . Maj. - Gen. Petreaus, 124 people captive, killed six people, and surrendered to the 22 people, 8 people uprising
gains above also does not include its collapsibility and exile, gains above also does not include its collapsibility and exile, . mainly have seized artillery 4215 door, 14503 quite light and heavy machine - guns, rifles and pistols 151045 branches, six aircraft, armored tanks 215 vehicles, automobile vehicles 1747, 6680 - car wagons, cannon - 120128 hair, bullet 2015.
25954 PLA with 10,000 killed and injured people 98818, 11752 missing person,Total losses on the enemy person 25954 PLA with 10,000 killed and injured people 98818, 11752 missing person,Total losses on the enemy person . 136524 ratio of 0.06: 1
weaponry and equipment loss have tanks and 1 Shanpao, Field Artillery, a total of 34 gate howitzers, mortars, infantry cannons were 219 first door, the grenade discharger 26, 1884 quite light and heavy machine - guns, rifles and pistols 14588 branch, various shells 679943 hair, various bullet 2014. 9 Wanfa, explosives missing (Shuangduiji battlefield statistics) 97025 jins in the Armageddon campaigns in the Huai - Hai Campaign, the largest of the PLA casualties, more than twice the sum of the other battle casualties, accounting for the total casualties of the Battle of the Bulge 53. 8%,loss of a variety of weapons and ammunition of consumption, which has the largest artillery losses account for the total loss of 48. 6%;Rifles and pistols loss takes total losses for 69. 4%, the light and heavy machine - guns of the loss in total loss of 61. 8%, the shells of the consumption accounts for 68. 7%, the cartridges are expended accounts for 62. 7%, explosive consumption's share of the total consumption of 57. 4%
Arihant and the total percentage in the total number of Arihant 35. 8%, was seized at a minimum, the Huai - Hai Campaign, in fierce caught a glimpse of the Chinese Communist Party's official casualty figures are more than 130,000, 31006 killed in the operation, but experts say there are actually "more", another veteran Yang Jintai found dozens of stories on the history of their village's war dead, in the list, through his investigation was finally confirmed 83 people.County records of more than 24 people
30 on logistical support when millions of migrant workers (the Kuomintang Army almost exclusively for military transport logistics), Chen said the Shandong would like to thank the people of a cart, and Suyu is added there (Su) of Dalian accounts for a large projectile which 30 on logistical support when millions of migrant workers (the Kuomintang Army almost exclusively for military transport logistics), Chen said the Shandong would like to thank the people of a cart, and Suyu is added there (Su) of Dalian accounts for a large projectile which . Huaye Arihant about 44 million, accounting for about 80 per cent of the total annihilation of the Huai - Hai Campaign;Huaye casualties of about 9.1 million, account for the Huai - Hai Campaign, the People's Liberation Army total casualties of 67%
Huaihai Campaign

War -

The Battle of China and the world situation has far - reaching, the historian of the Du - Weiyun, said: "The Kuomintang and the Communist Party's battle with only three major campaigns, Battles was actually the big battle of The Battle of China and the world situation has far - reaching, the historian of the Du - Weiyun, said: "The Kuomintang and the Communist Party's battle with only three major campaigns, Battles was actually the big battle of ." because the Liaoshen Campaign and Pingjin Campaign with the geography and people and the preponderance of " because the Liaoshen Campaign and Pingjin Campaign with the geography and people and the preponderance of .
defeat after the CCP control the north of the Yangtze River in East China and Central Plains, making Nanjing the capital of the Republic of China and the economic center of Shanghai in the People's Liberation Army to direct threat defeat after the CCP control the north of the Yangtze River in East China and Central Plains, making Nanjing the capital of the Republic of China and the economic center of Shanghai in the People's Liberation Army to direct threat . simultaneously, since in the Huai - Hai Campaign, the chiang kai - shek's Whampoa military losses, due to his status within the Government of the People's Republic of China, Li Zongren and Bai Chongxi, the heads of the People's Republic of China; Clique whereby his attack,him in 1949 and was forced to retire while simultaneously, since in the Huai - Hai Campaign, the chiang kai - shek's Whampoa military losses, due to his status within the Government of the People's Republic of China, Li Zongren and Bai Chongxi, the heads of the People's Republic of China; Clique whereby his attack,him in 1949 and was forced to retire while .
have combat experience of chiang kai - shek descendant of the main army losses, the subsequent military combat abilities, Guojun local factions (such as warlords of the Kwangsi clique and in strategic human substance on half rations, that are trying to weaken Chiang Kai - shek's Whampoa military repression, the People's Liberation Army in Battles after further power or in lower strength factors will have to face destiny have combat experience of chiang kai - shek descendant of the main army losses, the subsequent military combat abilities, Guojun local factions (such as warlords of the Kwangsi clique and in strategic human substance on half rations, that are trying to weaken Chiang Kai - shek's Whampoa military repression, the People's Liberation Army in Battles after further power or in lower strength factors will have to face destiny . failure failure.
Huaihai Campaign

Post - War Evaluation

China, the Huai Jie in chekiang in Quantity and weaponry were at a disadvantage, but the Stavka, Marshal of the People's Liberation Army displayed excellent skills in strategic and campaign command guidance, resolute decision, meticulous planning, and quickly determine the state of the enemy eventually to 60 million poorly equipped troops defeated the 80 million state - of - the - art equipment and on the nations, China has created a miracle in the annals of China, the Huai Jie in chekiang in Quantity and weaponry were at a disadvantage, but the Stavka, Marshal of the People's Liberation Army displayed excellent skills in strategic and campaign command guidance, resolute decision, meticulous planning, and quickly determine the state of the enemy eventually to 60 million poorly equipped troops defeated the 80 million state - of - the - art equipment and on the nations, China has created a miracle in the annals of . Guojun Stavka then in strategy and command blunders, hesitant, uncertain about the enemy, and change their minds, such as Chiu Ching - chuan said "the Department of Defense bastard, Don confused Guojun Stavka then in strategy and command blunders, hesitant, uncertain about the enemy, and change their minds, such as Chiu Ching - chuan said "the Department of Defense bastard, Don confused .
" eventually resulted in a military fiasco on " eventually resulted in a military fiasco on . distant Stalin. Black PLA Huaihai that gets the message,Zeng wrote in notepad: "over 60 million to 80 million, miracle, miracle!"Later, Stalin again on the soon to be the ambassador of Eugene said:" the Huai - Hai Campaign, in China in the annals of magic in the world is rare in the annals of
campaign deserves us to study and campaign deserves us to study and . "after the end of the Huai - Hai river basin of the enemy and panic and fled south "after the end of the Huai - Hai river basin of the enemy and panic and fled south .
shantung, 6, 7, 8, Flotilla 13 branching southwards, the liberation of the Yangtse and the Huai Rivers, well to the north shore of the Yangtze River, is a cluster of Crossing the Changjiang River to create the conditions for the Huai - Hai shantung, 6, 7, 8, Flotilla 13 branching southwards, the liberation of the Yangtse and the Huai Rivers, well to the north shore of the Yangtze River, is a cluster of Crossing the Changjiang River to create the conditions for the Huai - Hai . On an ongoing basis, in accordance with the forces of Comrade Mao Zedong pointed out that the military situation in China, is now entering a new turning point,the two sides in the war balance of power has undergone a fundamental change in the quality of the PLA On an ongoing basis, in accordance with the forces of Comrade Mao Zedong pointed out that the military situation in China, is now entering a new turning point,the two sides in the war balance of power has undergone a fundamental change in the quality of the PLA .
not only had started to dominate in numbers have held the upper hand not only had started to dominate in numbers have held the upper hand . and For the People's War of Liberation of victory and the re - estimated, from November 1948, again for about a year, can be completely overthrown the Kuomintang reactionary rule through the and For the People's War of Liberation of victory and the re - estimated, from November 1948, again for about a year, can be completely overthrown the Kuomintang reactionary rule through the .
later Chinese military developments, as we have this Comrade Mao Zedong scientifically predicted later Chinese military developments, as we have this Comrade Mao Zedong scientifically predicted .
Huaihai Campaign

Associated Works

Xuzhou Huaihai Campaign Martyrs Tower

In 1959 the State Council decided to build in Xuzhou City, Jiangsu Province Xuzhou Huaihai Campaign Memorial Tower of Huaihai Campaign Museum, in 1960, 1965, was opened; it covers an area of 79 square meters In 1959 the State Council decided to build in Xuzhou City, Jiangsu Province Xuzhou Huaihai Campaign Memorial Tower of Huaihai Campaign Museum, in 1960, 1965, was opened; it covers an area of 79 square meters . has been built for the Huai - Hai Campaign, the general front committee of the altarpiece, the Huai - Hai Campaign, in the Forest of Steles, the defence of Xuzhou Museum, etc., to commemorate the building of Xuzhou
in July 2007, the Office of the CPC approved the construction of the Memorial Hall of Victims in the Huai - Hai Campaign, the Huaihai Campaign in a panorama hall with an area open to public by in July 2007, the Office of the CPC approved the construction of the Memorial Hall of Victims in the Huai - Hai Campaign, the Huaihai Campaign in a panorama hall with an area open to public by . 2. 56 million square meters, Chen's exhibition area of 12,000 square meters, showcases cultural relics, photos,chart nearly 3000 members, restored scenes 9
panoramic painting the "Huai - Hai Campaign" in the circumference of the screen 150 metres, 20 metres high, painting, sculpting, sound and multimedia in coordination with that rotation of the viewing platforms, and so on the Huai - Hai Campaign with baronial, far - flung battlefields, fighting raged on, the people's support was unprecedented and monumental painting panoramic painting the "Huai - Hai Campaign" in the circumference of the screen 150 metres, 20 metres high, painting, sculpting, sound and multimedia in coordination with that rotation of the viewing platforms, and so on the Huai - Hai Campaign with baronial, far - flung battlefields, fighting raged on, the people's support was unprecedented and monumental painting . 2009 In the Eleventh National Art Exhibition and won the "First China Art Award, Creative Award" 2009 In the Eleventh National Art Exhibition and won the "First China Art Award, Creative Award" .
to open to public since it has hosted dozens of party and state leaders Hu Jintao and the like, the reception capacity of the community to more than one million people 350 to open to public since it has hosted dozens of party and state leaders Hu Jintao and the like, the reception capacity of the community to more than one million people 350 . successively by the State Council,Publicity Department of the approved or named as a national key memorial building protection unit and national patriotism education base, the first batch of patriotism education demonstration base, national base for patriotic education, the national red classic scenic areas, national defense education demonstration base, National AAAA Tourist Attraction and the honorary title successively by the State Council,Publicity Department of the approved or named as a national key memorial building protection unit and national patriotism education base, the first batch of patriotism education demonstration base, national base for patriotic education, the national red classic scenic areas, national defense education demonstration base, National AAAA Tourist Attraction and the honorary title .
Nianzhuang Nianzhuang martyrs for the Huai - Hai is the famous battlefield of the Huai - Hai Campaign, the battle grinds village was wiped out by Huang Baitao and one regiment, (the headquarters of one, two, three, four, five, ten divisions totaling more than a hundred thousand people of victory, ending the first phase of the Huai - Hai Campaign, the Battle for the whole of the high water mark of foundation,In China's revolutionary war adds a glorious page of Nianzhuang Nianzhuang martyrs for the Huai - Hai is the famous battlefield of the Huai - Hai Campaign, the battle grinds village was wiped out by Huang Baitao and one regiment, (the headquarters of one, two, three, four, five, ten divisions totaling more than a hundred thousand people of victory, ending the first phase of the Huai - Hai Campaign, the Battle for the whole of the high water mark of foundation,In China's revolutionary war adds a glorious page of . commemorate heroic martyrs of the battle, June 1958, County Hanchuang, laying the foundation of the monument and decided to build, and was completed in February 1960 commemorate heroic martyrs of the battle, June 1958, County Hanchuang, laying the foundation of the monument and decided to build, and was completed in February 1960 .
Huaihai Campaign

Related Novels

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Communists of history textbooks is referred to as the "Huai - Hai Campaign" in a nation that could decide the fate of Armageddon in the campaign, the Kuomintang troops against the investment of 80 million people, the army troops invested 60 million Communists of history textbooks is referred to as the "Huai - Hai Campaign" in a nation that could decide the fate of Armageddon in the campaign, the Kuomintang troops against the investment of 80 million people, the army troops invested 60 million . outcome is that 60 million wiped out 800,000 outcome is that 60 million wiped out 800,000 .
war just ended, during World War II by the military power of Soviet Frunze Military Academy Senior Commanding General of the participants took that as a classic, as one great subject to study war just ended, during World War II by the military power of Soviet Frunze Military Academy Senior Commanding General of the participants took that as a classic, as one great subject to study . how many years ago, the national academy of history teaching material on them as the war was referred to as a "classic" how many years ago, the national academy of history teaching material on them as the war was referred to as a "classic".
generations of different nationality, different complexion, different political beliefs of the occupational army on battles are no strangers, make people feel concentrated interest of thick, it is of course generations of different nationality, different complexion, different political beliefs of the occupational army on battles are no strangers, make people feel concentrated interest of thick, it is of course . troops and equipment in the disadvantage of the 60 million people are how to defeat the troops and equipment are in advantage of 80 million people of troops and equipment in the disadvantage of the 60 million people are how to defeat the troops and equipment are in advantage of 80 million people of .
dozens of American B - 25 bomber force consisting of several attack, dive bombing, heavy artillery and hundreds of tanks on the east side of Xuzhou Deng Lou regiment to Shijushan li wide front become a sea of fire in the eastern suburb of Xuzhou dozens of American B - 25 bomber force consisting of several attack, dive bombing, heavy artillery and hundreds of tanks on the east side of Xuzhou Deng Lou regiment to Shijushan li wide front become a sea of fire in the eastern suburb of Xuzhou . citizens are those war landscape, is scared,In a strong sound wave in the window pane is smashed and the clattering, shaking buildings in, joints creak and rattle, like you always have to be the end of the world, can be paid to the smoke, so that the sun and moon, people go on without any intermission of bang which shook the lost citizens are those war landscape, is scared,In a strong sound wave in the window pane is smashed and the clattering, shaking buildings in, joints creak and rattle, like you always have to be the end of the world, can be paid to the smoke, so that the sun and moon, people go on without any intermission of bang which shook the lost .
the Kuomintang Army Second Corps commander Lieutenant General Qiu Qingquan in the Shansi - Hopei - Shantung - Honan Field Army shook hands and raised his binoculars the Kuomintang Army Second Corps commander Lieutenant General Qiu Qingquan in the Shansi - Hopei - Shantung - Honan Field Army shook hands and raised his binoculars . sight as the fighting in the telescope, with tank tracks where the crash of the latter and forty li from north to south and all of a sudden a waterline of an off - white, like a rising tide of the sea itself, to the east, and the severity of a variety of firearms have already couldn't make firecrackes points,Grenade, exploding artillery shells hit, bayonets, guns, blood - curdling war - whoop making a mighty clamour of voices ( sight as the fighting in the telescope, with tank tracks where the crash of the latter and forty li from north to south and all of a sudden a waterline of an off - white, like a rising tide of the sea itself, to the east, and the severity of a variety of firearms have already couldn't make firecrackes points,Grenade, exploding artillery shells hit, bayonets, guns, blood - curdling war - whoop making a mighty clamour of voices (.
Chiu Ching - grab the phone microphone: "89, hello, Mr. Chu?You are Zhao Zhuang Shi front, I order you to do whatever it takes to Zhao Zhuang "was on the Kuomintang Army Second Corps commander Maj. Gen. 89 subordinates of Shi yunfei
was active in the northwest of shansi 358 Regiment Col. yunfei ', after the Anti - Japanese War, due to their exploits again and was recommended to Nanjing Army general sennewald for higher studies after graduation dropped from shansi, is assigned to a descendant of the army commander Maj. Gen. Ren and his early experience of Huangpu raw and then his bread is buttered on, whether in shansi; still, the army, he deemed him as her own yunfei' woolen uniforms wearing American Huang, wearing shiny top boot,epaulettes on a golden star on the collar and a major general flag Jin Meihua, his fair complexion face, two thick black narrow eyebrows hang high above a pair of eyes, without exciting emotion, fury, only the calm like that found in water, he asked, lifting his telescope on his left hand, wearing a huge diamond inlaid with a white gold ring, he suffers the stolid patrician about immediate destruction like gunfire, a lot of death and blood appears to have turned a blind eye, mouth, was also held in a cool smile from yunfei' woolen uniforms wearing American Huang, wearing shiny top boot,epaulettes on a golden star on the collar and a major general flag Jin Meihua, his fair complexion face, two thick black narrow eyebrows hang high above a pair of eyes, without exciting emotion, fury, only the calm like that found in water, he asked, lifting his telescope on his left hand, wearing a huge diamond inlaid with a white gold ring, he suffers the stolid patrician about immediate destruction like gunfire, a lot of death and blood appears to have turned a blind eye, mouth, was also held in a cool smile from .
CNA reporters Miss Lin's standing at the rear of yunfei appreciated his grace,In Miss Lin's eyes, is the general body of the nobility in the summary is different than the genteel salon who borrow nepotism while being at the top of the flyboys of the nobility, which is a well - educated and battle - tested experience of mixing with the calm and confident, well - mannered also slightly cynical CNA reporters Miss Lin's standing at the rear of yunfei appreciated his grace,In Miss Lin's eyes, is the general body of the nobility in the summary is different than the genteel salon who borrow nepotism while being at the top of the flyboys of the nobility, which is a well - educated and battle - tested experience of mixing with the calm and confident, well - mannered also slightly cynical . star cloud in the Kuomintang army team, Manning also haven't seen Miss Lin has the charm of the Army in? star cloud in the Kuomintang army team, Manning also haven't seen Miss Lin has the charm of the Army in? .
yunfei 'is pictured in the least - commercialized in Zhao Zhuang, the Kuomintang army officers like gray tide times once, but has had to retire,Every time after resigning, Chen left a cross amid the corpses and the wounded writhed on the verge of death, yunfei 'beautiful eyebrows slightly Firebrand, who is secretly amazed, so tens of impact distance, there will be, by machine - guns, rifles, grenade launchers, consisting of the wall of death, no man can enter this high enclosing wall yunfei 'is pictured in the least - commercialized in Zhao Zhuang, the Kuomintang army officers like gray tide times once, but has had to retire,Every time after resigning, Chen left a cross amid the corpses and the wounded writhed on the verge of death, yunfei 'beautiful eyebrows slightly Firebrand, who is secretly amazed, so tens of impact distance, there will be, by machine - guns, rifles, grenade launchers, consisting of the wall of death, no man can enter this high enclosing wall . reminded him of the German military strategist Carl von Clausewitz famously said that those obtained using the violence of the enemy's fighting capacity, for this purpose on the river, and the mobility and firepower of the comprehensive momentum reminded him of the German military strategist Carl von Clausewitz famously said that those obtained using the violence of the enemy's fighting capacity, for this purpose on the river, and the mobility and firepower of the comprehensive momentum .


Armageddon (part II) for the Huai - Engagement: Wei - hai campaign (1991) in the Liaoshen Campaign (which started at the same time, Liu Bocheng and Deng Xiaoping, Chen Yi and follow the instructions of the CMC, Armageddon (part II) for the Huai - Engagement: Wei - hai campaign (1991) in the Liaoshen Campaign (which started at the same time, Liu Bocheng and Deng Xiaoping, Chen Yi and follow the instructions of the CMC, . 1948 the Huai - Hai Campaign, in planning the Nov. 6, the Huai - Hai Campaign, in the East China Field Army begun
promptly cut off the forward Xuzhou contraction of Huang Po - tao's retreat and its surrounds in Xudong Nianzhuang promptly cut off the forward Xuzhou contraction of Huang Po - tao's retreat and its surrounds in Xudong Nianzhuang . Polder region at the same time, the Central Plains Field Army seized the military facility in Suxian County,Xuzhou was cut off Liu Chih Chiang Kai - shek Group of overland retreat Polder region at the same time, the Central Plains Field Army seized the military facility in Suxian County,Xuzhou was cut off Liu Chih Chiang Kai - shek Group of overland retreat .
regulating Tu to Xuzhou's fighting, the enemy regiment gathered several approximation of Xuzhou, Huai - Hai Campaign the Kuomintang at the situation is extremely grim regulating Tu to Xuzhou's fighting, the enemy regiment gathered several approximation of Xuzhou, Huai - Hai Campaign the Kuomintang at the situation is extremely grim . commander in a battle of wits, deploys troops frequently, After 10 days of fierce battle, we wipe out Huang Po - tao, Tu Group, surrounded and annihilated the regiment under the command of Huang Wei commander in a battle of wits, deploys troops frequently, After 10 days of fierce battle, we wipe out Huang Po - tao, Tu Group, surrounded and annihilated the regiment under the command of Huang Wei .
design though Chiang Kai - shek's Rescue Tu Group, but the end result of the army without morale, and ultimately collapse, it is decisive for the Huai - Hai design though Chiang Kai - shek's Rescue Tu Group, but the end result of the army without morale, and ultimately collapse, it is decisive for the Huai - Hai . victory as" Armageddon ", where it continues in the same series of movies features magnificent victory as" Armageddon ", where it continues in the same series of movies features magnificent .
Brunswick Corps when,used up to a minute left and right of the panoramic aerial footage shows the scale of the regiment under the command of Huang Wei Brunswick Corps when,used up to a minute left and right of the panoramic aerial footage shows the scale of the regiment under the command of Huang Wei . while Wong regiment of the battle, are likewise used for a long period of aerial while Wong regiment of the battle, are likewise used for a long period of aerial .
movies in the United States, some historical details not relax, like Wong Wai is present when the truck had been loaded into the soil, to resist bullets, in the film, which featured a display movies in the United States, some historical details not relax, like Wong Wai is present when the truck had been loaded into the soil, to resist bullets, in the film, which featured a display . movie also demonstrated the PLA's a self - developed a canon Feilei movie also demonstrated the PLA's a self - developed a canon Feilei .
movie using the performance of the Liberated Areas to overwhelm people braved a bombardment of the Kuomintang, the People's Liberation Army and were reflected within the Kuomintang army in a series of problems,By comparison, we had a war movie and other movies movie using the performance of the Liberated Areas to overwhelm people braved a bombardment of the Kuomintang, the People's Liberation Army and were reflected within the Kuomintang army in a series of problems,By comparison, we had a war movie and other movies . objectivity "wheel billow" (Co - produced by Changchun Film Studio / 1975) speak of the masses for the Huai - Hai Campaign, in support of the story, is the main resultsachieved by teams of workers a clue objectivity "wheel billow" (Co - produced by Changchun Film Studio / 1975) speak of the masses for the Huai - Hai Campaign, in support of the story, is the main resultsachieved by teams of workers a clue .
there's a spectacular scene, thousands of migrant workers are cartstiao dan, the PLA is getting food and feeding, wheel billow, there's a spectacular scene, thousands of migrant workers are cartstiao dan, the PLA is getting food and feeding, wheel billow, . It was said that the war commander, Gen. Watch this,A single tear roll down
tens of thousands of migrant workers was also significant in the Huai - Hai lives and tens of thousands of migrant workers was also significant in the Huai - Hai lives and . movie "saber" (1982) to the uprising of the Huai - Hai Zhang Kexia, is light and reflect the Pacification Zone, was the third story of the rebellion, saber - tung, refers to the two generals conferred Zhongzheng Jian movie "saber" (1982) to the uprising of the Huai - Hai Zhang Kexia, is light and reflect the Pacification Zone, was the third story of the rebellion, saber - tung, refers to the two generals conferred Zhongzheng Jian .
movie "Starry Night" (from the August 1980, starring church.Rev.) The plot: In the winter of 1948, the battle - scarred battlefield of Huaihai, a ready to hanging as the girl is rescued by an aircraft operator that is less than the masking in the girl named Yang Yu Xiang, brother killed by the landlords, the death of his father,Somerset had her cornered Xiang Yu Yang girl named Yang Yu Xiang, brother killed by the landlords, the death of his father,Somerset had her cornered Xiang Yu Yang .
for saving her life, willing to marry less than overwhelmed, old monitor has to stay in the kitchen to help Xiang Yu for saving her life, willing to marry less than overwhelmed, old monitor has to stay in the kitchen to help Xiang Yu . The solitary girl living in the revolution and became an adjunct member of the company, began the unusual new life The solitary girl living in the revolution and became an adjunct member of the company, began the unusual new life .
when Xiang Yu raced, under fire for his comrades carry when Xiang Yu raced, under fire for his comrades carry . rations in the heat of battle, with its headquarters based at the Little rations in the heat of battle, with its headquarters based at the Little .
To Communicator Guo died gloriously on the dying of the enemy and for waging political campaigns, the operator is less than heroic and accepted the task assigned by the superiors To Communicator Guo died gloriously on the dying of the enemy and for waging political campaigns, the operator is less than heroic and accepted the task assigned by the superiors . him overcome obstacles, and finally turns on the telephone line, and stormed the enemy headquarters,I ordered the enemy commander with the Flotilla Commander Chen him overcome obstacles, and finally turns on the telephone line, and stormed the enemy headquarters,I ordered the enemy commander with the Flotilla Commander Chen .
call when the enemy commander with rebellion, which was smaller than that of the waist - - a bunch of grenades and heroic call when the enemy commander with rebellion, which was smaller than that of the waist - - a bunch of grenades and heroic . Yuxiang hear less than after the news of the martyrdom of grief while fighting the fire gradually her workouts to be strong for Yuxiang hear less than after the news of the martyrdom of grief while fighting the fire gradually her workouts to be strong for .
hygienists in small Sun after the unfortunate sacrifice, Yuxiang decisively took the medkit hygienists in small Sun after the unfortunate sacrifice, Yuxiang decisively took the medkit . from then on, she went on to become a real soldier.
in the assault in the battle, the battalion's commander He Zhanyun also honorably sacrificed his young life in the assault in the battle, the battalion's commander He Zhanyun also honorably sacrificed his young life . loud bugle call in the south of the troops under the starlight, in their collection, then there was the sound of the commander Chen: many comrades leaving. This is a well - known, they are like the stars in the sky,forever shine in our Yuxiang watched the misty cloud, starry, starry night sky, eyes again emerged out of comrades the cordial, and fortitude in the face of Betula platyphylla script creation was very controversial, because this is the first human to describe the
War of Liberation War of Liberation.


