Hericium erinaceus

Hericium erinaceus

Hericium erinaceus is a species of Hericium;English name: Lion's Mane, Tooth), also known as Hericium erinaceus, because that has the shape of a hedgehog named. monkey mushroom, hedgehog hydnum, is a traditional dish, the meat is tender, fragrant taste and delicious. It's four famous dishes (Hericium erinaceus, claws, bird's nest, shark's fin) is one of the "hedgehog hydnum, shark fin seafood," said.The width of the teeth to the family of the fungi, the cap with its surface having hair - like spines, about 1 ~ 3 cm long, its fruiting bodies are round and thick, fresh white when dry, and then by the pale yellow to light brown, base narrow or slightly short, upper dilated, with diameter of 3. 5 ~ 10 cm, from a distance like a golden monkey head, hence the name "Hericium erinaceus", like a hedgehog, so there are" hedgehog fungus, "said.Hericium erinaceus is a delicious of Shanzhen, the pileus meat was tender, savoury and mellow, with "vegetarian in the meat," said.Hericium erinaceus as the food is delicious dishes.At the same time, also is the hericium erinaceum, Hericium erinaceus using this herb medicines called monkey mushroom slices, in "The Standard" Album 15 207 pages recorded: "the product of the hericium erinaceus made, has the functions of nourishing stomach and efficacy for gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer and chronic gastritis treatment." In addition, modern medicine and pharmacology of many studies on the medicinal effects of Hericium erinaceus polysaccharide is summari

Briefly Introduce


genus of tooth fungi of the family, the cap with its surface having hair - like spines, about 1 ~ 3 cm long, its fruiting bodies are round and thick, fresh white when dry, and then by the pale yellow to light brown, base narrow or slightly short, upper dilated, with diameter of 3. 5 ~ 10 cm, from a distance like a golden monkey head, hence the name "Hericium erinaceus", and like the hedgehog, is a hedgehog fungus, also known as the"


Hericium erinaceus is a species of Hericium; a.k. a., hedgehog hydnum, monkey mushroom is the Chinese traditional rare dishes, tender meat, fragrant taste and delicious is the Four Famous Dishes ( is the Chinese traditional rare dishes, tender meat, fragrant taste and delicious is the Four Famous Dishes (.
hedgehog, bear paws, sea cucumber, shark fin has one) hedgehog, bear paws, sea cucumber, shark fin has one) . "hedgehog hydnum, seafood is a bird's nest," said "hedgehog hydnum, seafood is a bird's nest," said .
Hericium erinaceus is a delicious of Shanzhen, the pileus meat was tender, savoury and mellow, with "vegetarian in the meat," said Hericium erinaceus is a delicious of Shanzhen, the pileus meat was tender, savoury and mellow, with "vegetarian in the meat," said .

Cultivating Technique

Cultivation Conditions

Hericium erinaceus paralarvae from basidiospore germination, root elongation formed monokaryotic mycelia, but cannot form a sub - entity Hericium erinaceus paralarvae from basidiospore germination, root elongation formed monokaryotic mycelia, but cannot form a sub - entity . only two monokaryotic mycelia of different sex, by heterothallic before forming the fertile hyphae dikaryotic hyphae only two monokaryotic mycelia of different sex, by heterothallic before forming the fertile hyphae dikaryotic hyphae .
now organized, eventually forming a sub - entity now organized, eventually forming a sub - entity . Growth Conditions: Wild hericium erinaceus occurred mostly in the forest not too dense, the amount of air flow, and a high humidity environment condition of 20.d egree. C.
1. hericium erinaceus nutrition that the fungus belongs to the wood, the wood decomposition ability is very strong. can widely utilize a carbon source, nitrogen source, mineral element and vitamin etc.
artificial cultivation,Suitable species of wood is the most economical and good carbon source for artificial cultivation,Suitable species of wood is the most economical and good carbon source for . while the bagasse, cottonseed hulls, etc. It is also preferred that the carbon source is bran and rice bran
good nitrogen source, other nitrogen as well as urea, peptone, ammonium salts, nitrates, etc good nitrogen source, other nitrogen as well as urea, peptone, ammonium salts, nitrates, etc . the growth process but also with the suitable C / N ratio, the growth of haphae to 25: 1;fruiting stages 35 - 45: 1. The most suitable
Furthermore, Hericium erinaceus can also absorb the growth in the number of the phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and calcium ions etc in it. The temperature hericium erinaceus mycelium growth temperature in the range of from 6 to 34 C, with an optimum at 25. degree. C., below 6 C, hyphae metabolism is stopped;higher than 30 DEG C of hyphae growth slowly aging, 35 c stop growing when sub - entity of the growth temperature in the range of 12 to 24 DEG C, with an 18 - 20. degree. C. the most suitable
when the temperature is higher than 25 DEG C, the fruit body growing slowly or does not form a sub - entity;Temperature below 10.d egree. C., the sub - entity to red, with falling temperature, the color is darkened, and there are no food value 3. moisture and humidity of culture solution of the optimum water content is 60 - 70%, when the moisture content of less than 50% or higher than 80%, hericium erinaceus primordium differentiation quantity is significantly reduce, late fruiting and low yield
relative humidity requirements, mycelium culture stage to 70%.fruitbody formation stage is needed to reach 85 - 90%, the fruiting bodies grow rapidly and then white if less than 70%, then the sub - entity on the surface of the water seriously, the cultivated properties and drying shrinkage, it turns yellow, short, not elongated opening, resulting in yield;Conversely the relative air humidity higher than 95%, then the bacteria grow and thick, the mushroom body and the center of the sphere is small, branch -, forming a "mushroom" is a diameter of 5 - 10cm of Hericium caput - medusae, daily water evaporation rate is up to 2 - 6g if less than 70%, then the sub - entity on the surface of the water seriously, the cultivated properties and drying shrinkage, it turns yellow, short, not elongated opening, resulting in yield;Conversely the relative air humidity higher than 95%, then the bacteria grow and thick, the mushroom body and the center of the sphere is small, branch -, forming a "mushroom" is a diameter of 5 - 10cm of Hericium caput - medusae, daily water evaporation rate is up to 2 - 6g .
4. air hericium erinaceus belonges to fungus, on the CO concentration in the reaction is very sensitive to air in the CO concentration is higher than 0. 1%, it will stimulate the stipe of branched, coral - like form of RAID SHELTER, therefore a mushroom room fresh air extremely important 5. Illumination hericium erinaceus mycelium growth stages does not essentially require a light, but in the absence of light cannot be formed primordium.need 50lx, scattered light can stimulate differentiation
fruiting stage needs to be sufficient that the scattered light intensity in the 200 - 400lx, enrich and then white mushroom body growth, but higher than the light intensity of 100 lx, the cultivated properties and redness, poor quality, a decrease in the yield of the fruiting body of Hericium fruiting stage needs to be sufficient that the scattered light intensity in the 200 - 400lx, enrich and then white mushroom body growth, but higher than the light intensity of 100 lx, the cultivated properties and redness, poor quality, a decrease in the yield of the fruiting body of Hericium . Sting of bacteria significantly inhibited the growth of root development and gravitropism, management in too many of the furnishings in the direction of the container, which would form a mushroom spines curled SHELTER Sting of bacteria significantly inhibited the growth of root development and gravitropism, management in too many of the furnishings in the direction of the container, which would form a mushroom spines curled SHELTER .
6. Xi belongs to acidic pH hericium erinaceus fungus, mycelium grow stage at pH 4 - 5 are able to grow, but the most suitable pH pH range is 7 or more,on growth of the mycelium, the colonies are not planned like pH range is 7 or more,on growth of the mycelium, the colonies are not planned like .
fruiting stage to pH4 - 5 best fruiting stage to pH4 - 5 best .
Hericium erinaceusHericium erinaceus
Hericium erinaceus

Cultivation Method

(1) as an example, a bag for bag cultivation. variety selection of main planting varieties include C9 H11 H5. 28, H401, H801, Hsm a fast, high - producing mutant strain mainly C9, H5. 28. The hericium erinaceus cultivation season season, according to the fruit body growing temperature 16 - 20. degree. C. and most preferably in a range of characteristics and the local climate conditions determine
general autumn can be cultivated, in South China in range of 2 - 3 month started vaccinating, fall to 9 - 10 months of vaccination in cool seasons general autumn can be cultivated, in South China in range of 2 - 3 month started vaccinating, fall to 9 - 10 months of vaccination in cool seasons . 3. formulating and bagging the compost of a compost preparation: 1. Formula of compost:The 50% cotton seed hull, sawdust 30% wheat bran 16%, calcium carbonate or gypsum 2% sugar, 1%, calcium superphosphate 1% 2 50% grass meal, saw dust 26%, bran 20%, gypsum or calcium carbonate 2%, glucose 1%, calcium superphosphate 1%
3 sawdust 69. 5%, 25% wheat bran, soybean meal and 2%, calcium carbonate or gypsum 2% sugar, 1%, urea 0. 5% preparation, ingredient shall be mixed uniformly, then other auxiliary materials such as gypsum, calcium superphosphate or sugar dissolved in water, the cell suspension to be sprayed into the compost material: water = 1: 1. 2 - 1. 5, so that the moisture content reaches 70 percent between mixing ,material piling up slightly stuffy - and - a - half - hour, so that the material is sufficiently wet, and even, to prevent wet - out the uneven situation because ,material piling up slightly stuffy - and - a - half - hour, so that the material is sufficiently wet, and even, to prevent wet - out the uneven situation because .
hericium erinaceus prefers acidic, compost is unfit for adding lime, so that the material at a pH between 4 - 5 hericium erinaceus prefers acidic, compost is unfit for adding lime, so that the material at a pH between 4 - 5 . 2. bagging: muzzle - loading of compost bags in not one, but 15 to 55 cm of commonly used low - pressure polyethylene plastic bags, each bag can be mounted and dismounted with respect to the dry material was 2 - 0. 25kg
filling before the mouth of the bag is twist tied hair is good, loading and unloading when the compaction, the upper and lower tension should be uniform, and the bag mouth (should) clean, in order to avoid the invasion of bacteria from the mouth of the bag after filling before the mouth of the bag is twist tied hair is good, loading and unloading when the compaction, the upper and lower tension should be uniform, and the bag mouth (should) clean, in order to avoid the invasion of bacteria from the mouth of the bag after . fully load, from the central ventilation hole on vaccination,again with a string in the other tie fully load, from the central ventilation hole on vaccination,again with a string in the other tie .
4. compost of sterilization: autoclaving sterilization, and sterilization can be included in the scope of the present invention, when the temperature reaches 100. degree. C. and maintained for over 14h, the cease - fire was again closed for 4 - 6 h 5. planting, mycelium of wait material, the temperature drops below 30. degree. C., in a sterile condition was inoculated
per bag at 5 wells, after inoculation, the bacteria is loaded into the cartridge chamber, according to the "waffle - shaped stack and bacterial growth, the culture chamber in which the temperature was maintained for 20 to 25. degree. C., the air humidity of 65 percent, and the light - shielding cultured mycelia growth after inoculation (15 days), the temperature is lowered to a temperature in the region of 20.d egree. C. via
20 - 28 days)7917 bestrewed the mycelium, it should be promptly loaded 7917 mushroom fruiting bud by 20 - 28 days)7917 bestrewed the mycelium, it should be promptly loaded 7917 mushroom fruiting bud by .
Hericium erinaceus


6. The mushroom management: silk - covered should be performed after changing the processing conditions, increasing the temperature difference, given the scattered light, and the mushroom stand 1. adjust the temperature of the entity - forming, the temperature should be adjusted in the 14 - 20. degree. C., to facilitate its rapid growth, the temperature is excessively high, early and late time windowing to reduce temperature, prevent grew slowly to appropriately increase the temperature, promoting their growth. The humidity is maintained: water should grasp the foreigners" jet, small jet "of air relative humidity in the principle of
requirements requirements . 90 percent humidity, will cause a precocious fruiting, and poor quality;Humidity is too low, slow - growing, yellow dry shrinkage 90 percent humidity, will cause a precocious fruiting, and poor quality;Humidity is too low, slow - growing, yellow dry shrinkage .
3. strengthen the ventilated take a breath: activities, fresh air is to promote the formation of one of the major conditions for if ventilation is poor, the CO that is easy to occur by Corallococcus coralloide SHELTER if ventilation is poor, the CO that is easy to occur by Corallococcus coralloide SHELTER .
4. To learn the light because the fruiting head requires a certain growth stage of the scattered light, if light is insufficient, of Fistulina hepatica are unlikely to be formed, the formed sub - entities, and even cause SHELTER but avoiding direct sunshine but avoiding direct sunshine .
7. recovery: in general, the hedgehog hydnum grown 7 - 10 days, when Sting Hericium erinaceus about 0. 5cm, the soon - to - produce spores before harvest time hedgehog hydnum after harvest, clean and bag mushroom fungus skin from the root and the old,sealing the bag tightly, the cultivation was continued for 10 days or so will be the second batch of mushroom or form hedgehog hydnum after harvest, clean and bag mushroom fungus skin from the root and the old,sealing the bag tightly, the cultivation was continued for 10 days or so will be the second batch of mushroom or form .
general good management can be harvested 3 - 4 batches of mushroom, the biological conversion of about 90 - 115% general good management can be harvested 3 - 4 batches of mushroom, the biological conversion of about 90 - 115% . 8, the key (1) loading, inoculation, culturing hericium erinaceus cultivation is mainly planted with bottle and plastic bag cultivation 8, the key (1) loading, inoculation, culturing hericium erinaceus cultivation is mainly planted with bottle and plastic bag cultivation .
bottle cultivation, i.e. with a 750 - milliliter bottles of golden mushroom canned and bottled material, the charge is 0. 15 ~ 0. 2 g of dry material (dry weight), and the mixture is allowed to charge while the bottle on the ground gently tapping block, and the compost down uniformly and the material is mounted to the bottle, stop pretending that are too shallow, otherwise they will be a long head of the small - car sub - entity material is mounted to the bottle, stop pretending that are too shallow, otherwise they will be a long head of the small - car sub - entity .
mouth don "tampon,cotton plug on the one hand is easy to be infected by other pathogens;On the other hand, the tampon with the Yi of Fistulina hepatica are connected, pulling the tampon when damage of the fruit body, instead of the intermediate layer of perforated plastic film and sealed plastic bags mouth don "tampon,cotton plug on the one hand is easy to be infected by other pathogens;On the other hand, the tampon with the Yi of Fistulina hepatica are connected, pulling the tampon when damage of the fruit body, instead of the intermediate layer of perforated plastic film and sealed plastic bags . three thicknesses of newspaper and cultivation of the sachet and two sachet three thicknesses of newspaper and cultivation of the sachet and two sachet .
long bag method type is 12 cm x 27 cm plastic bags, each bag of 0.1 to 2 kg (dry material weight, jacket pocket or a bag collar long with 12 cm X 50 cm of the plastic profile, each material loading of 0. 4 kg (dry material weight, two collars
pocket of the sealing method of bottle cultivation method with pocket of the sealing method of bottle cultivation method with . material assembled, then the seed bottle was placed 1. 47 X 105 sterilization pressures in the range from 1. 5 hour;strain device 9 and no. 8 / 104, the pressures in the range from 3 to ~ 3. 5 hours, or by atmospheric - pressure sterilization 6 ~ 8 hours
after sterilization to the bottle, the cooling bag, can be inoculated with sterile compartments or after sterilization to the bottle, the cooling bag, can be inoculated with sterile compartments or . inoculation inoculation box, remove the old strains of the block from the bottles or access, long bag cultivation of both the inoculated inoculation inoculation box, remove the old strains of the block from the bottles or access, long bag cultivation of both the inoculated .
inoculation, moved to the good heat - insulating property of the culture chamber, culturing hairy fungi, inoculation, moved to the good heat - insulating property of the culture chamber, culturing hairy fungi, . cultivating chamber is kept at a temperature of 22 - 24 C, air relative humidity control at 70% or less is generally about 30 days cultivating chamber is kept at a temperature of 22 - 24 C, air relative humidity control at 70% or less is generally about 30 days .
full bottle, bag, or a part of the hypha overgrow primordia occur, full bottle, bag, or a part of the hypha overgrow primordia occur,. moved into the cultivation chamber (2) the management of producing mushroom cultivation in bottles and bags were made of wall - type, the bottom layer of bricks, and bottles of golden mushroom bag positioned transversely on the tiles, code 1 4 - 6 layers, in order to prevent the hymenium length out of the bottles after each Liansheng together, the upper and lower layers of bottles should be placed in the reverse direction, the removal of the bottles or dressing in a bag for bag cultivation of collar removed, the bag is furled and naturally not distracting moved into the cultivation chamber (2) the management of producing mushroom cultivation in bottles and bags were made of wall - type, the bottom layer of bricks, and bottles of golden mushroom bag positioned transversely on the tiles, code 1 4 - 6 layers, in order to prevent the hymenium length out of the bottles after each Liansheng together, the upper and lower layers of bottles should be placed in the reverse direction, the removal of the bottles or dressing in a bag for bag cultivation of collar removed, the bag is furled and naturally not distracting .
fruiting phase the temperature should be controlled within the range of 15 to 20. degree. C., no more than 22. degree. C. high temperature, such as fast, but the ball is small, yellow, and the destination - perishable high temperature, such as fast, but the ball is small, yellow, and the destination - perishable .
14. degree. C. or higher temperature below 25 DEG C,sub - entities is very difficult to form air relative humidity was maintained at 85% ~ 90%, 95% humidity is higher than the mouth of the bag is easily contaminated air relative humidity was maintained at 85% ~ 90%, 95% humidity is higher than the mouth of the bag is easily contaminated .
sub - entity is also easy;less than 70%, dry shrinkage yellowing sub - entity is also easy;less than 70%, dry shrinkage yellowing . room should be well ventilated, the ventilation window in the morning and Ji room should be well ventilated, the ventilation window in the morning and Ji .
fruiting period, that is to be given to an appropriate length after it is scattered light fruiting period, that is to be given to an appropriate length after it is scattered light . Zishi, generally over a 7 - 10 days and then harvested after 7 ~ 10, without hypha, new sub - entity Zishi, generally over a 7 - 10 days and then harvested after 7 ~ 10, without hypha, new sub - entity .
typically a bottle, bag could be harvested for 2 ~ 3 times, but the yield is still largely dependent on the first tide typically a bottle, bag could be harvested for 2 ~ 3 times, but the yield is still largely dependent on the first tide . the whole growth period was 50 - 60 days the whole growth period was 50 - 60 days .
(3) Harvest is fully grown, chlozolinate length in 0. 5 centimeters, the eject a large amount of spores before harvest time mushroom body fresh weight was the highest, and the white sub - entities, in flavour,without bitterness or only slight bitter mushroom body fresh weight was the highest, and the white sub - entities, in flavour,without bitterness or only slight bitter .
Ruyin Sting elongation to 1 cm or more, a bitter taste, flavor is not as good as Ruyin Sting elongation to 1 cm or more, a bitter taste, flavor is not as good as . ripeness in the mouth with a knife from the sub - entity is removed, leaving a 2 - cm handle 1 in order to facilitate the next harvest;may also be directly into the mushroom body with the handle ripeness in the mouth with a knife from the sub - entity is removed, leaving a 2 - cm handle 1 in order to facilitate the next harvest;may also be directly into the mushroom body with the handle .
Unscrew harvesting fresh mushrooms in a pad of gauze and placed in a basket, then sales or drying in the sun Unscrew harvesting fresh mushrooms in a pad of gauze and placed in a basket, then sales or drying in the sun .

Geographical Distribution

hedgehog hydnum mushroom is edible in rare breed hedgehog hydnum mushroom is edible in rare breed . Wild Mushroom grows in oak trunks of the dead parts and the like, and low - humidity like Wild Mushroom grows in oak trunks of the dead parts and the like, and low - humidity like .
north - eastern provinces of Henan, Hebei, Tibet, Shanxi, Gansu, Shaanxi, Inner Mongolia, Sichuan, Hubei, Guangxi, Zhejiang and other provinces (autonomous regions) which produced north - eastern provinces of Henan, Hebei, Tibet, Shanxi, Gansu, Shaanxi, Inner Mongolia, Sichuan, Hubei, Guangxi, Zhejiang and other provinces (autonomous regions) which produced . Northeast Greater Hinggan Mountains, Northwest Tianshan and Altai Mountains, southwest of Hengduan Mountains, Himalayas, Tibet and other forest - Northeast Greater Hinggan Mountains, Northwest Tianshan and Altai Mountains, southwest of Hengduan Mountains, Himalayas, Tibet and other forest - .
in Hailin County of Heilongjiang Province, is a nationally acclaimed Chinese hericium erinaceus Township is located in Heilongjiang Hailin in Hailin County of Heilongjiang Province, is a nationally acclaimed Chinese hericium erinaceus Township is located in Heilongjiang Hailin . in the ravaged southeast, Changbai Mountain at in the ravaged southeast, Changbai Mountain at .
branches.One is its abundant sunshine and appropriate temperature gap between day and night,Hericium erinaceus is a good fit for the growth of Hericium erinaceus Hailin has formed the industrialization, the current yield of Hailin has accounted for one fourth of the country's largest producing hericium erinaceus is Hailin has formed the industrialization, the current yield of Hailin has accounted for one fourth of the country's largest producing hericium erinaceus is .
. 1 1.

Relevant Knowledge

Hericium erinaceus in the past have always been in the wild, mostly in the shadow of the mountains and woods at Hericium erinaceus in the past have always been in the wild, mostly in the shadow of the mountains and woods at . since ancient times, Chinese people have to gather wild jungles in Hericium erinaceus as the food and drug habits since ancient times, Chinese people have to gather wild jungles in Hericium erinaceus as the food and drug habits .
reportedly, up to now in Funiushan of Henan in the vicinity of the masses there is also a Tang Dynasty soldiers in the mountains of ingestion of hericium erinaceus story shopping reportedly, up to now in Funiushan of Henan in the vicinity of the masses there is also a Tang Dynasty soldiers in the mountains of ingestion of hericium erinaceus story shopping . hericium erinaceus: fresh and white;After the dried brown or pale brown hericium erinaceus: fresh and white;After the dried brown or pale brown .
some artificial cultivation of Hericium erinaceus, to form a complete, well - appointed, large body, golden color to any majority sign some artificial cultivation of Hericium erinaceus, to form a complete, well - appointed, large body, golden color to any majority sign .

Food Therapy Value

Drug and ping, sweet Drug and ping, sweet . benefiting five viscera, digestive aids;invigorate stomach, tonifying deficiency, cancer, including medicinal substances;components in volatile oil, protein, polysaccharide, amino acid and the like ingredient benefiting five viscera, digestive aids;invigorate stomach, tonifying deficiency, cancer, including medicinal substances;components in volatile oil, protein, polysaccharide, amino acid and the like ingredient .
sarcoma 180 inhibition;in vitro on the growth of cancer cells in vitro and in vivo in suppressing the deoxy nucleic acid synthesis, prevents the deoxyribonucleoside thymidine and uracil nucleotide incorporation, and its strength was related with the concentration of the sarcoma 180 inhibition;in vitro on the growth of cancer cells in vitro and in vivo in suppressing the deoxy nucleic acid synthesis, prevents the deoxyribonucleoside thymidine and uracil nucleotide incorporation, and its strength was related with the concentration of the . Formula 1 Hericium soup: hericium erinaceus 60g, to warm water macerate, thinly sliced, decoct soup, a little yellow wine server Formula 1 Hericium soup: hericium erinaceus 60g, to warm water macerate, thinly sliced, decoct soup, a little yellow wine server .
Myhre from Hericium erinaceus and nourishing spleen and stomach, improve digestion and Myhre from Hericium erinaceus and nourishing spleen and stomach, improve digestion and . for spleen and stomach weakness, indigestion, for spleen and stomach weakness, indigestion, .
② hedgehog hydnum chicken soup: the chicken only 1, 500 grams,, and in the form of soup, by was of hericium erinaceus - 150g, cut into slices and boiled in a soup cooked food ② hedgehog hydnum chicken soup: the chicken only 1, 500 grams,, and in the form of soup, by was of hericium erinaceus - 150g, cut into slices and boiled in a soup cooked food . the hericium erinaceus, the hericium erinaceus,.
hericium erinaceus with cooking chicken cooking chicken can nourishing hericium erinaceus with cooking chicken cooking chicken can nourishing . may be used for neurasthenia, dizziness, palpitation, insomnia, lassitude, deficiency of qi and performer may be used for neurasthenia, dizziness, palpitation, insomnia, lassitude, deficiency of qi and performer .
③ oldenlandia decoction hedgehog hydnum mushroom, herba Hedyotidis Diffusae, as well as root 60g each server ③ oldenlandia decoction hedgehog hydnum mushroom, herba Hedyotidis Diffusae, as well as root 60g each server . .
decoct soup recipe for all the three experimental tumour inhibition is commonly used in the digestive tract tumor (Hericium erinaceus mycelium made of hedgehog fungus tablet therapy group, also have curative effect, improve the symptoms, or improving the immunity, reduce the tumor), so compatibility applications to enhance the efficacy of decoct soup recipe for all the three experimental tumour inhibition is commonly used in the digestive tract tumor (Hericium erinaceus mycelium made of hedgehog fungus tablet therapy group, also have curative effect, improve the symptoms, or improving the immunity, reduce the tumor), so compatibility applications to enhance the efficacy of . for gastric cancer, esophageal carcinoma, cardia carcinoma and hepatoma etc for gastric cancer, esophageal carcinoma, cardia carcinoma and hepatoma etc .
Appropriate to the crowd, immunocompromised population, high mental population;those allergic to fungi on food per capita edible old baby Appropriate to the crowd, immunocompromised population, high mental population;those allergic to fungi on food per capita edible old baby . and and .
have cardiovascular disease, gastroenterology patients should have more edible hericium erinaceus have cardiovascular disease, gastroenterology patients should have more edible hericium erinaceus . cooking guidance due to hedgehog hydnum features that long enough for a source and a cooking career developed, many of the cuisines of Hericium erinaceus increased nominal recipe, there are not only traditional dishes, as well as innovative dishes such as cooking guidance due to hedgehog hydnum features that long enough for a source and a cooking career developed, many of the cuisines of Hericium erinaceus increased nominal recipe, there are not only traditional dishes, as well as innovative dishes such as .
Liaoning cuisine of hedgehog hydnum with paws, Feilong Stew Balloon;Jilin cuisine of pearl hedgehog hydnum;Heilongjiang dishes of duck leg Mushroom;Beijing specialty of pine hedgehog hydnum;Henan cuisine on the Mushroom;and other cuisines of hedgehog hydnum with cabbage, stewed, braised, Hericium, spiced hedgehog fungus, laver soup stewed hedgehog hydnum, hedgehog hydnum mushroom stewed pigeon, quail and stewed hedgehog hydnum, hedgehog hydnum and pheasant casserole, fried shrimps, fried chicken in a hedgehog hydnum mushroom chicken pieces, chicken stuffed hedgehog fungus, Hericium erinaceus Furong, Scallops, Hericium erinaceus, royal fan hedgehog hydnum, Stewed Deer Tail with hedgehog hydnum, etc Liaoning cuisine of hedgehog hydnum with paws, Feilong Stew Balloon;Jilin cuisine of pearl hedgehog hydnum;Heilongjiang dishes of duck leg Mushroom;Beijing specialty of pine hedgehog hydnum;Henan cuisine on the Mushroom;and other cuisines of hedgehog hydnum with cabbage, stewed, braised, Hericium, spiced hedgehog fungus, laver soup stewed hedgehog hydnum, hedgehog hydnum mushroom stewed pigeon, quail and stewed hedgehog hydnum, hedgehog hydnum and pheasant casserole, fried shrimps, fried chicken in a hedgehog hydnum mushroom chicken pieces, chicken stuffed hedgehog fungus, Hericium erinaceus Furong, Scallops, Hericium erinaceus, royal fan hedgehog hydnum, Stewed Deer Tail with hedgehog hydnum, etc . many hedgehog hydnum each local delicacies like many hedgehog hydnum each local delicacies like .
Liaoning traditional Goyles hedgehog hydnum with paws, handsome in appearance, the juice is thick and incense Liaoning traditional Goyles hedgehog hydnum with paws, handsome in appearance, the juice is thick and incense . of the citys is, hedgehog, bear paws are soaked, then add chicken broth, soy sauce, scallion, ginger, sugar, cooking wine, monosodium glutamate, etc., and steamed to
put paw placement tray,surrounding yourself with is cut in the form of a sheet of Hericium erinaceus put paw placement tray,surrounding yourself with is cut in the form of a sheet of Hericium erinaceus . put it in the hands of Hericium erinaceus, 's - paw for the undisturbed placement of the spoon, the spoon is beforehand into the steamed hedgehog hydnum, claws of the original soup with slow simmered, thicken, sprinkle dry put it in the hands of Hericium erinaceus, 's - paw for the undisturbed placement of the spoon, the spoon is beforehand into the steamed hedgehog hydnum, claws of the original soup with slow simmered, thicken, sprinkle dry .
NutraSweet, hericium erinaceus and spend about 20 grams to cherry - pick the hedgehog hydnum uniformity, the brilliant yellow color, tender texture thick, Scopelodes intact, dry and free of insects and unadulterated good NutraSweet, hericium erinaceus and spend about 20 grams to cherry - pick the hedgehog hydnum uniformity, the brilliant yellow color, tender texture thick, Scopelodes intact, dry and free of insects and unadulterated good . is the quality in appearance, hericium erinaceus mycelium is white, slightly darker, and when the medium is not rich and nodular growth, less aerial hyphae, wall - climbing force weak is the quality in appearance, hericium erinaceus mycelium is white, slightly darker, and when the medium is not rich and nodular growth, less aerial hyphae, wall - climbing force weak .
1, mushroom body: full body hedgehog hydnum mushroom, hedgehog hydnum shape such as oval or circular, of uniform size, more elongated,complete exfoliation is eye - catching, and the mushroom body drying grade;Inferior: The mutilated body of a hon - shimeji mushroom, mushroom body size, the shape is irregular and rough - and - long followed by 2, the color of the mushroom is golden yellow or yellowish - white.soft black color while the highest ratio in the order of whitening, with sulfur or iodine chemical processing to abnormally white, after eating this mushroom as harmful to the human body, not the shopping 3, good hericium erinaceus not rotten, mildew, moth - proofing;Where there is rotting, mildew, moth, unfavorable also have an effect on the shopping 3, good hericium erinaceus not rotten, mildew, moth - proofing;Where there is rotting, mildew, moth, unfavorable also have an effect on the shopping .
hericium erinaceus and ping, sweet hericium erinaceus and ping, sweet . benefiting five viscera, digestive aids;invigorate stomach, tonifying deficiency, cancer, including medicinal substances;Indications and loose stool, stomach and duodenum ulcer, superficial gastritis, neurasthenia, cancer of the esophagus, stomach, dizziness, impotence and other disorders of the colon on benefiting five viscera, digestive aids;invigorate stomach, tonifying deficiency, cancer, including medicinal substances;Indications and loose stool, stomach and duodenum ulcer, superficial gastritis, neurasthenia, cancer of the esophagus, stomach, dizziness, impotence and other disorders of the colon on .
and and . the auxiliary role of the elderly and infirm Edible Hericium erinaceus, has tonic effect the auxiliary role of the elderly and infirm Edible Hericium erinaceus, has tonic effect .
1, Hericium erinaceus is a kind of high protein, low fat and rich in minerals and vitamins are an excellent source of food;2), having the functions of raising immunity, delaying sanility 1, Hericium erinaceus is a kind of high protein, low fat and rich in minerals and vitamins are an excellent source of food;2), having the functions of raising immunity, delaying sanility . 3, hericium erinaceus containing unsaturated fatty acids, decreases blood cholesterol and triglyceride content, blood lipid regulating, blood circulation, cardiovascular patients is an ideal food for all;4), the amino acids and is rich in polysaccharide, can digest, gastritis, gastric cancer, esophagus cancer, gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer and other digestive tract diseases, the efficacy of high - profile;5, hericium erinaceus containing polysaccharides, polypeptides and fatty substances, inhibiting cancer cell genetic material in the synthesis, thus preventing and treating digestive tract cancer and other malignant tumors. It is characterized by edible hedgehog hydnum go through washing, a flood, and rinsing and cooking stages 4, until the tofu is soft such as when the nutrients fully precipitated
further deterioration of the non - edible hericium erinaceum, Hericium erinaceus further deterioration of the non - edible hericium erinaceum, Hericium erinaceus . Poisoning related to dry is suitable to use the bubble it is inadvisable to use vinegar swell; Hericium erinaceus is first cleaned, then dunked in a basin of cold water, then added into boiling water or steaming and stewing in a cage in a pot,or in hot water for 3 hours (until no white granules formed the hard core, of the granules is not sufficient, the cooking time due to protein denaturation is difficult to reduce the amount of hericium erinaceus soft Poisoning related to dry is suitable to use the bubble it is inadvisable to use vinegar swell; Hericium erinaceus is first cleaned, then dunked in a basin of cold water, then added into boiling water or steaming and stewing in a cage in a pot,or in hot water for 3 hours (until no white granules formed the hard core, of the granules is not sufficient, the cooking time due to protein denaturation is difficult to reduce the amount of hericium erinaceus soft .
) is furthermore to be noted that, even if the hericium erinaceus soaked, prior to cooking must also first placed within a container, add ginger, onion, cooking wine, soup such as steaming or boiling, and in part with the bitter taste of hedgehog hydnum itself, then cook them to ) is furthermore to be noted that, even if the hericium erinaceus soaked, prior to cooking must also first placed within a container, add ginger, onion, cooking wine, soup such as steaming or boiling, and in part with the bitter taste of hedgehog hydnum itself, then cook them to .
Hericium erinaceusHericium erinaceus

Chinese Medicinal Materials

acquisition of the goods for the teeth of the fungus, the dried fruiting bodies of Hericium erinaceus acquisition of the goods for the teeth of the fungus, the dried fruiting bodies of Hericium erinaceus . after harvesting, washing, drying in the sun after harvesting, washing, drying in the sun .
Pleconaril traits resembling a hedgehog hydnum, is irregularly branchlike and a diameter of 3. 5 ~ 10 cm, base narrowed surface yellowish to pale brown .
With the sub - entity from a bacteria, fungus prickles are cylindrical, the lower end of the sharp, elongated 1 ~ 3cm, diameter 1 ~ 2mm, the body is light, soft, easy longitudinal tearing, pale yellow to beige, loose With the sub - entity from a bacteria, fungus prickles are cylindrical, the lower end of the sharp, elongated 1 ~ 3cm, diameter 1 ~ 2mm, the body is light, soft, easy longitudinal tearing, pale yellow to beige, loose . fragrance, and tastes sweet and fragrance, and tastes sweet and .
discriminate ① CGF is pale yellow to beige powder discriminate ① CGF is pale yellow to beige powder . spores are spherical to almost spherical, transparent colors, with a diameter of 5. 7 ~ 7. 6um, smoothing the surface of the basidium numerous
,curved filamentous ,curved filamentous . (2) removal of the product powder 1 g, was added 10 mL of ethanol, heated to reflux for 1 hour, filtered, the filtrate as the test solution, the another group of hericium erinaceus 1 g reference drug into the control material solution the same way as (2) removal of the product powder 1 g, was added 10 mL of ethanol, heated to reflux for 1 hour, filtered, the filtrate as the test solution, the another group of hericium erinaceus 1 g reference drug into the control material solution the same way as .
thin - layer chromatography (Chinese Pharmacopoeia Appendix VI B), tests of each of the above two solutions 8ul Apply separately using carboxymethyl cellulose as a binder of the silica gel G thin layer plate, butanol in the presence of glacial acetic acid / water (3: 1: 0.5) as develop, then taken out and dried, sprayed with 2% ninhydrin in acetone solution, heated to 105. degree. C. until color spot is clear, under the sunlight for inspection in that t chromatogram, the chromatogram shows stains of the same color as the under the sunlight for inspection in that t chromatogram, the chromatogram shows stains of the same color as the .
check water according to water determination method (Chinese Pharmacopoeia Appendix IX H, Vol.1), shall not exceed 13. 0% acid - insoluble ash should not exceed 1. 0% (Annex of Chinese Pharmacopoeia IX K)
as a water - soluble extract for determination of the hot - dip method (Chinese Pharmacopoeia Appendix X), there shall be no less than 40. 0% concocted to remove impurities, slitting and sheeting and flavor and channel entry of the concocted to remove impurities, slitting and sheeting and flavor and channel entry of the .
, , . the spleen, stomach, heart via the spleen, stomach, heart via .
Indication invigorating, stomach - invigorate, Indication invigorating, stomach - invigorate,. sedation for indigestion, abdominal pain, abdominal distension, spleen vacuity with scanty eating, insomnia much dream sedation for indigestion, abdominal pain, abdominal distension, spleen vacuity with scanty eating, insomnia much dream .
Usage and dosage was 25 ~ 50 g dry storage at Usage and dosage was 25 ~ 50 g dry storage at ., , .
mothproof mothproof.
Hericium erinaceus


hedgehog hydnum wine is a high function of the physical properties of the bacterium drink hedgehog hydnum wine is a high function of the physical properties of the bacterium drink . adopts unique wall - broken cells and cell wall lytic technology, hericium erinaceus cell contained a variety of essential amino acids, fungi polysaccharides, mineral nutrient release, make human body cell to the maximum extent of direct absorption of these nutrients reach the cells of the nutrition standard and the international market on the popular adopts unique wall - broken cells and cell wall lytic technology, hericium erinaceus cell contained a variety of essential amino acids, fungi polysaccharides, mineral nutrient release, make human body cell to the maximum extent of direct absorption of these nutrients reach the cells of the nutrition standard and the international market on the popular .
hedgehog granule, tablet and capsule products, compared to hydnum erinaceus wine used in the form of a slurry, retain the Fresh hericium erinaceus with high biological activity, it has outstanding curative pharmacological hedgehog granule, tablet and capsule products, compared to hydnum erinaceus wine used in the form of a slurry, retain the Fresh hericium erinaceus with high biological activity, it has outstanding curative pharmacological . nectar was innovative in that the first: to solve the problem of retaining freshness for mushroom;The wine at normal temperature, and the storage time which far exceed the 24 months nectar was innovative in that the first: to solve the problem of retaining freshness for mushroom;The wine at normal temperature, and the storage time which far exceed the 24 months .
second, using lywallzyme bio - tech, solve the human digestive system caused by the fungus nutrient absorption problem second, using lywallzyme bio - tech, solve the human digestive system caused by the fungus nutrient absorption problem . of the body to the actual absorption capacity, enhanced by 10 times that of Pleconaril of the body to the actual absorption capacity, enhanced by 10 times that of Pleconaril .
through the skin can be directly absorbed by the skin (feeding) through the skin can be directly absorbed by the skin (feeding) . third, dealing with human problems of difficult - to - eat mushroom to eat and drink as third, dealing with human problems of difficult - to - eat mushroom to eat and drink as .
, , . as a convenient and rapid emergency food alternatives, each of 50 ml of wine is comparable to the energy of a meal, drink after 30 - 60 minutes to recuperate some of the wine concerned as a convenient and rapid emergency food alternatives, each of 50 ml of wine is comparable to the energy of a meal, drink after 30 - 60 minutes to recuperate some of the wine concerned .
research report, published in the level of domestic and overseas academic journals, such as:Fresh hericium erinaceus oral liquid developmental health - care efficacy study (Wang Lili, red Guo et al., Journal of Mycology, vol. 30, 2011 (1): 85 - 91) features: selecting rare mushroom is a rare large edible and medicinal fungus, is China's Ming and Qing imperial tribute, the goods to a selection of fresh fruiting body of Hericium through Marge Simon patented refined features: selecting rare mushroom is a rare large edible and medicinal fungus, is China's Ming and Qing imperial tribute, the goods to a selection of fresh fruiting body of Hericium through Marge Simon patented refined .
curing stomach: The unique digestive system protection, conditioning and repairing function: can digest, tonifying the liver and spleen, thirst and hunger, eliminate poison Su curing stomach: The unique digestive system protection, conditioning and repairing function: can digest, tonifying the liver and spleen, thirst and hunger, eliminate poison Su . etc multiple effect on inappetence, nausea and vomiting, the drinking product which rapidly thereafter assumes a state of stopping vomit,Good appetite improved etc multiple effect on inappetence, nausea and vomiting, the drinking product which rapidly thereafter assumes a state of stopping vomit,Good appetite improved .
increasing immunity: Hericium effect on enhancing immunity of human body, particularly, on the long - term drinking Pleconaril, SARS, avian influenza, influenza - like disease resistance, and preventing diseases stated above is an ideal new weapons increasing immunity: Hericium effect on enhancing immunity of human body, particularly, on the long - term drinking Pleconaril, SARS, avian influenza, influenza - like disease resistance, and preventing diseases stated above is an ideal new weapons . hericium erinaceus tumor, in particular gastric cancer, the medical community has delivered its verdict on hericium erinaceus tumor, in particular gastric cancer, the medical community has delivered its verdict on .
radiotherapy and chemotherapy of tumor patients a week before the start of the edible product, may be useful: the protection of the preoperative and postoperative rehabilitation function Oh: counterpart, allergy or debilitated patient chemotherapy and its effect is particularly significant and life - prolonging anti - senility radiotherapy and chemotherapy of tumor patients a week before the start of the edible product, may be useful: the protection of the preoperative and postoperative rehabilitation function Oh: counterpart, allergy or debilitated patient chemotherapy and its effect is particularly significant and life - prolonging anti - senility . monkeyhead mushroom, having special effect on neurasthenia and insomnia monkeyhead mushroom, having special effect on neurasthenia and insomnia .
Japanese scholars, hericium erinaceus contained "ß;- D - glucan and nerve growth factor (NGF) Japanese scholars, hericium erinaceus contained "ß;- D - glucan and nerve growth factor (NGF) . can promote the growth and regeneration of neurons in the brain and, on the prevention and treatment of dementia with damp and can promote the growth and regeneration of neurons in the brain and, on the prevention and treatment of dementia with damp and .
So, It is the longevity of the new anti - aging nutritional food So, It is the longevity of the new anti - aging nutritional food . hericium erinaceus hericium erinaceus is an edible and medicinal fungi, due to the head's shaped like a monkey named hericium erinaceus hericium erinaceus is an edible and medicinal fungi, due to the head's shaped like a monkey named .
it is delicious and the sick, and koyasan - chun, the pileus meat was tender, savoury and mellow, with "vegetarian in the meat," said it is delicious and the sick, and koyasan - chun, the pileus meat was tender, savoury and mellow, with "vegetarian in the meat," said . For a long time, it's - nest on a par with For a long time, it's - nest on a par with .
hericium erinaceus have very good nourishing effect, can treat indigestion, gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, neurasthenia and other diseases, the public has" more hedgehog hydnum, rejuvenated "the saying, hericium erinaceus have very good nourishing effect, can treat indigestion, gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, neurasthenia and other diseases, the public has" more hedgehog hydnum, rejuvenated "the saying, . Hericium wild and grows in the forest is not too thick, the humidity is relatively high, the temperature at about 20.d egree. C. environment in
hericium erinaceus fungus belongs to the wood, the wood can be decomposed, and wherein the absorption of the carbon source, nitrogen source, mineral element and vitamin etc. paired with allusions to gather wild hedgehog hydnum people to find it has a very peculiar growth: remote pair born paired with allusions to gather wild hedgehog hydnum people to find it has a very peculiar growth: remote pair born .
that is to say, you saw the tree given the hericium erinaceus, and of its orientation relative to the direction of the watch, in a nearby tree will certainly find other hericium erinaceus, It has worked like that is to say, you saw the tree given the hericium erinaceus, and of its orientation relative to the direction of the watch, in a nearby tree will certainly find other hericium erinaceus, It has worked like . It was said that Sun Wukong weren 'to India to obtain Buddhist scriptures,Flowers and a pair of young monkeys each other comfort and care have fallen love It was said that Sun Wukong weren 'to India to obtain Buddhist scriptures,Flowers and a pair of young monkeys each other comfort and care have fallen love .
a lovelorn fox is jealous heads, filed a complaint against them, so they exiled to Ninggu Towa in frontier fortress in the old city ( a lovelorn fox is jealous heads, filed a complaint against them, so they exiled to Ninggu Towa in frontier fortress in the old city (. Anning county of Heilongjiang Province today) because not adapt to the cold, they froze to death Anning county of Heilongjiang Province today) because not adapt to the cold, they froze to death .
, they chose the trees not far from each other, can be within sight of the oak as the final resting place of their death being after , they chose the trees not far from each other, can be within sight of the oak as the final resting place of their death being after . hericium erinaceus, Hinggan forest, still lives, paired hericium erinaceus, Hinggan forest, still lives, paired .
hairdressing efficacies of improving immunity and resisting fatigue, anti - oxidation, anti - mutation and blood lipid, resisting aging, tonifying spleen and stomach,nourish qi and blood clinical trials for treating gastric ulcer Hericium erinaceus,, Hericium erinaceus, the symptoms of appetite, pain relief;The portion of the patient's tumor, as well as an improvement of cellular immune function, reduce the tumor - bearing survivaltime in medium or the good hairdressing efficacies of improving immunity and resisting fatigue, anti - oxidation, anti - mutation and blood lipid, resisting aging, tonifying spleen and stomach,nourish qi and blood clinical trials for treating gastric ulcer Hericium erinaceus,, Hericium erinaceus, the symptoms of appetite, pain relief;The portion of the patient's tumor, as well as an improvement of cellular immune function, reduce the tumor - bearing survivaltime in medium or the good . can help the following populations: (i) prevention and treatment of gastric ulcer and chronic gastritis, the weakness of the spleen deficient, insufficient qi, abdominal distention, abdominal pain, which is particularly suitable for the prevention of the recurrence of gastric disease, gastritis, relieve the abdominal pain;The gastroenteritis diseases and hepatitis patients have auxiliary therapy on patients with digestive tract cancer.(3) suitable for lack of appetite, gastrointestinal dysfunction, and frequently missed dinner, often fast food suitable for people of all ages and occupations of the crowd
have cardiovascular disease, digestive disorders and suffering from cough and asthma of per - capita edible have cardiovascular disease, digestive disorders and suffering from cough and asthma of per - capita edible . applicable amount: 5 - 10 grams applicable amount: 5 - 10 grams .
Hericium erinaceus

Historical Legends

Legendary Origin

legend, was the monkey king weren 'to India to obtain Buddhist scriptures during his years with a troop of monkeys on the Mountain of Flowers and not have to rely on, like the cluster without his mother of the child, and he lost his cheerfulness legend, was the monkey king weren 'to India to obtain Buddhist scriptures during his years with a troop of monkeys on the Mountain of Flowers and not have to rely on, like the cluster without his mother of the child, and he lost his cheerfulness . a young monkey's the one who's happy occasion often comfort and care to each other, exchanging the wild, the lice were grabbing each other, with the brook to drink together in the cliffs that overlook the distant place, they are within sight of the melancholy eyes, with love shine # They never sadness, their life however hope a young monkey's the one who's happy occasion often comfort and care to each other, exchanging the wild, the lice were grabbing each other, with the brook to drink together in the cliffs that overlook the distant place, they are within sight of the melancholy eyes, with love shine # They never sadness, their life however hope .
, , . winter came they did not suffer from the North of winter, they also did not prepare for new winter came they did not suffer from the North of winter, they also did not prepare for new .
winter fluffs haven't had time to grow, winter fluffs haven't had time to grow,. was blockaded by snow has covered a vast expanse of whiteness, only has a clean of leaves on a twig, waddling, ramshackle was blockaded by snow has covered a vast expanse of whiteness, only has a clean of leaves on a twig, waddling, ramshackle .
they couldn't find enough food, jackals, leopards, bears and still want to escape from the chase, and had to hide in a tree in the rustling in the wind shaking they couldn't find enough food, jackals, leopards, bears and still want to escape from the chase, and had to hide in a tree in the rustling in the wind shaking . they cannot bear the separation, but also not squatting in the tree they cannot bear the separation, but also not squatting in the tree .
break waiting for the arrival of spring, but they also know they can't come across this winter break waiting for the arrival of spring, but they also know they can't come across this winter . They chose two - adjacent to each other can be mutually of oak as the final resting place of They chose two - adjacent to each other can be mutually of oak as the final resting place of .
these trees is that they bothered to find of the day, a tree ripped the wind was just cracked.The other one is a branch of deadwood, they hide in the injured limb, and once when there were other animals Clem branches will break off, it down two of them in the trees gaze, the eye is carried out on an exchange, they're cold and starvation kept watch on each other, they wait for spring in the warm sunlight into the forest in hopes of slowly in the cold, cold, snow in the forest of the Hinggan big air and soil in the it down two of them in the trees gaze, the eye is carried out on an exchange, they're cold and starvation kept watch on each other, they wait for spring in the warm sunlight into the forest in hopes of slowly in the cold, cold, snow in the forest of the Hinggan big air and soil in the .
they forever gone, but they never came back in they forever gone, but they never came back in . they collected heaven and become hericium erinaceus they collected heaven and become hericium erinaceus .
is back in the big forest of the Hinggan,They are still the company of others who come in pairs, and witty, clever hedgehog hydnum in pairs, when the time is more than oak from is back in the big forest of the Hinggan,They are still the company of others who come in pairs, and witty, clever hedgehog hydnum in pairs, when the time is more than oak from . broadleaf tree or on decaying wood, especially oak perched on top, and can often be squatting to standing injury shall be sentenced to fixed - term imprisonment of not more than, fewer pauses a tipped wooden broadleaf tree or on decaying wood, especially oak perched on top, and can often be squatting to standing injury shall be sentenced to fixed - term imprisonment of not more than, fewer pauses a tipped wooden .
Hericium erinaceus

Hericium Erinaceus With Delicacies

daily meal menu, every day there are feasts at the imperial period of Hericium erinaceus, mainly with himself about the eating habits of daily meal menu, every day there are feasts at the imperial period of Hericium erinaceus, mainly with himself about the eating habits of . The Truth about the dietary archives of the daily menu - - to be a full dish, there is also a Chinese vegetable;There are northern flavour, there is also a southern - style The Truth about the dietary archives of the daily menu - - to be a full dish, there is also a Chinese vegetable;There are northern flavour, there is also a southern - style .
but regardless of what flavor it is, must be used on Hericium erinaceus food but regardless of what flavor it is, must be used on Hericium erinaceus food . "Cinco De Mayo 44 years times usual meal bottom stop to explain the process of daily meal menu, every day there are hedgehog hydnum "Cinco De Mayo 44 years times usual meal bottom stop to explain the process of daily meal menu, every day there are hedgehog hydnum .
Yao According to historical records, Emperor Wencheng had to Changzhou, noon, the county has prepared feast awaits, full catering only for Hericium erinaceus food, so we turned up chef - cook dishes served on Hericium erinaceus Yao According to historical records, Emperor Wencheng had to Changzhou, noon, the county has prepared feast awaits, full catering only for Hericium erinaceus food, so we turned up chef - cook dishes served on Hericium erinaceus . of the public said:" Hericium quite tasty, wins the bird's - nest's - paw for Henstridge, long food Qingshenjianfei Yannian of the public said:" Hericium quite tasty, wins the bird's - nest's - paw for Henstridge, long food Qingshenjianfei Yannian .
"during his time in office, found east of Mukden, the pilgrimage to Qufu, Emperor Yang Su, west brook Wutai,visiting Kyoto wherever it goes, something unprecedented wherever she goes to do the dishes cook of Hericium erinaceus and where wherever she goes to do the dishes cook of Hericium erinaceus and where .
confess that he thought of a long and healthy life, wise and intelligent, and he often feed the hedgehog hydnum feasts are closely related to the confess that he thought of a long and healthy life, wise and intelligent, and he often feed the hedgehog hydnum feasts are closely related to the . founding there were scenes of kangxi of "Feast for Thousands of Senior People", "Feast for Thousands of Senior People" is supposed to be only a hedgehog, because like the monkey brains, he Disobedience "Feast for Thousands of Senior People" were added to the dish, according to founding there were scenes of kangxi of "Feast for Thousands of Senior People", "Feast for Thousands of Senior People" is supposed to be only a hedgehog, because like the monkey brains, he Disobedience "Feast for Thousands of Senior People" were added to the dish, according to .
hedgehog hydnum "Xi Shan" (1761) in Xiangshan celebrate St septuagenarian Shou was bestowed the title of empress dowager while two out of three of the nine old feast;Bingshen Year (1776), the pacification of Jinchuan Xing Gong as empress dowager while giving active generals and a grand feast."ren yin (1782) is the first compilation of the thatchers she then recorded the grant total, and after, the headquarters, campus officials at the banquet.Fifty Years (1785). The country was in Daqing, in celebration of the Feast like "Feast for Thousands of Senior People" like both hedgehog hydnum delicacies. In addition, in the period, is a summer resort during the heyday of the
regardless of from which was written in the Zhuang and the scale of activities, are the most active of the regardless of from which was written in the Zhuang and the scale of activities, are the most active of the . in the Mountain Resort, because throughout the play, there is no fixed dining in the Mountain Resort, because throughout the play, there is no fixed dining .
he used to eat food mainly roast deer, leopard meat grilled, smoked cone, smoked venison, rabbit and the like, also often eats duck, chicken, eggs, pork, mutton and other dishes made with he used to eat food mainly roast deer, leopard meat grilled, smoked cone, smoked venison, rabbit and the like, also often eats duck, chicken, eggs, pork, mutton and other dishes made with . but one of his favourite dish is the hedgehog hydnum but one of his favourite dish is the hedgehog hydnum .
- as evidenced by the records, twenty - five, and princes who in 53 days, the daily average amount of sheep (n = 27), - as evidenced by the records, twenty - five, and princes who in 53 days, the daily average amount of sheep (n = 27),. 56 kilograms of Hericium erinaceus is a frequent speaker at the banquet, the monkey gave foreign envoys or Mongolian princes 56 kilograms of Hericium erinaceus is a frequent speaker at the banquet, the monkey gave foreign envoys or Mongolian princes .


