

Fukang is located in the territory of Xinjiang in Changji Hui Aotonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region in north central, located in the eastern part of Tianshan Mountain, south margin of Junggar basin, is located at 87 88 46 - 44, 43.7 45 - 45 - 30, to the east of Jimusar County, the West and Miquan border, south of Urumqi county, Fuyun county in Altay Prefecture, in the north, the territory of the east - west at its widest point and 76 km north to south at longest 198 km.To the west of the regional capital, Urumqi, 57 km to the capital of changji hui nationality autonomous region 93 km.As of 2012, a total area of 726 km2 and a population of 22 million people, Han, Hui, Uighur, Kazak and so on 26.Under the jurisdiction of the Tianchi Scenic Area, Industrial Park in Fukang, and 3 townships and three hundred, three streets.In June 2017, in Fukang City, is named a national sanitary.

Historical Evolution

Western Han dynasty (206BC - 220AD), when the central layout Western Han dynasty (206BC - 220AD), when the central layout . home for the first time in the Han Dynasty, the "used", Sun Wu, the Xiongnu in the north of the Tianshan Mountains is working on behalf of the indigenous populations which is" used "man home for the first time in the Han Dynasty, the "used", Sun Wu, the Xiongnu in the north of the Tianshan Mountains is working on behalf of the indigenous populations which is" used "man .
- Period in XiHan belongs to Yu Li Shi Fukang, frontier, political membership, the Huns to govern and Tongpu - Period in XiHan belongs to Yu Li Shi Fukang, frontier, political membership, the Huns to govern and Tongpu . Emperor Yongping Seventeen (74) which are found to be of the Han Fu - rehabilitation, Fukang political subordinaterelationship between Emperor Yongping Seventeen (74) which are found to be of the Han Fu - rehabilitation, Fukang political subordinaterelationship between .
and the instability of the Wei, Jin and world North Xiongnu along the northern slope of Tianshan Mountains to the west and Europe, with stops in Fukang, and later by the Xianbei and Rouran Hanguo right portions (402 - 554) the nomadic range and the instability of the Wei, Jin and world North Xiongnu along the northern slope of Tianshan Mountains to the west and Europe, with stops in Fukang, and later by the Xianbei and Rouran Hanguo right portions (402 - 554) the nomadic range . Taihe 1922 (487) to Fu Luo Vice unit as the core of the Rouran, Gaoche Khanate from independent,Bogd Khanate territory belongs to the Gaoche Taihe 1922 (487) to Fu Luo Vice unit as the core of the Rouran, Gaoche Khanate from independent,Bogd Khanate territory belongs to the Gaoche .
Gaoche Khanate after its fall, Fukang has also proved to be the brief rule of the Rouran, Deposed Emperor to the Western Wei's reign (552) the khanate of the Turk, Turk outcome Gaoche Khanate after its fall, Fukang has also proved to be the brief rule of the Rouran, Deposed Emperor to the Western Wei's reign (552) the khanate of the Turk, Turk outcome . Turk something separate, Fukang home khanates of the left compartment duh Lu Qing Dynasty Quelling rangeland Turk something separate, Fukang home khanates of the left compartment duh Lu Qing Dynasty Quelling rangeland .
Zhenguan Period (640) Emperor Taizong founded the Anxi Protectorate, was under the jurisdiction of the Anxi Protectorate in Fukang Zhenguan Period (640) Emperor Taizong founded the Anxi Protectorate, was under the jurisdiction of the Anxi Protectorate in Fukang . Song and Liao periods, belongs to the gaochang uighur kingdom of Western Liao and Yuan Dynasty belong to the jurisdiction of the Song and Liao periods, belongs to the gaochang uighur kingdom of Western Liao and Yuan Dynasty belong to the jurisdiction of the .
. Bexibalik Secretariat Branch Bureau under the jurisdiction of the Ming Dynasty became the Chagatai Khanate in the 17th century the nomadic Bexibalik Secretariat Branch Bureau under the jurisdiction of the Ming Dynasty became the Chagatai Khanate in the 17th century the nomadic .
in the 1920s and the 1930s, Junger forces Risheng, Junger founded the khanate, Chagatai Khanate perish,Fukang area home of Zhunge 'er is Turgut portion of rangeland, the old name, but, after Nagel says in the 1920s and the 1930s, Junger forces Risheng, Junger founded the khanate, Chagatai Khanate perish,Fukang area home of Zhunge 'er is Turgut portion of rangeland, the old name, but, after Nagel says . belongs to Yili Military Stationary in Qing Dynasty Commander belongs to Yili Military Stationary in Qing Dynasty Commander .
in forty - one on October 20, 1777 (8 January), Nagel's approval of a special state sentence instead of Fukang in forty - one on October 20, 1777 (8 January), Nagel's approval of a special state sentence instead of Fukang . Guangxu decade (1884), the establishment of the regional capital, Urumqi, Fukang, membership Guangxu decade (1884), the establishment of the regional capital, Urumqi, Fukang, membership .
Dihua Fu during the Period of the Republic (1912 - 1949), membership of Fukang County town of Didao Dihua Fu during the Period of the Republic (1912 - 1949), membership of Fukang County town of Didao . on 26 September 1949, Xinjiang was peacefully liberated on 26 September 1949, Xinjiang was peacefully liberated .
established in 1950 by the RSECTS in Fukang, and people's governmentsMembership and phenformin in the commissioner's office in 1958 under the jurisdiction of the hui nationality established in 1950 by the RSECTS in Fukang, and people's governmentsMembership and phenformin in the commissioner's office in 1958 under the jurisdiction of the hui nationality . .
3 November 1992, the county into the city, and named the City of Fukang 3 November 1992, the county into the city, and named the City of Fukang . in June 2017, in Fukang City, was named a national sanitary in June 2017, in Fukang City, was named a national sanitary .
1 1.

Administrative Divisions

As of 2012, the City of Fukang ED Zone covers three street communities, 4 towns, 1 townships, 2 ethnic townships, which includes the peak of the street, Fuxin Municipality, Eastern Junggar Coal field, street, town, or county - level city, and tells about the town, Mud Springs in Yulinzi township, Kazak, Kazak Macrothele Gully township, Township of Shuimogou As of 2012, the City of Fukang ED Zone covers three street communities, 4 towns, 1 townships, 2 ethnic townships, which includes the peak of the street, Fuxin Municipality, Eastern Junggar Coal field, street, town, or county - level city, and tells about the town, Mud Springs in Yulinzi township, Kazak, Kazak Macrothele Gully township, Township of Shuimogou .

Ethnic Population

Fukang county at the end of 2005 and a total population of 158543; Of which the municipality has a population of 109817 people, 78175 Han people, accounting for 71. 2%; Kazakh 12050 by,, 11. 0%; the Hui tend to 13,925, accounting for 12. 7%; 4417 Uygur people, which accounts for 4. 0%; other minorities is 1250 people, accounting for 1.1% 64,426 agricultural population, accounting for 58. 7%; Nonfarm 45391 (41. 3%
modified cross people live in cities and towns, the urbanization level of 45. 6%, 13 had a population density of people / km2,Oasis population density reached 71 per sq.km As of 2012, the population in Fukang City, 22 million people, Han, Hui, Uighur, Kazak and so on 26 As of 2012, the population in Fukang City, 22 million people, Han, Hui, Uighur, Kazak and so on 26 .

Geographical Environment

Geographic Location

in Fukang City, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region is located in the Changji Hui Autonomous Prefecture, within the territory of the People's Republic of China, located in the eastern part of Tianshan piedmont of the Bogda Mountain (), the north margin of Junggar basin, is located at 87 88 46 - 44, 43.7 45 - 45 - 30, to the east of Jimusar County, the West and Miquan border, south of Urumqi county, Fuyun county in Altay Prefecture, in the north; within the territory of the east - west at its widest point and 76 km north to south at longest 198 km west of the regional capital, Urumqi, Fukang, 57 km to the west is the capital of changji hui nationality autonomous region 93 km 198 km west of the regional capital, Urumqi, Fukang, 57 km to the west is the capital of changji hui nationality autonomous region 93 km .

Climatic Characteristics

Fukang is located in the temperate continental climate, four distinct seasons, adequate sunshine, abundant heat Fukang is located in the temperate continental climate, four distinct seasons, adequate sunshine, abundant heat . territory with landform unit changes, the temperature differences are obvious, and is roughly divided into three climatic zones: 1, in the southern mountains: the annual mean 2. 54. degree. C., 323 - 530 mm rainfall, the average annual frost - free period is 140 days, exceeding 10 years and the accumulative temperature 2634 C.
2, in the middle of the plains: an average annual temperature of 6.6 C, as follows: annual extreme lowest 44 percent from the year in January, during C - 37; in the extreme high temperatures in the 48 percent of 32 years for August, the middle,35. degree. C.; the average daily temperature of 12.7 C, and the annual average of 42.2. degree. C.; 5. degree. C., over a period of days 204 days, annual accumulated temperature 3631. degree. C., exceeding 10, the spell was 232 days, the accumulated temperature annually is 3788. degree. C., over the years - free period - an average of 174 days of annual mean precipitation 186 mm, 2064 mm annually, the sunshine percentage is 70%, in total amount of radiation is in the range of 133 1.8 kcal / square centimeter, in physiological radiation 64. 3 kcal / cm2, and throughout the year with the westerlies, winds, annual average wind speed is 4 m / sec 3, north of the desert:The average annual temperature is 1.9 C, is greater than or equal to 10. degree. C. of C. 3519 - using, accumulated temperature, annual average frost - free days 155, 145 mm annual precipitation, annual mean evaporation 2292 mm


Geomorphic features of the north can be divided into the southern mountains of the central plains, desert in the north of the three unit Geomorphic features of the north can be divided into the southern mountains of the central plains, desert in the north of the three unit . 1, southern mountain area: the area is 1793. 8 square kilometers, the city has a total area of the land 15. 5%; - 5445 is situated at an altitude of 700 meters, which belongs to the Tianshan Mountains, east of the midrib, 5445 m altitude of Mt. Bogda, Qunfeng stands in the south at an altitude of 2800 metres above sea level on the high mountains, snow fields, breeds developed modern glaciers, the city is the birthplace of the river; the altitude of 1700 m (2800 - Zhongshan and the belt, in Fukang City, is a natural forest and major summer pasture,the beauty and grandeur of the Tianchi Scenic Spot lies in the mid - 1700
is situated at an altitude of 700 meters in the foothills of the Front Range, is rich in mineral deposits, is the city forest grazing mineral binding, a diversification of important regional is situated at an altitude of 700 meters in the foothills of the Front Range, is rich in mineral deposits, is the city forest grazing mineral binding, a diversification of important regional . 2, central plains: 2233 has an area of 5.6 square kilometers, the city's total land area of 19. 3%; alt. 300 - 450 meters, by the river - alluvial - pluvial, descends from the southeast to the northwest, the average slope of 2. 5%, the city is the socio - economic development of the most active region, the area is flat, with a much thicker, and is a major grain, also is the concentrated area of 3 mu of farmland and
,Northern Desert: Gulbenkian Tungate desert part of the king, 450 - 800 metres altitude, the vegetation is Haloxylon diverrifolia Tugayi, Tamarix shrub and sparse and the like of the plant, is the municipal auxiliary winter pastures ,Northern Desert: Gulbenkian Tungate desert part of the king, 450 - 800 metres altitude, the vegetation is Haloxylon diverrifolia Tugayi, Tamarix shrub and sparse and the like of the plant, is the municipal auxiliary winter pastures .


in Fukang City, the territory of the soils in three different areas within the different types of landforms, north to south there are three soil region, i.e., upland soil plain soil, desert soil mountain soils from the southern mountain soils at an altitude of 700 metres above sea level on the mountain, at different altitudes on the distribution of soil also varies with altitude in the mountain soils from the southern mountain soils at an altitude of 700 metres above sea level on the mountain, at different altitudes on the distribution of soil also varies with altitude in the .
are distributed orderly, the former includes the alpine meadow soil, subalpine meadow soil, phaeozem Zhongshan, chestnut, mountainous brown calcic soil plains are distributed orderly, the former includes the alpine meadow soil, subalpine meadow soil, phaeozem Zhongshan, chestnut, mountainous brown calcic soil plains . plain soil distribution at an altitude of 450 - 700 m of alluvial flood plain tilt plain soil distribution at an altitude of 450 - 700 m of alluvial flood plain tilt .
tillage on the soil type and from south to north successively irrigated desert soilirrigated soil, fluvo - aquic soil, the ebbing of the soil, the soil, the soil salinization tillage on the soil type and from south to north successively irrigated desert soilirrigated soil, fluvo - aquic soil, the ebbing of the soil, the soil, the soil salinization . (1) irrigated desert soil, cultivated soil in the alluvial flood plain in the south, including whiteboards and loess, sand soil, grey - soil, lime soil (1) irrigated desert soil, cultivated soil in the alluvial flood plain in the south, including whiteboards and loess, sand soil, grey - soil, lime soil .
easy hardening, lacks water protection, flood and erosion, and soil loss easy hardening, lacks water protection, flood and erosion, and soil loss . - low content oforganic matter, 1. 2 - 1. 6%, total nitrogen content of 0.07 to 0.09%, total phosphorus content of 0.04 to 0.06%, quick - acting nitrogen 0 0.03 - 0.04, phosphorus in an amount of from about 0.001 to about 0.002, available potassium 0. 12 - 16
(2) the ebbing of the soil, the soil in the alluvial plain in the middle,including soil, lime soil, red soil, grey soil (2) the ebbing of the soil, the soil in the alluvial plain in the middle,including soil, lime soil, red soil, grey soil . deep soil crusting, preserve moisture and fertility deep soil crusting, preserve moisture and fertility .
organic content is 1. 6 - 2. 7%, total nitrogen content of between 0.08 and 0. 14%, total phosphorus content of 0.06 to 0.09%, quick - acting nitrogen 0. 04 - 0. 05), phosphorus in an amount of from about 0.001 to about 0.002, and available potassium of 0. 25 0 - brone. (3) fluvo - aquic soil, the soil in alluvial plain in the middle, including soil, lime soil, laterite (3) fluvo - aquic soil, the soil in alluvial plain in the middle, including soil, lime soil, laterite .
is deep and thick, hardened texture, is deep and thick, hardened texture, . moderate organic matter content of from 2.5 to 3. 6%, total nitrogen content of 0. 14 - 0. 26%,total phosphorus content of 0.06 to 0.09%, quick - acting nitrogen 0. 052 - 0.08, available phosphorus and 0.002 - 0.005), but available potassium 0. 26 - 0 (4.32
(4) fluvo - aquic soil, irrigated desert soil in alluvial plain in the north, including the black soil, loess - fly ash loess, lime - (4) fluvo - aquic soil, irrigated desert soil in alluvial plain in the north, including the black soil, loess - fly ash loess, lime - . soil moist and easy hardening, the portion of the area of serious salinization, texture and a cloyingly soil moist and easy hardening, the portion of the area of serious salinization, texture and a cloyingly .
organic content is 2. 2 - 2. 7%, total nitrogen content of 0. 11 - 13%, total phosphorus content of 0.07 to 0.09%, quick - acting nitrogen 0. 025 - 0. 04),available phosphorus from 0.002 to 0.006, available potassium, 0.12 to 0.2 ( 5) distribution of diluvial alluvial soil salinization in the northern spring overflowed with the land around the reservoir, including salinization fluvo - aquic soil, desert grey soil salinization 5) distribution of diluvial alluvial soil salinization in the northern spring overflowed with the land around the reservoir, including salinization fluvo - aquic soil, desert grey soil salinization .
deep soil and nutrient conservation, moist, anaerobic reduction deep soil and nutrient conservation, moist, anaerobic reduction . strong organic content is 1.5 - 3.0%, the total nitrogen content of 0. 03 - 0. 27%, total phosphorus content of 0.09%, quick - acting nitrogen 0. 03 - 0. 05), phosphorus 0.003 - 0.004),available potassium was 2 - 0. 26 per thousand
desert soil distribution in the north of the county is situated at an altitude of 450 - 800 meters of desert desert soil distribution in the north of the county is situated at an altitude of 450 - 800 meters of desert . development in Haloxylon ammodendron, tamarisk, calligonum, Aristida pennata composed of vegetation in the sand, there is a sandy desert, the original grey - desert soil cracking development in Haloxylon ammodendron, tamarisk, calligonum, Aristida pennata composed of vegetation in the sand, there is a sandy desert, the original grey - desert soil cracking .
of a run - down of the growth of H. ammodendron (Mey.) Bge, Tamarix shrub under there plain Lintu soil compaction, hardening, anti - microbial effect of the weak, the lowest in these soil nutrient contents soil compaction, hardening, anti - microbial effect of the weak, the lowest in these soil nutrient contents .
original grey - desert soil, organic matter content of 0. 67 - 1. 0%, the total nitrogen content of 0. 02 - 0. 04%, phosphorus is easily fixed, and that the effective phosphorus content of 0.004 - 0.006 ‰ lime is very strong,calcium carbonate content of 5 - 10% lime is very strong,calcium carbonate content of 5 - 10% .

Traffic Condition

Fukang City from the Urumqi International Airport is 50 km and national capital Ganquanbao Industrial Park is adjacent to the east to the Urumqi Economic and Technological Development Zone and National, Eastern Junggar Mongolia Transcontinental Fukang City from the Urumqi International Airport is 50 km and national capital Ganquanbao Industrial Park is adjacent to the east to the Urumqi Economic and Technological Development Zone and National, Eastern Junggar Mongolia Transcontinental . 216 national highway, provincial highway 303 Provincial Highway 111, spit - Wulan - Dahuangshan High - graded Highway and the Ukrainian national railway freight railway runs through the 216 national highway, provincial highway 303 Provincial Highway 111, spit - Wulan - Dahuangshan High - graded Highway and the Ukrainian national railway freight railway runs through the .
will build four railway freight transfer station, with an annual cargo handling capacity of 5000 tons will build four railway freight transfer station, with an annual cargo handling capacity of 5000 tons . build of Wu - Fu intercity railway cross the Fukang throughout build of Wu - Fu intercity railway cross the Fukang throughout .

Natural Resources

As of 2012, the City of Fukang territory there are hundreds of varieties of mineral resources, coal, petroleum, natural gas, limestone, coal reserve is estimated at 100 tons (including the high - quality coking coal accounted for 70 per cent, thermal coal accounts for 30%), oil 15 tons, 150 billion cubic meters of natural gas, limestone, lime, 2. 5 billion tons; and with more abundant water resources, available water amount is up to 5 billion cubic meters of


limestone formations located in the recessed region in Fukang, Bogda piedmont fold belt, traverse all the ared and limestone mine is located in the east of the Baiyanghe River, approximately 50 km altitude, 2015 m to 3500 m high, according to the Xinjiang Geological Brigade of nine regional geological survey, the city of limestone census of basic reserve and 147.7 9212. 5 and it is mainly used for building materials and the electrolysis of coal in the territory of the Shi Fukang, Southern Margin of Junggar Basin in the foothills of the Front Range, are rich in coal resources Shi Fukang, Southern Margin of Junggar Basin in the foothills of the Front Range, are rich in coal resources .
Coalfield east to the west and 53 km, 5 km wide from north to south, covering an area of 280 km2 Coalfield east to the west and 53 km, 5 km wide from north to south, covering an area of 280 km2 The main varieties are coking coal, gas coal, gas coal,long - flame coal, as the fire roasts coal.
and the like according to the Xinjiang Bureau of Geology and ninth Brigade in July 1995 of geological report submitted, the prospective reserves of coal within the territory of the People's Republic of China in Fukang, 62. 9 billion tons, ranking first among counties in Xinjiang coal with low ash, low sulfur, low phosphorus, high calorific value, high tar yield rate characteristics, is mainly used for industrial, civil and coal with low ash, low sulfur, low phosphorus, high calorific value, high tar yield rate characteristics, is mainly used for industrial, civil and .
coking coal blending petroleum and natural gas according to the geologic survey data of the source and theoretical coking coal blending petroleum and natural gas according to the geologic survey data of the source and theoretical . in Zhungeer eastern 30000 km2 of the exploration area, there are 15 million tons of oil resources and vision and vision cubic meters of natural gas in 1502,It has proven oil reserves of 1.22 tons
wherein Cainan Oilfield is China's first modern self - contained desert oilfield, the cumulative oil production 1052. 15 tons, the annual production capacity of 220 tons shale formation region are distributed in the Northern Bogda Mountain in the Low Mountain and Hill band, about 50 km long with an altitude of 1480 metres to 930 meters, covering an area of 150 square kilometers and is mainly used for building materials, such as for cement and a method for manufacturing ceramsites with shale formation region are distributed in the Northern Bogda Mountain in the Low Mountain and Hill band, about 50 km long with an altitude of 1480 metres to 930 meters, covering an area of 150 square kilometers and is mainly used for building materials, such as for cement and a method for manufacturing ceramsites with .
ceramic soil strata are distributed in the area of the Bogda Mountain, in the Low Mountain and Hill band, lands from Baiyang river to the east, at an altitude of 1850 meters to 1200 meters per minute,Preliminary it is proven that an area of 2.2 km2, is mainly used for building materials, such as refractory ceramic product and manufacture


As of 2012, the City of Fukang territory of wildlife, a variety of classes in number are also great differences in the distribution area also does not agree with As of 2012, the City of Fukang territory of wildlife, a variety of classes in number are also great differences in the distribution area also does not agree with . throughout the range of distribution, but also only in a certain region of the distribution of throughout the range of distribution, but also only in a certain region of the distribution of .
There are 37 species of mammals, belonging to 4 orders, 12 families of birds species belonging to 16 orders, 33 families; 6 species of amphibians and reptiles, which falls into 3 orders, 5 families, 7 fish species belonging to 1 order, 2 families ( There are 37 species of mammals, belonging to 4 orders, 12 families of birds species belonging to 16 orders, 33 families; 6 species of amphibians and reptiles, which falls into 3 orders, 5 families, 7 fish species belonging to 1 order, 2 families (. Snowcock, marmots, deer, wolf, eagle, brown bears and other 51 kinds of animals are listed as national protected animals Snowcock, marmots, deer, wolf, eagle, brown bears and other 51 kinds of animals are listed as national protected animals .


As of 2012, in Fukang City, the territory of the variety of wild plants, are different from each other due to the altitude As of 2012, in Fukang City, the territory of the variety of wild plants, are different from each other due to the altitude . of different, in that different physiognomy formed in a region of different plant communities, mainly in the alpine icefields vegetation, moist mountain forest vegetation and arid and desert vegetation of different, in that different physiognomy formed in a region of different plant communities, mainly in the alpine icefields vegetation, moist mountain forest vegetation and arid and desert vegetation .
plants dedicated to the pursuit of the most abundant forest belt, to the south to north successively reduced to a minimum and a desert of ice and snow, obvious characteristics of vertical plants dedicated to the pursuit of the most abundant forest belt, to the south to north successively reduced to a minimum and a desert of ice and snow, obvious characteristics of vertical . main plants there are 90 families, 22 genera, and over 200 species, from south to north in turn divided into 8 zones, main plants there are 90 families, 22 genera, and over 200 species, from south to north in turn divided into 8 zones, .
respectively is glacial snow zone, alpine sedge meadow, alpine meadow, alpine grassland and meadow belt, forest belt and Zhongshan,mountain dry steppe, meadow grass - grass zone, the alluvial plain of the genus Salsola - semi ~ shrubby desert and sandy desert with respectively is glacial snow zone, alpine sedge meadow, alpine meadow, alpine grassland and meadow belt, forest belt and Zhongshan,mountain dry steppe, meadow grass - grass zone, the alluvial plain of the genus Salsola - semi ~ shrubby desert and sandy desert with . possesses the medicinal plant resources of fritillary bulb, Chinese angelica, Codonopsis, rhubarb, liquorice, radix bupleuri, etc possesses the medicinal plant resources of fritillary bulb, Chinese angelica, Codonopsis, rhubarb, liquorice, radix bupleuri, etc .
total natural grassland of Fukang, 77. 5 million hectares, of land 89. 8% available pasture 54. 6 million hectares, accounting for of the total area of grassland 74. 6%
excellent pastures accounted for 12. 2%, moderate pasture accounted for 5. 7%, such an inorganic - organic pasture was 82. 1% from mountains to desert can be divided into subalpine steppe,mountain dry steppe, semi - desert steppe, desert steppe, desert steppe and meadow steppe - like from mountains to desert can be divided into subalpine steppe,mountain dry steppe, semi - desert steppe, desert steppe, desert steppe and meadow steppe - like .
8 vegetation types are abundant, there are over 300 8 vegetation types are abundant, there are over 300 . available in meadows, Spring - Autumn Grassland 14. 6 million hectares, accounting for 26 per cent; in summer pasture 3. 1 million hectares, accounting for 5. 7%, winter pastures 33 hectares, accounting for 60. 6%; Four Seasons pasture 3. 8 million hectares, accounting for 7%
Spring - Autumn Grassland belongs to, low grade, with an annual yield of 1.4 kilograms, can normally be used as forage was 6,800 million kilos, grazing is 150 days, carrying 90,000 summer pasture of superior class of pasture,the total amount of the fresh grass 86 400 kg / hm ~ 2 and 1. 4 billion kilograms, which can be used as forage was 86.6 million kilos, or a 70 - day grazing, the grassland to 26 million head)
winter pastures and mountain pastures are divided into winter, winter pastures and dunes and plains in winter pastures, including mountain pastures had 5.3 hectares, the genus such as grass, fresh grass 86 400 kilograms of 1, may utilize a 4800 million kilos, grazing 160 days, carrying 60000; winter pastures and plains with 5 hectares, belonging to good pastures, with annual output of 6000 kg of fresh grass, may utilize a 2700 million kilos, or 120 - day grazing,Stocking may be 40,000 dune area 23 hectares of grassland in winter, due to no drinking, only limited to using the Xiling Snow Mountain, which belongs to the rough grazings dune area 23 hectares of grassland in winter, due to no drinking, only limited to using the Xiling Snow Mountain, which belongs to the rough grazings .
fresh grass 86 400 kg / hm ~ 2 and 1. 4 billion, according to 600 may utilize the 68,000 - grazing 120 days, carrying 50,000 600 may utilize the 68,000 - grazing 120 days, carrying 50,000 .
seasonal distribution of grassland farming, not for land reclamation on the fresh grass 86 400 6351. 4 kilograms, may utilize the 68,000 - 3790, may generally be stocking 7 million of the total forest area of Fukang, 5. 3 million hectares of forest in which 1. 4 million hectares, plantation plain 0.15 hectares, and desert shrubbery and desert 3. 7 million hectares,city comprehensive forest coverage rate of 6. 1%
montane forest with elevations of 1700 to 2800 meters in the middle zone, between 1800 - 2500 metres on the slopes of the forest is the best montane forest with elevations of 1700 to 2800 meters in the middle zone, between 1800 - 2500 metres on the slopes of the forest is the best . is the dominant tree species of spruce, larch also grown impressively, poplar, birch, rowan shrub forest and plains is the dominant tree species of spruce, larch also grown impressively, poplar, birch, rowan shrub forest and plains .
distribution in each of the following broad alluvial plain of the river Mizoguchi, especially on the plantation, including farmland shelter - forest and trees planted by the side of the desert shrubbery distribution in each of the following broad alluvial plain of the river Mizoguchi, especially on the plantation, including farmland shelter - forest and trees planted by the side of the desert shrubbery . desert is mainly distributed in the gobi desert thing,the leading edge of the desert and semi - desert area north of the desert area east of downtown desert is mainly distributed in the gobi desert thing,the leading edge of the desert and semi - desert area north of the desert area east of downtown .
in distribution and to the west of the Gobi desert scrub forest covers an area of 11 hectares and the coverage of 0. 3 with a total length of 0. 75 hectares, mainly to Cherbourg Pa Chai, salts of H. ammodendron, Tamarix shrub dominated distribution in Fubei Farm to the east of the Tang Dynasty to the south of the desert region of the leading edge of the semi - desert area covers an area of 6.9 hectares and the coverage of more than 0.3 and of 1.5 hectares, Haloxylon shrubbery
distribution mainly in the Tang Dynasty to the north of the desert of northern desert region, covers an area of 16.7 hectares and the coverage of more than 0.3 and of 1.45 million hectares,Haloxylon ammodendron is also mainly dominated by shrub

Water Resources

According to the hydrological resources of the Bureau, Changji Prefecture "of Fukang City surface water resources investigation and evaluation", in Fukang City, average runoff control 2 0.017 * 108 m3, the amount of surface water is 2. 510 * 108 m3, according to Changji Water Resources Science and Technology Institute of the Law of the People's Republic of China of Fukang, Xinjiang groundwater resource exploitation and planning report ", 0. 35 * 108 m3
Fukang region water resources total quantity is 2. 510 + 0.35 = 2. 86 (108 cubic meters) of earth's surface of Fukang has seven rivers, from west to east are: Shuimo River, River, River, River, Baiyanghe,Xigou River, Huang River, the rivers' both of which are within the municipal territory north of the mountain water mainly rely on mountain glaciers and the melting of snow and atmospheric precipitation ( mainly rely on mountain glaciers and the melting of snow and atmospheric precipitation (.
1) Shuimo River: Shuimo River originates in the East Tianshan, Xinjiang, the soil's Tenet Mountain, the river is a river in Miquan City of Fukang with 1) Shuimo River: Shuimo River originates in the East Tianshan, Xinjiang, the soil's Tenet Mountain, the river is a river in Miquan City of Fukang with . watershed area of 1419 km2, with a basin area of more than 219 sq km, the river is 40 km long, mainly ice - snow meltwater and rainfall along the groundwater recharge, runoff by 0. 2120 * 108 m3, in the mountain of Shawan lipstick at Hongshan Reservoir built dammed a river is an overwhelming majority in the City of Fukang;guaranteed irrigation area is: Shuimogou Township, Chengguan Town ()
2 of Sangonghe: Sangong River originates in the west pediment of Bogda peak of Tianshan Mountain on the northwest side of the catchment area is 503 km2, the entirety of the length of the river 48 km, a basin area of more than 295 square kilometers, the river is 36 km long, ice - snow meltwater and rainfall along the ground water was 2 of Sangonghe: Sangong River originates in the west pediment of Bogda peak of Tianshan Mountain on the northwest side of the catchment area is 503 km2, the entirety of the length of the river 48 km, a basin area of more than 295 square kilometers, the river is 36 km long, ice - snow meltwater and rainfall along the ground water was . Sangong River via the Tianchi after adjustment, enters the downstream irrigation, runoff by 0. 5030 * 108 m3; secure irrigation area as: and tells about the town, township, town
(3) Four Work River: Four Work River originates in the Bogda, both sides of the glacier, the valley area of 874 km2,river length of 40 km, a basin area of more than 131 square kilometers, the river has a length of 35 km, to the glacier and groundwater recharge, runoff by 0. 2487 * 108 m3; secure irrigation area is: Street and tells about the town, township ( 4) river: River originates in the Bogda Aora, 1176 km2 drainage area, river - length 70 km, out of the mountain above the basin area of 209 square kilometers, 32 km long river, the river is mainly in the form of meltwater, runoff by 0. 2616 * 108 m3; secure irrigation region: town,Macrothele village (
5) Baiyanghe: Baiyanghe Fukang county is the largest water rising in the Northeast Slope of Bogda, Tian Kuo Kuo grams force Glacier, east - west branch form 5) Baiyanghe: Baiyanghe Fukang county is the largest water rising in the Northeast Slope of Bogda, Tian Kuo Kuo grams force Glacier, east - west branch form . 1272 km2 drainage area, river total length is 60 km, snow is typical of the river, in the local community "on sunny days, hot water, cold overcast days guarding the Gangou", the annual average runoff 0. 6409 * 108 m3; secure irrigation area is: Nourishing Mud Springs in Yulinzi township, Macrothele village of Xigou
(6) A river rising in the North Slope of Mt. Bogda, Tian Shan Jean Tashk Su Darla glacier, valley area of 2 sq km, 30 km long river, a small amount,Measured 14 years average annual runoff is 0. 0150 * 108 m3; secure irrigation area is: Nourishing Mud Springs in Yulinzi township, Macrothele village ( 7) Huang rivers rising in the North Slope of Mt. Bogda, Tian Shan to the west of the glacier from the Ba Yi Da, a basin area of more than 88 square kilometers, the channel length of 30 km, with ice and snow meltwater, precipitation, runoff by 0 to 1.0417 * 108 m3; secure irrigation area is: Nourishing Mud Springs in Yulinzi township, Macrothele village
groundwater from Fukang Areas across two different tectonic units, namely the mountains and plains groundwater from Fukang Areas across two different tectonic units, namely the mountains and plains . due to significant natural zoning,decision from Fukang Areas of groundwater from the north), the banded due to significant natural zoning,decision from Fukang Areas of groundwater from the north), the banded .
3000 metres high mountains, snow - covered throughout the year, rock fissures, and ice water directly through the bedrock fracture groundwater infiltration recharge 3000 metres high mountains, snow - covered throughout the year, rock fissures, and ice water directly through the bedrock fracture groundwater infiltration recharge . 1800 - 3000 m in the middle zone, the atmospheric precipitation is rich, in addition to the alpine ice meltwater, coal is often formed groundwater enrichment zone spring drainage 1800 - 3000 m in the middle zone, the atmospheric precipitation is rich, in addition to the alpine ice meltwater, coal is often formed groundwater enrichment zone spring drainage .
is situated at an altitude of 800 - 1800 meters lower mountains, the climate is dry, mainly to water seepage, intermontane basins and in river bed with piles of sand and gravel is thicker to groundwater occurrence conditions, but generally it is preferred that the amount of water is large,buried depth of more than 50 metres altitude is situated at an altitude of 800 - 1800 meters lower mountains, the climate is dry, mainly to water seepage, intermontane basins and in river bed with piles of sand and gravel is thicker to groundwater occurrence conditions, but generally it is preferred that the amount of water is large,buried depth of more than 50 metres altitude . 600 - 800 meters as fine earth plain and desert - proluvial fan edge to edge in the area, constitute a broad confined artesian slope, rich in pore water and artesian 600 - 800 meters as fine earth plain and desert - proluvial fan edge to edge in the area, constitute a broad confined artesian slope, rich in pore water and artesian .


As of 2012, the City of Fukang GDP was 122 billion yuan in 2011, according to () an increase of 18.5% Of this, 22 billion yuan, an increase of 7 per cent; secondary and 76 billion yuan, an increase of 22 percent and tertiary industries reached 24 billion yuan, an increase of 16 per cent; per capita GDP reached 71 800 yuan, an increase of 17%; public budget revenues reached 11 billion yuan, an increase of 3. 7%; the fixed assets investment of 113.1 billion yuan, an increase of 37%; total retail sales of consumer goods amounted to 21. 5 billion yuan, up 17 percent.The per capita disposable income of urban dwellers was 17,300 yuan, an increase of 12 per cent of the farmers' and herdsmen's per - capita net income reached 12236 yuan, per capita increase 1570 Yuan; the registered urban unemployment rate at 3. 2%

Primary Industry

As of 2012, favored the implementation of the various subsidy 1. 6 billion suburban agriculture efficient the vegetables from the area of the breakthrough 10 mu, more than 2000 Yuan Tian was up to 162,000 mu, with the shed holder suburban agriculture efficient the vegetables from the area of the breakthrough 10 mu, more than 2000 Yuan Tian was up to 162,000 mu, with the shed holder .
1360 yuan in modern livestock sheds new standardization 2. 4 square meters, artificial forage grass land 1. 5 million mu of forestry and built 300 mu peach garden, flower and plant breeding base of 22,000 square meters new built 300 mu peach garden, flower and plant breeding base of 22,000 square meters new .
4 introduce leading enterprises, develop professional co - op with 48, Authentication of Green Agricultural Products Base 10. 5 mu of agricultural infrastructure, such as the Baiyang River Reservoir project progress smoothly,agricultural machinery gross power of 15 kw 5 mu of agricultural infrastructure, such as the Baiyang River Reservoir project progress smoothly,agricultural machinery gross power of 15 kw .

Secondary Industry

As of 2012, the industrial added value of 68 billion yuan, an increase of 22. 6% nonferrous metals smelting and deep processing, coal chemical industry clusters such as predominance, Zhongtai Chemical, Sichuan Golden Elephant and a number of other multi - billion dollar enterprise rapid development, the introduction of new carbon Shenhuo, Yongxiang and aluminum enterprises of more than $1 billion - - 19 nonferrous metals smelting and deep processing, coal chemical industry clusters such as predominance, Zhongtai Chemical, Sichuan Golden Elephant and a number of other multi - billion dollar enterprise rapid development, the introduction of new carbon Shenhuo, Yongxiang and aluminum enterprises of more than $1 billion - - 19 .
park capacity is further enhanced, invested a total of $43 billion yuan in industrial parks, roads and power supply, etc., with 19 projects park park .
39 billion yuan of industrial added value 39 billion yuan of industrial added value.

Tertiary Industry

As of 2012, the promotion of "Tianshan, Xinjiang" Bogda nominated Heritage project, with an investment of 1 billion yuan, demolished unsightly buildings of 100,000 square meters, 34 million mu of grazing pasture to realize the center - of - the - spot construction. continues to accelerate, Lingshan Temple, Sendai and other fine attractions will be opened, the start - up of the Tianshan Tianchi Cultural Industrial Park in the City of Fukang continues to accelerate, Lingshan Temple, Sendai and other fine attractions will be opened, the start - up of the Tianshan Tianchi Cultural Industrial Park in the City of Fukang .
400 million tourists, Realize tourism income is 25 billion Yuan, an increase of 47% 400 million tourists, Realize tourism income is 25 billion Yuan, an increase of 47% . and characteristic meal line steadily, the Xiaohuangshan railway, main body completion time Shopping Mall,Shen Chong, a restaurant chain, an 11 - year and characteristic meal line steadily, the Xiaohuangshan railway, main body completion time Shopping Mall,Shen Chong, a restaurant chain, an 11 - year .
cashing services and funds from the 2000 yuan cashing services and funds from the 2000 yuan . postal services, insurance, intermediary industry healthy development postal services, insurance, intermediary industry healthy development .

Social Undertakings

Science And Technology

As of 2012, for 11 consecutive years won the "National Advanced Scien - Tech Counties", one of the" People's Congress of the Tibet Autonomous Region was listed as the first batch of experimental zones for sustainable development, technological achievement some 120 items, 46 of them at all levels for Progress in Science, Technology on supporting the social and economic development is obviously As of 2012, for 11 consecutive years won the "National Advanced Scien - Tech Counties", one of the" People's Congress of the Tibet Autonomous Region was listed as the first batch of experimental zones for sustainable development, technological achievement some 120 items, 46 of them at all levels for Progress in Science, Technology on supporting the social and economic development is obviously .


As of 2012, within the initial class, 3 Middle School building was built and put into use, the new expansion in bilingual kindergartens by As of 2012, within the initial class, 3 Middle School building was built and put into use, the new expansion in bilingual kindergartens by . 9 "three" project, select 200 teachers to Beijing Normal University and other colleges to training, hiring four foreign teachers strengthen the characteristics construction 9 "three" project, select 200 teachers to Beijing Normal University and other colleges to training, hiring four foreign teachers strengthen the characteristics construction .
2014, Fukang existing at all schools, kindergarten 28 includes one high school and secondary vocational schools, a hospital, the schools in providing compulsory education schools, 12 public kindergartens, 8 private kindergarten 6 2014, Fukang existing at all schools, kindergarten 28 includes one high school and secondary vocational schools, a hospital, the schools in providing compulsory education schools, 12 public kindergartens, 8 private kindergarten 6 .


As of 2012, a stylistic center projects completed, and the farmers' and herdsmen's fitness project to set up libraries in rural villages to realize full coverage of As of 2012, a stylistic center projects completed, and the farmers' and herdsmen's fitness project to set up libraries in rural villages to realize full coverage of . "double hundred" recreational and 852, the radio and TV coverage has respectively reached 98. 3%, 96. 2%
extensively on public welfare activities, has come up with a list of the top ten people touching Fukang extensively on public welfare activities, has come up with a list of the top ten people touching Fukang .


As of 2010, the town of Fukang county township hospitals, community health service stations and village clinics, private clinics are 115 by As of 2010, the town of Fukang county township hospitals, community health service stations and village clinics, private clinics are 115 by . As of 2012, a national system for basic drugs in Fukang City, covering all public medical institutions, "the New Cooperative Medical Scheme (NCMS). The rate of 46%
invested 580 million acquisition of the CT detection apparatuses, and enhance the level of medical diagnosis, invested 580 million acquisition of the CT detection apparatuses, and enhance the level of medical diagnosis, .


As of 2012, finance for social spending reached 14. 8 billion yuan, accounting for 77 per cent of public expenditure to resettlement town kind of unemployed people 7199, transfer of rural surplus labor force of five person - 20624 resettlement town kind of unemployed people 7199, transfer of rural surplus labor force of five person - 20624 .
social security insurance that the insured person newly - 10428, urban - rural, urban and rural subsistence allowances, benefits for the masses at 4,500, granted a total of 713 million yuan funds social security insurance that the insured person newly - 10428, urban - rural, urban and rural subsistence allowances, benefits for the masses at 4,500, granted a total of 713 million yuan funds . built various affordable housing jacket 3852, complete the old Outer Wall Heat Insulation Transformation of 16 square - meters built various affordable housing jacket 3852, complete the old Outer Wall Heat Insulation Transformation of 16 square - meters .
established prices and government subsidies, the implementation of the subsidy will be RMB 225.3493 million yuan and provided direct spots 10 Huimin Huimin.


Calcium Fruit

Chinese dwarf cherry is the fruit of that success, due to the amount of the supplemented calcium in fruits ranks first among the named Chinese dwarf cherry is the fruit of that success, due to the amount of the supplemented calcium in fruits ranks first among the named . calcium fruit has a high survival rate, fast growth, wide usage, high efficiency calcium fruit has a high survival rate, fast growth, wide usage, high efficiency .


Fukang - growing is relatively long, and reached the cultivation and management method of Fukang Fukang - growing is relatively long, and reached the cultivation and management method of Fukang . to red globe grape, kyoho, seedless varieties is mainly concentrated in the to red globe grape, kyoho, seedless varieties is mainly concentrated in the .
glacial lake village, a village on the road, Weimin and Zhuangzi Village, Henan Village glacial lake village, a village on the road, Weimin and Zhuangzi Village, Henan Village . planting distribution base on the total weight of the total planting area of 2000 mu planting distribution base on the total weight of the total planting area of 2000 mu .

Golden Sun Apricot

apricot, fruit round fruit weighs 66 grams, 90 grams of fruit whose maximum apricot, fruit round fruit weighs 66 grams, 90 grams of fruit whose maximum . Ping, suture shallow, bilaterally symmetrical; fruit is a bright, golden yellow color, the nightside brightly, appearance beautiful Ping, suture shallow, bilaterally symmetrical; fruit is a bright, golden yellow color, the nightside brightly, appearance beautiful .
Flesh is is orange yellow, sweet and subacid edible rate 95%, from the nucleus is Flesh is is orange yellow, sweet and subacid edible rate 95%, from the nucleus is . meat is tender, juicy, sweet smell, as well as depth solids 13. 5%, sour and refreshing, and mature in late May, flowering and low temperature, very low - yield stage
, , . yield yield.


Nova peach fruit round, shallow ventral suture, symmetrical halves, that of fruit whose concave; average weight is 400 - 500 g, a maximum of 1100 g; round pink tender, bright and clean, long harvest up to 60 days, leave a few peaches can be hooked up to the leaves, the fruit is soft, and does not crack and Nova peach fruit round, shallow ventral suture, symmetrical halves, that of fruit whose concave; average weight is 400 - 500 g, a maximum of 1100 g; round pink tender, bright and clean, long harvest up to 60 days, leave a few peaches can be hooked up to the leaves, the fruit is soft, and does not crack and . crisp fruit is round, concave and that of fruit, ripe for the full - fledged strong red, very beautiful, pure sweet, delicate fragrance Qin Qin crisp fruit is round, concave and that of fruit, ripe for the full - fledged strong red, very beautiful, pure sweet, delicate fragrance Qin Qin .
peach peach peach is a kind of high - quality, larger fruit, fruit is round, the beautiful appearance, the flesh is white, hard - melting, high and stable yield, strong resistance, easy to cultivate, Qinwang Peach increasemnet per 5000 - 7000 pounds,to its rosy, brilliant and attractive appearance of the customer, the income per mu can reach more than peach peach peach is a kind of high - quality, larger fruit, fruit is round, the beautiful appearance, the flesh is white, hard - melting, high and stable yield, strong resistance, easy to cultivate, Qinwang Peach increasemnet per 5000 - 7000 pounds,to its rosy, brilliant and attractive appearance of the customer, the income per mu can reach more than . super early red super early red peach is Shandong Zaozhuang drupe fruit tree research institute and successful breeding of extremely early maturity, fruit concentrated red, nuclear little pork is crisp, pure sweet peach variety super early red super early red peach is Shandong Zaozhuang drupe fruit tree research institute and successful breeding of extremely early maturity, fruit concentrated red, nuclear little pork is crisp, pure sweet peach variety .
in the precocious peach varieties in a large hardness, beautiful color, good quality of peach variety is a rare example on bare land, planted in Weifang has performed well in the precocious peach varieties in a large hardness, beautiful color, good quality of peach variety is a rare example on bare land, planted in Weifang has performed well . Tezao ripens in late May, the average weight of 160 g, 260 g of large fruit, oval, bright red blush, with gorgeous appearance, taste and pure sweet taste without acidity, mature early, Tezao ripens in late May, the average weight of 160 g, 260 g of large fruit, oval, bright red blush, with gorgeous appearance, taste and pure sweet taste without acidity, mature early,.
listed early rendezvoused early Red Fruit in 65 days, the average weight of 106 grams, maximum listed early rendezvoused early Red Fruit in 65 days, the average weight of 106 grams, maximum . 220 g of yellowish green pericarp, mature fruit is only around the top of a flush on her outer appearance and 220 g of yellowish green pericarp, mature fruit is only around the top of a flush on her outer appearance and .
Ivory white sarcocarp, succulent fine, little, sweet flavor, soluble solids content of 6%, from the nucleus, and small fruit, fruit, edible rate up to 98. 1%, without crack nucleation phenomena are strong in growth vigor, yield are strong in growth vigor, yield .
sun king nectarine selected from seedlings, harvested in early September, 300 grams of fruit weight, fruit neatly melting flesh, juicy fruit. A full - red with rich, attractive and of cherry (red) purple fruit, larger fruit,The average weight of 9. 7 grams, 14 grams of maximum fruit weight, fruit rate 62. 6%, the rate of dehiscent 7. 1%
mature early fruit developing period is 45 days, average diameter of 7. 1 kg soluble solids 18. 2%, quality excellent
before the dew had early ripening Flat Peach Variety before the dew had early ripening Flat Peach Variety . is flat - shaped, average weight 100 g; yellow skin covered with red blush, fresh color, appearance and they are very beautiful. The flesh is milk - white, almost at the kernel is reddish, with fine, sweet flavor; nucleus, nuclei with a smaller high
. and no - dehiscent fruit. Its fruit ripens in late June, FRUIT - SETTING AND ENLARGEMENT OF JIN 67 days
the varieties of beautiful appearance, good quality, high yield,Yi cultivation management the varieties of beautiful appearance, good quality, high yield,Yi cultivation management . Shuguang nectarine fruit development on fruit firmness of about 60 days, the average weight of 122 with a maximum of 174 g; nearly round, beautiful, round red pericarp thick, lustrous, gorgeous, beautiful, sweet and rich flavor, aroma, soluble solids content of 13 - 17%, and more suitable for storage and transportation, and no - dehiscent fruit, the self - fertilization, early fruit and high yield Shuguang nectarine fruit development on fruit firmness of about 60 days, the average weight of 122 with a maximum of 174 g; nearly round, beautiful, round red pericarp thick, lustrous, gorgeous, beautiful, sweet and rich flavor, aroma, soluble solids content of 13 - 17%, and more suitable for storage and transportation, and no - dehiscent fruit, the self - fertilization, early fruit and high yield .
nectarine Huaguang Huaguang growth robust, compact, and the budding rate, branching rate, twig could result, but to long, and in twigs; general management, planting the flower bud per year, 2 years and the beginning of the fruit, The average weight is 90g,and the biggest can reach 124g, pericarp thick, peeling is difficult, and the stone of the long oval, and clingstone fruit store nectarine Huaguang Huaguang growth robust, compact, and the budding rate, branching rate, twig could result, but to long, and in twigs; general management, planting the flower bud per year, 2 years and the beginning of the fruit, The average weight is 90g,and the biggest can reach 124g, pericarp thick, peeling is difficult, and the stone of the long oval, and clingstone fruit store ., , .
shelf - life shelf - life.

Beauty Of Sunflower Seeds

Fukang county of sunflower cultivation history is glorious, and production technology, for the moment, the planting area of eucheuma is 2,500 mu in sunflower of 150 kilograms per mu, total output of up to 375 tons Fukang county of sunflower cultivation history is glorious, and production technology, for the moment, the planting area of eucheuma is 2,500 mu in sunflower of 150 kilograms per mu, total output of up to 375 tons . With leisure food sales, as a bridge between the market of the product, and the annual demand is steadily increasing With leisure food sales, as a bridge between the market of the product, and the annual demand is steadily increasing .
American sunflower seeds containing linoleic acid, protein, fat, amino acids, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, rich in iron, zinc, potassium, and magnesium were American sunflower seeds containing linoleic acid, protein, fat, amino acids, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, rich in iron, zinc, potassium, and magnesium were . often edible sunflower seeds, it is possible to adjust the normal metabolism of human brain cells, nerves, preventing cell senility, and preventing adult diseases, treatment of insomnia, strengthen memory, help keep the skin tender,to prevent dry skin and melanin. It has obvious nourishing qualities


cv. Jingua) planted as of Fukang, of certain agricultural products, its high nutritive value, delicious taste, and for the feature that high - spending population 2006 with a total planting area of nearly 200 mu, 1.5 tons, the total capacity of up to 300 tons
pumpkin is golden in colour, the natural silk, crisp and delicious taste, rich nutrition, crude protein, crude fat, calcium, phosphorus, iron and other trace elements and vitamines, amino acids having pumpkin is golden in colour, the natural silk, crisp and delicious taste, rich nutrition, crude protein, crude fat, calcium, phosphorus, iron and other trace elements and vitamines, amino acids having . that regulate metabolism and inhibit carbohydrate conversion to fat and the like function, and thus there is a "natural and healthy food" and "weight - beauty" food called that regulate metabolism and inhibit carbohydrate conversion to fat and the like function, and thus there is a "natural and healthy food" and "weight - beauty" food called .
often eat pumpkin on hypertension, coronary heart disease,Obesity has certain auxiliary treating effect, so the pumpkin for dietotherapy of vegetables often eat pumpkin on hypertension, coronary heart disease,Obesity has certain auxiliary treating effect, so the pumpkin for dietotherapy of vegetables .

Benincasa Hispida (Thunb)

Fukang county abounds in a gourd, and has a long history of cultivation, the production technology is mature and Fukang county abounds in a gourd, and has a long history of cultivation, the production technology is mature and . gourd as in Fukang City, during the process of agricultural development - led among the vegetable varieties, 2006 area reached 2000 mu - mu - yields of 7. 5 tons, annual production reached 1.5 tons
Benincasa hispida is a vegetable with high nutritional value, rich in renieratene, vitamins, fiber and calcium, phosphorus, iron and other trace elements, and the potassium content is high, a low sodium content, extremely high medicinal value and has the functions of antipyresis, inducing diuresis and reducing phlegm, relieving restlessness, thirst, refreshment, etc Benincasa hispida is a vegetable with high nutritional value, rich in renieratene, vitamins, fiber and calcium, phosphorus, iron and other trace elements, and the potassium content is high, a low sodium content, extremely high medicinal value and has the functions of antipyresis, inducing diuresis and reducing phlegm, relieving restlessness, thirst, refreshment, etc . requiring a low sodium diet and hypertension, nephropathy, and edema of patients,Further particularly suitable requiring a low sodium diet and hypertension, nephropathy, and edema of patients,Further particularly suitable .
gourd, also contains tartronic acid, prevent human obesity, the promotion of physical fitness and have a good action gourd, also contains tartronic acid, prevent human obesity, the promotion of physical fitness and have a good action .

Tourist Attractions


In the south of the Tianshan mountains along the canyon in Fukang, harbors a deep, beautiful scenery of mountain lakes - Tianshan Tianchi In the south of the Tianshan mountains along the canyon in Fukang, harbors a deep, beautiful scenery of mountain lakes - Tianshan Tianchi . Tianshan Tianchi Lake in 1982, the State Council issued the first batch of national key scenic spot; on 27 March 1990, was approved by the UNESCO's Mt. Bogda Biosphere Reserve joined the United Nations Programme on Man and the Biosphere, Bogda, founded the "International Nature Biosphere protection network; Tianshan Tianchi in 1982 by the State Council announced the first batch of students across the country at 44 National Scenic Area, and in 2007,Xinjiang Tianshan Tianchi Scenic and National Tourism Administration has been classified as a 5A - class tourist
Xinjiang Tianshan Tianchi Scenic Spot covers an area of 548 km, from snowy mountains to desert 80 km north of vertical landscape belt, there are seven different landscape and vegetation of vertical zone around the world, which is rare in the Tianshan Tianchi Xinjiang Tianshan Tianchi Scenic Spot covers an area of 548 km, from snowy mountains to desert 80 km north of vertical landscape belt, there are seven different landscape and vegetation of vertical zone around the world, which is rare in the Tianshan Tianchi . unique scenery, long history and rich culture of the ethnic customs are concentrated in western China has been the most beautiful nature and humanity, at home and abroad visitors fascinated unique scenery, long history and rich culture of the ethnic customs are concentrated in western China has been the most beautiful nature and humanity, at home and abroad visitors fascinated .
Wenrenmeike once wrote a poem's famous masterpiece Wenrenmeike once wrote a poem's famous masterpiece . Liu Shaoqi, Zhu De, Zhou Enlai, Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin,Hu Jintao and other leaders of the Party and many foreign heads of state and successively ascended the pool Liu Shaoqi, Zhu De, Zhou Enlai, Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin,Hu Jintao and other leaders of the Party and many foreign heads of state and successively ascended the pool .
Range Rover Range Rover.

Tianshan Tianchi

Tianshan Tianchi, Formerly known as the "Lake Yaochi", is located in Fukang, Xinjiang in Changji Hui Autonomous Prefecture, in Fukang area 37 km of the regional capital Urumqi 97 km Tianshan Tianchi, Formerly known as the "Lake Yaochi", is located in Fukang, Xinjiang in Changji Hui Autonomous Prefecture, in Fukang area 37 km of the regional capital Urumqi 97 km . Tianshan Tianchi Scenic Area covers a planned area of 548 km2), of the eight scenic spots, 15 Jingqun, 38 sites across the country, is typical arid zone of Northwest China's mountain landscape Tianshan Tianchi Scenic Area covers a planned area of 548 km2), of the eight scenic spots, 15 Jingqun, 38 sites across the country, is typical arid zone of Northwest China's mountain landscape .
it to complete the vertical natural landscape and mountain glaciers, alpine lake is the main feature of the ancient myth of the Lady Queen Mother and Jade Pool unique religious and cultural connotation of national folk culture is launched it to complete the vertical natural landscape and mountain glaciers, alpine lake is the main feature of the ancient myth of the Lady Queen Mother and Jade Pool unique religious and cultural connotation of national folk culture is launched . is suitable for sightseeing, popular science, adventure, Rangeleisure and fitness of ethnically -; - - is suitable for sightseeing, popular science, adventure, Rangeleisure and fitness of ethnically -; - - .

Bogda, Tian Shan

Mountains are an east - west, 5445 m altitude in the Mountains are an east - west, 5445 m altitude in the . 2800 m above sea level is a high mountain, the terrain is steep, exposed bedrock, stones are spread out across the snow, dangerous cold, accompanied by numerous glaciers, the glacier covers an area of 55 0.05
km2 and a total ice volume of 18 cubic meters, equivalent to the amount of water 16. 4 billion cubic meters, the mountain is a natural solid reservoirs, numerous rivers originate also .
It is one of the mountains It is one of the mountains.

Iron Tile Temple Ruins

Iron Tile Temple Ruins is located in Fukang, Tianshan Tianchi Scenic Spot, in Tianchi Lake to the west of the lake from the Haibei straight - line distance of about 700 meters Iron Tile Temple Ruins is located in Fukang, Tianshan Tianchi Scenic Spot, in Tianchi Lake to the west of the lake from the Haibei straight - line distance of about 700 meters . Iron Tile Temple sits on the terrace of a 4000 square meters, the seat toward the east, backed by the mountains, Tianchi Iron Tile Temple sits on the terrace of a 4000 square meters, the seat toward the east, backed by the mountains, Tianchi .
three sides facing the surrounding pine and cypress, visible to the southeast of Mt. Bogda legend in Iron Tile Temple, built in the Yuan Dynasty, Genghis Khan had rendezvoused in the name of Mu and climbing, to commemorate the topped a wonderland, to build this temple to mark the legend in Iron Tile Temple, built in the Yuan Dynasty, Genghis Khan had rendezvoused in the name of Mu and climbing, to commemorate the topped a wonderland, to build this temple to mark the .
Fukang county of Local Chronicles it is stated that, in Iron Tile Temple, built in the Qing Dynasty (1776), there is provided a brick masonry, tiled roof, hence the name "Iron Tile Temple" Fukang county of Local Chronicles it is stated that, in Iron Tile Temple, built in the Qing Dynasty (1776), there is provided a brick masonry, tiled roof, hence the name "Iron Tile Temple" .

Queen Mother's Temple

Mother of Tianchi Temple located in the north - east, east of the City of Fukang Nourishing Mud Springs sub - township fair at the Niangniang (Mother of Tianchi Temple located in the north - east, east of the City of Fukang Nourishing Mud Springs sub - township fair at the Niangniang (. village because it is dedicated to the Queen Mother, therefore also referred to as the "Temple" village because it is dedicated to the Queen Mother, therefore also referred to as the "Temple" .
fair at the Niangniang (Goddess) Temple was founded in July 1905, the original hall 5, East Wing, 5, 7 and the temple is the only hall fair at the Niangniang (Goddess) Temple was founded in July 1905, the original hall 5, East Wing, 5, 7 and the temple is the only hall . 2 2 .
. maintenance rescue after 1993, by the people's government of Fukang City municipal heritage unit now maintenance rescue after 1993, by the people's government of Fukang City municipal heritage unit now .
according to historical records, the Queen Mother's Temple, built during the Qing Dynasty, this temple was said to be building huge, incense heyday according to historical records, the Queen Mother's Temple, built during the Qing Dynasty, this temple was said to be building huge, incense heyday . in 1932, the Queen Mother's Temple was destroyed in wars in 1932, the Queen Mother's Temple was destroyed in wars .
in the early 1990s, Taiwan Taoism "of Ci Hui Tang"In the original Queen Mother's temple is built on the site built a simple temple, for the believers to worship Goddess in the early 1990s, Taiwan Taoism "of Ci Hui Tang"In the original Queen Mother's temple is built on the site built a simple temple, for the believers to worship Goddess . 2000, local government boundaries by inviting a magnificent Queen Mother's temple, restored the Tianchi Lake, a well - known monuments 2000, local government boundaries by inviting a magnificent Queen Mother's temple, restored the Tianchi Lake, a well - known monuments .

Six Ju Shouzhuo City

Ju Shou Tang Dynasty six catch the Xuanzong Kaiyuan City is in the middle east and west to the Ili and Hami in Kazakhstan and established of the 10 Shouzhuo and one of the city, Chungcheongbuk - do, on the new Silk Road, a Military Town, is the primary responsibility of the guarantee of the unblocked Chungcheongbuk - do, a new, wealthy merchants of the security and traffic control outside the mountains of Ju Shou Tang Dynasty six catch the Xuanzong Kaiyuan City is in the middle east and west to the Ili and Hami in Kazakhstan and established of the 10 Shouzhuo and one of the city, Chungcheongbuk - do, on the new Silk Road, a Military Town, is the primary responsibility of the guarantee of the unblocked Chungcheongbuk - do, a new, wealthy merchants of the security and traffic control outside the mountains of . Ju of the Tang Dynasty six Shouzhuo and located in the center of the city of Fukang, and tells about the town in the 6th National Village. The hotel is 5 kilometers from the city of Fukang City
420 are arranged to form a rectangle long from north to south and east - west width of 320 meters, with a layout of the ancient city of the ancient city of the southern environs of Urumqi Wulabo 420 are arranged to form a rectangle long from north to south and east - west width of 320 meters, with a layout of the ancient city of the ancient city of the southern environs of Urumqi Wulabo . ancient city mounds similar to the four corners of the larger, as a vestige of the watch - towers, the south city gate Gate has builtweng cheng ancient city mounds similar to the four corners of the larger, as a vestige of the watch - towers, the south city gate Gate has builtweng cheng .
ancient city south of Republic of China have an ancient tablet,Stele 1. 6 meters high with a width of about 0.8 meters, engraved with the inscription had F A Textual Study of the stone inscriptions, steles later missing F A Textual Study of the stone inscriptions, steles later missing .

Five Mosques

Five mosques located in Fukang City, and tells about the town of Five village, about 15 km west of downtown Five mosques located in Fukang City, and tells about the town of Five village, about 15 km west of downtown . in qing dynasty. after living in the village of Five of the Huis self - financing of more than two million to build two of five mosques, firing from the ridge beasts, flowers, to the beams and carved, wooden pier, which lasted 3 years and has built a unique moulding. Based on the theory of five mosques
Jamae Mosque faces east, Miankuo 3, 3 in the depth dimension of the interlayer, plane layout is in the form of a convex type, a temple with ashlar building, covering an area of 220 square meters, the temple belongs to the wood - and - lintel construction using rolled up to the top of the Dasi Jamae Mosque faces east, Miankuo 3, 3 in the depth dimension of the interlayer, plane layout is in the form of a convex type, a temple with ashlar building, covering an area of 220 square meters, the temple belongs to the wood - and - lintel construction using rolled up to the top of the Dasi ., , .
site with the Construction Law of the People's Republic of China, the top ridges with the ridge end of Panlong decorative, flower embellishment, post - rock of its king Mochizuki meters high,employing the hexagonal pavilion structure, deformation of the brackets under the eaves of the Dasi administered and main hall with six partition doors (ruined) Temple at site with the Construction Law of the People's Republic of China, the top ridges with the ridge end of Panlong decorative, flower embellishment, post - rock of its king Mochizuki meters high,employing the hexagonal pavilion structure, deformation of the brackets under the eaves of the Dasi administered and main hall with six partition doors (ruined) Temple at . gable ends on the bricks carved with deer and Baihe, exquisite carving delicate, meticulous, Dasi Liang Fang, trim panel above Seiko carved flowers, the beautiful Mosque in the north of the 5 between the shower has been destroyed, and three lectures on the southern side of the chamber, and in the remaining windows and patio doors can still be found exquisite flowers pattern embossed gable ends on the bricks carved with deer and Baihe, exquisite carving delicate, meticulous, Dasi Liang Fang, trim panel above Seiko carved flowers, the beautiful Mosque in the north of the 5 between the shower has been destroyed, and three lectures on the southern side of the chamber, and in the remaining windows and patio doors can still be found exquisite flowers pattern embossed .
five mosques in Xinjiang are one of the famous old building, the overall coordination of architectural layout, five mosques in Xinjiang are one of the famous old building, the overall coordination of architectural layout,. majestic appearance is unique in that the external decoration of the Dasi in multiple animal pattern majestic appearance is unique in that the external decoration of the Dasi in multiple animal pattern .
five mosques architectural styles reflect chinese traditional architectural art and Islamic architecture which combines Fukang, Hui, and Han ethnic harmony, mutual learning and common prosperity of the testimony of five mosques five mosques architectural styles reflect chinese traditional architectural art and Islamic architecture which combines Fukang, Hui, and Han ethnic harmony, mutual learning and common prosperity of the testimony of five mosques . nation, which has been severely damaged nation, which has been severely damaged .
2001, Xinjiang Tianshan Tianchi Tourism Ltd and the People's Republic of China on the repairs, so this famous old building to its former glory 2001, Xinjiang Tianshan Tianchi Tourism Ltd and the People's Republic of China on the repairs, so this famous old building to its former glory .

Signal Station

Mound sub - station is located in the north - east Tianshan Tianchi Scenic Spot, in Fukang City, east of the mound in the sixth sub - farm north of Mound 5 km sub - district Nong Rosso Mound sub - station is located in the north - east Tianshan Tianchi Scenic Spot, in Fukang City, east of the mound in the sixth sub - farm north of Mound 5 km sub - district Nong Rosso . geographic coordinates are: longitude 88 15. 25 north latitude 44 10. 33, the altitude 613. 7 meters
Beacon Mound, located northeast of the farm - 1300 meters, Fu Zi North 300 metres, east of a north - south line of the road Beacon Mound, located northeast of the farm - 1300 meters, Fu Zi North 300 metres, east of a north - south line of the road . Beacon village surrounded by farmland, but to the Beacon Center for the 1824 there was an area of square meters of unused land in the form of a trapezoid Beacon village surrounded by farmland, but to the Beacon Center for the 1824 there was an area of square meters of unused land in the form of a trapezoid .
beacon towers, rammed ramming layer 6. 8 cm, a height of 6 m around the interspersed with red,grey pottery pieces around the interspersed with red,grey pottery pieces .
Beacon in the west of the last remnants of the local cultural relics in this small pickup to red pottery and the like, according to Beacon in the west of the last remnants of the local cultural relics in this small pickup to red pottery and the like, according to . Fukang relics display, this beacon is a Tang Dynasty cultural relic, known as Fukang relics display, this beacon is a Tang Dynasty cultural relic, known as .
2007, published by the People's Government of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region is a district - level cultural relics protection units 2007, published by the People's Government of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region is a district - level cultural relics protection units . Akemu's Beacon (Beacon) West Springs is located in the northern Tianshan Tianchi Scenic Spot desert scenic, north - west of Fukang, Northwest Spring farm 8 km at Akemu's Beacon (Beacon) West Springs is located in the northern Tianshan Tianchi Scenic Spot desert scenic, north - west of Fukang, Northwest Spring farm 8 km at .
watchtowers and serious denudation of the natural, conical mounds, the residual height of 3.5 meters rammed ramming layer 8 ~ 10 cm, or, as the fine sand soil, according to rammed ramming layer 8 ~ 10 cm, or, as the fine sand soil, according to .
Fukang county cultural data display,The Beacon is a Tang Dynasty cultural relic, known as Fukang county cultural data display,The Beacon is a Tang Dynasty cultural relic, known as . 1992, Eastern Junggar Coal field, the company built mounds in the road gang when digging destroyed polyphonic passage, after restoration in 1992, Eastern Junggar Coal field, the company built mounds in the road gang when digging destroyed polyphonic passage, after restoration in .
stands on the site, had to pick up red, grey pottery and other artifacts stands on the site, had to pick up red, grey pottery and other artifacts . 2007, published by the People's Government of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region is a district - level cultural relics protection units 2007, published by the People's Government of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region is a district - level cultural relics protection units .
nourishing ZINIQUANZI FORMATION Tianshan Tianchi Scenic Spot is located in the tower on the northeast, and northeast Fukang Macrothele ditch north of kazakh ethnic township of Shawo edge nourishing ZINIQUANZI FORMATION Tianshan Tianchi Scenic Spot is located in the tower on the northeast, and northeast Fukang Macrothele ditch north of kazakh ethnic township of Shawo edge . grassland (geographical coordinates: longitude 88 35. 18, the latitude 44 23. 30 with an altitude of 520 m
Beacon from Nourishing Mud Springs sub - township northeast of 25 kilometers,Road to the south of the Tang Dynasty (618 - 2. 5 kilometers from the site irregular mound, with rammed ramming layer l0 ~ 8 cm, 9 meters in height, the bottom diameter of about 21 meters irregular mound, with rammed ramming layer l0 ~ 8 cm, 9 meters in height, the bottom diameter of about 21 meters .
of the ground surrounding the spread of ash, sand red pottery, the pottery, the pottery color and north of the ancient city of Fukang, of the ground surrounding the spread of ash, sand red pottery, the pottery, the pottery color and north of the ancient city of Fukang, . according to Zhuangzi is similar to display cultural relics, the beacon towers in the Tang Dynasty is a cultural site according to Zhuangzi is similar to display cultural relics, the beacon towers in the Tang Dynasty is a cultural site .
2007, published by the People's Government of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region is a district - level cultural relics protection units 2007, published by the People's Government of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region is a district - level cultural relics protection units . Xiquan mooting the Beacon Scenic Spot is located in the desert of northern Tianshan Tianchi Scenic Spots, in Fukang City, northeastern Macrothele ditch north of kazakh ethnic township of Shawo in Tang Dynasty on the south side of the road Xiquan mooting the Beacon Scenic Spot is located in the desert of northern Tianshan Tianchi Scenic Spots, in Fukang City, northeastern Macrothele ditch north of kazakh ethnic township of Shawo in Tang Dynasty on the south side of the road .
geographic coordinates are: longitude 88 14. 90,latitude 44 23. 16 with an altitude of 490 meters Beacon in Fukang City, located about 30 km northeast of the desert frontier during the Tang Dynasty (618 - 907) to the north is the path around the Beacon Beacon in Fukang City, located about 30 km northeast of the desert frontier during the Tang Dynasty (618 - 907) to the north is the path around the Beacon .
150 meters in flat terrain, growing and branchy tamarisk sclerophylls 150 meters in flat terrain, growing and branchy tamarisk sclerophylls . .
Beacon has a convenient transportation has collapsed, with rammed high residual 1 meters, sits in farmland in Beacon has a convenient transportation has collapsed, with rammed high residual 1 meters, sits in farmland in . in earth's surface is collected to the muddy grey pottery pieces, the sand red pottery and the like, and the north of the ancient city of Chuang - tzu's pottery is similar to that according to the City of Fukang relics, tang dynasty and the historical and cultural sites of the in earth's surface is collected to the muddy grey pottery pieces, the sand red pottery and the like, and the north of the ancient city of Chuang - tzu's pottery is similar to that according to the City of Fukang relics, tang dynasty and the historical and cultural sites of the .

Ancient Tombs

Sangonghe valley sarcophagus tomb located in Tianshan Tianchi Scenic Area of Sangong flowers at eastern Piedmont, north - west of Donggou Mizoguchi Sangonghe valley sarcophagus tomb located in Tianshan Tianchi Scenic Area of Sangong flowers at eastern Piedmont, north - west of Donggou Mizoguchi . with three people's government at the village of Tianchi across the highway on the south, the genus of Sangong River Kazakhstan nationality townships in Shirengou Iron Ore Village within the territory of the with three people's government at the village of Tianchi across the highway on the south, the genus of Sangong River Kazakhstan nationality townships in Shirengou Iron Ore Village within the territory of the .
in the late 1990s, the resident Maasai pastoralists own vegetable found in the sarcophagus, the sarcophagi of high 95 cm wide and 95 cm and a length of 2 meters in the late 1990s, the resident Maasai pastoralists own vegetable found in the sarcophagus, the sarcophagi of high 95 cm wide and 95 cm and a length of 2 meters . burial is at the east end of the foot, the left side of the tape head 2 of the tank cover grey pottery, stone coffin built for east - west divider, composed of two rectangular tomb unearthed in burial is at the east end of the foot, the left side of the tape head 2 of the tank cover grey pottery, stone coffin built for east - west divider, composed of two rectangular tomb unearthed in .
too noble of the complete set of gold ornaments, weighing approximately 30 grams, was of enormous interest to archaeologists to Xinjiang,and therefore in this part of the Excavation of the Tombs 6 seats, according to research by the too noble of the complete set of gold ornaments, weighing approximately 30 grams, was of enormous interest to archaeologists to Xinjiang,and therefore in this part of the Excavation of the Tombs 6 seats, according to research by the . Han tombs of the Hun nationality belongs to the ancient cultural relics of the Han tombs of the Hun nationality belongs to the ancient cultural relics of the .
2002, Fukang City People's Government shall publish the list of municipal heritage unit 2002, Fukang City People's Government shall publish the list of municipal heritage unit . Sangonghe valley, situated at the mound of flowers and Tianshan Tianchi Scenic Area in the Sangonghe valley piedmont belt, the edge of the valley that stretches ten kilometers to the east of the basic distribution and a loose Sangonghe valley, situated at the mound of flowers and Tianshan Tianchi Scenic Area in the Sangonghe valley piedmont belt, the edge of the valley that stretches ten kilometers to the east of the basic distribution and a loose .
of the root of the edge, in the west bank of the tableland of Gochang of the root of the edge, in the west bank of the tableland of Gochang . dozens of tombs, which have been excavated on a skull wearing a bronze warrior's arrows to bury bones and skulls, red pottery, grey pottery, unearthed products seen in the Museum of the City of Fukang dozens of tombs, which have been excavated on a skull wearing a bronze warrior's arrows to bury bones and skulls, red pottery, grey pottery, unearthed products seen in the Museum of the City of Fukang .
2002,Fukang county people's government, municipal heritage unit 2002,Fukang county people's government, municipal heritage unit . Zhaojiagou stone circles, situated at Tianshan Tianchi Scenic Area of flowers and wine, Chengguan Township, pastoral team Spring Spring Valley to the east of the mountain on Zhaojiagou stone circles, situated at Tianshan Tianchi Scenic Area of flowers and wine, Chengguan Township, pastoral team Spring Spring Valley to the east of the mountain on .
tomb stone circles which differ in size, with a diameter of 2 to 3 meters, dozens of tomb stone circles which differ in size, with a diameter of 2 to 3 meters, dozens of . gravestone with a size of the gravel circle type, date, port, were unearthed in many other kinds of bells, red sandy pottery sherds, bones gravestone with a size of the gravel circle type, date, port, were unearthed in many other kinds of bells, red sandy pottery sherds, bones .
1989, herdsmen when building houses, stone circle in the tomb was severely damaged,Remains only port Tomb 1 1989, herdsmen when building houses, stone circle in the tomb was severely damaged,Remains only port Tomb 1 . The Stone Circle early tomb belongs to the Xiongnu nomadic culture remains The Stone Circle early tomb belongs to the Xiongnu nomadic culture remains .
Sigonghe cairn, situated at the Tianshan Tianchi Scenic Spot quadruplex VALLEY IN LIZIGOU, SONG CONTY, Mizoguchi is open on the gentle slope of Qianshan, a stringof, exhibit surface mounds, stone circle shape, a long time, mounds, stone circles are nearly buried in the grass, soil and rock in Shuimogou Sigonghe cairn, situated at the Tianshan Tianchi Scenic Spot quadruplex VALLEY IN LIZIGOU, SONG CONTY, Mizoguchi is open on the gentle slope of Qianshan, a stringof, exhibit surface mounds, stone circle shape, a long time, mounds, stone circles are nearly buried in the grass, soil and rock in Shuimogou . cairn, situated at the Tianshan Tianchi Scenic Spots Shuimogou Valley forests line the river valley to the west of the former hillside on cairn, situated at the Tianshan Tianchi Scenic Spots Shuimogou Valley forests line the river valley to the west of the former hillside on .
There are more than thirty, mounds, stone circles, situated at the Tomb of There are more than thirty, mounds, stone circles, situated at the Tomb of . Shuimogou fire Tianshan Tianchi Scenic Spots Shuimogou Damascus ring ditch Mizoguchi,Shuimo river south of 2003 Shuimogou fire Tianshan Tianchi Scenic Spots Shuimogou Damascus ring ditch Mizoguchi,Shuimo river south of 2003 .
cattle cattle . collapses after being found grave of fire scars, as the territory - - a rarity in Fukang collapses after being found grave of fire scars, as the territory - - a rarity in Fukang .

Medicine King Cave

Tianshan Tianchi scenic spot in Qianshan is located in Shuimogou inlet on the northeast slope, the leading edge of the hills on the alluvial fan, Watermill on the right bank of the river, its geographical coordincate is east longitude 87 58 32 ", 44 05 north latitude 30", is at an altitude of 764. 5 metres from the centre of Fukang, 5. 6 km, the surface is mainly brown soil and sandy soil Medicine king cave has a 260 - year history, according to "History of Fukang Chapter VIII fifty pages of records, found rebuilt during the Qing dynasty, which lasted twenty - two cave enshrines, Medicine King Sun Simiao, the lunar April 28 is" Medicine King Cave" to the largest annual pageant, this day every year,Foreman walks by medical organisations hold fairs, carrying offerings of believers flocked in to celebrate the pilgrims are from inside the tunnel, the smoke - filled, Taoists chant, spectators rave reviews, was to be the largest and most bustling temple fair, during the ten years of idols, temples were destroyed, "Medicine King Cave" in the mud and filling a Medicine king cave has a 260 - year history, according to "History of Fukang Chapter VIII fifty pages of records, found rebuilt during the Qing dynasty, which lasted twenty - two cave enshrines, Medicine King Sun Simiao, the lunar April 28 is" Medicine King Cave" to the largest annual pageant, this day every year,Foreman walks by medical organisations hold fairs, carrying offerings of believers flocked in to celebrate the pilgrims are from inside the tunnel, the smoke - filled, Taoists chant, spectators rave reviews, was to be the largest and most bustling temple fair, during the ten years of idols, temples were destroyed, "Medicine King Cave" in the mud and filling a .
Medicine king cave was Taoist humane historical sites, according to folklore, in the reign of Fukang County, there was a plague that claimed the lives of many people my Aunt Ferula Medicine king cave was Taoist humane historical sites, according to folklore, in the reign of Fukang County, there was a plague that claimed the lives of many people my Aunt Ferula . there is a collection of old, discovered a dark cave, faintly glimpse of an idol, a world called Medicine King Sun Simiao there is a collection of old, discovered a dark cave, faintly glimpse of an idol, a world called Medicine King Sun Simiao .
this word was spread throughout the county, the county magistrate called Medicine king cave restoration, the plague then cleared."The King of Min apparition site just along the mountain's caves, there are vague ruins of murals and height of 3 meters, the depth of 11.8 m, a width of 2 meters, the cave into the forward, backward, left and right two partial hole, depth of about 6 meters, 3 meters, width 2 meters
which which . l897 caves built in Qing Dynasty, during the period of the Republic of China, it is very prosperous, people flocked to a medical or hospital treatment, and then destroyed in l974 l897 caves built in Qing Dynasty, during the period of the Republic of China, it is very prosperous, people flocked to a medical or hospital treatment, and then destroyed in l974 .
in the 1990s, the NGO funding reconstruction, the original cave temples built prior to the cave, and was expanded at many, has become the important cultural attractions of the scenic Shuimogou in the 1990s, the NGO funding reconstruction, the original cave temples built prior to the cave, and was expanded at many, has become the important cultural attractions of the scenic Shuimogou .


Ji Yanjian petroglyphs Tianshan Tianchi Scenic Area is located 18 km southeast of Ji Yanjian ditch upstream near the snowline Ji Yanjian petroglyphs Tianshan Tianchi Scenic Area is located 18 km southeast of Ji Yanjian ditch upstream near the snowline . geographical coordinates: East diameter 88 31 32 "north latitude 43 47 31" is at an altitude of 3,500 meters geographical coordinates: East diameter 88 31 32 "north latitude 43 47 31" is at an altitude of 3,500 meters .
Rock Paintings are distributed in two black tuff on the screen to the south, most of the paintings in the animal heads to the northeast and Rock Paintings are distributed in two black tuff on the screen to the south, most of the paintings in the animal heads to the northeast and . Ji Yanjian petroglyphs in the "Records and Maps of XinJiang" and Xu Xusheng "Westward Journey Diary" records Ji Yanjian petroglyphs in the "Records and Maps of XinJiang" and Xu Xusheng "Westward Journey Diary" records .
1993, Fukang City People's Government shall publish the list of municipal heritage unit 1993, Fukang City People's Government shall publish the list of municipal heritage unit . Tianchi Scenic Area is an important cultural attractions of Tianchi Scenic Area is an important cultural attractions of .
flowers cliff painting, Tianshan Tianchi Scenic Area is located in the flowers the flowers on the hillside to the west of the ditch,the trench length 4. 5 km, a width of about 170 meters, the slope tilt angle is in the 40 's, and geographic location: longitude 88 02. 544, latitude 43 57. 702, altitude 1156 m rock is mainly distributed in the brownish - tan, is incised, shallow characterization, there are hundreds of animal themed rock is mainly distributed in the brownish - tan, is incised, shallow characterization, there are hundreds of animal themed .
pattern, there are goats, camels, dogs, deer and other large pattern, there are goats, camels, dogs, deer and other large . pattern of length 30 cm, 20 cm in height, the smaller is only 3 - 4 cm pattern of length 30 cm, 20 cm in height, the smaller is only 3 - 4 cm .
portrayal of animalistic, powerful, exaggeration, deformation, lifelike portrayal of animalistic, powerful, exaggeration, deformation, lifelike . followed by bow hunting, copulation and so FIG.
2002,Fukang county people's government, municipal heritage unit 2002,Fukang county people's government, municipal heritage unit . wide cliff painting, which is located in Shuimogou petroglyphs Tianshan Tianchi Scenic Spots, Shuimogou Spring Township to the south of Spring Valley, east of the road ditch, on the slopes at the angle of inclination of the slopes 35 wide cliff painting, which is located in Shuimogou petroglyphs Tianshan Tianchi Scenic Spots, Shuimogou Spring Township to the south of Spring Valley, east of the road ditch, on the slopes at the angle of inclination of the slopes 35 .
specific orientation: east longitude 88 01. 262, latitude 43 58. 600, 1109 meters altitude of the petroglyphs is widely distributed, mainly animal, ibex, camel, tiger, wolf, of the petroglyphs is widely distributed, mainly animal, ibex, camel, tiger, wolf, .
etc. In addition, a person hunting, conquests, copulation and so on, adds a chiseled and exaggerated image, vivid is incised, with nearly one hundred more 2002,Fukang county people's government, municipal heritage unit 2002,Fukang county people's government, municipal heritage unit .
Spring cliff painting, Tianshan Tianchi Scenic Spot is located in Shuimogou, the original school Chengguan township pastoral team 800 meters northeast of the Spring Valley on the slopes, the geographic coordinates: East diameter 88 31 32 "north latitude 43 47 31", the altitude is 1300 meters Spring cliff painting, Tianshan Tianchi Scenic Spot is located in Shuimogou, the original school Chengguan township pastoral team 800 meters northeast of the Spring Valley on the slopes, the geographic coordinates: East diameter 88 31 32 "north latitude 43 47 31", the altitude is 1300 meters . stone on the hillside in a larger black and some conglomerate and not large in solitude on the gravel, gravel - oblate stone on the hillside in a larger black and some conglomerate and not large in solitude on the gravel, gravel - oblate .
petroglyphs hewn knocks the largest area of 0.9 m2, a minimum of 0. 3 square meters, a screen to separate the sheep, dog mainly 1999, Changji relics for supplementary investigation documented in 1999, Changji relics for supplementary investigation documented in .


