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The Legal Environment of Business
1 Introduction to Law and Legal Reasoning
2 Business Ethics
3 Courts and Alternative Dispute Resolution
4 Court Procedures
5 Constitutional Authority to Regulate Business
6 Torts and Strict Liability
7 Basic Business Torts
8 Product Liability
9 Intellectual Property and Cyberlaw
10 Criminal Law and Procedures
11 Comparative Law
FOCUS ON ETHICS: Ethics and the Legal Environment
of Business
12 Nature and Terminology
15 Agreement
14 Consideration
15 Capacity
16 GenuinenessofAssent
17 Legality and the Statute of Frauds
18 Third Party Rights
19 Performance and Discharge
20 Breach of Contract and Remedies
Focus ON ETHICS: Contract Law and the Application
of Ethics
Domestic and Intemational Sales and
Lease Contracts
21 The Formation of Sales and Lease Contracts
22 Title, Risk, and Insurable Interest
23 Performance of Sales and Lease Contracts
24 Remedies for Breach of Sales and Lease Contracts
25 Sales and Lease Warranties
FOCUS ON ETHICS: Domestic and International Sales
and Lease Contracts
Negotiable Instmments
26 Basic Concepts, Negotiability, and Transferability
27 Holder in Due Course and Defenses
28 Liability and Discharge
29 Checks and Electronic Fund Transfers
FOCUS ON ETHICS: Negotiable Instruments
Creditors' Rights and Bankruptcy
30 Secured Transactions
31 Other Creditors'Remedies and Suretyship
32 Bankruptcy and Reorganization
FocuS ON ETHICS: Creditors' Rights and
33 Agency Formation and Duties
34 Liability to Third Parties and Termination
Employment and Labor Relations
35 Employment and Labor Law
36 Employment Discrimination
Eocus ON ETHICS: Employment and Labor
Business Organizations
37 Forms of Business Organizations and Private Franchises
38 PARTNERSHIPS-Nature, Formation, and Operation
39 PARTNERSHIPS-Termination.Limited
Partnerships, and Limited Liability
40 CORPORATIONS-Formation and Financing
41 CORPORATIONS-Directors, Officers and Shareholders
42 CORPORATIONS-Merger, Consolidation, and Termination
43 CORPORATIONS-Securities Regulation and Investor Protection
Focus ON ETHICS: Business Organizations
Govemment Regulation
44 Administrative Law
45 Consumer Law
46 Environmental Law
47 Antitrust Law
FOCU'S ON El HICS: Government Regulation
48 Personal Property
49 Bailments
50 Real Property
51 Landlord-Tenant Relationships
Special Topics
52 Insurance
53 Wills, Trusts, and Estates
54 LiabilityofAccountantsandOther Professionals
55 The Intemational Legal Environment
56 Law for Entrepreneurs
FOCUS ON ETHICS: Special Topics
Guide to Personal Law
A How to Brief a Case and Selected Cases
B The Constitution of the United States
C The Unifonn Commercial Code
D The United Nations Convention on Contracts
for the Intemational Sale of Goods
E The Uniform Partnership Act
F The Revised Unifonn Partnership Act
G The Revised Uniform Limited Partnership
H The Revised Model Business Corporation Act
I The Uniform Limited Liability Company Act
J The Securities Act of 1933 (Excerpts)
K The Securities Exchange Act of 1934
L Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
M The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
N The Civil Rights Act of 1991 (Excerpts)
O The Administrative Procedure Act of 1946
P The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade of
1994 (Excerpts)
Q The North American Free Trade Agreement of
1993 (Excerpts)
R Spanish Equivalents for Important Legal Terms
in English
Table of Cases
The Legal Environment of Business
Chapter l Introduction to Law and Legal
What is Law?
The Common Law Tradition
Sources ofAmerican Law
Civil Law versus Criminal Law
How to Find Primary Sources of Law
How to Read and Understand Case Law
Terms and Concepts to Review
Questions and Case Problems
Accessing the Internet
Chapter 2 Business Ethics
What Is Ethics?
The Nature of Business Ethic
Ethical Decision Making
CASE 2. l Valdak Corp. v. Occupcttional Safety and
Health Review Commission
Ethicical Issues in Business
CASE 2.2 Varity Corp. v. Howe
CASE 2.3 Mazda Motor ofAmerica, Inc. v. Rogowski
The Ever-Changing Ethical Landscape
Terms and Concepts to Review
Questions and Case Problems
Accessing the internet
Chapter 3
The Judiciary's Role in American Government
Basic Judicial Requirements
CASE 3.1 A. Vberti and Co. v. Leonardo
CASE 3.2 Friends ofthe Earth, Inc. v. Crown Central
Petroleum Corp.
The State and Feaerai Court Systems
Alternative Dispute Resolution
CASE 3.3 Cilmerv. Interstate/Johnson Lane Corp
Terms and Concepts to Review
Questions and Case Problems
Accessing the Internet
The Basis ofTort Law
Intentional Torts against Persons
Chapter 4 Court Procedures
Procedural Rules
Consulting with an Attorney
Pretrial Procedures
CASE 4.1 Wohl v. Spectrum Manufacturing, Inc
The Trial
CASE 4.2 Ohio v. Lessin
Posttrial Motions
CASE4.3 Powellv Allstate Insurance Co
The Appeal
Enforcing the Judgment
Terms and Concepts to Review
Questions and Case Problems
Accessing the Internet
Chapter 5 Constitutional Authority to
Regulate Business
The Constitutional Powers ofGovernment
CASE 5.1 Oregon Waste Systems, inc. v. Department of
Environmental Quality ofthe State ofOregon
Business and the Bill of Rights
CASE 5.2 Mclntyre v. Ohio Elections Commission
CASE 5.3 Rubin v. Coors Brewing Co.
Other Constitutional Protections
Constitutional Law in Cyberspace
CASE 5.4 Bemsteinv. U.S. Department ofState
Terms and Concepts to Review
Questions and Case Problems
Accessing the Internet
Courts and Altemative Dispute
Chapter 6 Torts and Strict Liability
CASE 6.1 Food Lion, Inc. v. Melton
intentional Torts against Property
CASE 6.2 Bray v. Kate
CASE 6.3 BMW ofNorth America Inc. v. Gore
CASE 6.4 Palsgrafv. Long Island Railroad Co.
Strict Liability
Terms and Concepts to Review
Questions and Case Problems
Accessing the Internet
Chapter 7 Basic Business Torts
Wrongful Interference
CASE 7.1 Wal-Mart Stores, Inc v. American Dmgs, Jnc
CASE 7.2 National Basketball Association v. Mototola
Disparagement of Property
Business Defamation in Cyberspace
CASE 7.3 Tabas v. Tabas
Terms and Concepts to Review
Questions and Case Problems
Chapter 8 Product Liability
Strict Liability
CASE8.I Embs v. Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co oflexington
Kentucky, Inc.
CASE 8.2 Lutz v. National Crane Corp
Defenses to Product Liability
CASE 8.3 Travelers Insurance Co. v. Federal Pacific Electric
Terms and Concepts to Review
Questions and Case Problems
Chapter 9 Intellectual Property and
Trademarks and Related Property
CASE 9.1 The Coca-Cola Co. v. The Koke Co of
CASE 9.2 Pebble Beach Co v. Tour 18 1, Ltd
CASE 9.3 ABKCO Music, Inc. v. Stellar Records, Inc. 148
CASE 9.4 Princeton Vnivemty Press v. Michigan Document
Services, Inc.
Trade Secrets
Cyberlaw: Protecting Intellectual Property in
CASE9.5 Panavision Intemational, L.P. v. Toeppen
International Protection for Intellectual Property
Terms and Concepts to Review
Questions and Case Problems
Accessing the Intemet
Chapter 10 Criminal Law and
Classifications of Crimes
The Essentials of Criminal Liability
Criminal Procedures
CASE 10.1 Miranda v. Anzona
Crimes Affecting Business
Defenses to Criminal Liability
CASE 10.2 Montana v. Egelhoff
CASE 10.3 Katco v. Briney
Terms and Concepts to Review
Questions and Case Problems
Accessing the Internet
Chapter 11 Comparative Law
Doing Business Abroad
Comparative Legal Systems
National Laws Compared
CASE 11.1 Re Product Liability (Case VI ZR 103/89)
CASE11.2Fong Fung-ying and Attomey Ceneral
The European Union
CASE 11.3 Alsatel-Societe Alsacienne et Lorraine de
Telecommunications et d'Electronique v. S.A. Novasam
Expanding Business Opportunities Abroad
Terms and Concepts to Review
Questions and Case Problems
Accessing the Internet
FOCUS ON ETHICS: Ethics and the Legal Environment
of Business
Chapter 12 Nature and Terminology
The Function of Contract Law
Freedom of Contract and Freedom from Contract
The Basic Requirements ofa Contract
The Objective Theory ofContracts
Types of Contracts
CASE 12.1 Servicemaster ofSt. Cloudv. CabBusiness
Services, Jnc.
CASE 12.2 Industrial Lift Truck Service Corp. v. Mitsubishi
Intemational Corp.
Interpretation of Contracts
CASE 12.3 Jones, Waldo, Holbmok & McDonough v
Terms and Concepts to Review
Questions and Case Problems
Accessing the Internet
Chapter 13 Agreement
Requirements of the Offer
CASE 13.1 Lefkowitz v. Great Mmneapolis Surplns Store
CASE 13.2 Ruudv. Great Plains Suppty, Inc
Termination of the Offer
Contract Formation in the Electronic Age
CASE 13.3 Clow Water Systems Co., Dmsion ofMcWane,
Inc. v. National Labor Relatwns Board
Terms and Concepts to Review
Questions and Case Problems
Accessing the Intemet
Chapter l4 Consideration
Legal Sufficiency of Consideration
CASE 14.l Hamerv. Sidway
Adequacy ofConsideration
Contracts that Lack Consideration
Problem Areas Conceming Consideration
CASE l4.2 E. S. Herrick Co. v. Maine Wild Blueberry
CASE 14.3 Bennett v. Shmoda Floral. Inc.
CASE l4.4 Percy J. Mdtheme Contractor, Inc. v. Crinnell
Fire Protection Systems Co.
Tenns and Concepts to Review
Questions and Case Problems
Accessing the Intemet
Chapter 15 Capacity
CASE 15.1 Dodson v. Shrader
CASE 15.2 Haydocy Pontiac, Inc. v. Lee
Intoxicated Persons
CASE 15.4A Lucyv. Zehmer
Mentally Incompetent Persons
Tenns and Concepts to Review
Questions and Case Problems
Accessing the Intemet
Chapter l6 Genuineness ofAssent
CASE l6.l Rafflesv. Wichelhaus
CASE 16.2 Wilkinv. istSourceBank
Fraudulent Misrepresentation
CASE 16.3 Vokes v. Arthw Murray, inc.
CASE l6.4 Clement-Rowe v. Michigfin Health Care
Nonfraudulent Misrepresentation
Adhesion Contracts and Unconscionability
Terms and Concepts to Review
Questions and Case Problems .
Chapter l7 Legality and the Statute of
CASE 17.1 Metropolitan Creditors Service ofSacramento v
CASE 17.2 Benjamm v. Koeppel
CASE l7.3 Superior Consulting Corp v. Walling .
The Parol Evidence Rule
ASE HA Stanfieldv. Cmve
erms and Concepts to Review
luestions and Case Problems
Accessing the [ntemet
Chapter 18 Third Party Rights
Assignments and Delegations
CASE 18.l Reynolds and Reynolds Co. v. Hardee
Third Party Beneficiaries
CASE 18.2 Holsapplev. McGrath
CASE 18.3 Caswell v. Zoya Intemationcil, Inc
Terms and Concepts to Review
Questions and Case Problems
Chapter l9 Perfonnance and
CASE 19.1 Cal Wadsworth Construction v. City of
St. Ceorge
Discharge by Perfbnnance
CASE l9.2 Jacobs & Young, Inc v. Kent
Oischarge by Agreement
CASE l9.3 Ellenbogfln & Coldstein, P.C v. Brandes
Discharge by Operation ofLaw
CASE l9.4 Syrovy v. Alpine Resources, inc
Tenns and Concepts to Review
Questions and Case Problems
Chapter 20
Breach of Contract and
CASE20.l Hadley v. Bcwendale
CASE 20.2 Parkerv. Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corp
CASE 20.3 AFLAC, Jnc, v. Wiffiams
Rescission and Restitution
CASE 20.4 Racicky v. Simon
Specific Performance
Recovery Based on Quasi Contract
Election of Remedies
Waiver of Breach
Contract Provisions Limiting Remedies
Tenns and Concepts to Review
Questions and Case Problems
Accessing the intemet
FOCUS ON ETHlCS: Contract Lav and the Application
of Ethics
Domestic and Intemational Sales and
Lease Contracts
Chapter 21 The Fonnation of Sales and
Lease Contracts
The Unifonn Commercial Code
The Scope ofArticle 2-The Sale ofGoods
CASE 21.1 Bryant v. Tri-County Electric Membership
The Scope ofArticle 2A--Leases
The Fonnation of Sales and Lease Contracts
CASE 21.2 Wilson Fertilizer & Crain, Inc. v. ADM Milling
Co. 351
CASE21.3 Heggblade-Marguleas-Tenneco, Inc v. Sunshine
Biswit, Inc.
CASE 21.4 Jones v. Star Credit Corp.
Contracts for the Intemational Sale ofGoods
Tenns and Concepts to Review
Questions and Case Problems
Accessing the Intemet
Chapter 22 Title, Risk, and Insurable
When Title Passes
CASE22.1 Synergistic Technologies, Inc v.IDBMobile
Commumcatiom, Inc
CASE 22.2 Lane v. Honeycutt
CASE22.3 InreThomas
CASE 22.4 Houghton Wood Products, Inc v. Badger Wood
Products, Inc.
Insurable Interest
Bulk Transfers
Tenns and Concepts to Review
Questions and Case Problems
Accessing the Intemet
Chapter 23 Performance of Sales and
Lease Contracts
The Good Faith Requirement
Obligations ofthe Seller or Lessor
CASE 23.1 Maple Fanns, Inc. v. City School District of
Obligations of the Buyer or Lessee
CASE 23.2 Industria de Calcados Martini Ltda v. Maxwell
Shoe Co.
Anticipatory Repudiation
CASE 23.3 Neptune Research & Development, Inc
Teknics Industrial Systems, fnc.
Dealing with Intemational Contracts-The Letter of
Terms and Concepts to Review
Questions and Case Problems
Accessing the Internet
Chapter 24 Remedies for Breach of Sales
and Lease Contracts
Remedies ofthe Seller or Lessor
CASE 24.1 Royal Jones & Associates, Inc v. First Thermal
Systems, Inc.
Remedies ofthe Buyer or Lessee
CASE 24.2 KGM Harvesting Co. v. Fresh Network
CASE 24.3 McCalif Crower Supplies, Inc. v. Reed
Contractual Provisions Affecting Remedies
CASE 24.4 Transport Corp. ofAmerica, Inc. v. Intemational
Business Machines Corp.
Lemon Laws
Remedies for Breach of Intemational Sales Contracts
Tenns and Concepts to Review
Questions and Case Problems
Chapter 25 ales and Lease
Express Warranties
CASE 25.1 Ham's v. Ford Motor Co.
CASE 25.2 Martin Rispens & Som v. Hall Fanns, Inc
Implied Wairanties
CASE 25.3 Keaton v. A.B.C. Dmg Co.
CASE 25.4 Webster v. Blue Ship Tea Room, Inc
Overlapping Warranties
Warranties and Third Parties
Warranty Disclaimers
Statute of Limitations
Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act
Warranties under the CISG
Terms and Concepb to Review
Questions and Case Problems
VOCVS ON ElHICS: Domestic and International Sales
and Lease Contracts
Negotiable Instruments
Chapter 26 Basic Concepts, Negotiability
and Transferability
Article 3 and Its Revision
The Punction of Instruments
Types of Negotiable Instruments
Requirements for Negotiability
CASE 26.1 Federal Deposit inswance Corp. v. F.S.S.S
CASE 26.2 Northem Bank v. Peffewni Pizza Co.
Factors Not Affecting Negotiability
Transfer by Assignment or Negotiation
Miscellaneous Indorsement Problems
CASE 26.3 General Motors Accefitance Corp v Abington
Casualty Insurance Co.
Terms and Concepts to Review
Questions and Case Problems
Accessing the Intemet
Chapter 27 l Holder in Due Course and
Holder versus Holder in Due Course
Requirements for HDC Status
CASE 27.1 Adamar ofNew Jersey, Inc v. Chase Lincoln
First Bank, NA
Holder through an HDC
CASE 27.2 Federal Deposit insurance Corp. v. Culver
CASE 27.3 Kedzie and 103rd Street Cunency Exchcinge, Inc
v. Hodge
Federal Limitations on HDC Rights
Terms and Concepts to Review
Questions and Case Problems
Accessing the Intemet
Chapter 28 Liability and Discharge
Signature Liability
CASE 28.1 Quality Wash Croup V, Ltd v. Shawkat
CASE 28.2 Dominion Bank. NA v. Household Bank
CASE 28.3 Coldon Years Nursing Home (No. 2), Inc. v
Warranty Liability
CASE 28.4 Cardnerv. McClusky
Terms and Concepts to Review
Questions and Case Problems
Chapter 29 Checks and Electronic Fund
CASE 29.1 First Raifroad Community Fedeml Credit Vnion
v. Columbia County Bank
The Bank-Customer Relationship
Honoring Checks
CASE 29.2 Kendall Yacht Corp v. Vnited Califomia
CASE 29.3 First American Bank and Trust v. Rishoi
CASE 29.4 Atlantic Mutual insumnce Co. v. The Prmident
Accepting Deposits
Electronic Fund Transfers
Terms and Concepts to Review
Questions and Case Problems
Accessing the Internet
FOCUS ON ETHlCS: Negotiable Instruments
Creditors' Rights and Bankruptcy
Chapter 30 Secured Transactions
The Terminology of Secured Transactions
Creating Security interests
CASE 30.l InreZiluck
Purchase-Money Security Interest
Perfecting a Security Interest
The Scope of a Security Interest
Resolving Priority Disputes
CASE 30.2 Big Knob Volunteer Fire Co v. Lowe & Moyer
Garage, inc.
Other Rights and Duties under Article 9
CASE 30.3 Chrysler Credit Corp. v. Koontz
CASE 30.4 Firef Westside Bank v. For-Med, inc.
Terms and Concepb to Review
Questions and Case Problems
Accessing the Intemet
Chapter 3 l Other Creditors' Remedies
and Suretyship
Laws Assissting Creditors
CASE 31.1 Herpel, Inc. v. Straub CapitalCorp.
CASE 31.2 ChryslerCredit Corp. v. Keeling
CASE 31. 3 United States v. Smith
Suretyship and Guaranty
CASE31.4 General Motors Acceptame Corp v.Daniels
Protection for Debtors
Terms and Concepts to Review
Questions and Case Problems
Accessing the Internet
Chapter 32 Bankruptcy and
Types of Bankruptcy Relief
Liquidation Proceedings
CASE32.1 MatterofBlair
CASE 32.2 In reAndrews
CASE 32.3 In re Baker
CASE 32.4 In re Johns-Manville Corp.
Additional Forms of Bankruptcy Relief
Terms and Concepts to Review
Questions and Case Problems
Accessing the Internet
EOCUS ON El'HICS: Creditors' Rights and
Chapter 33 Agency Formation
and Duties
Agency Relationships
CASE 33. 1 Scott v. Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance
Formation ofthe Agency Relationship
CASE 33.2 Williams v. Invemess Corp.
Duties ofAgents and Principals
Remedies and Rights ofAgents and Principals
CASE 33.3 Ramsey v. Cordon
Terms and Concepts to Review
Questions and Case Problems
Chapter 34 Liability to Third Parties and
Scope ofAgent's Authority
CASE 34.1 Gravens v. Auto-Owners Inswance Co.
CASE 34.2 Cargill, Inc. v. Mountain Cement Co.
Liabilty for Contracts
CASE 34.3 Fairchild Publications Division ofCapital Cities
Media, Inc. v. Rosston, Kremer & Slawter, Inc.
Liability for Agent's Torts
CASE 34.4 Joel v. Morison
Liability for Independent Contractor's Tort
CASE 34.5 MBank ofEl Paso v. Sanchez
Liability for Agent's Crimes
Liability for Subagent's Acts
Terrnination of an Agency
Terms and Concepts to Review
Questions and Case Problems
Accessing the Internet
Employment and Labor Relations
Chapter 3 5 Employment and Labor
Wage-Hour Laws
Labor Unions
CASE 35.1 National Labor Relations Board v. Town &
Country Electric, Inc.
Worker Health and Safety
Income Security
Family and Medical Leave
Employee Privacy Rights
CASE 35.2 Smyth v. Pillsbury Co.
Employment-Related Immigration Law
Wrongful Discharge
CASE 35.3 Scott v. Pacific Gas and Electric Co.
CASE 35.4 Gardnerv. Loomis Annored, Inc.
Statutory Protection for Whistleblowers
Terms and Concepts to Review
Qiiestions and Case Problems
Accessing the Internet
Chapter 36 Employment
Title VII ofthe Civil Rights Act of 1964
CASE 36.1 Fickling v. New York State Department ofdvil
CASE 36.2 Fullerv. City of Oakland, Califomia
Equal PayAct of 1963
Discrimination Based on Age
CASE 36.3 Rhodes v. Guiberson Oil Tools
Discrimination Based on Disability
CASE 36.4 Mauro v. Borgess Medical Center
Defenses to Employment Discrimination
Affirmative Action
CASE 36.5 Taxman v. Board ofEducation ofthe Township
of Piscataway
State Antidiscriminatien Laws
Terms and Concepts to Review
Questions and Case Problems
FOCUS ON ETHICS: Employment and Labor
Business Organizations
Chapter 37 Forms of Business
Organizations and Private Franchises
Sole Proprietorships
Limited Partnership
Limited Liability Compames
Limited Liability Partnerships
Major Business Forms Compared
Other Organizational Forms
CASE 37.1 Fentress v. Triple Mining, Inc
Private Franchises
CASE 37.2 Vylene Enterprises, Inc. v. Naugles, Inc.
CASE 37.3 Bennett Enterprises, Inc. v. Domino's Pizza
Terms and Concepts to Review
Questions and Case Problems
Accessing the Internet
Chapter 38 PARTNERSHlPS-Nature
Formation, and Operation
Definition of Partnership
The Nature of Partnerships
Partnership Formation
CASE 38.1 Atlas Tack Corp. . DiMasi
Partnership Operation
CASE 38.2 Lawson v. Rogers
CASE 38.3 Starrv. Fordham
CASE 38.4 Citizens Bank of Massachusettes v. Parham-
Woodman Medical Associates
Terms and Concepts to Review
Questions and Case Problems
Chapter 39 PARTNERSHlPS-
Termination, Limited Partnerships, and
Limited Liability Partnerships
Partnership Termination
CASE 39. l Felton Investment Croup v. Taurman
CASE 39.2 Schrempp and Salemo v. Cross
Limited Partnerships
CASE 39.3 Dmcker v. Mige Associates ll
Limited Liability Partnerships
Limited Liability Limited Partnerships
Terms and Concepts to Review
Questions and Case Problems
Formation and Financing
The Nature of the Corporation
CASE 40.1 Charles A. Torrence Co. v. Clary
Corporate Powers
CASE 40.2 Oakley v. Longview Owners, Inc
Classification of Corporations
Corporate Formation
Improper Incorporation
Disregarding the Corporate Entity
CASE 40.3 J-Mart Jewelry Outlets, Inc . Standard
Corporate Financing
Terms and Concepts to Review
Questions and Case Problems
Accessing the Internet
Chapter 4 l CORPORATlONS -
Directors, Officers, and Shareholders
Role of Directors
Rolc ofCorporate Officer and Executive
Duties of Directors and Officers
CASE 4.1 Veco Corp. v. Babcock
Liability of Directors and Officers
The Role of Shareholders
Rights of Shareholders
CASE4l.2 Shaw v. Agri-Mark, inc
CASE 41. 3 Black v. Craham
Liability of Shareholders
Duties of Majority Shareholders
Terms and Concepts to Review
Questions and Case Problems
Chapter42 CORPORATlONS-Merger
Consolidation, and Temnination
Merger and Consolidation
CASE 42. l Chokel v. First National Supermarkets, fnc
Purchase ofAssets
CASE 42.2 Sedbrook v. Zimmerman Design Crovp, Ltd
Purchase of Stock
CASE42.3 Balvik v. Sylvester
Terms and Concepts to Review
Questions and Case Problems
Securities Regulation and Investor
The Securities and Exchange Commission
TheSecuritiesAct of 1933
The Securities Exchange Act of 1934
CASE43.l Diamond v. Oreamuno
CASE43.2 SEC v. Texas GulfSulphw Co
CASE 43.3 Vnited States v. O'Hagan
CASE 43.4 Tristar Corp. v. Freitas
Regulation of Investment Companies
State Securities Laws
Technology and Securities Law
Terms and Concepts to Review
Questions and Case Problems
Accessing the Internet
FOCUS ON ETHlcs: Bnsincs. Organization.
Govemment Regulation
Chapter 44 Administrative Law
Agency Creation and Powers
Administrative Process
CASE 44. l American Dental Association v. Martin
CASE 44.2 Federal Deposit Onsurance Corfi. v Wentz
CASF. 44.3 Buck Creek Coal, Inc. v. Federal Mine Safety
and Health Administration
Limitations on Agency Powers
CASE 44,4 Sierru Club v. Thomas
Public Accountability
State Administrative Agencies
Terms and Concepts to Review
Questions and Case Problems
Accessing the Internet
Chapter 45 Consumer Law
Deceptive Advertising
CASE 45.1 Federal Trade Commission v. Pantron I
Labeling and Packaging Laws
Credit Protection
CASE 45.2 Purtle v. Eldndge Auto Sales, inc.
CASE 45.3 Federal Deposit insurance Corp. v. Medmark
Inc. 816
CASE 45.4 Guimond v. Trans Union Credit Information
Co. 818
CASE 45.5 Heintz v. jenkins
Consumer Health and Safety
State Consumer Protection Laws
Terms and Concepts to Review
Questions and Case Problems
Accessing the Internet
Chapter 46 Environmental Law
Common Law Actions
CASE 46.1 Maddocks v. Ciles
Federal Regulation
Air Pollution
Water Pollution
CASE 46.2 Hoffman Homes, Inc. v. Administrato , United
States Envimnmental Protection Agency
Noise Pollution
Toxic Chemicals
CASE 46.3 B. F. Coodrich Co v. Betkoski
State and Local Regulation
Terms and Concepts to Review
Questions and Case Problems
Accessing the internet
Chapter 47 Antitrust Law
The Sherman Antitrust Act
Section l ofthe Sherman Act
CASE 47.1 Contmental T.V., Inc. v. CTE Sylvania, in
CASE 47.2 Khan v. State Oil Co.
Section 2 ofthe Sherman Act
The Clayton Act
CASE 47.3 Datagate, Inc. v. Hewlett-Packard Co
The P'ederal Trade Commission Act
Enforcement ofAntitrust Laws
Exemptions from Antitrust Laws
Terms and Concepts to Review
Questions and Case Problems
Accessing the Internet
FOCUOSETHlCS: Go emment Regulatioi
Chapter 48 Personal Property
Personal Property and Real Property
CASE 48. l New England Telephone and Telegraph Co
City ofFranklin
Property Ownership
Acquiring Ownership of Personal Property
CASE 48.2 In re Estate ofPiper
CASE48.3 Smartv.Woo
Mislaid, Lost, or Abandoned Property
C.ASE 48.4 United States v. Shivers
Terms and Concepts to Review
Questions and Case Problems
Chapter 49 Bailments
Elements ofa Bailment
C.ASE 49. l Liddle v. Salem School District No. 600
CASE 49.2 fack Boles Services, Inc. v. Stavely
Ordinary Bailments
Rights and Duties of the Bailee
CASE 49.3 Brockwell v. Lake Caston Sales and Service
Rights and Duties ofthe Bailor
Termination of Bailments
Special Features of Specific Bailments
CASE 49.4 Missouri Pacific Railway Co. v. Elmore &
Terms and Concepts to Review
Questions and Case Problems
Chapter 50 Real Property
The Nature of Real Property
Ownership Interests in Real Property
Transfer of Ownership
CASE 50.1 Smith v. Levine
CASE 50.2 Klos v. Molenda
Limitations on the Rights of Property Owners
CASE, 50.3 Del Monte Dunes at Monterer, Ltd. v. City of
Terms and Concepts to Review
Questions and Case Problems
Accessing the Internet
Chapter 5 l Landlord-Tenant
Creation of the Landlord-Tenant Relationship
CASE 5 l. l Osbom v. Kellogg
Parties' Rights and Duties
CASE 51.2 Weingftrden v. Eagle Ridge Condommiums
Liability for Injuries on the Premises
CASE 51. 3 Johnson County Sheriffs Posse, Inc v
Transferring Rights to Leased Property
Termination or Renewal ofthe Lease
Terms and Concepts to Review
Questions and Case Problems
FOCUS OS E.THlCS: Property
Special Topics
Chapter 52 Insurance
Insurance Terminology and Concepts
CASE 52.1 Motorists Mutual Insurance Co v
The insurance Contract
CASE 52.2 Life Inswance Co of North America v
CASE 52.3 Clybum v. Allstate Insurance Co.
CASE 52.4 Paul Revere Life Inswance Co. v. Fima
Types of Insurance
Terms and Concepts to Review
Questions and Case Problems
Chapter 53 Wills, Trusts, and Estates
Wills 948
CASE 53.1 Estate ofCancik
CASE 53.2 Bolan v. Bolan
Intestacy Laws
CASE 53.3 Zeiglerv. Cardona
Estate Administration
CASE 53.4 Hallv. Schoenwette


