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又稱大孢子葉球.裸子植物的雌花序,著生在當年春季新生長枝的頂端,一至兩個.由多數鱗片(大孢子葉、也可稱心皮或珠鱗)組成,密集螺鏇狀排列在雌花軸上,並形成長圓形或球形的“果”。雌球花在每片珠鱗的近軸面基部,生有1個至多個裸露的胚珠(大孢子囊),珠鱗並不包裹胚珠.而在每片珠鱗的下面,還生長出一種膜片稱苞片或苞鱗.珠鱗在種子形成時,迅速肥大並木質化,掩蓋了苞鱗,呈棕色特稱為果鱗(宿存或脫落),珠鱗與苞鱗有的是分離的、有的半分離、有的則完全癒合.珠鱗肥大時,頂端加厚形成特殊的突起,在鑑別種類上有重要意義.當花粉飄落在雌球花上,半年後花粉管由珠孔進入胚珠,受精後胚珠形成種子.種子由胚乳、胚和種皮構成,具翅.成熟後球果下垂,稱雌球果.GOOGLE英文翻譯:Also known as the Great strobilus. Gymnosperms, the female inflorescence, with students in the spring of that year the new growth of branches on top of one or two. By a majority of scales (large spores leaves, skin or beads can also be gratified scales), with a dense spiral female flowers arranged in the shaft, and form a long round or spherical, "fruit." Female cone scales beads per unit spent nearly axial base, gave birth to one to more than one Exposed ovule (large sporangium), Pearl scales are not wrapped ovules. Each bead in the following scales, but also grow out of a diaphragm called bracts or bud scales. beads scales in the seed formation, rapid enlargement and lignification to cover up the bud scales, scales brown special fruit known as the (residential deposit or loss), plenty of beads scales and bud scales of separation Some semi-separation, while others completely healed. beads scales mast, the top of the formation of a special thickening processes, in identifying the types of great significance. When the pollen falling ball in the female to spend half a year after the pollen tube entering from the micropylar ovules, ovules will become seeds after fertilization. seeds from the endosperm, embryo and seed coat composition, winged. mature cones hang down, saying that the female cone.


