
肖書奇,博士,副教授,碩士生導師。2010年6月於中山大學生物技術專業獲博士學位,2007年7月于吉林大學畜牧獸醫學院獲碩士學位,2003年7月於河南科技學院動物科學學院獲學士學位。2010年7月至2012年6月在中山大學生命科學學院有害生物控制與資源利用國家重點實驗室進行博士後研究。2012年6月到西北農林科技大學動物醫學院從事獸醫免疫學和獸醫微生物學的教學科研工作,主要研究方向為動物分子病毒學與免疫學。2014年9月通過國家公派訪問學者項目赴英國University of Cambridge留學12個月,主要開展病毒的分子致病機制及病毒與宿主細胞的相互作用研究。目前主持包括國家自然科學基金面上項目和青年科學基金項目在內的項目8項,主要參與三項。發表論文40餘篇,其中Antiviral Research、PLoS One、BMC Genomics、Virology Journal等SCI論文近30篇,多篇論文獲中國畜牧獸醫學會、中國農業生物技術學會等“優秀論文獎”。



1. 病毒致病與免疫的分子機理

2. 病毒與宿主細胞的相互作用

3. 新型疫苗與抗病毒製劑開發


1.Shuqi Xiao, Angke Zhang, Chong Zhang, Huaibo Ni,Jiming Gao, Chengbao Wang, Qin Zhao, Xiangpeng Wang, Xue Wang, Chao Ma, Hongliang Liu, Na Li, Yang Mu, Yani Sun, Gaiping Zhang, Julian A. Hiscox, Walter H. Hsu, En-Min Zhou*. Heme oxygenase-1 acts as an anti-viral factor forporcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus infection and over-expression inhibits virus replication in vitro. Antiviral Research, 2014,110:60-69. (IF: 3.43)

2.Liangliang Wang1, Shuqi Xiao1, Jintao Gao, Meirui Liu, Xiaoyu Zhang, Ming Li, Guangyin Zhao, Delin Mo, Xiaohong Liu, Yaosheng Chen. Inhibition of replication of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus by hemin is highly dependent on heme oxygenase-1, but independent of iron in MARC-145 cells. Antiviral research,2014, 105(5):39-46. (1Liangliang Wang and Shuqi Xiaohave contributed equally to this work)(IF: 3.43)

3.Shuqi Xiao, Yaosheng Chen, Liangliang Wang, Jintao Gao, Delin Mo, Zuyong He, Xiaohong Liu. Simultaneous detection and differentiation of highly virulent and classical Chinese-type isolation of PRRSV by real-time RT-PCR. Journal of Immunology Research, Volume 2014 (2014), Article ID 809656, 7 pages (http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/809656 )(IF: 2.93).

4.Jintao Gao1, Shuqi Xiao1, Xiaohong Liu, Liangliang Wang, Xiaoyu Zhang, Qianqian Ji, Yue Wang, Delin Mo, Yaosheng Chen. Inhibition of HSP90 attenuates porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus production in vitro. Virology Journal, 2014,11(1):17. (1Jintao Gao and Shuqi Xiaohave contributed equally to this work)(IF: 2.09)

5.Peiqing Cong1, Shuqi Xiao1, Yaosheng Chen, Liangliang Wang, Jintao Gao, Ming Li, Zuyong He, Yunxue Guo, Guangyin Zhao, Xiaoyu Zhang, Luxi Chen, Delin Mo, Xiaohong Liu. Integrated miRNA and mRNA transcriptomes of porcine alveolar macrophages (PAM cells) identifies strain-specific miRNA molecular signatures associated with H-PRRSV and N-PRRSV infection. Molecular Biology Reports, 2014, DOI 10.1007/s11033-014-3460-7.(1Peiqing Cong and Shuqi Xiao have contributed equally to this work)(IF: 1.96)

6.Shuqi Xiao, Qiwei Wang, Jintao Gao, Liangliang Wang, Zuyong He, Delin Mo, Xiaohong Liu, Yaosheng Chen. Inhibition of highly pathogenic PRRSV replication in MARC-145 cells by artificial microRNAs. Virology Journal, 2011, 8(1):491. (IF: 2.55)

7.Shuqi Xiao, Jianyu Jia, Delin Mo, Qiwei Wang, Limei Qin, Zuyong He, Xiao Zhao, Yuankai Huang, Anning Li, Jingwei Yu, Yuna Niu, Xiaohong Liu, Yaosheng Chen. Understanding PRRSV infection in porcine lung based on genome-wide transcriptome response identified by deep sequencing. PLoS ONE, 2010, 5(6): e11377. (IF: 4.41)

8.Shuqi Xiao, Delin Mo, Qiwei Wang, Jianyu Jia, Limei Qin, Xiangchun Yu, Yuna Niu, Xiao Zhao, Xiaohong Liu,Yaosheng Chen. Aberrant immune response in infection of pigs with the highly virulent PRRSV (H-PRRSV) identified by high-throughput digital gene expression tag profiling. BMC Genomics, 2010,11(1):544. (IF: 4.21)

9.Shuqi Xiao, Qiwei Wang, Jianyu Jia, Peiqing Cong, Delin Mo, Xiangchun Yu, Limei Qin, Anning Li, Yuna Niu, Kongju Zhu, Xiaoying Wang, Xiaohong Liu, Yaosheng Chen. Proteome changes of lungs artificially infected with H-PRRSV and N-PRRSV by Two-dimensional fluorescence difference gel electrophoresis. Virology Journal, 2010, 7(1):107. (IF: 2.55)

10. Shuqi Xiao, Shuang Li, Jiabao Zhang, Shumin Zhang, Lisheng Dai, Yonghua Bao, Ning Jiang, Yan Gao, Zhongli Zhao, Delin Mo, Yaosheng, Chen, Zhihui Zhao. Cloning and characterization of class 1 and class 2 insulin-like growth factor-I mRNA in Songliao black pig. Molecular Biology Reports, 2009, 36(2):415-21. (IF: 2.04)


1. 國家自然科學基金-面上項目:血紅素加氧酶1抑制豬繁殖與呼吸綜合徵病毒複製的分子機制,31472173,83萬,2015.01-2018.12. (主持)

2. 國家自然科學基金-青年科學基金項目:豬ncRNA在PRRSV強弱毒株感染中的差異調控作用及遺傳多態性與PRRS易感相關性研究,31101690,23萬,2012.01-2014.12. (主持)

3. 中國博士後科學基金:豬DDAH基因的表達調控及遺傳多態性與PRRS易感性的關聯研究,20100480823,3萬,2011.01-2012.12. (主持)

4. 陝西省自然科學基礎研究計畫項目:血紅素加氧酶1抗豬藍耳病病毒感染的分子生物學基礎,2014JQ3088,3萬,2014.01-2015.12. (主持)

5. 廣東省自然科學基金:豬HMOX基因對PRRS抗病性影響的遺傳基礎研究,S2011040001671,3萬,2011.10-2013.10.(主持)

6. 有害生物控制與資源利用國家重點實驗室開放課題:豬肺泡巨噬細胞編碼的miRNAs對藍耳病病毒感染的調控作用及分子機制,SKLBC12K13,5萬,2012.10-2014.10. (主持)

7. 西北農林科技大學引進人才科研啟動項目:表觀遺傳學調控在PRRSV感染中的作用,Z111021201,30萬,2012.9-2015.9.(主持)

8. 西北農林科技大學基本科研業務費科技創新專項:血紅素加氧酶1抗PRRSV感染及分子機制,QN2013028,10萬,2013.01-2015.12. (主持)

9. 國家自然科學基金-重點項目:非肌肉肌球蛋白重鏈II-A介導豬繁殖與呼吸綜合徵病毒感染的分子機制,31430084,335萬,2015.01-2019.12. (參與)

10.農業部農業轉基因生物安全管理項目:抗藍耳病轉基因豬的生物安全性評價,40萬,2014.1-2014.12 .(主要參與人)

11.農業部農業轉基因生物安全管理項目:轉NMHC II-A人工miRNA豬的安全評價,40萬,2013.1-2013.12 . (主要參與人)


1. 肖書奇,王奇偉,賈建宇,趙曉,劉小紅,陳瑤生. ‘“Aberrant immune response in infection of pigs with the highly virulent PRRSV (H-PRRSV) identified by high-throughput Solexa sequencing.”獲中國農業生物技術學會第五次全國動物生物技術學術研討會(2010年)“優秀牆報獎”;

2. 肖書奇,劉小紅,莫德林,王奇偉,賈建宇,陳瑤生.“Comparative proteomics analysis of lungs artificially infected with H-PRRSV and N-PRRSV by Two-dimensional fluorescence difference gel electrophoresis.”獲中國畜牧獸醫學會第四屆中國畜牧科技論壇(2009年)“優秀論文獎”;

3. 肖書奇.“Understanding PRRSV infection in porcine lung based on genome-wide transcriptome response identified by deep sequencing”獲中山大學有害生物控制與資源利用國家重點實驗室2009年度“優秀研究生一等獎”;

4. 肖書奇,張嘉保,張樹敏,趙志輝,劉保國,李爽,戴立勝,趙中利,李毅,高妍. “豬IGF-I mRNA實時螢光定量PCR定量標準的構建”獲中國農業生物技術學會第二屆動物生物技術學術研討會2006年度“優秀論文一等獎”;

5. 劉殿峰,肖書奇,高妍,李毅,張嘉保.“蚓激酶基因在牛乳腺中的表達”獲中國畜牧獸醫學會動物繁殖學分會第十三屆學術研討會(2006年)“優秀論文獎”;

6. 肖書奇,李爽,張樹敏,趙志輝,高妍,趙中利,張嘉保.“Cloning and characterization of the pig class 1 and class 2 insulin-like growth factor-I mRNAs”獲吉林大學實驗動物中心2006年學術年會“二等獎”;

7. 張嘉保,張樹敏,高妍,袁寶,肖書奇,李毅,趙中利,陳玉江,王文東,曹陽,金鑫,李娜. “吉林地方豬種繁殖、生長與肉質性狀基因標記的研究”2008年被吉林省科技廳確認為“吉林省科學技術成果”,證書號碼:2008034-05。




