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紐菲爾德介紹 NFE Introduction

New Field International Education Group (hereinafter referred to as NFE) was founded in New Zealand in 2002. NFE devotes to provide excellent professional services to people who tend to study overseas, work or invest. After a decade of efforts, NFE has set up more than a dozen branch offices on four continents in the world, providing professional and reliable overseas higher education, overseas services and immigration investment consulting services. Among them, the branches in Australia、New Zealand and Canada enjoy a good reputation.
"China Rooted, Global Impact." Since entering Chinese market, starting from the headquarter in HangZhou, ZheJiang Province, NFE has set up branch offices in other provinces, such as ZheJiang (Yuyao、Zhoushan)、Shandong、 Hunan and so on. Relying on the great advantages of cooperation with mainstream global immigrations、embassies、trade associations、professional organizations and overseas institutions of higher learning as well as China local network which is built up by hundreds professional experts, NFE provides professional services for Chinese students and parents in foreign language training、study abroad consulting、overseas services、international exchanges and many other areas.

紐菲爾德大事記 Memorabilia

2000年7月 紐菲爾德留學生服務在中國浙江寧波和紐西蘭奧克蘭正式啟動
July 2000 NFE International Services Center has been set up in Ningbo city (China) and Auckland city (New Zealand).
2002年5月 紐菲爾德國際教育(紐西蘭)發展有限公司正式成立
May 2002 NFE has been set up in New Zealand
2004年6月 設立中國分部,在浙江杭州成立紐菲爾德教育諮詢有限公司
June 2004 NFE Branch has been set up in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China
2007年8月 與浙江省對外服務公司合作,成立紐菲爾德――外服留學中心澳新部
August 2007 Cooperation with Zhejiang foreign service companies, founding NFE-Australia and New Zealand International Student Center
2008年7月 開設澳大利亞悉尼公司並成為全球總部,標誌紐菲爾德國際教育集團正式成立
July 2008 NFE has been set up in Sydney Australia, which marked the company was formally established and became the global headquarters.
2009年8月 浙江紐菲爾德教育科技有限公司成立,同時設立中國區運營總部,標誌紐菲爾德全面進入中國市場
August 2009 NFE has been set up in Zhejiang, at the same time, China’s operational headquarters has been set up, which is an ideal launching pad for breaking into Chinese market.
2010年4月 紐菲爾德國際教育集團杭州培訓學校盛大開業,獨創小班化VIP教學模式,開創中國外語培訓新潮流
April 2010 NFE training school has been set up in Hangzhou, it put forward the teaching mode of VIP Mini-class, and starts a new trend of foreign language training
2010年5月 紐菲爾德國際教育集團加拿大分公司成立,標誌著紐菲爾德正式進入北美市場
May 2010 NFE Branch has been set up in Canada, which is as an ideal launching pad for breaking into the North American market.
2010年6月 紐菲爾德教育集團餘姚培訓學校正式成立
June 2010 NFE training school has been set up in Yuyao
2010年9月 英語沙龍教師項目啟動,致力於為中國優質高中引進高質素外教人才
September 2010 English Salon Teacher Project started, aiming at attracting talents for Chinese high school education.
2010年9月 紐菲爾德中國山東公司在山東成立
September 2010 NFE Branch has been set up in Shandong, China
2011年3月 紐菲爾德國際教育長沙辦事處成立
March 2011 NFE Branch has been set up in Changsha
2012年3月 紐菲爾德舟山分公司正式成立
March 2012 NFE Branch has been set up in Zhoushan
2012年5月 紐菲爾德教育集團成立10周年*紐西蘭最大周末假面舞會
May 2012 Anniversary of NFE* The biggest weekend Masque Ball in New Zealand

紐菲爾德管理理念 NFE Management Concept

NFE staff is willing to follow company guidelines and maintain confidentiality, honesty, and integrity in all tasks dealings. The goal is to become a one-stop overseas service center and provide the best overseas service. The core of NFE's culture is: Professional, Morality, Innovation, Honesty, Health and Nobility.

紐菲爾德人才理念 NFE Talent Concept

人人是人才,公司關注每一個員工的現在、發展和未來。 員工與公司的關係,猶如種子、土壤和氧氣,公司給員工提供肥沃的土壤和氧分,給員工提供一個良好的發展環境;而種子的茁壯成長,會帶來豐碩的果實,製造更多的氧氣,為公司發展打下堅實的基礎。作為懷揣夢想的創業公司,公司將與員工分享精神和物質的財富。
Good employees are the greatest wealth, but also our internal driving force for sustainable development. Everyone is a talent. We pay attention to every employee’s sustainable development. The relationship between the company and employees is like seed、soil and oxygen. Like the fertile soils and oxygen, the company tries to provide a good working environment and wide development space for our staff. On the other hand, the growing seed will continue to flourish. And our company will harvest greater returns in the future. As an innovative company, we will share with our staff the spirit and material wealth.


