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海灘男孩(The Beach Boys)是成立於加利福尼亞州洛杉磯縣霍桑市的美國搖滾樂團。


beach boy beach boy


“海灘男孩”對樂壇的貢獻,並不在於他們創造的以描述美國黃金時代奢侈生活為內容的浮誇的衝浪音樂,而在於他們完成了一個和諧完整的男聲和聲體系,這對以後的樂隊和聲組合影響深遠,樂隊在這一方面的集大成之作,當屬《寵物之聲》專輯。專輯中優美整齊到天衣無縫的和聲極具欣賞價值,專輯中的代表歌曲也是最流行的歌曲就是這首“豈不更好(Wouldn't It Be Nice)”。


豈不更好(Wouldn't It Be Nice)完成於1961年,卻一直傳唱不衰。它描繪的是少男少女希望與自己的戀人相依相慰,白頭到老的這種純真情感。不僅曲調清新,歌詞也讓人充滿暢想。亞當.桑德勒的新片《初戀50次》中取起作為貫穿全片的主題曲,也顯得十分優美動人。

豈不更好(Wouldn't It Be Nice)歌詞

Wouldn't it be nice if we were older

Then we wouldn't have to wait so long

And wouldn't it be nice to live together

In the kind of world where we belong

You know its gonna make it that much better

When we can say goodnight and stay together

Wouldn't it be nice if we could wake up

In the morning when the day is new

And after having spent the day together

Hold each other close the whole night through

Happy times together we've been spending

I wish that every kiss was never ending

Wouldn't it be nice

Maybe if we think and wish and hope and pray it might come true

Baby then there wouldn't be a single thing we couldn't do

We could be married

And then we'd be happy

Wouldn't it be nice

You know it seems the more we talk about it

It only makes it worse to live without it

But lets talk about it

Wouldn't it be nice


