




楊力於1998年本科畢業於蘭州大學生物化學與分子生物學專業。畢業後前往中國科學院生物化學與細胞生物學研究所攻讀博士學位。2004年博士畢業後師從於1989年諾貝爾化學獎獲得者SidneyAltman,在耶魯大學進行博士後工作。2007年在康乃狄克大學Brenton R. Graveley實驗室繼續博士後工作。楊力博士於2010年回國,次年出任中國科學院-馬普學會計算生物學夥伴研究所研究組長。


08/2011-date: Principle Investigator, Professor, Chinese Academy of Sciences - Max Planck Society Partner Institute for Computational Biology, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences
10/2010-07/2011: Director, Professor, Department of Scientific Research Management, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences
01/2007-09/2010: Postdoctoral Fellow with Dr. Brenton R. Graveley, University of Connecticut Health Center, Farmington, CT 06030, USA.
08/2004-12/2006: Postdoctoral Associate with Dr. Sidney Altman (Nobel Laureate in Chemistry, 1989), Yale University, New Haven, CT 06520, USA.
09/1998-07/2004: Ph.D. student and research assistant with Dr. Bo-Liang Li, Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, China.


從1990年開始到2001年第一個人類全基因組測序結果發表,人類基因組計畫僅耗材花費就高達30億美元。利用新一代高通量測序技術,基因組測序的時間和耗費被極大地降低了,這使得高通量測序技術被廣泛的套用於生命科學研究的各個領域中,極大的促進了現代生命科學的發展。楊力實驗室利用高通量測序技術和相應的計算生物學分析方法,對真核生物RNA的表達調控在全轉錄組水平進行系統檢測,主要圍繞模式生物果蠅和人源胚胎幹細胞及其定向分化的RNA選擇性剪接和非編碼RNA功能作用進行研究 ,並系統解析RNA的複雜調控網路。實驗室將利用實驗(包括新一代高通量測序,分子和細胞生物學等)和計算(包括統計,生物信息等)生物學的方法進行系統研究,以期拓展人類在全轉錄組水平對RNA重要生理功能及其調控作用的全面認識。



Angela N Brooks*, Michael O Duff, Gemma May, Li Yang, Mohan Bolisetty, Jane Landolin, Ken Wan, Jeremy Sandler, Susan E Celniker, Brenton R Graveley# and Steven E Brenner#. Genome Res 2015, doi: 10.1101/gr.192518.115

Jian-Feng Xiang, Li Yang, Ling-Ling Chen#. The long noncoding RNA regulation at the MYC locus. Curr Opin Genet Dev 2015, 33:41–48

Cuiqing Zhong*, Qi Yin*, Zhenfei Xie*, Meizhu Bai*, Rui Dong*, Wei Tang, Yu-Hang Xing, Hongling Zhang, Suming Yang, Ling-Ling Chen, Marisa S. Bartolomei, Anne Ferguson-Smith, Dangsheng Li, Li Yang#, Yuxuan Wu# and Jinsong Li#. CRISPR-Cas9-Mediated Genetic Screening in Mice with Haploid Embryonic Stem Cells Carrying a Guide RNA Library. Cell Stem Cell, 2015, 17: 1-12

Chen LL# and Yang L#. Gear up in circles. Mol Cell, 2015, 58:715-717 (Preview)

Hu SB, Xiang JF, Li X, Xu Y, Xue W, Huang M, Wong CC, Sagum CA, Bedford MT, Yang L, Cheng D, and Chen LL. Protein arginine methyltransferase CARM1 attenuates the paraspeckle-mediated nuclear retention of mRNAs containing IRAlus. Genes & Dev, 2015, 29: 630-645

Ling-Ling Chen# and Li Yang#. Regulation of circRNA biogenesis. RNA Biology, 2015, 12: 381-388

Chen T*, Xiang JF*, Zhu S*, Chen S, Yin QF, Zhang XO, Zhang J, Feng H, Dong R, Li XJ, Yang L# and Chen LL#. 2015. ADAR1 is required for differentiation and neural induction by regulating microRNA processing in a catalytically independent manner. Cell Res, 2015, 25: 459-476

Yin QF*, Hu SB*, Xu YF, Yang L, Carmichael GG and Chen LL. SnoVectors for nuclear expression of RNA. Nucleic Acids Res, 2015, 43: e5

Wang D*, Cai C*, Dong X, Yu QC, Zhang XO, Yang L, Zeng YA. Identification of multipotent mammary stem cells by protein C receptor expression. Nature, 2015, 517:81-84

Yin QF, Chen LL# and Yang L#. Fractionation of Non-polyadenylated and Ribosomal-free RNAs from Mammalian Cells. Methods Mol Biol, 2015, 1206: 69-80 (Book chapter)


Yang L# and Chen LL#. Microexons go big. Cell, 2014, 159: 1488-1489 (Invited preview)

Yang L# and Chen LL#. Competition of RNA splicing: line in or circle up. Sci China Life Sci, 2014, 57: 1232-1233 (Invited review)

Dong R, Chen LL and Yang L. Research progress of circular RNA in the post-genome era. Chinese J Cell Biol, 2014, 36: 1455-1459 (Invited review, in Chinese)

Zhang XO*, Wang HB*, Zhang Y, Lu X, Chen LL# and Yang L#. Complementary sequence-mediated exon circularization. Cell, 2014, 159: 134-147 (Issue Highlight)

Editorial by: Vicens Q and Westhof E. Cell, 2014, 159: 13-14

Highlighed by: Nat Rev Genet, 2014, 15: 707

Gerstein M*, Rozowsky J*, Yan KK*, Wang D*, Cheng C*, Brown JB*, Davis C*, Hillier L*, Sisu C*, Li JJ*, Pei B*, Harmanci AO*, Duff MO*, Djebali S*, Alexander RP, Alver BH, Auerbach R, Bell K, Bickel PJ, Boech ME, Boley NP, Booth BW, Cherbas L, Cherbas P, Di C, Dobin A, Drenkow J, Ewing B, Fang G, Fastuca M, Feingold EA, Frankish A, Gao G, Good PJ, Guigo R, Hammonds A, Harrow J, Hoskins RA, Howald C, Hu L, Huang H, Hubbard TJP, Huynh C, Jha S, Kasper D, Kato M, Kaufman TC, Kitchen RR, Ladewig E, Lagarde J, Lai E, Leng J, Lu Z, MacCoss M, May G, McWhirter R, Merrihew G, Miller DM, Mortazavi A, Murad R, Oliver B, Olson S, Park PJ, Pazin MJ, Perrimon N, Pervouchine D, Reinke V, Reymond A, Robinson G, Samsonova A, Saunders G, Schlesinger F, Sethi A, Slack FJ, Spencer WC, Stoiber MH, Strasbourger P, Tanzer A, Thompson OA, Wan KH, Wang G, Wang H, Watkins KL, Wen J, Wen K, Xue C, Yang L, Yip K, Zaleski C, Zhang Y, Zheng H, Brenner SE#, Graveley BR#, Celniker SE#, Gingeras TR# and Waterston R#. Comparative analysis of the transcriptome across distant species. Nature, 2014, 512: 445-448

Zhang Y, Yang L and Chen LL. Life without A tail: new formats of long noncoding RNAs. Int J Biochem and Cell Biol, 2014, 54: 338-349 (Invited review)

Zhang XO, Yin QF, Chen LL and Yang L. Gene expression profiling of non-polyadenylated RNA-seq across species. Genomics Data, 2014, 2:237-241

Zhang XO*, Yin QF*, Wang HB, Zhang Y, Chen T, Zheng P, Lu X, Chen LL# and Yang L#. Species-specific alternative splicing leads to unique expression of sno-lncRNAs. BMC Genomics, 2014, 15: 287 (Highly Accessed)

Editorial by: BioMed Central portal-Biome on 17th April 2014: sno-lncRNAs: a story of splicing across humans, rhesus and mice (http://www.biomedcentral.com/biome/sno-lncrnas-a-story-of-splicing-across- humans-rhesus-and-mice/)

Xiang JF, Yin QF, Chen T, Zhang Y, Zhang XO,Wu Z, Zhang S, Wang HB, Ge JH, Lu XH, Yang L and Chen LL. Human colorectal cancer-specific CCAT1-L lncRNA regulates long-range chromatin interactions in the MYC locus. Cell Res, 2014, 24:513-531 (Cover Article and Issue Highlight)

Editorial by: Younger ST and Rinn JL. Cell Res, 2014, 48:155-157

Highlighted by: Nature.com

Highlighted by: Global Medical Discovery

Highlighted by: National Science Reviews


Zhang Y*, Zhang XO*, Chen T, Xiang JF, Yin QF, Xing YH, Zhu S, Yang L# and Chen LL#. Circular intronic long noncoding RNAs. Mol Cell, 2013, 51: 792-806 (Issue Highlight)

Editorial by: Bolisetty MT and Graveley BR. Mol Cell, 2013, 51:705-706

Editorial by: Reid T. Nature China, 2013, Epub. on Oct. 2nd (doi:10.1038)

Editorial by: Tomkins J. Institute for Creation Res, 2013, Epub. on Oct. 9th

Research Highlight by: Nature, 2013, 501:464

Zhu S*, Xiang JF*, Tian C, Chen LL# and Yang L#. Prediction of constitutive A-to-I editing sites from human transcriptomes in the absence of genomic sequences. BMC Genomics, 2013,14: 206 (Highly Accessed)

Zhu S, Zhang XO and Yang L. Panning for long noncoding RNAs. Biomolecules, 2013, 3: 226-241 (Invited review)

Yang L, Wei G, Tang K, Nardini C and Han JD. Understanding human diseases with high-throughput quantitative measurement and analysis of molecular signatures. Sci China Life Sci, 2013, 56: 213-219 (Invited review)


Bass B, Hundley H, Li JB, Peng Z, Pickrell J, Xiao XG and Yang L. The difficult calls in RNA editing. Nat Biotechnol, 2012, 30: 1207-1209 (Invited review)

Yin QF*, Yang L*, Zhang Y, Xiang JF, Wu YW, Carmichael GG# and Chen LL#. Long noncoding RNAs with snoRNA ends. Mol Cell, 2012, 48: 219-230 (Cover Article and Issue Highlight)

Editorial by: McCann KL and Baserga SJ. Mol Cell, 2013, 48:155-157

Editorial by: David R. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol, 2012, 13:686

News coverage by: Foundation for Prader-Willi Research

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