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西安人民劇場寫生/Xi'an People's Theatre 001
西安的公園寫生/Xi'an Park 002
校園中的玫瑰/Roses in the Campus 003
大學時的學生宿舍/Student's Dormitory in the University 004
學校的游泳池速寫/University Swimming Pool 005
黃河灘上的回憶/The Yellow River Beach's Memories 007
學校大門(大學時代)/The Gate of University 008
兵團農場/The Farm in the Corps 009
冬耕/Winter Ploughing 011
烏魯木齊紅山公園中的老樹/Aged Trees in Urumqi Hongshan Park 012
初冬的兵團人家/The Corps Family in the Early Winte 015
烏魯木齊紅山/Hong Shan Tower, Urumqi 016
初到新疆/The First Time in Xinjiang 017
烏魯木齊紅山/Hong Shan, Urumqi 018
樹後有雪山/Trees in front of the Snow Mountain 019
烏魯木齊人民公園/The People's Park, Urumqi 020
春已來臨/Signs of Spring 021
公園中的草地/The Lawn in the Park 023
一個建築師的夢/An Architect's Dream 024
城市郊區/Suburb 025
克孜爾石窟和對面的山/Kizil Caves and Its Opposite Mountain 026
撒馬爾罕的回憶/Samarkand's Memories 029
中亞的回憶/Central Asia's Memories 030
往昔的歲月/The Past Years 031
春天的腳步/Footsteps of Spring 032
喀什的過街樓/Kashgar’s Arcade 033
穿過烏鞘嶺/Through the Wushao Mountain 034
路邊的餐館/Roadside Restaurant 036
藍色的夢/Blue Dream 037
正午的陽光/Midday Sun 038
這裡將被拆除/Here Will Be Demolished 039
紅色的山岩/Red Rock 041
克孜爾石窟/Kizil Caves 042
鎖著的門/The Locked Door 043
古域/Ancient Forts 044
瞬間與永恆/Moment and Forever 046
初春的土地/Earth in the Early Spring 047
打土坯/Making Adobe Bricks 048
山坡上蕎麥地的回憶/Buckwheat Hillside Memories 049
等待/Waiting 050
苜蓿地/Clover Field 051
火焰山/Flaming Mountains 053
水從石頭中流過/Water flows through the Stones 054
秋水(之一)/Autumn Streams 01 055
秋水(之二)/Autumn Streams 02 056
山溪( 之一/Creek in the Mountains 01 057
山溪(之二)/Creek in the Mountains 02 058
春水/Spring Water 061
一抹夕陽(之一)/Sunset 062
一抹夕陽(之二)/Sunset 063
冬日最後一場雪/The Last Snow of Winter 064
天山下的村莊/A Village Beneath the Mt.Tianshan 065
夕陽下的喀什小巷/Kashgar Alleyways with Sunset Glow 066
山中初雪/The First Snow in the Mountains 067
山軀的旋律/Mountain’s Rhythm 068
滑雪場/Skiing Field 069
曾經的麥田/The Once Wheat Field 070
落日下的雪原/Snowfield under the Sunset 071
天光/Sky Light 072
雪原/Snowfield 073
對面山坡上的雪/Snow on the Opposite Hillside 074
流光/Time 075
雪山與松樹/Snow Mountain and Pine 076
雪地上的樹與影/Trees and Shadows on the Snowfield 077
冬天並不寂寞/Winter Means No Loneliness 078
落日中的樹/Sunset Trees 079
冬日的花園/A Garden in Winter 080
山的身軀/Mountain’s Body 081
老樹/The Aged Tree 082
春播/Spring Sowing 083
鳥從林中飛過/A Bird Flying Over the Forest 084
夏日的濃蔭/Summer Shade 086
喀什小巷裡的光陰與人/Time and People in the Kashgar Alleyways 087
從喀什到和田路上的回憶/Memories From Kashgar to Hetian 089
喀什高台民居/Kashgar Gaotai Traditional Folk House 090
切割Dissection 091
懸浮的瓶/A Suspending Vase 092
歲月/Years 093
水從紅色岩石中流過/Water Flows Through the Red Rocks 094
南疆的回憶/Memories of Southern Xinjiang 095
空牆/Blank Wall 097喀什小巷/Kashgar Alleyways 098
草書山泉/Waterfalls 099
冬天的樹/Winter Trees 101
生命的彈力/Endurance 102
韻/Rhyme 104
通向山居的路/A Path to a Habitat in Mountain 105
山風/Wind 106
雪山下有人家/Families Beneath the Snow Mountain 107
夕陽/Sunset 108
冬天也有色彩/Colors in Winter 109
冬天的窩棚/A Shack in Winter 110
明月出天山/Moon Rising in Tianshan 111
夢境中的樹林/The Dream of the Woods 113
融雪/Snowmelt 114
窗外/Outside the Window 115
夕陽下的山路/Mountain Road in the Sunset 116
土地與雪/Field and Snow 117
雪地中的生命/Life in the Snowfield 118
土地的肌理/Texture of the Earth 119

