

出版社: 五洲傳播出版社; 第1版 (2009年1月1日)
外文書名: How To Select Chinese Tea
平裝: 152頁
正文語種: 英語
開本: 32
ISBN: 9787508514857
條形碼: 9787508514857
尺寸: 18.2 x 10 x 1.4 cm
重量: 200 g




《如何挑選中國茶葉(HOWTO SELECT CHINAES TEA)》內容簡介:This handy guide gives you all the information you need to choose and buy tea in China with confidencce.One in a series Of four titles.it explains clearly and simply what to look for, where and how to shop in China,and questions you should ask.Great tips,price guides and cautionary advice ensure that you get the best value for your money.


Why Chinese Tea?
Turn a Leaf
In the Beginning —— The Holy Farmer
Costly Medicine
A Scholarly Beverage
Drink of the Gods
Tea Culture Comes of Age
Tea Olympics
Invasion and Adaptation —— Tea Institutionalized
Tea Comes West
The Teahouse
Coffee or Tea?
A Cure for Life
Old is New Again
Tea-Mind-Body Connection
Categories of Tea
Green Is Gold
Black Power
Nothing Wrong with Wulong
White Makes Right
Table Talk
Tea Cultivation
Tea Producing Areas
One Plant, Sixty-Two Leaves, Ten Thousand
Days' Pleasure
Sharp Eyes
Green Teas
Black Teas
White Teas
Red Teas
A Word on Un-Teas
Cupping, or How to Sound Like an Authority
Tea Ceremony & Teasets
Tea Ceremony
Old Tea Ceremony
The Chinese Wedding Tea Ceremony
Choosing Tea and Water
The Tea Set
Seven Habits of Highly Successful
Tea Ceremonies
Food Pairing
Shopping Spots
Shopping for Tea, Stopping for Tea
Making the Most of It: A Visit to Maliandao
A Modern Tea Market
A Royal Tea Garden
Tea Pictures
A Lady's Business
Eleven Trustworthy Teashops
The Next Big Market
The Granddaddy of Them All
If Time Is an Issue
Index: China Tea Markets and Teahouses
A Little Mandarin Never Hurt Anyone
Watch Your Tone
At the Teahouse
At the Tea Market
20 Essential Tea Words and Phrases


