
崔小強,1974年10月出生於吉林省梨樹縣。 理學博士,教授,博士生導。 1997年7月畢業於吉林大學化學系套用化學專業,獲理學學士學位。理學博士,教授,博士生導。



1974 年10 月出生於吉林省梨樹縣。1997年7月畢業於吉林大學化學系套用化學專業,獲理學學士學位。


2005年6 -10月前往法國格勒諾布爾第一大學,從事生物感測器的合作研究(PI: Prof. Serge Cosnier)。2005年12月進入新加坡南洋理工大學生物醫學工程系,生物納米技術研究組從事博士後研究工作(PI: Prof. Chang Ming Li)。

研究方向為納米材料合成、電化學感測器的開發,及表面等離激元共振生物感測技術的套用;2008年4月加入日本產業技術綜合研究所(AIST),作為博士後特別研究員(PI: Prof. Junji Nishii & Dr. Keiko Tawa),從事納/微米周期結構耦合的金屬表面等離激元共振材料(Plasmonic materials)的創製及其在生物檢測中的套用研究。2010年,作為引進學術帶頭人進入吉林大學材料科學與工程學院工作。






光-分子強結合反應場的創成,2007-2011年,日本文部省特定領域研究。Singapore DSO (Defence Science Organization) under grant contract DSOCL04135 (Prof. Changming Li) The development of a miniaturized electrochemical sensor on a MEMS platform, DSO, 272000。新加坡。Singapore ASTAR grant under contract No. 052 117 0031 (Prof. Changming Li) Nanoscale organic transistor by web printing process。新加坡。





2. 國家自然科學基金委面上基金項目“高通量螢光增強生物晶片的納米周期結構製造”,No.21275064,78萬,2013.1-2016.12;

2. 國家自然科學基金面上項目“新型表面等離激元共振材料及其生物感測晶片的研製”, NO.21075051,35萬,2011.1-2013.12;

3. 橫向課題,“無酶型納米電化學葡萄糖感測器的研發”,50萬,2010.11-2012.11;

4. 中國科學院長春套用化學研究所電分析化學國家重點實驗室開放課題,“基於納米材料的電化學葡萄糖感測器的研究”,6萬,2011.1-2013-12


在國內外期刊上發表SCI收錄學術論文 61篇(第一作者12 篇,第二作者18 篇,通訊作者13篇);H因子=22;論文被他人引用超過 1514次,其中3篇論文單篇他人引用超過100次。參加國際會議6次,發表國際會議論文13篇。






(Ph. D. in Analytical Chemistry, December 2002

State Key Laboratory of Electroanalytical Chemistry, Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changchun, China

Dissertation: Biomolecular interaction analysis by using surface plasmon resonance (SPR) technique)



(B.S. in Applied Chemistry, June 1997

Department of Chemistry, Jilin University

Thesis: Electrochemical behavior of porphyrin derivatives)


2010.04- 現在, 吉林大學,材料科學與工程學院, 教授

(April 2010 – present, Professor in School of Materials Science and Engineering, Jilin University)

2008.04 –2010.03, 日本, 產業技術綜合研究所,細胞工程部, 特別研究員

(April 2008–March 2010, Research Staff in Institute for Cell Engineering, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Ikeda, Osaka, Japan)

2005.12 –2008.03, 新加坡,南洋理工大學,生物工程系,博士後

(December 2005 – March 2008, Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Division of Bioengineering, School of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)

2005.06 –2005.10, 法國,格勒諾布爾第一大學,電化學實驗室,合作研究

(June 2005 – October 2005, Visiting research scientist in Laboratoire d'Electrochimie Organique et de Photochimie Redox, Institut de Chimie Moléculaire de Grenoble, Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, France)

2003.06 –2005.12,中國科學院長春套用化學研究所,電分析化學國家重點實驗室,助理研究員

(June 2003 – December 2005, Research Associate in Bioanalysis Research Group, State Key Laboratory of Electroanalytical Chemistry, Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)


I. April 2008 – Present AIST, Osaka, Japan

a. Studies of plasmonic nanomaterial enhanced fluorescence

1) Develop tailored one dimensional plasmonic gratings for enhanced fluorescence detection and microscopic imaging. The influence of depth and duty ratio on grating-coupled surface plasmon polaritons.

2) Plasmonic nanohole arrays metalized by silver for fluorescence enhancement microscopic observation: improvement from one dimensional to two dimensional excitation.

b. Studies of the coupling of AuNPs with grating surface

1) Multilayer assembly of metal nanoparticles on quartz gratings and their plasmonic coupling properties

2) Spacer controlled the interaction between localized SPR of nanoparticles and propagated SPR of silver grating.

II. December 2005 – March 2008 Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

a. Studies of electrochemical biosensor

1) Highly sensitive lactate biosensor by engineering chitosan/PVI-Os/CNT/LOD network nanocomposite

2) Electrochemical synthesis conductive polymer (e.g., polyaniline and polypyrrole) nanostructures and their application

b. Studies of bionanotechnology: nanoparticles synthesis and application

1) biocatalytic generation of ppy-enzyme-CNT nanocomposite and their application in biosensors

2) In-situ photoreduction synthesis of silver nanostructures and their application in localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) biosensor and surface Raman enhanced scattering (SERS)

3) Synthesis and application of semiconductor nanowires (Bi2S3) in photovoltaic devices.

c. Studies of ultrathin multilayer assembly

1) Layer-by-layer assembly of hyaluronan/PDDA for silver nanoarrays

2) pH-controlled construction of chitosan/alginate multilayer film for antibody loading

3) Covalently linked DNA/protein multilayered film for controlled DNA release

III. June 2005 – October 2005 Universityof Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, France

Studies of electrochemical enzyme biosensor

Specific determination of As(V) by an acid phosphatase-polyphenol oxidase biosensor

IV . June 2003 – May 2005 Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, China

Studies of the synthesis of nanomaterials

1) Biomolecules assistant synthesis Au and Ag nanoparticles

2) Morphology-controlled synthesis of ZnO trough under mild conditions

V . September 1997 – December 2002 Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, China

a. Studies of the application of surface plasmon resonance (SPR) for bioanalysis.

1) Direct immunoassay of human serum albumin

2) Sandwich immunoassay of IgG and ferritin protein in serum

3) Competition immunoassay of small molecular morphine

4) Kinetic analysis of TNF immune complex

5) Interaction of low molecular weight chitosan with mimic membrane

b. Studies of layer-by-layer assembly of biomolecules

1) Biotinlyted IgG/streptavidin multilayers characterization and application in biosensing

2) PEI/DNA multilayers construction and characterization

3) New sensor chip surface modification method for histone-DNA interaction analysis.

PUBLICATIONS(H-index: 22; Total cited 1575 times till April , 2014)

1. X. Q. Cui, K. Tawa, K. Kintaka & J. Nishii, Enhanced Fluorescence Microscopic Imaging by Plasmonic Nanostructrues: From a 1D Grating to a 2D Nanohole Array. Advanced Functional Materials, 2010, 20, 945.

2. X. Q. Cui, K. Tawa, H. Hori & J. Nishii, Tailored plasmonic gratings for enhanced fluorescence detection and microscopic imaging. Advanced Functional Materials,2010, 20, 546-553.

3. X. Q. Cui, K. Tawa, H. Hori & J. Nishii, Duty ratio-dependent fluorescence enhancement in Ag-coated grating-coupled surface plasmon polaritons. Applied Physics Letters,2009, 95, 133117.

4. X. Q. Cui, C. M. Li, H. F. Bao, X. T. Zheng, J. F. Zang, C. P. Ooi & J. Guo, Hyaluronan-assisted photoreduction synthesis of silver nanostructures: From nanoparticle to nanoplate. Journal of Physical Chemistry C ,2008,112 ,10730-10734.

5. X. Q. Cui, C. M. Li, H. F. Bao, X. T. Zheng & Z. S. Lu, In situ fabrication of silver nanoarrays in hyaluronan/PDDA layer-by-layer assembled structure. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science ,2008,327 ,459-465.

6. X. Q. Cui, C. M. Li, J. F. Zang, Q. Zhou, Y. Gan, H. F. Bao, J. Guo, V. S. Lee & S. M. Moochhala, Biocatalytic generation of ppy-enzyme-CNT nanocomposite: From network assembly to film growth. Journal of Physical Chemistry C ,2007,111 ,2025-2031.

7. X. Q. Cui, C. M. Li, J. F. Zang & S. C. Yu, Highly sensitive lactate biosensor by engineering chitosan/PVI-Os/CNT/LOD network nanocomposite. Biosensors & Bioelectronics ,2007,22 ,3288-3292.)

8. X. Q. Cui, F. Yang, A. X. Li & X. R. Yang, Chip surface charge switch for studying histone-DNA interaction by surface plasmon resonance biosensor. Analytical Biochemistry ,2005,342 ,173-175.

9. X. Q. Cui, Y. F. Sha, F. Yang, P. Yu, J. N. Li & X. R. Yang, Detection of ferritin by surface plasmon resonance under mass transport-limited. Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry ,2005,33 ,1639-1642.

10. X. Q. Cui, F. Yang, Y. F. Sha & X. R. Yang, Real-time immunoassay of ferritin using surface plasmon resonance biosensor. Talanta ,2003,60 ,53-61.)

11. X. Q. Cui, R. J. Pei, X. Z. Wang, F. Yang, Y. Ma, S. J. Dong & X. R. Yang, Layer-by-layer assembly of multilayer films composed of avidin and biotin-labeled antibody for immunosensing. Biosensors & Bioelectronics ,2003,18 ,59-67.

12. X. Q. Cui, R. J. Pei & X. R. Yang, Detection of anti-human serum albumin antibody using surface plasmon resonance biosensor. Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 2000,28 ,950-955.

13. W. Wang, C. Yang, X. Q. Cui,Q. L. Bao, C. M. Li, Droplet microfluidic preparation of au nanoparticles-coated chitosan microbeads for flow-through surface-enhanced Raman scattering detection. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics,2010, 9, 1175-1183.

14. H. F. Bao, Z. S. Lu, X. Q. Cui,Y. Qao, J. Guo, J. M. Anderson, C. M. Li, Extracellular microbial synthesis of biocompatible CdTe quantum dots, Acta Biomaterials, 2010, 3534-3541.

15. R. Li, X. Q. Cui,W. H. Hu, Z. S. Lu, C. M. Li, Fabrication of Oriented Poly-L-lysine/Bacteriorhodopsin-embedded Purple Membrane Multilayer Structure for Enhanced Photoelectric Response, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science,2010, 344, 150-157.

16. A. X. Li, X. Q. Cui, F. Yang & X. R. Yang, Interaction between F-Actin and Negatively Charged Lipids Membrane. Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry ,2009,37 ,25-29.

17. J. F. Zang, C. M. Li, S. J. Bao, X. Q. Cui, Q. L. Bao & C. Q. Sun, Template-free electrochemical synthesis of superhydrophilic polypyrrole nanofiber network. Macromolecules ,2008,41 ,7053-7057.

18. J. F. Zang, S. J. Bao, C. M. Li, H. J. Bian, X. Q. Cui, Q. L. Bao, C. Q. Sun, J. Guo & K. R. Lian, Well-aligned cone-shaped nanostructure of polypyrrole/RuO2and its electrochemical supercapacitor. Journal of Physical Chemistry C ,2008,112 ,14843-14847.

19. Y. Qiao, S. J. Bao, C. M. Li, X. Q. Cui, Z. S. Lu & J. Guo, Nanostructured polyanifine/titanium dioxide composite anode for microbial fuel cells. Acs Nano ,2008,2 ,113-119.

20. S. J. Bao, C. M. Li, J. F. Zang, X. Q. Cui, Y. Qiao & J. Guo, New nanostructured TiO2for direct electrochemistry and glucose sensor applications. Advanced Functional Materials ,2008,18 ,591-599.

21. H. F. Bao, C. M. Li, X. Q. Cui, Q. L. Song, H. B. Yang & J. Guo, Single-crystalline Bi2S3nanowire network film and its optical switches. Nanotechnology ,2008,19.

22. H. F. Bao, C. M. Li, X. Q. Cui, Y. Gan, Q. L. Song & J. Guo, Synthesis of a highly ordered single-crystalline Bi2S3nanowire array and its metal/semiconductor/metal back-to-back Schottky diode. Small ,2008,4 ,1125-1129.

23. Q. Zhou, C. M. Li, J. Li, X. Q. Cui& D. Gervasio, Template-synthesized cobalt Porphyrin/Polypyrrole nanocomposite and its electrocatalysis for oxygen reduction in neutral medium. Journal of Physical Chemistry C ,2007,111 ,11216-11222.

24. J. F. Zang, C. M. Li, X. Q. Cui, J. X. Wang, X. W. Sun, H. Dong & C. Q. Sun, Tailoring zinc oxide nanowires for high performance amperometric glucose sensor. Electroanalysis ,2007,19 ,1008-1014.

25. W. Y. Yuan, H. Dong, C. M. Li, X. Q. Cui, L. Yu, Z. S. Lu & Q. Zhou, pH-Controlled construction of chitosan/alginate multilayer film: Characterization and application for antibody immobilization. Langmuir ,2007,23 ,13046-13052.

26. Z. S. Lu, C. M. Li, Q. Zhou, Q. L. Bao & X. Q. Cui,Covalently linked DNA/protein multilayered film for controlled DNA release. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science ,2007,314 ,80-88.

27. W. H. Hu, C. M. Li, X. Q. Cui, H. Dong & Q. Zhou, In situ studies of protein adsorptions on poly(pyrrole-co-pyrrole propylic acid) film by electrochemical surface plasmon resonance. Langmuir ,2007,23 ,2761-2767.

28. H. F. Bao, X. Q. Cui, C. M. Li & J. F. Zang, Shape-controlled assembly of luminescent dumbbell-like CdTe-cystine nanocomposites. Nanotechnology ,2007,18.

29. H. F. Bao, X. Q. Cui, C. M. Li, Q. L. Song, Z. S. Lu & J. Guo, Synthesis and electrical transport properties of single-crystal antimony sulfide nanowires. Journal of Physical Chemistry C ,2007,111 ,17131-17135.

30. H. F. Bao, X. Q. Cui, C. M. Li, Y. Gan, J. Zhang & J. Guo, Photoswitchable semiconductor bismuth sulfide (Bi2S3) nanowires and their self-supported nanowire arrays. Journal of Physical Chemistry C ,2007,111 ,12279-12283.

31. S. Cosnier, C. Mousty, X. Q. Cui, X. R. Yang & S. J. Dong, Specific determination of As(V) by an acid phosphatase-polyphenol oxidase biosensor. Analytical Chemistry ,2006,78 ,4985-4989.

32. P. Yu, B. Qi, X. Q. Cui, F. Yang, J. N. Li & X. R. Yang, Direct electrochemistry of horse spleen ferritin on modified gold electrode. Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry ,2005,33 ,1239-1242.

33. P. Yu, X. Q. Cui, F. Yang, J. N. Li & X. R. Yang, Progress on studying biomembrane by surface plasmon resonance technique. Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry ,2005,33 ,575-579.

34. J. Tang, X. Q. Cui, Y. Liu & X. R. Yang, Morphology-controlled synthesis of monodisperse ZnO troughs at the air-water interface under mild conditions. Journal of Physical Chemistry B ,2005,109 ,22244-22249.

35. Q. Gao, X. Q. Cui, F. Yang, Y. Ma & X. R. Yang, Preparation of poly(thionine) modified screen-printed carbon electrode and its application to determine NADH in flow injection analysis system. Biosensors & Bioelectronics ,2003,19 ,277-282.

36. S. H. Chen, X. Q. Cui, F. Yang, Y. N. Ni & X. R. Yang, Kinetic characteristics of the interaction between morphine and its antibody by SPR competitive immunoassay. Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities-Chinese ,2003,24 ,1770-1774.

37. F. Yang, X. Q. Cui, X. R. Yang, T. Chen & J. Lu, Kinetic analysis of TNF immune complex by using surface plasmon resonane. Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities-Chinese ,2002,23 ,382-384.

38. F. Yang, X. Q. Cui& X. R. Yang, Interaction of low-molecular-weight chitosan with mimic membrane studied by electrochemical methods and surface plasmon resonance. Biophysical Chemistry ,2002,99 ,99-106.

39. R. J. Pei, X. Q. Cui, X. R. Yang & E. K. Wang, Layer-by-layer assembly of multilayer films composed of streptavidin and biotinylated antibody by real-time biomolecular interaction analysis. Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities-Chinese ,2002,23 ,195-198.

40. R. J. Pei, X. Q. Cui, X. R. Yang & E. K. Wang, Amplified immunoassay of human IgG using real-time biomolecular interaction analysis (BIA) technology. Chinese Journal of Chemistry ,2002,20 ,441-446.

41. W. G. Li, X. Q. Cui, X. R. Yang, D. Q. Zhao & J. Z. Ni, Real-time analysis of the interaction between calmodulin and melittin by SPR spectroscopy. Chinese Chemical Letters ,2002,13 ,165-166.

42. R. J. Pei, X. Q. Cui, X. R. Yang & E. K. Wang, Electrostatic layer-by-layer assembly of polycation and DNA multilayer films by real-time surface plasmon resonance technique. Chinese Journal of Chemistry ,2001,19 ,433-435.

43. R. J. Pei, X. Q. Cui, X. R. Yang & E. K. Wang, Studies on electrostatic adsorption of proteins on modified surface by real-time surface plasmon resonance technique. Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities-Chinese ,2001,22 ,1128-1130.

44. R. J. Pei, X. Q. Cui, X. R. Yang & E. K. Wang, Assembly of alternating polycation and DNA multilayer films by electrostatic layer-by-layer adsorption. Biomacromolecules ,2001,2 ,463-468.

45. R. J. Pei, X. Q. Cui, X. R. Yang & E. K. Wang, Real-time immunoassay of antibody activity in serum by surface plasmon resonance biosensor. Talanta ,2000,53 ,481-488. ( IF= 3.206) CONFERENCE PAPERS AND PRESENTATIONS:1. Xiaoqiang Cui, Keiko Tawa, Junji Nishii, Grating coupled surface plasmon resonance enhanced fluorescence and its application for cell observation, 2009 MRS Fall Meeting, O18.12, Nov. 30 – Dec. 4, 2009, Boston, MA, USA, Poster2. Xiaoqiang Cui, Changming Li, Hyaluronan-Mediated In-Situ Synthesis of Ag Nanostructures by UV-Irradiation and Their Application in Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering, International Conference on Cellular & Molecular Bioengineering, Dec. 10-12, 2007, Singaproe, Oral presentation3. Xiaoqiang Cui, Fan Yang, Yufang Sha, and Xiurong Yang, Real-Time Sandwich Enhancement Immunoassay of Ferritin Using BIAcore Biosensor, Ninth International Seminar on Electroanalytical Chemistry, Oct. 10-12, 2003, Changchun, China, P141, Poster 4. Xiaoqiang Cui, Fan Yang, Xiurong Yang. Real-Time Study on the Interaction Between Protein and Polyelectrolyte by Surface Plasmon Resonance, Eighth International Seminar on Electroanalytical Chemistry, Oct. 14-16, 2001, Changchun, China, P239, Poster 5. Xiaoqiang Cui, Fan Yang, Xiurong Yang. A New Substrate for Study the Interaction Between Histone Protein and DNA by Real-time BIA, Eighth International Seminar on Electroanalytical Chemistry, Oct. 14-16, 2001, Changchun, China, P241, Poster 6. Xiaoqiang Cui, Renjun Pei, Fan Yang, Xiurong Yang. Layer-by-layer Assembly of Multilayer Films of Streptavidin and Biotinylated Antibody, Ninth Beijing Conference and Exhibition on Instrumental Analysis, Oct. 17-20, 2001, Beijing, China F113, Poster 7. Xiaoqiang Cui, Renjun Pei, Xiurong Yang. Detection of Anti-human Serum Albumin Antibody Using Surface Plasmon Resonance Biosensor, Eighth Beijing Conference and Exhibition on Instrumental Analysis, Oct. 25-27, 1999, Beijing, China, F137, Poster 8. Xiurong Yang, Xiaoqiang Cui, Fan Yang, Shouhui Chen, Yongnian Ni, Kinetic Investigation of the Molecular Interaction by Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR), Ninth International Seminar on Electroanalytical Chemistry, Oct. 10-12, 2003, Changchun, China, P24, Poster 9. Fan Yang, Xiaoqiang Cui, Xiurong Yang. Real time study on the interaction between trypsin and trypsin inhibitors by surface plasmon resonance, Eighth International Seminar on Electroanalytical Chemistry, Oct. 14-16, 2001, Changchun, China, P237, Poster 10. Fan Yang, Xiaoqiang Cui, Xiurong Yang, Real-Time Study of Interaction between Protein and Lipopolysaccharide, Ninth International Seminar on Electroanalytical Chemistry, Oct. 10-12, 2003, Changchun, China, P139, Poster11. Xiurong Yang, Renjun Pei, Xiaoqiang Cui. Real-time Immunoassay by Surface Plasmon Resonance Biosensors, Seventh International Seminar on Electroanalytical Chemistry, Oct. 22-24, 1999, Changchun, China, P61, Poster12. Xiurong Yang, Fan Yang, Xiaoqiang Cui. Study of the TNFα Molecular Interaction Analysis in Real Time by SPR,, Eighth International Seminar on Electroanalytical Chemistry, Oct. 14-16, 2001, Changchun, China, P14, Poster13. Fan Yang, Zhiliang Cheng, Xiaoqiang Cui, and Xiurong Yang, Detection of PCR Products By Surface Plasmon Resonance, Eighth Beijing Conference and Exhibition on Instrumental Analysis, Oct. 25-27, 1999, Beijing, China,F141, Poster


