
喬治城預備中學,屬教育機構,該學校的創辦時間 1789年,所屬地區 美國馬里蘭州北貝塞斯達。



喬治城預備中學 (Georgetown Preparatory School)創建於1789年,位於馬里蘭州,是一所男子住宿中學,主要提供9-12年級課程。全校人數為460人,住宿生約100人,分別來自美國本土22個州和世界上13個其他國家。學校由美國的第一個天主教主教在1789年建立的。預科學校是這個國家最古老的一所耶穌會會士學校,也是唯一一所寄宿制耶穌會會士學校。預科學校學術上非常嚴謹的文學藝術課程以耶穌會會士創立者St. Ignatius Loyola 的教育哲學理念為基礎,教育哲學理念是:一種在見解上,洞察力上,學者氣質的完美上,個人責任上,“男人對他人”重要性上的信念。這種信念服務於那些被社區服務組織列為遭受不幸的人,這些不幸的人是通過那些社區服務活動列舉出來的,所有預科學校的學生都包含在這個服務組織里。


該校是美國最古老的男校,也是唯一一所耶穌會寄宿學校,為 MSDE 、 MSACSS 認證。 提供富挑戰性的大學預備課程,在體育及視覺教育方面的優良教育被國內所認可,師資優良, 88% 教師有碩士以上經驗。課外社團活動繁多,演說辯論、國際關係社在全國競賽素有獲得傑出成績的傳統;校內辦有周報及兩份年刊。校園占地95英畝,鄰近美國國衛院與畢塞斯達海軍醫學中心,距華盛頓各主要機場皆 35 分鐘左右車程,華盛頓地區的眾多博物館與政府機關豐富了教學資源。


數學:代數1、中級代數、幾何、代數1(三角)、代數II(三角)、預備微積分、微積分入門、A first course in geometry using Euclid’s Elements as the text. Topics include definitions axioms, postulates, angle and line relationships, properties of parallel lines, congruence theory, triangles, Euclid’s proof of the Pythagorean Theorem, circles, perimeter and area of plane figures, surface area and volume of solids, the Platonic solids, similarity, ratio, proportion, geometric constructions and algebraic applications. This course spends a great deal of time on geometrical proofs, both direct and indirect. A straightedge and compass are required.Prerequisites: successful completion of Algebra I or Intermediate Algebra � Placement by Math Department
This course is divided into 2 parts. Part I is a study of the elementary functions � polynomial, rational, linear, logarithmic, trigonometric and inverse trigonometric � and rates of change � with an eye towards calculus ahead. Topics are examined according to the Rule of 4: (1) graphically (2) numerically (3) analytically (4) verbally. Part II is a beginning study of the calculus of a single variable. Topics include limits, continuity, derivatives, and anti-derivatives. The use of technology is an important part of this course. A TI-83+ or TI-84 graphics calculator is required.
Prerequisites: placement by the Math department (completion of Algebra 3/Trig)
The course aims to reinforce the importance of second language acquisition through a variety of motivating activities and build upon skills acquired in Advanced Spanish I. The curriculum includes all grammatical elements of Spanish 2 and 3, building on grammar, vocabulary and accurate pronunciation. There is a heightened emphasis on understanding authentic resources and using these resources for written and oral communication. Oral communication skills continue to be developed through pair and group work. An audio and DVD program and numerous culturally authentic materials are used to supplement the textbook.
Physics is an introductory course that surveys all of the core concepts of physics while minimizing the calculation-intensive areas of the field. This course covers topics such as motion, force, energy, momentum, heat, nuclear and astrophysics. Concepts are reinforced through real-world estimations and topical essays. The laboratory component of the course emphasizes conceptual understanding rather than detailed analysis. There are no prerequisites for this course; however, students must have a working knowledge of algebra and geometry.
AP Biology is a freshman-level college course in introductory life sciences, which will prepare the student for the AP Biology exam. The course covers all the topics introduced in the Honors Biology course, but in a more in-depth manner. The curriculum includes: structure and function of plants and animals, molecular biology, cytology, evolutionary biology, ecology, taxonomy and phylogeny. AP Biology meets for 1 ½ periods every day. Prerequisites for this course are HonorsBiology or Biology and Chemistry, application and departmental acceptance are required.
This course emphasizes aspects of music, such as harmony; more often, however, it integrates aspects of melody, harmony, texture, rhythm, form, musical analysis, elementary composition, and to some extent, history and style. Musicianship skills such as dictation and other listening skills, sight-singing, and keyboard harmony are considered an important part as well. The student's ability to read and write musical notation is fundamental to such a course. It is also assumed that the student has acquired (or is acquiring) at least basic performance skills in voice or on an instrument. The ultimate goal of an AP Music Theory course is to develop a student's ability to recognize, understand, and describe the basic materials and processes of music that are heard or presented in a score. The achievement of these goals may best be approached by initially addressing fundamental aural, analytical, and compositional skills using both listening and written exercises. Building on this foundation, the course should progress to include more creative tasks, such as the harmonization of a melody by selecting appropriate chords, composing a musical bass line to provide two-voice counterpoint, or the realization of figured-bass notation. Students will sit for the AP exam in May.




1. 學生個人陳述及個人簡歷
2 正式在校成績單成績單(B+以上);SSAT、PSAT成績單
3. 學生父母陳述及資金證明
4. 三封推薦信(數學、英語教師及校外人員)



