
Tian Phoen Maolin


出版社: 中國旅遊出版社; 第1版 (2001年3月1日)
精裝: 124頁
正文語種: 英語
開本: 8
ISBN: 9787503218217
條形碼: 9787503218217
尺寸: 30.8 x 26.8 x 2 cm
重量: 1.3 Kg


《北京與西安(英文版)》主要內容包括:Bronze Chariot from Qin Shihuang's Mausoleum、Maoling Mausoleum、Qianling Tomb、Maiji Grottoes、City Wall 、Huaqing Hot Springs、Ladies-in-Waiting mural,Tomb of Princess Yongtai、Honor Guard Mural,Tomb of Crown Prince Yide、Han Dynasty Bronze Horse、Tomb of the Yellow Emperor等。


The Great Wall at the Gold Mountain
Peling Man
A Watchtower in the Forbidden City
Tiananmen Gate
The Forbidden City
A Gilded Bronze Lion in front of Qianqing Gate
The Imperial Garden
Phoenix coronet of an Empress
Imperial Throne in the Hall of Supreme Harmony
The Summer Palace
The Long Corridor
Taihe Gate
Suzhou Street
The Marble Boat
The Temple of Heaven
caisson Ceiling of the Imperial Vault of Heaven
Beihai Park
Ming Tombs
Eastern Qing Tombs
The Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests
Xinhuamen,Front Gate of Zhongnanhai
Ten Ferries
Tanzhe Temple
Ancient Observatory
Ruins of Yuanmingyuan
Traditional Housing
China Central Television Tower
Jingxinzhai (Tranquil Heart Study)
Grand View Garden
Beijing Roast Duck
Beijing West Railway Station
Mount Huashan
The Ruins of Banpo Village
Terra-Cotta Warriors
The Mausoleum of Emperor Qin Shihuang
Terra-Cotta Archer in Qin Shihuang's Mausoleum
Bronze Chariot from Qin Shihuang's Mausoleum
Maoling Mausoleum
Qianling Tomb
Maiji Grottoes
City Wall
Huaqing Hot Springs
Ladies-in-Waiting Mural,Tomb of Princess Yongtai
Honor Guard Mural,Tomb of Crown Prince Yide
Han Dynasty Bronze Horse
Tomb of the Yellow Emperor
The Great Mosque
Famen Temple Pagoda
Water and Land nunnery
Temple of Flourishing Buddhism
Lesser Wild Goose Pagoda
The Bell Tower
Forest of Steles


