






1. 板塊俯衝與成礦過程

2. 元素和同位素地球化學


1. Ling, M.X., Sedaghatpour, F., Teng, F.Z., Hays, P.D., Strauss, J. and Sun, W., 2011. Homogeneous magnesium isotopic composition of seawater: an excellent geostandard for Mg isotope analysis. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry

2. Ling, M.X., Wang, F.Y., Ding, X., Zhou, J.B. and Sun, W.D., 2011. Different origins of adakites from the Dabie Mountains and the Lower Yangtze River Belt, eastern China: Geochemical constraints. International Geology Review

3. Ling, M.X., Wang, F.Y., Ding, X., Hu, Y.H., Zhou, J.B., Zartman, R.E., Yang, X.Y. and Sun, W.D., 2009. Cretaceous ridge subduction along the Lower Yangtze river belt, eastern China. Economic Geology

4. Ling, M.X., Yang, X.Y., Sun, W., Miao, J.Y. and Liu, C.Y., 2006. REE/trace element characteristics of sandstone-type uranium deposits in the Ordos Basin. Chinese Journal of Geochemistry

5. Sun, W.D., Ling, M.X., Ding, X., Chung, S.-L., Yang, X.-Y. and Fan, W., 2012. The genetic association of adakites and Cu–Au ore deposits’: a reply. International Geology Review

6. Sun, W.D., Ling, M.X., Chung, S.L., Ding, X., Yang, X.Y., Liang, H.Y., Fan, W.M., Goldfarb, R. and Yin, Q.Z., 2012. Geochemical Constraints on Adakites of Different Origins and Copper Mineralization. Journal of Geology

7. Li, H., Ling, M.-X., Li, C.-Y., Zhang, H., Ding, X., Yang, X.-Y., Fan, W.-M., Li, Y.-L. and Sun, W.-D., 2012. A-type granite belts of two chemical subgroups in central eastern China: Indication of ridge subduction. Lithos,

8. Li, C.-Y., Wang, F.-Y., Hao, X.-L., Ding, X., Zhang, H., Ling, M.-X., Zhou, J.-B., Li, Y.-L., Fan, W.-M. and Sun, W.-D., 2012. Formation of the world's largest Mo metallogenic belt: a plate-tectonic perspective on the Qinling Mo deposits. International Geology Review

9. Wang, F.Y., Ling, M.X., Ding, X., Hu, Y.H., Zhou, J.B., Yang, X.Y., Liang, H.Y., Fan, W.M. and Sun, W., 2011. Mesozoic large magmatic events and mineralization in SE China: oblique subduction of the Pacific plate. International Geology Review

10. Li, H., Zhang, H., Ling, M.X., Wang, F.Y., Ding, X., Zhou, J.B., Yang, X.Y., Tu, X.L. and Sun, W., 2011. Geochemical and zircon U–Pb study of the Huangmeijian A-type granite: implications for geological evolution of the Lower Yangtze River belt. International Geology Review

11. Sun, W.D., Zhang, H., Ling, M.X., Ding, X., Chung, S.L., Zhou, J., Yang, X.Y. and Fan, W., 2011. The genetic association of adakites and Cu–Au ore deposits. International Geology Review

12. Wang, F.-Y., Li, C.-Y., Ling, M.-X., Zhang, H., Sun, Y.-L. and Sun, W., 2011. Geochronology of the Xihuashan Tungsten Deposit in Southeastern China: Constraints from Re-Os and U–Pb Dating. Resource Geology

13. Sun, X., Xu, L., Sun, W., Zhai, W., Liang, Y., Tang, Q., Liang, J., Zhang, Z., Shen, K., Wang, F., Ling, M.X. and Zartman, R.E., 2011. Channelized fluids in subducted continental crust: constraints from δD–δ18O of quartz and fluid inclusions in quartz veins from the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling Project. International Geology Revie

14. Sun, W.D., Ling, M.X., Yang, X.Y., Fan, W.M., Ding, X. and Liang, H.Y., 2010. Ridge subduction and porphyry copper-gold mineralization: An overview. Science China-Earth Sciences

15. Yang, X.Y., Ling, M.X., Sun, W.D., Luo, X.D., Lai, X.D., Liu, C.Y., Miao, J.Y. and Sun, W., 2009. The genesis of sandstone-type uranium deposits in the Ordos Basin, NW China: constraints provided by fluid inclusions and stable isotopes. International Geology Review

16. 劉健, 李印, 凌明星, 孫衛東, 2011. 白雲鄂博礦床基底岩石的年代學研究及其地質意義. 地球化學

17. 塗湘林, 張紅, 鄧文峰, 凌明星, 梁華英, 劉穎, 孫衛東, 2011. RESOlution 雷射剝蝕系統在微量元素原位微區分析中的套用. 地球化學

18. 孫衛東, 凌明星, 楊曉勇, 范蔚茗, 丁興, 梁華英, 2010. 洋脊俯衝與斑岩銅金礦成礦. 中國科學

19. 孫衛東, 凌明星 and Yin, Q.Z., 2010. 月球的化學演化. 地球化學

20. 李印, 韓峰, 凌明星, 劉健, 李獻華, 李秋立, 孫衛東, 2010. 蚌埠荊山和塗山岩體的年代學、地球化學特徵及其動力學意義. 大地構造與成礦學

21. 李印, 凌明星, 丁興, 劉健, 韓峰, 孫衛東, 2009. 中國東部埃達克岩及成礦作用. 大地構造與成礦學

22. 劉健, 凌明星, 李印, 孫衛東, 2009. 白雲鄂博超大型REE-Nb-Fe礦床的稀土成礦模式綜述. 大地構造與成礦學

23. 楊曉勇, 凌明星, 賴小東, 2009. 鄂爾多斯盆地東勝地區地浸砂岩型鈾礦成礦模型. 地學前緣

24. 楊曉勇, 凌明星, 賴小東, 孫衛, 劉池洋, 2009. 鄂爾多斯盆地東勝-黃龍地區砂岩型鈾礦鈾礦物賦存狀態研究. 地質學報

25. 胡艷華, 劉健, 周明忠, 汪方躍, 丁興, 凌明星, 孫衛東. 2009. 奧陶紀和志留紀鉀質斑脫岩研究評述. 地球化學

26. 胡艷華, 孫衛東, 丁興, 汪方躍, 凌明星, 劉健. 2009. 奧陶紀-志留紀邊界附近火山活動記錄:來華南周緣鉀質斑脫岩的信息. 岩石學報

27. 孫衛東, 凌明星, 汪方躍, 丁興, 胡艷華, 周繼彬, 楊曉勇, 2008. 洋中脊俯衝與中國東部中生代地質事件. 礦物岩石地球化學通報

28. 孫衛東, 凌明星, 汪方躍, 丁興, 胡艷華, 周繼彬, 楊曉勇, 2008. 太平洋板塊俯衝與中國東部中生代地質事件. 礦物岩石地球化學通報

29. 楊曉勇, 凌明星, 孫衛, 苗建宇, 劉池洋, 2006. 鄂爾多斯盆地砂岩型鈾礦流體包裹體特徵. 石油學報

30. 楊曉勇, 羅賢冬, 凌明星, 2007. 鄂爾多斯盆地含鈾砂岩碳酸鹽膠結物C-O同位素研究及地質意義. 中國科學技術大學學報

31. 楊曉勇, 羅賢冬, 凌明星, 賴小東, 2008. 鄂爾多斯盆地砂岩型鈾礦床地球化學特徵及其地質意義. 地質論評

32. 周濱, 汪方躍, 孫勇, 孫衛東, 丁興, 胡艷華, 凌明星. 2008. 秦嶺沙河灣造山帶型環斑花崗岩地球化學及構造屬性討論. 岩石學報


1. Ling, M.X., Sun, W.D., Chung, S.L. and Yang, X.Y., 2009. The association of adakite with Cu (Au) deposits. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta

2. Ling, M.X., Wang, F.Y., Yang, X.Y. and Sun, W.D., 2008. Cretaceous magmatism along the Lower Yangtze River, China controlled by ridge subduction. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta

3. Ling, M.X. and Yang, X.Y., 2007. Laser Raman-spectroscopy study on fluid inclusions of sandstone-type uranium deposits in the Ordos basin, Northwest China. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta

4. Sun, W.D., Ling, M.X., Chung, S.L., Ding, X. and Yang, X., 2010. Slab melting and its implications for copper ore mineralization and future exploration. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta

5. Liang, H.Y., Sun, W.D., Ling, M.X., Ding, X. and Yang, X., 2009. Porphyry Cu (Au) deposit promoted by redox decoupling during magnetite alteration in Yulong. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta

6. Wang, F.Y., Sun, W.D., Ling, M.X., Ding, X. and Yang, X., 2009. Mesozoic geological events in southeastern China and Pacific subduction. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta

7. Yang, X.Y., Ling, M.X., Lai, X.D. and Liu, C.Y., 2008. Occurrence of uranium minerals from sandstone-type uranium deposits, Ordos Basin. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta

8. Yang, X.Y., Ling, M.X., Sun, W. and Liu, C.Y., 2006. Study on the ore-forming condition and occurrence of uranium minerals in sandstone-type uranium deposits from Ordos basin, Northwest China. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta


1. 埃達克岩的鎂同位素研究 青年科學基金 2012-2014負責人;

2. 白雲鄂博碳酸岩鎂同位素地球化學 同位素實驗室“優秀青年人才”基金 2012-2014 負責人;


