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作者:周貞雄 陳根花


1. 辭彙收錄注重高頻性:本詞典一共對近2000個高頻詞進行了詳細講解。這些辭彙主要來自三個方面:一是國中或高中英語教材,二是中考或高考英語考試大綱,三是《朗文當代英語詞典》解釋詞義的常用辭彙和《麥克米倫中階英語詞典》中標註星號的常用辭彙。我們在具體選詞時,主要遵循以下三條標準:一是“高頻”,二是“常考”,三是“易錯”。
2. 用法講解注重實用性:在編寫過程中,我們始終把“實用”二字放在第一位,書中所編內容不僅是中考或高考英語中最常考的知識點,同時也是同學們在英語學習中最容易出錯或混淆的內容。我們編寫本書的一個基本原則是:不實用的內容一句也不能多,真正能為同學們解決問題的內容一條也不能少。
3. 例句選擇注重模擬性:經過對近年來各省市高(中)考英語命題的研究,我們發現了一個不小的秘密,就是高考或中考英語命題者在編輯題時經常會從英美原版詞典中選擇句子,尤其是《朗文當代英語詞典》《劍橋高級英語詞典》等權威英語詞典。下面請看幾個近年來高考英語考題實例(限於篇幅,試舉5例):
(1) There are plenty of jobs in the western part of the country. (浙江卷)
A. present B. available C. precious D. convenient
此題答案為B。題乾材料出自《朗文當代英語詞典》的available詞條,該詞典上的原句是:There are plenty of jobs available in the area.
(2) It looks like the weather is changing for . Shall we stick to your plan? (遼寧卷)
A. the worse B. worse C. the worst D. worst
此題答案為A。題乾材料出自《劍橋高級英語詞典》的worse詞條,該詞典上的原句是:It looks like the weather is changing for the worse.
(3) Stand over there you’ll be able to see the oil painting better. (全國卷)
A. but B. till C. and D. or
此題答案為C。題乾材料出自《劍橋高級英語詞典》的and詞條,該詞典上的原句是:Stand over there and then you’ll be able to see it better.
(4) He found it increasingly difficult to read, his eyesight was beginning to fail. (山東卷)
A. though B. for C. but D. so
此題答案為B。題乾材料出自《朗文當代英語詞典》的for詞條,該詞典上的原句是:He found it increasingly difficult to read, for his eyesight was beginning to fail.
(5) We had an anxious couple of weeks for the results of the experiment. (四川卷)
A. wait B. to be waiting C. waited D. waiting
此題答案為D。題乾材料出自《朗文當代英語詞典》的anxious詞條,該詞典上的原句是:We had an anxious couple of weeks waiting for the test results. (高考題稍有改動,將詞典中的the test results改成了the results of the experiment)
5. 語言學習注重規律性:本書與一般的英語詞典相比還有一個很大的不同點,就是特別注重引導讀者掌握辭彙學習的規律,比如Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday等表示星期的名詞,由於它們在用法方面具有相同的規律,所以在書中將它們放在一起(置於week詞條後)來講述——其中不僅有與介詞搭配的規律,而且有單數與複數使用規律;不僅有與冠詞(定冠詞或不定冠詞)搭配的規律,而且還有與月份名詞搭配時的排列規律,等等。另外,本書還有一個特點,就是不僅在許多地方將同義詞放在一起來講述,而且還經常將反義詞放在一起來講述,比如marry(結婚)與divorce(離婚)是一對反義詞,比較而言,許多同學對marry的用法比較熟悉,而對divorce的用法則相對比較生疏,但由於兩者在用法方面極為相似,所以將它們放在一起來講述可以幫助同學們利用相對熟悉的語言規律來理解相對生疏的語言規律——比如,兩者均可用作不及物動詞,但在口語或非正式文體中,若不跟賓語,通常用be [get] divorced和be [get] married 這樣的結構來代替其不及物用法;要表示“與某人結婚或離婚”,英語應說marry sb或divorce sb,而不能按漢語意思說成marry with sb或divorce with sb;兩者的過去分詞(轉化為形容詞)後均可接介詞to表示對象(注意均不能用介詞with);marry (divorce) 和 get married (divorced) 均為非延續性動詞,通常不與一段時間連用,若要表示某人結婚(離婚)有多久,可用 be married (divorced);等等。


marry 與 divorce v.
1. 相似之處:
(1) 兩者均可用作不及物動詞,但在口語或非正式文體中,若不跟賓語,通常用be [get] divorced和be [get] married 這樣的結構來代替其不及物用法。如:
So you are going to get married this time. 原來這次你要結婚了。
They got married in 1986, and got divorced two years later. 他們1986年結的婚,兩年以後便離婚了。
She did not intend to marry at all. 她根本不想結婚。
After three very unhappy years they divorced. 他們很不愉快地過了3年,終於離婚了。
(2) 要表示“與某人結婚或離婚”,英語應說marry sb或divorce sb,而不能按漢語意思說成marry with sb或divorce with sb。如:
Sue did not marry the man she loved. 蘇沒有和她所愛的男人結婚。
He divorced her, and a good thing too. 他和她離了婚,這也是一件好事。
(3) 兩者的過去分詞(轉化為形容詞)後均可接介詞to表示對象(注意不能用with)。如:
She’s married to an Italian actor. 她和一位義大利演員結了婚。
It’s said that she is divorced to her husband. 據說她與她丈夫離婚了。
He is married with three children. 他已婚,有3個小孩。
He is divorced, with a young son. 他離婚了,有一個年幼的兒子。
(4) 當了解一個人的婚姻的狀況時,通常用be married (divorced), 注意其中的married和divorced是形容詞而不是過去分詞。如:
正:Is she married (divorced)?
誤:Did she marry (divorce)? / Has she married (divorced)?
(5) marry (divorce) 和 get married (divorced) 均為非延續性動詞,通常不與一段時間連用;若要表示某人結婚(離婚)有多久,可用 be married (divorced)。如:
誤:They’ve (got) married for 20 years.
正:They’ve been married for 20 years. 他們結婚20年了。
2. 不同點:
(1) 用作不及物動詞時,marry的主語可以是單數或複數;而divorce的主語通常應是複數,不能是單數,如可說:Ten years later they divorced. 但一般不說:Ten years later he divorced. 可改為:Ten years later he got divorced.
(2) 要具體表明與某人結婚或離婚,be [get] married後通常只接介詞to引出結婚的對象,而be [get] divorced後除可接介詞to外,還通常可接介詞from。如:
He was married to a nurse. 他與一名護士結婚了。
He was divorced to [from] his wife. 他與他的妻子離婚了。
3. 補充說明:
(1) divorce可直接用作名詞,表示“離婚”,根據意義的具體與抽象可用作可數或不可數名詞。如:
Divorce breaks up a lot of families. 離婚拆散了許多家庭。
I won’t give her a divorce. 我不會和她離婚。
He’s getting married again, after two divorces, so he obviously hasn’t profited by his experiences. 他兩次離婚之後又結婚,顯然沒有吸取以往的教訓。
(2) marry不能直接用作名詞,其相應的派生名詞是marriage,其用法參見marriage詞條。


most與most of
most與most of的區別在許多情況下與所修飾的名詞是否帶有限定詞(如冠詞、指示代詞、物主代詞、名詞所有格等)有關,具體說來,應注意以下幾點:
1. 若所修飾的名詞前沒有限定詞,通常要用most,不用most of。如:
Most people agree with me. 多數人同意我的意見。
Most cheese is made from cow’s milk. 乳酪大都是用牛奶做的。
Most people work from nine to five. 大多數人從9點工作到5點。
但是,在習慣上不帶冠詞的專有名詞(如人名和地名等)或抽象名詞(如學科名詞等)前,要用most of,不用most。如:
Most of George seemed to be covered with hair. 喬治身上好像大部分地方都長毛。
Most of Wales was without electricity last night. 昨天夜裡,威爾斯多數地區都停電了。
2. 若所修飾的名詞前帶有限定詞,則用most of,不能只用most。如:
Most of my friends live abroad. 我的朋友大多數住在國外。
Most of the people here know each other. 這裡大多數人互相認識。
He’s eaten two pizzas and most of a cold chicken. 他吃了兩張比薩餅和大半隻冷雞。
Most of those workers have still been unable to find jobs. 這批工人中大多數仍未能找到工作。
誤:My most friends live abroad.
誤:The most people here know each other.
誤:He’s eaten two pizzas and a most cold chicken.
誤:Those most workers have still been unable to find jobs.
對於可數名詞來說,如果是單數形式,不能直接在其前使用most,而應使用“most of+限定詞+單數可數名詞”的形式。如:
Narrative makes up most of the book. 記敘文占書的大部分。
You’ve got most of the bed as usual. 你跟往常一樣占了大半張床。
The hen sits for most of the day. 這隻母雞整天大部分時間都在抱窩。
It was wet and windy for most of the week. 一周大半時間都是又下雨又颳風。
3. 若直接用在代詞之前,要用most of,不用most。如:
Most of us thought he was wrong. 我們大多數人認為他錯了。
Most of them probably eat too much meat. 他們大多數人都吃太多的肉了。
He has a lot of free time—he spends most of it in the garden. 他空閒時間很多——大都消磨在花園裡了。
注意,在關係代詞前也只能用most of,不用most。如:
The buses, most of which were already full, were surrounded by an angry crowd. 公共汽車大多數都已經擠滿了人,它們被憤怒的人群包圍著。
I have a number of American Relatives, most of whom live in Texas. 我有一些美國親戚,他們大都住在德克薩斯。
另外,在連線代詞what引導的從句前也是用most of,不用most。如:
I learned most of what I know about gardening through trial and error. 我的大部分園藝知識都是通過不斷摸索學到的。
4. 如果意思明確,most後所修飾的名詞可以省略,但most of後所修飾的名詞永遠不能省略,也就是說,如果是不修飾名詞而單獨使用,只能用most,不用most of。如:
A few people were killed in the fire, but most were saved. 在那場火災中,有幾個人被燒死,但大部分人都得救了。
Some potatoes have been harvested, but most are still in the ground. 一些土豆已經收穫了,但大多數仍然在地里。
5. most (of) …用作主語時,其謂語的數需根據它所修飾或代表的名詞的數來確定。如:
Most of her books were stolen. 她的大部分書被偷走了。
Most of her money was stolen. 她的大部分錢被走偷了。
6. most與most of修飾名詞時有時在含義上有差別,即前者多表示泛指,後者多表示特指。比較:
Most people like to spend Christmas at home. 多數人喜歡在家裡過聖誕節。
Most of the people I know like to spend Christmas at home. 我所認識的人當中,多數人喜歡在家裡過聖誕節。


