


公司前身是創始人王誠與朋友於英國創立的誠加影視工作室(chengplus studios),後回國經過近年來發展與摸索,與一群有海外留學背景的專業青年結盟而誕生的一個集行銷策劃、推廣和製作的專業平台,並與眾傳播媒體,經驗豐富的創意人,優秀導演與製作團隊簽約合作,提供有關視覺影像的可靠解決方案,努力為中國的視覺創新注入一股新的力量。
Shanghai Chengran Media Co.,Ltd.
Chengren Media is based on and expanded from the Changplus Studios which was established in the UK by the founder. Through the exploration and development in recent years, a group of young people with relevant studies and overseas education background have been gathering together and created a professional marketing, promoting and producing team. Our dedicated team has been gaining various practice and knowledge by working together with well-experienced creative practitioners, directors and producing teams. We are aiming to provide reliable and professional solutions for visual image media and becoming a fresh power within the industry of visual image media in China.
Attention of creation and culture.




After years of experience with top media organizations (CCTV, Traveller World, Touch Media, etc), our production innovativity and creativity have been emerging significantly. In order to focus on targets consuming group, we provide a wide range of customized services of brand building, publicizing and popularizing.
Benefiting from the overseas studying, practicing and living experiences, we are able to present different types of theme by the diversity of media styles and techniques. We believe images are alive, we believe the births of new languages of visual image are motivated by endless enthusiasms and imaginations. we will be appreciating to hear from you and work with you.


這是一個創新媒體的時代,而我們將挖掘媒體所能承載內容的潛力!— 誠然傳媒
This is a time for innovative media, and we will explore the potential of media of content!– Chengran Media
我們用更有表現力的鏡頭,來超越您所期待的!—— 誠然影視
We represent the project by using a bit more visual art, making her look more gorgeous – Chengran Film


” 廣告 紀錄片 故事短片 創意短片 電視專題片 微電影 企業宣傳片”
Advertising, Documentary, Short film, Short creative film, TV feature films, Company promotion film.
If your need related to the above, please contact us, we will provide you the first-class team to build that you want!
地址: 中國上海徐匯區襄陽南路500號607室(靠近建國西路)。


