overture[Patrick Wolf演唱歌曲]

overture[Patrick Wolf演唱歌曲]

Overture是英國創作歌手Patrick Wolf於2012年11月15日發行的專輯《Sundark And Riverlight》中的一首單曲。 《Sundark and Riverlight》是為了紀念Patrick Wolf首張《Lycanthropy》發行至今,出道已經有10年的時間,Patrick Wolf以“Sundark”和“ Riverlight”來命名,分成倆個樂章。重新錄製這張2CD的精選集,這些歌曲以Acoustic的形式被展現,少了平時的電子元素,反而更加的有韻味。


Patrick Wolf Patrick Wolf

Patrick Wolf,愛爾蘭人,1983年出生。當別人仍為臉上的青春痘煩惱時,年僅十一歲的Patrick Wolf已經開始耕耘自己的singer/songwriter之途,他能拉小提琴,也能填詞譜曲。十四歲加入流行樂隊Minty,隨後受到英國獨立大廠Fat Cat賞識且資助其錄音設備,Patrick Wolf開始在臥房裡嘗試錄製四軌作品,並於2004年以二十一歲之齡發表了首張專輯Lycanthropy。

Patrick Wolf裝備了每一種樂器,在11歲時就開始了聲音的實驗。他將古代和現代的吟遊詩人的樂器融合為一體,鍛造出令人驚奇的獨特的音樂語言。歌詞則是狄更斯風格和現代風格的碰撞,充滿牧歌般的田園與雜亂無章的城市之間的衝突。 Patrick Wolf六歲時從故鄉愛爾蘭前往英國學習小提琴,幼年便跟隨交響樂團到歐洲巡迴演出,十一歲時開始寫歌,後來因為偷了學校一台四軌錄音機器,逃出學校,當街頭藝人,從此走上了另一條音樂之路。十六歲時回到倫敦,十七歲時組了一個叫做Maison Crimineaux的樂團。樂團到巴黎表演,於是他遇到Capitol K,他們合作,後來他還在Capitol K自創廠牌Faith and Industry下發表了LYCANTHROPY。 少年時代,他就是那種徹夜在睡房裡用小提琴、人聲、二手電子琴在四軌錄音機上進行DIY創作導致翌日要逃學的樂痴孩子……他的作品能糅合Folk、Laptop Electronica與Neo-Classical等各種音樂成分,既古樸幽情、也摩登現代。鄉村風情的民歌,古典優雅的弦樂鋼琴,以及電氣的Mircobeat肌理在他的作品裡總可以如此絲絲入扣,和諧共處。你可以體驗到原音與電音、鄉間與城市、正統與街頭之雙重性格。他自幼學習正統音樂,卻愛上進行DIY睡房電子音樂之實驗;他深受Joni Mitchell的民歌影響卻對Laptop電音製作平台趨之若鶩;早年他曾加入弦樂四重奏樂團演出以維持生計卻又同時成立了Maison Crimineaux這支又嘈又顛的Gabba-Punk組合。 在Patrick身上你可以把本是風馬牛不相及的東西混為一談……


Sundark And Riverlight Sundark And Riverlight

《Sundark And Riverlight》是為了紀念Patrick Wolf首張《Lycanthropy》發行至今,出道已經有10年的時間,Patrick Wolf以“Sundark”和“ Riverlight”來命名,分成倆個樂章。重新錄製這張2CD的精選集,這些歌曲以Acoustic的形式被展現,少了平時的電子元素,反而更加的有韻味。

Patrick Wolf will put out an acoustic double album consisting of re-recordings of previously released songs. Below, you can now find out what tunes made the cut and watch the just premiered video for "Overture".


Patrick Wolf Patrick Wolf

Patrick Wolf - Overture

it's wonderful

what a smile can hide

if the teeth shine right

and it's nice and wide

so magical

all you can keep inside

if you bury it deep

no-one can find a thing


so come on now

open wide

open up now

don't you think it's time?

to look back at that boy on his way to school

such a heavy heart

such a heavy jewel

hiding something that one day he'll sell

but now no one asks

no one tells a thing


so come on now open wide

open up now

don't you think it's time?

now after all these years

you are at last opening

was it worth all that war just to win?

so caught up in the speed and the way

turn your sing

don't forget how the story begins

don't forget now


now i'm seeing all your lovers and enemies

been turning their keys

so full of greed

all trying to seize that jewel you keep

"what makes it shine?"

what makes it mine?

well i don't care

come on now

open wide

open up now

don't you think it's time?

now after all these tears

you are at last opening

was it worth all that war just to win?

so caught up in the speed and the weight

on your thin

don't forget how your story begins

don't froget now

take me back

to where it begins

before the speed and where you've seen

come on

take me back

to where it begins now

before the speed and the weight

of your thin

come on

take me back

to where it begins now

is it worth all this war just to win?

come on

take me back

to where it begins

come on open wide



