all i ask of you

all i ask of you

《All I ask of you》 是著名音樂劇《歌劇魅影》中女主角克里斯汀(Christine)與戀人拉烏爾(Raoul)的發生在歌劇院天台的一段對白。


All I Ask of You出自《歌劇魅影》第一幕的尾聲。當晚,演出開始了,為了幫助Firmin他們阻撓Phantom的計畫,Raoul坐入五號包廂。Phantom被他們的輕蔑激怒了,先是將舞台上傲慢的Carlotta的嗓音變成了蛤蟆的叫聲,導致演出的中斷,後來又在芭蕾表演的時候把已經被旁遮普套索絞死的Buquet的屍體從舞台天幕上吊下來,引起了觀眾們的慌亂。裝束換畢要替演的Christine領著Raoul,趁著大家的驚慌,逃到了屋頂上。在那裡,Christine向Raoul訴說了自己的遭遇,Raoul一面安慰她說這一切都是夢境,一面向Christine表示了埋藏已久的愛意,兩人合唱了一曲All I Ask of You互表心意。



No more talk of darkness (不再談論黑暗)

Forget these wide-eyed fears (忘記這些恐怖的事)

I'm here, nothing can harm you (我在這,沒有什麼能給你傷害)

My words will warm and calm you (我的話給你溫暖安心)

Let me be your freedom ( 讓我成為你的自由)

Let daylight dry your tears ( 讓晨曦擦乾你的淚水)

I'm here with you beside you ( 我在這裡,在你身旁)

To guard you and to guide you (保護你,指引你)


Say you love me every waking moment (說你在每一個清醒時刻都愛我)

Turn my head with talk of summertime (用夏日的美好使我忘記恐懼)

Say you need me with you now and always ( 說你需要我,現在和永遠)

Promise me that all you say is true (許諾你的話都出自肺腑間 )

That's all I ask of you  (除此我別無所求)


Let me be your shelter ( 讓我為你遮風擋雨)

Let me be your light  (讓我為你帶來曙光)

You're safe no one will find you ( 你很安全,沒人會再糾纏)

Your fears are far behind you ( 你所恐懼之物遠在千里)


All I want is freedom  (可我想要的是自由)

A world with no more night  (再沒長夜漫漫)

And you always beside me  (而你,總是在我身旁)

To hold me and to hide me ( 把我緊緊抱在胸前)


Then say you'll share with me  (那就說你我)

One love one lifetime ( 此情此生不渝)

Let me lead you from your solitude ( 讓我領你擺脫孤單)

Say you need me with you here beside you  (說你要我伴你同行)

Anywhere you go let me go too  (跟隨你,無論地北天南)

Christine that's all I ask of you  (克里斯蒂,除此我別無所求)


Say you'll share with me( 說你我)

One love one lifetime (此情此生不渝)

Say the word and I will follow you( 說了我便跟你走)


Share each day with me, each night each morning


Say you love me (說你愛我)

You know i do (你知道我愛你)

Love me (愛我)

That's all I ask of you ( 除此我別無所求)

Anywhere you go let me go too (跟隨你,無論地北天南)

Love me ( 愛我)

That's all I ask of you (除此我別無所求)


