Why Does It Always Rain On Me

Why Does It Always Rain On Me

《Why Does It Always Rain On Me 》由Travis 創作,收錄於《The Man Who》。



是一支蘇格蘭四人搖滾樂隊,被認為是1990年代末英國最為優秀的傳統搖滾樂隊之一。他們的曲風以 英式搖滾(Britpop)、傳統搖滾(British Trad Rock)、 後垃圾(Post-Grunge)和成人另類 流行/搖滾(Alternative Pop/ Rock)為主。樂團的蘇格蘭背景、出色的旋律以及主唱讓人難以忘懷的嗓音使特拉維斯與電台司令(Radiohead)、綠洲(Oasis)、模糊(Blur)以及酷玩(Coldplay)一起成為了 英式搖滾歷史上最有影響力的幾支樂隊。 這支每個人一聽到他們的音樂都會為之眼睛一亮的傑出樂團,借著他們的歌聲廣播了他們寓幽默人生觀於實力作品中的新音樂主義.


Why Does It Always Rain On MeWhy Does It Always Rain On Me

Travis 創作 收錄於

Why Does it Always Rain on Me?

I can't sleep tonight

Everybody saying everything's alright

Still I can't close my eyes

I'm seeing a tunnel at the end of all these lights

Sunny days

Where have you gone?

I get the strangest feeling you belong

Why does it always rain on me?

Is it because I lied when I was seventeen?

Why does it always rain on me?

Even when the sun is shining

I can't avoid the lightning

I can't stand myself

I'm being held up by invisible men

Still life on a shelf when

I got my mind on something else

Sunny days

Where have you gone?

I get the strangest feeling you belong

Why does it always rain on me?

Is it because I lied when I was seventeen?

Why does it always rain on me?

Even when the sun is shining

I can't avoid the lightning

Oh, where did the blue skies go?

And why is it raining so?

It's so cold

I can't sleep tonight

Everybody saying everything's alright

Still I can't close my eyes

I'm seeing a tunnel at the end of all these lights

Sunny days

Where have you gone?

I get the strangest feeling you belong

Why does it always rain on me?

Is it because I lied when I was seventeen?

Why does it always rain on me?

Even when the sun is shining

I can't avoid the lightning

Oh, where did the blue skies go?

And why is it raining so?

It's so cold

Why does it always rain on me?

Is it because I lied when I was seventeen?

Why does it always rain on me?

Even when the sun is shining

I can't avoid the lightning

Why does it always rain on me?

Why does it always rain on...



專輯名稱:《The Man Who》


專輯風格:Alternative Pop/Rock(另類流行/搖滾)、Britpop(英倫搖滾)、Post-Grunge(後車庫)


1997年以全英Top 10專輯“Good Feeling( 好感覺)”打響知名度,並因之廣受好評的四人搖滾組合Travis,在他們首次出擊之時即獲得好采頭,不但選自該專輯中的單曲「More Than Us」一舉打入Top 16,整張專輯前後還總計產生了五首Top 40單曲,足見他們可愛的親和力已然獲得許多聽眾的喜愛。在他們的首張專輯中,Travis以輕鬆寫意的態度演出結合 民謠、搖滾與流行音樂的首首佳作,尤其是甚受本地聽眾歡迎的「All I Want To Do Is Rock」,營造出他們在樂迷們心目中可愛大男孩的形象;而在經過兩年的歷練之後,Travis在本張最新專輯“The Man Who”里轉趨成熟抒情的走向,則更令人感動於他們的成長與更形內斂的深沉情感。目前此專輯榮膺專輯榜T04,並創下百萬張銷售佳績,更上一籌獲選Select雜誌99年度最佳專輯(Album Of The Year)。


本張專輯標題名稱源於Oliver Sachs所著的一本描述精神分裂症的書“The Man Who Mistakes His Wife For A Hat”的前三個字,主唱Fran解釋道,會以這本書做為新專輯標題的取樣對象,是因為在第一張專輯推出後,有些樂評說他們多變的特性就音樂上而言,好像得了精神分裂症,於是他們就選擇以這本書做為新專輯的標題名稱來源。雖然專輯名稱顯示了樂團一貫的 幽默感,但整張專輯所呈現出的風格其實是偏向較憂鬱的抒情走向的。首支單曲「Writing To Reach You」首周進榜即獲全英Top 14,描述心神相契的戀情透過Fran乾淨的嗓音,詮釋出甘醇而深情的感動;「Driftwood」一曲的 民謠編曲,加上穿插其中的提琴演奏,蕩漾著復古的情懷與清新的感受,躍上單曲榜Top13;「Luv」的真心至情也藉由吉他的撥弄與口琴的曳行,划進聽者心房;而”Why Does It Always rain On Me”不但登上排行Top10,並被Q雜誌年終樂評評為99年最佳單曲(Best Single 1999);最新單曲”Turn”再創新高一舉獲得Top8席次。每一首歌曲都深深打動人心的這張專輯,讓Travis以另一番純情面貌再度進占樂迷的心。



