The Opium Wars

The Opium Wars

"Lin Zexu" China Haiyan Film Studio features filmed in 1959.The story of the early 19th century, the British imperialists started the opium poisoning the exodus of thousands of Chinese people.Ning Yan Qing Daoguang Emperor sent Lin Zexu as Special Imperial Commissioner, went to Guangzhou to stamp out smoking.Smoking, was the opposition leader and Qishan (Keshen), the obstruction of their sabotage.Lin Zexu to Guangzhou officers and rely on the masses, rectifying the worn - out coastal defense, forcing the surrender of all opium as Mackay.20,000 a box of opium in humen achieved victory.In 1840, the British government as an excuse for unleashing unjustified aggressive war, when he was in support of the people to defeat the invaders, but the domestic reactionaries persecution, ousted and exiled in Xinjiang.


Chinese drama, Haiyan Film Studio in 1959 shooting Chinese drama, Haiyan Film Studio in 1959 shooting . 100 years ago, with the penetration of foreign aggression, a large amount of opium to China 100 years ago, with the penetration of foreign aggression, a large amount of opium to China .
compelled Emperor Daoguang of the Qing Dynasty, Lin Zexu to Guangzhou and sent the minister and banned the import of opium that Lin Zexu compelled Emperor Daoguang of the Qing Dynasty, Lin Zexu to Guangzhou and sent the minister and banned the import of opium that Lin Zexu . patriotic officials, generals and the broad masses of the people, with the support of the opium traders to take harsh measures to destroy large quantities of opium, and strengthened the coastal defense of the embattled, $20,000 boxes of opium in humen patriotic officials, generals and the broad masses of the people, with the support of the opium traders to take harsh measures to destroy large quantities of opium, and strengthened the coastal defense of the embattled, $20,000 boxes of opium in humen .
victory in 1840, the British government as an excuse for unleashing unjustified aggressive war, when he was in support of the people to defeat the invaders, but the domestic reactionaries persecution, victory in 1840, the British government as an excuse for unleashing unjustified aggressive war, when he was in support of the people to defeat the invaders, but the domestic reactionaries persecution,. dismissed and exiled in Xinjiang dismissed and exiled in Xinjiang.
The Opium Wars


During the first half of the 19th century, the British moved a large number of inputting opium into China, the people ", the Daoguang Emperor ordered the Imperial Commissioner Lin Zexu to Guangzhou is smoking During the first half of the 19th century, the British moved a large number of inputting opium into China, the people ", the Daoguang Emperor ordered the Imperial Commissioner Lin Zexu to Guangzhou is smoking . opposition leader and the unfortunate Qishan secretly to accuse the British opium dealers to large baskets opposition leader and the unfortunate Qishan secretly to accuse the British opium dealers to large baskets .
Lin Zexu to Guangzhou after immediate action, the viceroy of joint, strengthen coastal defense, and foreign businessmen within 3 days from notification of the surrender of all opium, and detain suspected British merchant ships, collected a large amount of opium Lin Zexu to Guangzhou after immediate action, the viceroy of joint, strengthen coastal defense, and foreign businessmen within 3 days from notification of the surrender of all opium, and detain suspected British merchant ships, collected a large amount of opium . subsequently, Lin Zexu to personally see to,The collection was publicly destroyed in Humen Beach subsequently, Lin Zexu to personally see to,The collection was publicly destroyed in Humen Beach .
humen move badly damaged the British invaders, the display of the Chinese nation against foreign aggression.
The Opium Wars

One To Watch The Movie

This is a patriotic films, portrayed by Lin Zexu and Deng Tingzhen, Guan Tianpei patriotic and other officials, and emphasized the people's role in history, and artistic representation of the invaders and defeated the invading army of British imperialism and magnificent scenes filmed at Chinese This is a patriotic films, portrayed by Lin Zexu and Deng Tingzhen, Guan Tianpei patriotic and other officials, and emphasized the people's role in history, and artistic representation of the invaders and defeated the invading army of British imperialism and magnificent scenes filmed at Chinese . a a .
tragic events as a theme, momentum to see heavy, while noting the meticulous and profound psychological description and background contrast tragic events as a theme, momentum to see heavy, while noting the meticulous and profound psychological description and background contrast .

Video Interpretation

film is a biopic of historical figures, around the Opium War in humen, and of his own success to "the people of the Hui with its"," Yi Wei Qiwei "of Lin Zexu (a patriotic Fengjiangtaili image reproduced on the screen, a glimpse of the Opium War in the magnificent history screen film is a biopic of historical figures, around the Opium War in humen, and of his own success to "the people of the Hui with its"," Yi Wei Qiwei "of Lin Zexu (a patriotic Fengjiangtaili image reproduced on the screen, a glimpse of the Opium War in the magnificent history screen . movie fully inherit the classical literature of traditional Chinese art, and to highlight the ethical, artistic conception of the character is good with feelings and mental states movie fully inherit the classical literature of traditional Chinese art, and to highlight the ethical, artistic conception of the character is good with feelings and mental states .
actor Zhao Dan in his performance, created the role of Lin Zexu this very representative of screen images, and inspired generations of Chinese audiences actor Zhao Dan in his performance, created the role of Lin Zexu this very representative of screen images, and inspired generations of Chinese audiences .

Humen Process

Daoguang 15 January 1839, imperial commissioner Lin Zexu Ordained, has come of 1839 that smoking is the most important of the year, Lin Zeixu's life is the most glorious years of Daoguang 15 January 1839, imperial commissioner Lin Zexu Ordained, has come of 1839 that smoking is the most important of the year, Lin Zeixu's life is the most glorious years of . March 10, 1839 Lin Zexu (a patriotic Qing Dynasty through the two - month journey arrived in Guangzhou, thousands of people packed the Pearl River,Everyone get a glimpse of the entire imperial mien March 10, 1839 Lin Zexu (a patriotic Qing Dynasty through the two - month journey arrived in Guangzhou, thousands of people packed the Pearl River,Everyone get a glimpse of the entire imperial mien .
in Guangzhou, they want to wait and hear the sound of the imperial commissioner Lin Zexu is answered in the next day outside posted two notices" presented the manuscript of the "Vision to the Imperial Road Guangzhou for the purposes of the investigation and handling of the Haikou event in Guangzhou, they want to wait and hear the sound of the imperial commissioner Lin Zexu is answered in the next day outside posted two notices" presented the manuscript of the "Vision to the Imperial Road Guangzhou for the purposes of the investigation and handling of the Haikou event . another" for the official version of the show as" tantamount to Imperial Envoy's trip, which was the first declaration, is the action of a ban was the harbinger of the " another" for the official version of the show as" tantamount to Imperial Envoy's trip, which was the first declaration, is the action of a ban was the harbinger of the ".
" sign is as imperial commissioner Lin Zexu to Guangzhou officials, citizens and foreigners in its public debut, it once again won with a squeaky "confessions" world, but also for the purpose of managing an extremely complicated situation " sign is as imperial commissioner Lin Zexu to Guangzhou officials, citizens and foreigners in its public debut, it once again won with a squeaky "confessions" world, but also for the purpose of managing an extremely complicated situation . Lin Zexu (a patriotic Qing Dynasty official diary records,He lived in Yuehua Academy Lin Zexu (a patriotic Qing Dynasty official diary records,He lived in Yuehua Academy .
People's Republic of China on the People's Bank of China, 1839, Lin Zexu encyclical published two sticker People's Republic of China on the People's Bank of China, 1839, Lin Zexu encyclical published two sticker . 19 March ordered a ban on foreigners to leave Guangzhou 19 March ordered a ban on foreigners to leave Guangzhou .
21 March ordered surrounded chongqian 21 March ordered surrounded chongqian . 22 March ordered Cha took the British opium traders Lancelot Dent 22 March ordered Cha took the British opium traders Lancelot Dent .

British Embassy And Superintendent Of Trade Charles Elliot's Arrival

natural contradiction to himself as he arrives on the day, when he was ordered to berth in the Pearl River and of all foreign vessels to batten down the hatches, the night of the blockade and dealers, and for the withdrawal of all officers and employees of the Chinese natural contradiction to himself as he arrives on the day, when he was ordered to berth in the Pearl River and of all foreign vessels to batten down the hatches, the night of the blockade and dealers, and for the withdrawal of all officers and employees of the Chinese . But Elliot is a real rascal, face the Lin Zexu (a patriotic Qing Dynasty official command, he'll turn to take the rogue, blackmail, deception, lying as a contemptible means alternately use But Elliot is a real rascal, face the Lin Zexu (a patriotic Qing Dynasty official command, he'll turn to take the rogue, blackmail, deception, lying as a contemptible means alternately use .
Elliot full of tricks, but not by Lin Zexu (a rival, on 28 March, to Lin Zexu gives" Elliot Zunyu Jiao is in the form of single cigarette ad impegnar l's Remedies in Case of Three. " Lin Zexu from March 10, 1839 arrived in Guangzhou,Elliot to March 28 was forced to agree to pay all of opium, a total of 18 days, which fully shows the collection of Lin Zexu opium first round victory Lin Zexu from March 10, 1839 arrived in Guangzhou,Elliot to March 28 was forced to agree to pay all of opium, a total of 18 days, which fully shows the collection of Lin Zexu opium first round victory .
Lin Zexu and Deng Tingzhen et al after consultation, the collection of the site, acceptance, or escort, storage, custody, guard, and do an invulnerable instructions and arrange Lin Zexu and Deng Tingzhen et al after consultation, the collection of the site, acceptance, or escort, storage, custody, guard, and do an invulnerable instructions and arrange . 10 April as Lin Zexu and Deng Tingzhen were visited Humen check collection 10 April as Lin Zexu and Deng Tingzhen were visited Humen check collection.
The Opium Wars

Preparatory Work

4 - 11 start collection, Lin Zexu personally supervise the collection of the whole process of 4 - 11 start collection, Lin Zexu personally supervise the collection of the whole process of . 5 Law of the People's Republic of China on the People's Bank of China, it is practical for 34 days, the seizure of 12,409 19187 box, bag 2119, total 1188127 kg 5 Law of the People's Republic of China on the People's Bank of China, it is practical for 34 days, the seizure of 12,409 19187 box, bag 2119, total 1188127 kg .
collected these days, when he was idling the moment does not monitor this complex process of collected these days, when he was idling the moment does not monitor this complex process of . night, meticulous, and nothing is overlooked night, meticulous, and nothing is overlooked .
on 3 June and lasted for 23 days under the command of Lin Zexu opium in humen in, announced to the whole world the Chinese nation's resolve to never succumb to the aggression of humen on 3 June and lasted for 23 days under the command of Lin Zexu opium in humen in, announced to the whole world the Chinese nation's resolve to never succumb to the aggression of humen ., is a feat unprecedented in the history of mankind, humen, Chinese nation unparalleled access to a great image,is the outside aggression of victory , is a feat unprecedented in the history of mankind, humen, Chinese nation unparalleled access to a great image,is the outside aggression of victory .
Lin Zexu, of course, is the organizer of the event, and it constitutes the Completer Lin Zexu, of course, is the organizer of the event, and it constitutes the Completer . in this sense, he has a perfect excuse to become the giants of history who was in this sense, he has a perfect excuse to become the giants of history who was .
humen before, when he learned that the past and put it in the fire of opium, opium oil seeped into the soil, that's how some of these soil excavated is refined into a village and he sent the people in Humen beach excavated width 15 of the 2 large pools, filled with seawater and then opium investment pool, and then those on the lime. re - open the floodgates to disgorge into the ocean the last opium 150 years ago,Britain was the world's biggest imperialist country 150 years ago,Britain was the world's biggest imperialist country .
needs to be constantly in the crazy world of colonial plundering, with opium also attempted to open the door?.?.?.?

Behind The Scenes

film is a biopic of historical figures, around the Opium War in humen, and of his own success to "the people of the Hui with its"," Yi Wei Qiwei "of Lin Zexu (a patriotic Fengjiangtaili image reproduced on the screen, a glimpse of the Opium War in the magnificent history screen film is a biopic of historical figures, around the Opium War in humen, and of his own success to "the people of the Hui with its"," Yi Wei Qiwei "of Lin Zexu (a patriotic Fengjiangtaili image reproduced on the screen, a glimpse of the Opium War in the magnificent history screen . movie fully inherit the classical literature of traditional Chinese art, and to highlight the ethical, artistic conception of the character is good with feelings and mental states movie fully inherit the classical literature of traditional Chinese art, and to highlight the ethical, artistic conception of the character is good with feelings and mental states .
actor Zhao Dan in his performance, created the role of Lin Zexu this very representative of screen images, and inspired generations of Chinese audiences are new film both actor Zhao Dan in his performance, created the role of Lin Zexu this very representative of screen images, and inspired generations of Chinese audiences are new film both . in Chinese cinema classics,also released in the United States is the first step in China's color story in Chinese cinema classics,also released in the United States is the first step in China's color story .
The Opium Wars


Lin Zexu (1785 - year Lin Zexu (1785 - year . Jiaqing reign (1798), Lin Zexu in the writer, who is attending the Aofeng Jiaqing reign (1798), Lin Zexu in the writer, who is attending the Aofeng .
Jiaqing nine years (1804) of the respondents, of Xiamen coastal defense department magistrates' clerk, and later into the governor of Fujian Province, Zhang Shicheng shogunate Jiaqing nine years (1804) of the respondents, of Xiamen coastal defense department magistrates' clerk, and later into the governor of Fujian Province, Zhang Shicheng shogunate . Jiaqing sixteen years (1811) Scholars, selected as shuji shi, grant editing Jiaqing sixteen years (1811) Scholars, selected as shuji shi, grant editing .
successively served as a deputy examiner Jiangxi Provincial examination, the examiner is Yunnan Provincial successively served as a deputy examiner Jiangxi Provincial examination, the examiner is Yunnan Provincial . 1820 (Jia Qing 25 years), he served as Censor to Zhejiang Jiangnan Road in Hangzhou - Jiaxing - Huzhou Road, Ren Xiu on the seawall, water conservancy projects, agricultural development, sound governance and the achievement of the goals of the 1820 (Jia Qing 25 years), he served as Censor to Zhejiang Jiangnan Road in Hangzhou - Jiaxing - Huzhou Road, Ren Xiu on the seawall, water conservancy projects, agricultural development, sound governance and the achievement of the goals of the .
advocated forbidding opium during the Opium War,resist aggression patriotic statesman advocated forbidding opium during the Opium War,resist aggression patriotic statesman . historians say he was the first person Chen historians say he was the first person Chen .


Fifty years from July 26 to Lin Zexu (1785 - 30 - 8) was born in Fujian Houguan (today's Gulou district of fuzhou drum Street, Zhongshan Road) to a lower member of feudal intellectuals in the homes of the father, Fifty years from July 26 to Lin Zexu (1785 - 30 - 8) was born in Fujian Houguan (today's Gulou district of fuzhou drum Street, Zhongshan Road) to a lower member of feudal intellectuals in the homes of the father, . Lin Bin, taught to read and lectured, living alone Lin Bin, taught to read and lectured, living alone .
father teach private school on a modest income could not sustain a living, then, my mother used to be the sharing of family embarrassment father teach private school on a modest income could not sustain a living, then, my mother used to be the sharing of family embarrassment . in the days of imperial examinations, and Lin Zexu of parents expect their sons - in - transit officials in the capital rising in the days of imperial examinations, and Lin Zexu of parents expect their sons - in - transit officials in the capital rising .
Lin Zexu developed sex, at age four by my father, "conceived it into juku, holding a laptop", dictated in the Four Books and Five Classics Lin Zexu developed sex, at age four by my father, "conceived it into juku, holding a laptop", dictated in the Four Books and Five Classics . father a great source of strength,earlier read Confucian classics father a great source of strength,earlier read Confucian classics .
Jiaqing reign (1798), he was 14, he passed the county level and then come to the famous Fujian Aofeng read and studied under a scholarship of Zheng Guang Ce and Study on All CHEN Shouqi Jiaqing reign (1798), he was 14, he passed the county level and then come to the famous Fujian Aofeng read and studied under a scholarship of Zheng Guang Ce and Study on All CHEN Shouqi . fathers and relatives under the influence, began to pay attention to the idea to learn 2009 fathers and relatives under the influence, began to pay attention to the idea to learn 2009 .
Jiaqing (1804), a 20 - year - old father in Jiaqing (1804), a 20 - year - old father in . licentiates to inculcate in the studies of Lin Zexu made amazing progress licentiates to inculcate in the studies of Lin Zexu made amazing progress .
reasons for hard - to - day family outings when reasons for hard - to - day family outings when . tutor in 1922 (in 1806), P., Fang Yongqing should be hired to the Xiamen coast defense secretary served as the Magistrate of opium here
of of . the same year,affected by the new governor of Fujian Province, Zhang Shicheng and underappreciated enrolled him in the face of our Shogun the same year,affected by the new governor of Fujian Province, Zhang Shicheng and underappreciated enrolled him in the face of our Shogun .
is known from many of the anecdotes and soldiers of the Qing Dynasty, Xing, clans, etc. knowledge and experience for his later "official" prepared some necessary
The Opium Wars

They Got Into Officialdom

16 - year - Jiaqing (1811), when he was trying it on, man, it's a shi Academy, li bu that began to enter officialdom, parents desired Become the official 16 - year - Jiaqing (1811), when he was trying it on, man, it's a shi Academy, li bu that began to enter officialdom, parents desired Become the official . nineteen years (1814) grant editing nineteen years (1814) grant editing .
Xiu Historica later became the co - authors, the officer, turning the den walking, Qing Mi Tang, Jiangxi Provincial Deputy Examiner, Yunnan Provincial examiner is positive, the southern Imperial Censor Xiu Historica later became the co - authors, the officer, turning the den walking, Qing Mi Tang, Jiangxi Provincial Deputy Examiner, Yunnan Provincial examiner is positive, the southern Imperial Censor . in the capital, he swore he would do one of the honest placemen in the capital, he swore he would do one of the honest placemen .
his book of the "Literature and the mystical" his book of the "Literature and the mystical" . To pass to the government, "Yi Jiu heart of statecraft, living now in Qing Mi, Cao Yu six examples theInheritance To pass to the government, "Yi Jiu heart of statecraft, living now in Qing Mi, Cao Yu six examples theInheritance .
administrative personnel as well as meta as it gets administrative personnel as well as meta as it gets. in the Capital; officials in seven years, he has collected since the Yuan and Ming Dynasty's expert on dozens of kilometers of irrigation channels and dams and irrigation works in Jifu and pedantry, writings, wrote "Water - appreciate the book" The name of the book that "Zhili aqueous Yi rice, water may be Narita", ', and' all over the world to lead, rice and a peasant's lead " in the Capital; officials in seven years, he has collected since the Yuan and Ming Dynasty's expert on dozens of kilometers of irrigation channels and dams and irrigation works in Jifu and pedantry, writings, wrote "Water - appreciate the book" The name of the book that "Zhili aqueous Yi rice, water may be Narita", ', and' all over the world to lead, rice and a peasant's lead ".
believes that only through the development of the North China water conservancy, rice, grain, in order to solve the grain to the north in the south, and with respect to the water transport of grain to malpractice problems believes that only through the development of the North China water conservancy, rice, grain, in order to solve the grain to the north in the south, and with respect to the water transport of grain to malpractice problems . twenty - four year of Jiaqing (1819), Lin Zexu in Beijing participated in some literati" Canticles Touhu "troupes and" Xuannan poets society ", she met Gong Zizhen and Wei Yuan et al.,In a poetry slam in prose and poetry activities
1820 (Jia Qing 25) in July, when he was director of Zhejiang Huzhou Road outside 1820 (Jia Qing 25) in July, when he was director of Zhejiang Huzhou Road outside . To Bring forward talents he actively, as recommended by the water conservancy irrigation channels and dams and seawalls, as To Bring forward talents he actively, as recommended by the water conservancy irrigation channels and dams and seawalls, as .
but he felt some of the various resistances, badass, Zeng abreact "also reappeared and deficit right", "Three sigh as officials are hardly" such anguish but he felt some of the various resistances, badass, Zeng abreact "also reappeared and deficit right", "Three sigh as officials are hardly" such anguish . finally in July under the pretext of parent home ill resign finally in July under the pretext of parent home ill resign .
Lin Zexu as people have done many good things, but because of temperament too, please write "his own anger" characters hanging in the Scholar's Academy to vigilante Lin Zexu as people have done many good things, but because of temperament too, please write "his own anger" characters hanging in the Scholar's Academy to vigilante . Daoguang (1822) in April 2002, was appointed to the Zhejiang Jiangnan Huaihai Road,had not assumed the former Department of Zhejiang makeyan consolidation policy, effective Daoguang (1822) in April 2002, was appointed to the Zhejiang Jiangnan Huaihai Road,had not assumed the former Department of Zhejiang makeyan consolidation policy, effective .
Lin Zexu was out of favour with the emperor, soon entered officialdom on Lin Zexu was out of favour with the emperor, soon entered officialdom on . Daoguang period of three years (1823) in January, Jiangsu Provincial Judge Daoguang period of three years (1823) in January, Jiangsu Provincial Judge .
in the post, his reorganization of government officials, clearing of the backlog, redressed the unjust, and opium as a poison in society that could be prohibited in the post, his reorganization of government officials, clearing of the backlog, redressed the unjust, and opium as a poison in society that could be prohibited . Jiangsu this summer and fall of a year of heavy rains, Songjiang hungry mob to sue disaster, will turn out for Jiangsu this summer and fall of a year of heavy rains, Songjiang hungry mob to sue disaster, will turn out for .
Lin Zexu mustering against repression, and decided to pay a visit to Songjiang diazepam victims, as well as a series of relief measures, mitigated the class contradictions Lin Zexu mustering against repression, and decided to pay a visit to Songjiang diazepam victims, as well as a series of relief measures, mitigated the class contradictions . Jin returned at the end of the year, the Department of Administrative Commissioner at Jiangning,It is responsible for the disaster relief and let Lin Zexu transaction but Jin returned at the end of the year, the Department of Administrative Commissioner at Jiangning,It is responsible for the disaster relief and let Lin Zexu transaction but .
Daoguang four years autumn, Lin Zexu has been bereaved parents, Daoguang four years autumn, Lin Zexu has been bereaved parents, . decade again until January 2007 decade again until January 2007 .
Officialdom Daoguang (June 1827) according to one of the Shaanxi Provincial Judge, Acting Chief, in any month, i.e., secondment Jiangning assasined wait during interfaces, Lueyang, Shaanxi occurred along the flood, And leave Shaan for the reinstatement of temporarily arranging, Lueyang, went to inspect the disaster areas, and affecting the people, while also participating in the county, Shannan Move wait during interfaces, Lueyang, Shaanxi occurred along the flood, And leave Shaan for the reinstatement of temporarily arranging, Lueyang, went to inspect the disaster areas, and affecting the people, while also participating in the county, Shannan Move .
roundtrip issues, went further, Zhang Liang Temple - Zibai Mountain, Mount Dingjun Zhuge Liang's tomb, and? roundtrip issues, went further, Zhang Liang Temple - Zibai Mountain, Mount Dingjun Zhuge Liang's tomb, and? . he pondered in mizoguchi empress Wu Houmu "in his poem:" Big Star, although the meteorite name,Frontline Tribute Han Xu, Liu he pondered in mizoguchi empress Wu Houmu "in his poem:" Big Star, although the meteorite name,Frontline Tribute Han Xu, Liu .
holds genu in the arms of the known woodwind, the final bow right horse Yi Zhou holds genu in the arms of the known woodwind, the final bow right horse Yi Zhou . Dinghan Mianshui River residents tears, dark of autumn Dinghan Mianshui River residents tears, dark of autumn .
Origin Qi Gui first Dingjun Jun Mo, the tomb of a locked door in camp worry Origin Qi Gui first Dingjun Jun Mo, the tomb of a locked door in camp worry . "1830s) mourning "1830s) mourning .
1830s autumn to Hubei Administrative Commissioner, from autumn to next Commissioner are transferred to Henan, Donghe river 1830s autumn to Hubei Administrative Commissioner, from autumn to next Commissioner are transferred to Henan, Donghe river . Governor from June to July, when he took the position of Hubei, Henan, Jiangning assasined Governor from June to July, when he took the position of Hubei, Henan, Jiangning assasined .
" years old, for the day of the week three of the province, the official corruption as lookouts to relieve the heavy " years old, for the day of the week three of the province, the official corruption as lookouts to relieve the heavy . Xinjiang officials only, all Orifushi fades under Xinjiang officials only, all Orifushi fades under .
"he is the rule of the Qing Dynasty's long - term, committed to fiscal consolidation, beefing up water - control projectsDisaster Relief Office "," Virtue is famous for "he is the rule of the Qing Dynasty's long - term, committed to fiscal consolidation, beefing up water - control projectsDisaster Relief Office "," Virtue is famous for . "in October and became the Governor of Hedong river "in October and became the Governor of Hedong river .
in a facing relationship to the river on the livelihood of the major issues, which resolve to" break the face "," vibration force ', "in addition to the Treasury Section, solid Lan An in a facing relationship to the river on the livelihood of the major issues, which resolve to" break the face "," vibration force ', "in addition to the Treasury Section, solid Lan An ." We're going to the Yellow River region of Russia, cold wind, walking hundreds of miles, thousands of rivers and watercourses of the stand - by Shang Jie Liang as well as surveys of the river terrain, " We're going to the Yellow River region of Russia, cold wind, walking hundreds of miles, thousands of rivers and watercourses of the stand - by Shang Jie Liang as well as surveys of the river terrain, .
painting is hung from a stream of water, to facilitate the understanding and governance painting is hung from a stream of water, to facilitate the understanding and governance . Daoguang 12 years (1832) in February, and transferred to the Jiangsu governor from Daoguang 12 years (1832) in February, and transferred to the Jiangsu governor from .
year role for sixteen years, he spoke on agriculture, and canal transportation, water conservancy, disaster relief officials each made great achievements,You re - promoted new farming techniques, the promotion of new farming implements year role for sixteen years, he spoke on agriculture, and canal transportation, water conservancy, disaster relief officials each made great achievements,You re - promoted new farming techniques, the promotion of new farming implements . him in practice to realize "the force of human on earth, earth work all belong to agricultural work him in practice to realize "the force of human on earth, earth work all belong to agricultural work .
waterways more for sport, namely rice paddies, there's one more for the benefit of Lai waterways more for sport, namely rice paddies, there's one more for the benefit of Lai ." Lin Zexu this farming culture in present in the field, out of twelve years in your experience
(1833), Jiangsu large floods, Lin Zexu despite reporting deadline and court reprimand, a full statement of the disaster, calling for the levy of the Cao Gang Fu, "how wide a chase in the call, i.e., multi - culture on a scale of one" crippled "request, for the development of production, the rest in the people's hardships have objectively advantageous action while his analysis of the reasons is due to the floods, the Huangpu River,Lou River and is exteriorly of the Baimao River in a state of disrepair, due to silting year by year, and had decided that the irrigation channels and dams and Baimao Sand River, Lou River, and also to build seawalls, these in our water conservation taking on certain status while his analysis of the reasons is due to the floods, the Huangpu River,Lou River and is exteriorly of the Baimao River in a state of disrepair, due to silting year by year, and had decided that the irrigation channels and dams and Baimao Sand River, Lou River, and also to build seawalls, these in our water conservation taking on certain status .
in this period, Lin Zexu of the Qing Dynasty (1644 - 1911) on financial and economic policy, trade policy and oppose any foreign disabled, and for the first time alluded to Emperor Daoguang's brings up a set mintage, in building their own silver in this period, Lin Zexu of the Qing Dynasty (1644 - 1911) on financial and economic policy, trade policy and oppose any foreign disabled, and for the first time alluded to Emperor Daoguang's brings up a set mintage, in building their own silver . This is a new epoch in Chinese currency reform, the Herald This is a new epoch in Chinese currency reform, the Herald .
This is the political and economic situation changes, the protection of national industrialists and merchants, protect the national economic development independently,resisted the western capitalism invasion of advanced thoughts This is the political and economic situation changes, the protection of national industrialists and merchants, protect the national economic development independently,resisted the western capitalism invasion of advanced thoughts . Daoguang 17 years (1837), the month nisan liters Daoguang 17 years (1837), the month nisan liters .
Viceroy in Hubei province every summer to face the river often flooded, Lin Zexu adopt powerful measures, put forward "prevention and a king outside", and "thousands of Singaporeans and Jianghan, Anlan Puqing, branch and river levee, and also have no one Man," to safeguard lives and property of Jianghan coastal counties, and made an indelible contribution to Viceroy in Hubei province every summer to face the river often flooded, Lin Zexu adopt powerful measures, put forward "prevention and a king outside", and "thousands of Singaporeans and Jianghan, Anlan Puqing, branch and river levee, and also have no one Man," to safeguard lives and property of Jianghan coastal counties, and made an indelible contribution to . while Lin Zexu (a patriotic Qing Dynasty imperial officials, and punish crooked while Lin Zexu (a patriotic Qing Dynasty imperial officials, and punish crooked .
"to positive people, the" "to positive people, the" . "is better than precept", when he was paid more attention to the strict demands on themselves, taking the lead in everything,in an exemplary manner everywhere "is better than precept", when he was paid more attention to the strict demands on themselves, taking the lead in everything,in an exemplary manner everywhere .
issued orders in Hubei, the Hubei issued into the "pass", prohibited along subservience, peddling blackmail issued orders in Hubei, the Hubei issued into the "pass", prohibited along subservience, peddling blackmail . in the governor, still remain" impartial "style in the governor, still remain" impartial "style .
Lin Zexu and conscientious work, is competent in the officialdom was the most honest, selfless and beloved by the masses of a good leader Lin Zexu and conscientious work, is competent in the officialdom was the most honest, selfless and beloved by the masses of a good leader .
The Opium Wars

After The Ban Of The Opium Experience

It is the problem which at that time was politically disputed It is the problem which at that time was politically disputed . Daoguang sixteen years (1836), Taichang Young Chang Qing "On Chi - ban", a quasi - civil trafficking smoking, opium smuggling to legitimise the 18th year of Daoguang (1838), Honglu Temple Qing Huang Juezi proposed "strict", to treat heavy smoking Daoguang sixteen years (1836), Taichang Young Chang Qing "On Chi - ban", a quasi - civil trafficking smoking, opium smuggling to legitimise the 18th year of Daoguang (1838), Honglu Temple Qing Huang Juezi proposed "strict", to treat heavy smoking .
Lin Zexu is the first to play on the court, at the request of forbidding opium Lin Zexu is the first to play on the court, at the request of forbidding opium . not so instructed that the emperor, the province began to smoke, Confiscation, a village with a range of smoking, and constituted into a "withdrawal" the pill "for people to quit smoking, not so instructed that the emperor, the province began to smoke, Confiscation, a village with a range of smoking, and constituted into a "withdrawal" the pill "for people to quit smoking, .
then the tbs memorials, particularly, argues the smoking ban to put an end to the source of opium smoking and the importance of the strategy,and for the opposition's emphasis refutes say: "When the law strictly, if Judah relief case", which was made decades later, Central Plains can be enemies without a few soldiers, and may be inflated rates of silver ", indecisive, forbidding opium to Emperor Daoguang's awareness of the urgency, necessity and possibility, therefore, be forced to accept the proposition prohibited, the smoking ban then the tbs memorials, particularly, argues the smoking ban to put an end to the source of opium smoking and the importance of the strategy,and for the opposition's emphasis refutes say: "When the law strictly, if Judah relief case", which was made decades later, Central Plains can be enemies without a few soldiers, and may be inflated rates of silver ", indecisive, forbidding opium to Emperor Daoguang's awareness of the urgency, necessity and possibility, therefore, be forced to accept the proposition prohibited, the smoking ban . decided on 15 November (31 December), the Minister for Special Imperial Commissioner Lin Zexu was a great emperor visited Guangdong and the investigation and handling of the smoking ban decided on 15 November (31 December), the Minister for Special Imperial Commissioner Lin Zexu was a great emperor visited Guangdong and the investigation and handling of the smoking ban .

Glorious Years Of

into Guangzhou before. Before Guangzhou, Lin Zexu opium poison, trying to find out the various opium dens, the amount of data at the first, to be nineteen years in the month of March (1839) against Guangzhou, February Daiki (19 March), Deng Yan Zhen Lin Zexu in conjunction with the Ministry of Communications and the Thirteen Hongs of foreign traders, ordered care - allegorical, post, ordered foreign opium traffickers paid within a cigarette, and bound over for future never entrained opium, he declares: "If the opium will not, to this day not to return to the minister, vowing vengeance on the matter from beginning to end, do not abort theory which states that the" foreign but refuses to surrender, after a determined fight, who defeated the British Superintendent of Trade Charles Elliot and stationed in opium,to collect all of the nearly 20,000 crates of opium, about 237 sights theory which states that the" foreign but refuses to surrender, after a determined fight, who defeated the British Superintendent of Trade Charles Elliot and stationed in opium,to collect all of the nearly 20,000 crates of opium, about 237 sights .
April 22nd (June 3) at Humen Beach April 22nd (June 3) at Humen Beach . Daoguang 18 destroyed in public on 15 November, when he was appointed imperial commissioner, has come of 1839 that smoking is the most important of the year, Lin Zeixu's life is the most glorious years of Daoguang 18 destroyed in public on 15 November, when he was appointed imperial commissioner, has come of 1839 that smoking is the most important of the year, Lin Zeixu's life is the most glorious years of .
in the opium ban period, Lin Zexu has played himself in Yamen wrote a couplet: "Broad and defend yourself favour" This antithetical couplet as well as vivid and profound meaning in the opium ban period, Lin Zexu has played himself in Yamen wrote a couplet: "Broad and defend yourself favour" This antithetical couplet as well as vivid and profound meaning . linking himself ejaculations, we need to listen to different opinions, and put a lot of things right,invincible; couplet to temper his power and status, we must resolutely eradicate the problem, and the lusts of other things to look like the mountains like an upright standing in the world linking himself ejaculations, we need to listen to different opinions, and put a lot of things right,invincible; couplet to temper his power and status, we must resolutely eradicate the problem, and the lusts of other things to look like the mountains like an upright standing in the world .
Lin Zexu advocate of this spirit and respect for the posterity of Lin Zexu advocate of this spirit and respect for the posterity of . March 10, 1839 Lin Zexu (a patriotic Qing Dynasty through the two - month journey arrived in Guangzhou, thousands of people packed the Pearl River,Everyone get a glimpse of the entire imperial mien March 10, 1839 Lin Zexu (a patriotic Qing Dynasty through the two - month journey arrived in Guangzhou, thousands of people packed the Pearl River,Everyone get a glimpse of the entire imperial mien .
in Guangzhou, they want to wait and hear the sound of the imperial commissioner Lin Zexu is answered in the next day outside posted two notices" presented the manuscript of the "Vision imperial envoys to Guangzhou for the purposes of the investigation and handling of the Haikou event in Guangzhou, they want to wait and hear the sound of the imperial commissioner Lin Zexu is answered in the next day outside posted two notices" presented the manuscript of the "Vision imperial envoys to Guangzhou for the purposes of the investigation and handling of the Haikou event . another" for the official version of the show as" tantamount to Imperial Envoy's trip, which was the first declaration, is the action of a ban was the harbinger of the " another" for the official version of the show as" tantamount to Imperial Envoy's trip, which was the first declaration, is the action of a ban was the harbinger of the ".
" sign is as imperial commissioner Lin Zexu to Guangzhou officials, citizens and foreigners in its public debut, it once again won with a squeaky "confessions" world, but also to drive an extremely complicated situation " sign is as imperial commissioner Lin Zexu to Guangzhou officials, citizens and foreigners in its public debut, it once again won with a squeaky "confessions" world, but also to drive an extremely complicated situation . Lin Zexu (a patriotic Qing Dynasty official diary records,He lived in Yuehua Academy Lin Zexu (a patriotic Qing Dynasty official diary records,He lived in Yuehua Academy .
People's Republic of China on the People's Bank of China, 1839, Lin Zexu encyclical published two sticker People's Republic of China on the People's Bank of China, 1839, Lin Zexu encyclical published two sticker . 19 March ordered a ban on foreigners to leave Guangzhou 19 March ordered a ban on foreigners to leave Guangzhou .
21 March ordered surrounded chongqian 21 March ordered surrounded chongqian . 22 March ordered Cha took the British opium traders Lancelot Dent 22 March ordered Cha took the British opium traders Lancelot Dent .
(Fuzhou Lin Zexu opium in humen scene exhibition halls inside the British Superintendent of Trade Charles Elliot) stationed in China, the contradiction is naturally transferred to him, the day of his arrival, ordered Lin Zexu docked at Huangpu River on all foreign vessels to batten down the hatches, the night of the blockade and dealers, and for the withdrawal of all officers and employees of the Chinese (Fuzhou Lin Zexu opium in humen scene exhibition halls inside the British Superintendent of Trade Charles Elliot) stationed in China, the contradiction is naturally transferred to him, the day of his arrival, ordered Lin Zexu docked at Huangpu River on all foreign vessels to batten down the hatches, the night of the blockade and dealers, and for the withdrawal of all officers and employees of the Chinese . But Elliot is a real scoundrel,Lin Zexu (a patriotic Qing Dynasty official in the face of command, of flip - flopping, rogue, blackmail, deception, lying as a contemptible means alternately use But Elliot is a real scoundrel,Lin Zexu (a patriotic Qing Dynasty official in the face of command, of flip - flopping, rogue, blackmail, deception, lying as a contemptible means alternately use .
Elliot full of tricks, but not by Lin Zexu (a rival, on 28 March, to Lin Zexu gives" Elliot Zunyu Jiao is in the form of single cigarette ad impegnar l's Remedies in Case of Three. " 1 1.
The Opium Wars The Opium Wars


