Never Know[傑克·詹森演唱歌曲]

《Never Know》是傑克·詹森演唱的一首歌曲。


傑克·詹森是美國衝浪手,民謠歌手,導演。從小在夏威夷長大,Jack Johnson會走路的時候也會衝浪,17歲的時候他已經是衝浪界的天才,以最年輕的年紀揚名於世界級衝浪大賽(Pipeline Masters),正當體壇將他鎖定成海灘明日之星,比賽後一個月,Jack Johnson在衝浪時發生嚴重意外,臉上縫了150針,讓他整整三個月無法出門,卻也給了他三個月抱著吉他、創作音樂的時光;但是Jack Johnson並沒有一鼓作氣成為創作歌手,18歲的他選擇到加州大學念電影,99年導演並且擔任電影配樂完成了衝浪電影《Thicker Than Water》,初執導演筒的他,贏得各影展最佳導演等大獎,眼見著Jack Johnson就要加入電影界,新的一波浪潮卻迎面來襲;傑克自彈自唱的歌曲,早期就被衝浪巨星們作成卡帶複製流傳,2015年的今天,Jack Johnson,這個海灘男孩,不只是衝浪天才、不只是得獎導演、他是全球銷量300萬張的創作才子。  


Never Know

Jack Johnson

I hear this old story before

If people keep appealing for the metaphors

Don't leave much up to the imagination'

So I' wanna give this imagery back

No it just aint so easy like that

So' I turn the page and read the story again

And again and again

It just seems the same' with a diff. name

We're breaking and rebuilding

And we're growing

Always guessing

Never knowing

Shocking but we're nothing

We're just moments

We're Clever but we're clueless

We're just human

Amusing but confusing

Were trying but where is this all leading

Never Know

It all happened so much faster

Than you could say disaster

Wanna take a time lapse

And look at it backwards

>From the last one

And maybe thats just the answer

That we're after

But after all

We're just a bubble in a boiling pot

Just one breath in a chain of thought

The moments just combusting

Feel certain but we'll never never know

Just seems the same

Give it a diff. name

We're beggin and we're needing

And we're trying and we're breathing

Never knowing

Shocking but we're nothing

We're just moments

We're Clever but we're clueless

We're just human

Amusing but confusing

Helping' we're builign

And we're growing

Never Know

Knock knock on the door to door

Tell ya that the metaphor is better than yours

And you can either sink or swim

Things are looking pretty grim

If you dont believe in what this one feeding

Its got no feeling

So I read it again

And again and again

Just seems the same

Too many different names

Our hearts are strong our hands are weak

We'll always be competing

Never knowing

Shocking but we're nothing

We're just moments

We're Clever but we're clueless

We're just human

Amusing but confusing

But the truth is

All we got is questions

We'll Never Know

Never Know

Never Know


In Between Dreams

歌手:Jack Johnson

語言:英語 流派:無流派


唱片公司:Brushfire Records



