Greata Smartphone

Greata Smartphone

《Greata Smartphone》是一款IOS平台的套用。


Greata Mobile: Manage Your Project Anywhere You Go Greata Mobile:到哪裡也可管理你的項目 Mobile is the commonly used device to let you keep in touch with your project team. ProjectAIMS brings you the Greata Mobile app to let you access, review and action your project information straight from your iPhone® device. Greata Mobile is a fabulous tool which leverages the features of Greata Project Management software without any special integration. 手機、平板電腦等是項目團隊之間保持緊密聯繫的常用設備。寶智堅思推出的Greata Mobile可支持從iPhone®直接訪問、審核和處理你的項目信息。Greata Mobile無需集成,是一個可隨時隨地體驗Greata項目管理系統的超級利器。 Stay productive and in control to your project wherever you are. Greata Mobile enables staff outside office to manage construction activities, with or without internet connection. Assisted by the Personal Reminder features, you will never miss any important actions requested in the project. 無論你身在何處都可令項目保持高效可控。Greata Mobile讓在辦公室外的員工也可不受網路條件限制地管理施工活動。在個人提醒功能的輔助下,你永遠不會錯過任何一個項目所要求的重要操作。 System requirements 系統要求 iPhone: iOS 4.3.3 or later iPhone:iOS 4.3.3版本及以上 Greata: Greata version 3.0 Greata: Greata3.0版本及以上1,修復一些界面的閃退問題


需要iOS 4.3 或更高版本。與 iPhone、iPad、iPod touch 兼容。 此 App 已針對 iPhone 5 進行最佳化。


