
DisableThreadLibraryCalls函式簡介 1、函式原型 BOOL WINAPI DisableThreadLibraryCalls( __in HMODULE hModule ); 功能: 禁用指定的DLL的DLL_THREAD_ATTACH和DLL_THREAD_DETACH通知,這樣可以減小某些程式的工作集大小。 參數: HMODULE hModule,將要被禁用DLL_THREAD_ATTACH和DLL_THREAD_DETACH通知的dll的模組句柄。 返回值: 成功返回非零值;失敗則返回零值。 注意事項: 1)當dll使用靜態C運行時庫進行連結(CRT,C run-time library ).時,不要使用該函式,因為此時dll需要DLL_THREAD_ATTACH 和DLL_THREAD_DETATCH通知才能發揮正常作用。 2)Header Declared in Winbase.h; include Windows.h. 3)Library Use Kernel32.lib. 4)DLL Requires Kernel32.dll.


This function disables the DLL_THREAD_ATTACH and DLL_THREAD_DETACH notifications for the DLL specified by the hLibModule parameter.

Using this function can reduce the size of the working code set for some applications.


BOOL DisableThreadLibraryCalls(

HMODULE hLibModule


Parameters: 參數:


[in] Handle to the DLL module for which the DLL_THREAD_ATTACH and DLL_THREAD_DETACH notifications are to be disabled.


Return Values: 返回值:

Nonzero indicates success. 成功返回非零值;

Zero indicates failure.失敗則返回零值。

To get extended error information, call GetLastError.


Windows CE does not support static-thread local storage; therefore, the only restriction for specifying a DLL to disable is that it is a valid module.

The DisableThreadLibraryCalls function lets a DLL disable the DLL_THREAD_ATTACH and DLL_THREAD_DETACH notification calls.

This can be a useful optimization for multithreaded applications that have many DLLs, frequently create and delete threads, and whose DLLs do not need these thread-level

notifications of attachment/detachment.

By disabling the notifications, the DLL initialization code is not paged-in because a thread is created or deleted, which reduces the size of the application's working code set.

Disabling the notification calls can be used for any DLL where there is no thread-level tracking required. If you need to track resources on a thread-by-thread basis, the notification

should not be turned off.

To implement the optimization, modify a DLL's DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH code to call DisableThreadLibraryCalls.

Drivers that exist in the Device Manager Device.exe process space should call DisableThreadLibraryCalls if no thread-specific data is needed.


OS Versions: Windows CE 3.0 and later.

Header: Winbase.h.

Link Library: Coredll.lib.


1)當dll使用靜態C運行時庫進行連結(CRT,C run-time library ).時,不要使用該函式,因為此時dll需要DLL_THREAD_ATTACH 和DLL_THREAD_DETATCH通知才能發揮正常作用。

2) Header Declared in Winbase.h; include Windows.h.

3) Library Use Kernel32.lib.

4) DLL Requires Kernel32.dll.



