

Bethesda Softworks,LLC,是一家美國遊戲發行商,並且為Zenimax Media 的子公司。公司於1986年始創於美國馬里蘭州的Bethesda(Bethesda,Maryland),並且於1990年遷址至馬里蘭州Rockville(Rockville,Maryland)。旗下有諸多不同題材和類型的遊戲發系列,包括角色扮演(RPG),競速,模擬類和體育類型等。



Bethesda Softworks,LLC,是一家美國遊戲發行商,並且為Zenimax Media 的子公司。公司於始創於美國馬里蘭州的Bethesda(Bethesda,Maryland),並且於1990年遷址至馬里蘭州Rockville(Rockville,Maryland)。旗下有諸多不同題材和類型的遊戲發系列,包括角色扮演(RPG),競速,模擬類和體育類型等。


Bethesda Softworks (以下簡稱Bethesda)是一家有著逾20年互動式娛樂(包括遊戲在內)開發,發行歷史的公司。在2001年Bethesda 成為了一家專注於遊戲發行的公司,並將原有的開發部門組建成了Bethesda Game Studio 用以專注於遊戲開發。

公司由Christopher Weaver 於1986年始創於Maryland Bethesda,然後在1990年搬遷至Rockville。公司在此階段開發了很多PC和命令行遊戲。在1999年,公司創始人Weaver和Robert Altman成立了ZeniMax,Inc。

Bethesda是遊戲物理引擎的開拓者和先驅者,其於1986年在Commodore Amiga 和 Commodore 64/128 平台開發出了具有物理引擎的模擬遊戲Gridiron!。

公司廣為人知的系列當屬上古捲軸(The Elder Scrolls)系列。遊戲基於原創自Jullian Lefay的程式。系列第一章,上古捲軸:競技場(The Elder Scroll:Arena),發布於1994年。自那時起,系列一直延續至今。系列正傳續作:匕首雨(DaggerFall),晨風(MorrowWind),湮沒(Oblivion),天際(SkyRim)分別於1996,2002,2006,2011年發布。並以其一貫的高超水準,曲折劇情,豐滿任務,宏大歷史而聞名於世。而且遊戲也開創了DLC收費的先河(Oblivion,2002)。並且其中發布了3部外傳(衍生作):戰鬥神塔Battlespire(1997),Redguard(1998)和The Elder Scroll Travels 系列。Bethesda Softworks 也發布了改編自著名電影的遊戲作品:終結者(The Terminator),星際迷航(Star Trek)和加勒比海盜(The Pirates of the Caribbean).雖然上述作品褒貶不一。

2004年。Bethesda Softworks 從Interplay Productions接手了輻射(FallOut)系列,並由Bethesda Game Studio 開發了輻射3(FallOut3)。遊戲發行於2008年,10月,28日。其後於次年(2009年)陸續發布了5個DLC:Operation:Anchorage,The Pitt,Broken Steel,Point Lookout 和Mothership Zeta。之後輻射又交由黑曜石娛樂(Obsidian Entertainment‘s)開發了新作輻射:新維加斯(Fallout:New Vegas)並發布於2010年。

Bethesda Softworks在此階段也擴展了自己的品牌版圖。發行了諸如Wet,Rogue Warrior和Splash Damage's Brink 等遊戲。

在2009年6月24日。Bethesda 的母公司,ZeniMax Media 起訴了id Software,起因是id旗下包括狂怒(Rage)在內的由id Tech 5 遊戲引擎開發的遊戲都應由Bethesda Softworks 發行。其後 Bethesda Softworks 勝訴。


Gridiron!Amiga1986Bethesda Softworks
Atari ST
VortexAtari ST1988Media Technology
Wayne Gretzky HockeyAmiga1988Bethesda Softworks
Atari ST
DOSJanuary 1, 1989
Wayne Gretzky Hockey 2DOSJanuary 1, 1990Bethesda Softworks
Hockey League SimulatorAmigaJanuary 1, 1990Bethesda Softworks
The TerminatorDOS1990Bethesda Softworks
NCAA Basketball: Road to the Final FourDOSJanuary 1, 1991Bethesda Softworks
Wayne Gretzky Hockey 3DOSJanuary 1, 1991Bethesda Softworks
Hockey League Simulator 2DOSJanuary 1, 1992Bethesda Softworks
The Terminator: 2029DOSDecember 31, 1992Bethesda Softworks
The Terminator: RampageDOSJanuary 1, 1993Bethesda Softworks
Delta VDOS1994Bethesda Softworks
The Elder Scrolls: ArenaDOS1994Bethesda Softworks
PBA BowlingDOSDecember 31, 1995Bethesda Softworks
The Terminator: Future ShockDOSDecember 31, 1995Bethesda Softworks
SkyNETDOSMay 24, 1995Bethesda Softworks
The Elder Scrolls II: DaggerfallDOSAugust 31, 1996Bethesda Softworks
XCar: Experimental RacingDOSJuly 31, 1997Bethesda Softworks
The 10th PlanetDOSAugust 5, 1997Bethesda Softworks
An Elder Scrolls Legend: BattlespireDOSNovember 30, 1997Bethesda Softworks
Burnout: Championship Drag RacingDOSMarch 31, 1998Bethesda Softworks
The Elder Scrolls Adventures: RedguardDOSOctober 31, 1998Bethesda Softworks
SymbiocomMac1998Istvan Pely Productions
Microsoft Windows
Zero CriticalMac1998Istvan Pely Productions
Microsoft Windows
Magic& MayhemMicrosoft WindowsApril 30, 1999Mythos Games
F-16 AggressorMicrosoft WindowsJuly 1, 1999General Simulations
NIRA Intense Import Drag RacingMicrosoft WindowsSeptember 30, 1999Bethesda Softworks
PBA Tour Bowling 2Microsoft WindowsFebruary 16, 2000Bethesda Softworks
GromadaMicrosoft WindowsJune 19, 2000Buka Entertainment
Sea DogsMicrosoft WindowsNovember 24, 2000Akella
PBA Tour Bowling 2001Microsoft WindowsNovember 30, 2000Bethesda Softworks
IHRA Drag RacingMicrosoft WindowsDecember 4, 2000Bethesda Softworks
Skip Barber RacingMicrosoft WindowsFebruary 16, 2001Bethesda Softworks
EchelonMicrosoft WindowsMay 16, 2001Buka Entertainment
Magic& Mayhem 2: The Art of MagicMicrosoft WindowsOctober 30, 2001Climax Studios
IHRA Drag RacingPlayStationNovember 20, 2001Digital Dialect
Family Card Games Fun PackPlayStationOctober 10, 2002Mud Duck Productions
上古捲軸3:晨風Microsoft WindowsMay 1, 2002Bethesda Game Studios
XboxJune 6, 2002
IHRA Drag Racing 2PlayStationDecember 9, 2002Digital Dialect
PuzznicPlayStationMay 2, 2003Altron
Pirates of the CaribbeanMicrosoft WindowsJune 30, 2003Akella
XboxJuly 1, 2003
The Elder Scrolls Travels: StormholdJavaAugust 1, 2003Vir2L Studios
IHRA Drag Racing 2004XboxDecember 25, 2003Super Happy Fun Fun
The Elder Scrolls Travels: DawnstarJavaJanuary 30, 2004Vir2L Studios
IHRA Professional Drag Racing 2005XboxNovember 8, 2004Bethesda Softworks
PlayStation 2November 9, 2004
The Elder Scrolls Travels: ShadowkeyN-GageNovember 24, 2004Vir2L Studios
IHRA Professional Drag Racing 2005Microsoft WindowsJune 17, 2005Bethesda Softworks
Breeders' Cup World Thoroughbred ChampionshipsPlayStation 2September 29, 20054J Studios
Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the EarthXboxOctober 24, 2005Headfirst Productions
上古捲軸4:湮滅Microsoft WindowsMarch 20, 2006Bethesda Game Studios
Xbox 360
Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the EarthMicrosoft WindowsApril 26, 2006Headfirst Productions
The Elder Scrolls IV: OblivionJavaMay 2, 2006Superscape
IHRA Drag Racing: Sportsman EditionMicrosoft WindowsJune 12, 2006Bethesda Softworks
PlayStation 2June 13, 2006
Xbox 360June 28, 2006
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Legend of Jack SparrowMicrosoft WindowsJune 27, 20067 Studios/Buena Vista Games
PlayStation 2
Star Trek: EncountersPlayStation 2October 3, 20064J Studios
Star Trek: Tactical AssaultNintendo DSOctober 26, 2006Quicksilver Software
PlayStation PortableNovember 14, 2006
Star Trek: LegacyMicrosoft WindowsDecember 5, 2006Mad Doc Software
Xbox 360December 15, 2006
上古捲軸4:湮滅PlayStation 3March 19, 2007Bethesda Game Studios
Star Trek: ConquestPlayStation 2November 20, 20074J Studios
Ducati MotoNintendo DSJuly 1, 20084J Studios
輻射3Microsoft WindowsOctober 28, 2008Bethesda Game Studios
PlayStation 3
Xbox 360
WetPlayStation 3September 15, 2009Artificial Mind and Movement
Xbox 360
WheelspinWiiNovember 27, 2009Awesome Play
Rogue WarriorMicrosoft WindowsDecember 1, 2009Rebellion Developments
PlayStation 3
Xbox 360
崩壞2Xbox 360May 26, 2010Id Software/Nerve Software
輻射:新維加斯Microsoft WindowsOctober 19, 2010Obsidian Entertainment
PlayStation 3
Xbox 360
BrinkMicrosoft WindowsMay 10, 2011Splash Damage
PlayStation 3
Xbox 360
Hunted: The Demon's ForgeMicrosoft WindowsMay 31, 2011inXile Entertainment
PlayStation 3
Xbox 360
狂怒MacOctober 4, 2011Id Software
Microsoft Windows
PlayStation 3
Xbox 360
上古捲軸5:天際Microsoft WindowsNovember 11, 2011Bethesda Game Studios
PlayStation 3
Xbox 360
恥辱Microsoft WindowsOctober 9, 2012Arkane Studios
PlayStation 3
Xbox 360
Doom 3: BFG EditionMicrosoft WindowsOctober 16, 2012Id Software
PlayStation 3
Xbox 360
DoomPlayStation 3November 20, 2012Id Software
Doom IIPlayStation 3November 20, 2012Id Software
上古捲軸onlineMacApril 4, 2014ZeniMax Online Studios
Microsoft Windows
德軍總部:新秩序Microsoft WindowsMay 20, 2014MachineGames
PlayStation 3
PlayStation 4
Xbox 360
Xbox One
惡靈附身Microsoft WindowsOctober 14, 2014Tango Gameworks
PlayStation 3
PlayStation 4
Xbox 360
Xbox One
上古捲軸 onlinePlayStation 4December 2014ZeniMax Online Studios
Xbox One
BattleCryMicrosoft WindowsTBDBattlecry Studios
輻射4Microsoft Windows Eleven10,2015 Bethesda Softworks
PlayStation 4
Xbox One
崩壞4Microsoft WindowsTBDId Software
PlayStation 4
Xbox One
Prey 2Microsoft WindowsTBDHuman Head Studios
PlayStation 3
Xbox 360



Bethesda Bethesda

Bethesda Game Studio 是美國遊戲發行商 Bethesda Softworks 旗下的一家知名遊戲製作組。成立於2001年。之前和母發行商 Bethesda Softworks並未獨立拆分。其獨立logo和獨立工作室名稱是隨著2002年上古捲軸III:晨風(The Elder Scrolls III:MorrowWind)的發布而發布的。工作室由ToddHoward所領導。有趣的是Bethesda Softworks ,Bethesda Game Studio 和母公司 ZeniMax在同一所辦公樓里辦公 。


Bethesda Game Studio 成立於2001年。所有的原Bethesda Softworks的開發人員都拆分至新成立的工作室里。從而將Bethesda 的遊戲開發和發行獨立開來。另一個有趣的歷史是拆分之前並非所有的Bethesda開發的遊戲都是由Bethesda 發行,反而拆分後自從湮滅開始,所有的Bethesda Game Studio 開發的遊戲都是由Bethesda Softworks 發行的。


2002上古捲軸3:晨風Adventure,RPGWindows,XboxBethesda Softworks
2002The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind(Collector's Edition)Adventure,RPGWindowsBethesda Softworks
2002The Elder Scrolls III: TribunalAdventure,RPGWindowsBethesda Softworks
2003上古捲軸3:血月Adventure,RPGWindowsBethesda Softworks
2003The Elder Scrolls III: MorrowindBloodmoon & Tribunal DuopackAdventure,RPGWindowsUbisoft
2003上古捲軸3年度版Adventure,RPGWindows,XboxBethesda Softworks
2003The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind(Platinum Edition)Adventure,RPGXboxBethesda Softworks
2004The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind(Game of the Year - Platinum Edition)Adventure,RPGXboxBethesda Softworks
2004IHRA Professional Drag Racing 2005RacingXbox,PlayStation 2Bethesda Softworks
2006IHRA Drag Racing: Sportsman EditionRacingWindows,Xbox,PlayStation 2Bethesda Softworks
2006The Elder Scrolls IV: OblivionAction RPGWindows,Xbox 3602K Games
2006The Elder Scrolls IV: Knights of the NineAction RPGPC,Xbox 360Bethesda Softworks,Ubisoft
2007The Elder Scrolls IV: OblivionAction RPGPlayStation 3Ubisoft
2007The Elder Scrolls IV: Shivering IslesAction RPGPC,PlayStation 3,Xbox 360Bethesda Softworks,2K Games
2007上古捲軸4年度版Action RPGWindows,Xbox 360,PlayStation 32K Games(Xbox 360, Windows),Ubisoft(PS3)
2008輻射3Action RPGWindows,Xbox 360,PlayStation 3Bethesda Softworks
2009輻射3:安克雷奇和匹茲堡擴展Action RPGWindows,Xbox 360,PlayStation 3Bethesda Softworks
2009輻射3望海崖和斷鋼擴展Action RPGWindows,Xbox 360,PlayStation 3Bethesda Softworks
2009輻射3年度版Action RPGWindows,Xbox 360,PlayStation 3Bethesda Softworks
2010The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion(Platinum Edition)Action RPGXbox 360Bethesda Softworks
2011The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion(5th Anniversary Edition)Action RPGWindows,Xbox 360,PlayStation 3Bethesda Softworks
2011上古捲軸5:天際Action RPGWindows,Xbox 360,PlayStation 3Bethesda Softworks
2012上古捲軸5黎明守衛擴展Action RPGWindows,Xbox 360,PlayStation 3Bethesda Softworks
2012上古捲軸5爐火擴展Action RPGWindows,Xbox 360,PlayStation 3Bethesda Softworks
2012上古捲軸5龍裔擴展Action RPGWindows,Xbox 360,PlayStation 3Bethesda Softworks
2013上古捲軸5傳奇版Action RPGWindows,Xbox 360,PlayStation 3Bethesda Softworks



