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錢婧,管理學博士,副教授。北京師範大學管理與組織心理學研究中心主任。主要研究領域為組織與管理心理學、腦認知與組織行為、商業模式創新與戰略決策。發表SSCI論文31篇。主持國家自然科學基金等6項基金項目。多次參與美國管理學會年會(AOM)、澳大利亞與紐西蘭管理學會年會(ANZAM)、中國管理研究國際學會(IACMR)等國際學術會議,並宣講學術報告。擔任國家自然科學基金等機構的通訊評審專家,Frontiers in Psychology (SSCI)期刊編委,International Journal of Human Resource Management等SSCI期刊評審專家。 帶領團隊長期關注本土企業發展,目前就高德、氪空間、獵豹移動、大朴、住范兒、700Bike等企業開發的案例發表於《中歐商業評論》、《清華管理評論》等主流商業雜誌及案例庫。所著案例入選全國百優案例,並多次榮獲中國工商管理案例中心 “卓越開發者”案例大獎


2016.9- 北京師範大學組織與管理心理學研究中心 主任

2015.9- 北京師範大學經濟與工商管理學院 副教授

2015.8.1-2015.10.31 國家留學基金委選派,高等教育教學法出國研修項目(管理學專業一線教師),加拿大阿爾伯塔大學(選派類別:訪問學者)

2012.10-2015.8 北京師範大學經濟與工商管理學院 講師


1. 人與人之間的關係(領導與下屬、導師與學徒、父母與子女、情侶之間)

2. 積極行為與積極心理(尋求反饋行為、情緒調節、壓力管理)

3. 工作與家庭的平衡(職場人的社會與家庭角色、父母對子女發展的影響)

4. 腦認知與組織行為

5. 商業模式創新與戰略決策

6. 心理測量與人事選拔



1. 2017-2020年:主持國家自然科學基金面上項目“反饋尋求行為對工作結果的影響:基於神經生理學視角的研究”。

3.2014-2015年: 主持教育部留學回國人員科研啟動基金項目“導師制對員工焦慮症狀的影響”(第47批;教外司留[2013]1792號)。


1.Huang, C., Qian, J., Jin, Z., & Wang, B. (2018). Unlocking the Mask: a Close Look at how Servant Leaders Influence People. Current Psychology(SSCI), 37(4), 958–965.

2. Lin, X. S., Chen, Z. X., Ashford, S. J., Lee, C., Qian, J. 2018. A self-consistency motivation analysis of employee reactions to job insecurity: The roles of organization-based self-esteem and proactive personality. Journal of Business Research (SSCI,ABS 3星期刊) , 92, 168-178.

3.Lin, X. S., Qian, J., Li, M., & Chen, Z. X. (2018). How does growth need strength influence employee outcomes? The roles of hope, leadership, and cultural value. International Journal of Human Resource Management(SSCI,ABS 3星期刊), 29(17), 2524–2551.

4. Qian, J ., Li, X., Song, B., Wang, B., Wang, M., Chang, S., & Xiong, Y. (2018). Leaders’ Expressed Humility and Followers’ Feedback Seeking: The Mediating Effects of Perceived Image Cost and Moderating Effects of Power Distance Orientation. Frontiers in Psychology(SSCI), 9(APR), 1–10.

5. Qian, J ., Yang, F., Han, Z. R., Wang, H., & Wang, J. (2016). The presence of a feedback-seeking role model in promoting employee feedback seeking: a moderated mediation model. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 5192(February 2017), 1–19.

6. Qian, J., Yang, F., Wang, B., Huang, C. Y., & Song, B. H. Accepted. When workplace ostracism leads to burnout: The roles of job self-determination and future time orientation. International Journal of Human Resource Management (SSCI, ABS 3星期刊).

7. Yang, F. & Qian, J., Liu, J. Accepted. Priming employees’ promotion focus: How and when servant leadership enhances customer service behaviors. Management Decisions (SSCI, ABS 2星期刊).

8. Yang, F. & Qian, J., Liu, J., Huang, X.Y., Chau, R., & Wang, T. Online. Bridging the Gap: How Supervisors’ Perceptions of Guanxi HRM PracticesInfluence Subordinates’ Work Engagement. Applied Psycholog y: An International Review (SSCI, ABS 3星期刊).

9. Yang, F., Liu, J., Huang, T., Qian, J., Wang, T., Wang, Z., & Yu, H. P. 2018. How supervisory support for career development relates to subordinate work engagement and career outcomes: The moderating role of task proficiency. Human Resource Management Journal (SSCI,ABS 4星期刊) , 28:3, 496-509.

10. Qian, J., Wang, B., Han, Z., & Song, B. 2017. Ethical leadership, leader-member exchange and feedback seeking: A double-moderated mediation model of emotional intelligence and work-unit structure. Frontiers in Psychology (SSCI), 8: 1–11.

11. Qian, J., Song, B., & Wang, B. 2017. Abusive supervision and job dissatisfaction: The moderating effects of feedback avoidance and critical thinking. Frontiers in Psychology (SSCI), 8: 1–10.

12. Qian, J., Han, Z. R., Guo, Z. C., Yang, F., Wang H. W. & Wang, Q. Y. 2016. The relation of feedback-seeking motives and emotion regulation strategies to front-line managers’ feedback source profiles: A person-centered approach. Journal of Management and Organization (SSCI) , 22:1, 68-79.

13. Yang,F., Qian, J., Tang, L., & Zhang, L. H. 2016. No longer take a tree for the forest: A cross-level learning-related perspective on individual innovative behavior. Journal of Management and Organization (SSCI), 22:3, 291-310.

14. Han, Z. R., Lei, X. M., Qian, J. , Li P. P., Wang, H., & Zhang, X. T. 2016. Parent and child psychopathological symptoms: the mediating role of parental emotion dysregulation. Child and Adolecent Mental Health (SSCI), 3, 161-168.

15. Han, Z. R., Qian, J., Gao, M. Y., & Dong J. H. 2015. Emotion socialization mechanisms linking Chinese fathers’, mothers’, and children’s emotion Regulation: A moderated mediation model. Journal of Child and Family Studies(SSCI), 24: 12, 3570-3579.

16. Qian, J., Wang, H. W., Han, R. Z, Wang, J., & Wang, H. 2015. Mental health risks among nurses under abusive supervision: the moderating roles of job role ambiguity and patients' lack of reciprocity. International Journal of Mental Health Systems (SSCI), 9: 22, 1-6.

17. Qian, J., Lin, X. S., Han, Z. R., Tian, B. W., Chen., Z. X., &Wang, H. W. 2015.The impact of future time orientation on employees’ feedback-seeking behavior from supervisors and co-workers: The mediating role of psychological ownership. Journal of Management and Organization (SSCI), 21(3), 336-349. [Listed as one of the most-read papers in 2015. 入選2015年該學報閱讀量最高的15篇文章之一。]

18 . Qian, J., Han, Z. R., Wang, H. W., Li, X. Y., & Wang, Q. Y. 2014. Power distance and mentor-protégé relationship quality as moderators of the relationship between informal mentoring and burnout: evidence from China. International Journal of Mental Health Systems (SSCI), 8: 51, 1-8.

19. Qian, J., Lin, X. S., Han, Z. R., Chen, Z. X., & Hays, J. 2014. What matters in the relationship between mentoring and job-related stress? The moderating effects of protégés’ traditionality and trust in mentor. Journal of Management and Organization (SSCI), 20(5), 608-623. ISSN: 1833-3672.

20. Wang, X. M., Cai, L., Qian, J. & Peng, J. X. 2014. Social support moderates stress effects on depression. International Journal of Mental Health Systems (SSCI), 8: 41, 1-5.

21 . Qian, J., Lin, X. S., & Chen, Z. X. 2012. Authentic Leadership and Feedback-Seeking Behavior: An examination of the cultural context of mediating processes in China. Journal of Management and Organization (SSCI), 18(3), 286-299.



1. 錢婧,屈逸,張偉. 2018. 碰撞、融合和本地化:獵豹移動的跨文化管理實踐. 獲中國工商管理案例中心首屆“卓越開發者”案例大獎賽二等獎。

2. 錢婧,孫宇彤,屈逸,徐沛翔,張惠茜,張偉,陳萌. 2018. 蝸牛睡眠:打開睡眠世界的創業之旅. 獲中國工商管理案例中心首屆“卓越開發者”案例大獎賽三等獎。

3. 錢婧,屈逸,王斌,陳萌. 2018. 跳出思維盒子,顛覆英語課堂 ——盒子魚的品牌定位之道.中國管理案例共享中心案例庫。

4. 錢婧,屈逸,孫宇彤,徐逸凡,張偉,陳萌,楊付. 2018. 猿圈測評:基於效果的創業之路. 中國管理案例共享中心案例庫。

5. 錢婧,王斌,宋百合,夏銘,王夢含,方一雲. 2017. 回歸本心,不畏浮雲——高德地圖的競爭戰略。中國管理案例共享中心案例庫。

6. 錢婧,宋百合,王斌,黃楚英,楊梓蔚. 2017. 大朴網——家居行業的破局者。中國管理案例共享中心案例庫。
7. 錢婧,屈逸,王斌,肖可可. 2017. 切中痛點,無往不“氪” ——企業服務平台氪空間的突圍。中國管理案例共享中心案例庫。
8. 錢婧,王斌,方一雲,金宇珂,宋百合. 2017. 住范兒:家裝行業的突圍者。中國工商管理國際案例庫(The Global Platform of China Cases)。
9. 錢婧,王夢含,宋百合,王斌. 2017. 起始於圖,通達智略——捷泰的地理之道。中國管理案例共享中心案例庫。
10. 錢婧,王斌,楊付,宋百合,歐芮利. 2016.“700Bike,一種生活”——700Bike社群行銷策略。中國管理案例共享中心案例庫。入選第七屆“全國百篇優秀管理案例”.
11.錢婧,王斌,高天茹,楊付. 2016.揮手自茲去,三年創業情——銳派科技沉浮記。中國管理案例共享中心案例庫.
12.錢婧,王斌,高天茹. 2016.“多棲”IP養成記——《秦時明月》的得與失(編號:15041).中國工商管理國際案例庫(The Global Platform of China Cases).

13.錢婧,王斌,高天茹,趙嘉辰. 2015. 跌落神壇的PM. 中國套用心理學案例中心案例庫.

14.韓卓,錢婧,王斌. 2015. 羅傑的故事. 中國套用心理學案例中心案例庫.


1. 錢婧,屈逸,王斌. 2018. 盒子魚:科技翻轉英語課堂. 《清華管理評論》(Tsinghua Business Review), 5,106-112.
2. 王斌,錢婧. 2018. 方太,何以因愛偉大. 《清華管理評論》(Tsinghua Business Review), 4, 96-102.
3. 錢婧,王斌. 2017. 住范兒:年輕的家裝“攪局者”. 《中歐商業評論》(CEIBS Business Review),2,97-103.
4. 錢婧,王斌. 2017. 親子貓:徒步教育從心出發.《清華管理評論》(Tsinghua Business Review), 3, 107-112.
5.錢婧,王斌. 2016. 700Bike:撬動傳統行業.《清華管理評論》(Tsinghua Business Review), 5, 100-106.
6.錢婧,王斌.2016.垂衣:掘金直男經濟.《清華管理評論》(Tsinghua Business Review),7-8,124-128.
7.錢婧,王斌.2016.智圖GeoQ:“看見”商業的可能.《清華管理評論》(Tsinghua Business Review),10,100-104


1. Zhang, X. Y., Qian, J.,& Wang, B., 2018. Empowering Leadership and Employee Outcomes: Moderation and mediation effects. The Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology's (SIOP) Annual Conference. Chicago, USA, 19-21 April.

2. Qian, J., Song, B.H., Wang, B. 2018. You ask, I may tell: Leaders’ feedback seeking as a mediator of the relationship between authentic leadership and employees’ voice behavior. International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR) Conference, Wuhan, China, 13-17 June.

3.Chen, Z. J., & Qian, J. 2017. How Does Coworker Political Behavior Thwart Individual Taking Charge? Academy of Management Conference.Atlanta, USA, 4-7 August.

4. Qian, J., Jin, Z. Y., Wang, B., & Wang, H. W. 2016. When workplace ostracism leads to burnout: role of job self-determination and future time orientation. International Association for Chinese Management Research Conference,Hangzhou, China, 15-19 June.

5.Lin, X. S., Qian, J.,& Chen, Z. X. 2014 .Why will leaders choose transformational leadership to lead followers: an investigation from followers' perspective. International Association for Chinese Management Research Conference,Beijing, China, 18-22 June.

6. Qian, J.,Lin, X. S., Chen, Z. X., Yuanyuan Yang, & Bowen Tian. 2014. What matters in the relationship between mentoring and job-related stress? The moderating effects of protégés’ traditionality and trust in mentor. International Association for Chinese Management Research Conference,Beijing, China, 18-22 June.

7. Qian, J., Lin, X. S., & Han, Z. R. 2013. The role of future time orientation in promoting employees' feedback-seeking behavior. Academy of Management Conference, Lake Buena Vista (Orlando), Florida, USA, 9-13 August.

8.Lin, X. S., & Qian, J.2013. Followers' influences on the emergence of transformational leadership: a dual-level study. Academy of Management Conference, Lake Buena Vista (Orlando), Florida, USA, 9-13 August.

9.Lin, X. S., Qian, J., Li, M. & Chen, Z. X. 2011. How Does Growth Need Strength Influence Employee Outcomes? Roles of Hope, Leadership, and Culture. Academy of Management Conference, San Antonio, Texas, USA, 12-16 August.

10. Qian, J., Lin, X. S., & Chen, Z. X. 2010. Authentic Leadership and Feedback-Seeking Behavior: An examination of the cultural context of mediating processes in China. Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference, Adelaide, Australia, 7-10 December.

11. Qian, J., Lin, X. S., & Chen, Z. X. 2010. The Influencing Mechanisms of Authentic Leadership on Feedback Seeking: A Cognitive/Emotive Model. Academy of Management Conference, Montreal, Canada, 6-10 August.

12.Lin, X. S., Qian, J., Li, M., & Chen, Z. X. 2010. Hopeful Followers Achieve More: The Role of Hope in Relationships between Transformational Leadership and Follower Outcomes. International Association for Chinese Management Research Conference, Shanghai, China, 16-20 June.

13. Qian, J., Hays, J., Chen, Z. X., & Lin, X. S. 2009. Mentoring and Employee Job-induced Stress: An Examination of the Cultural Context on Mentoring Effects in China. Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 2-4 December.


2. 錢婧、王海灣,“領導的榜樣作用對員工尋求反饋行為的促進——一個調節的中介模型”, 北京師範大學巨觀經濟管理與企業行為研討會,北京,2015年6月。

3. 錢婧,“真我領導與中層領導尋求反饋行為:一個調節的中介模型”, 第十屆中國管理學年會,合肥,2015年11月。

4. 錢婧,“案例寫作與教學分享” 北京師範大學心理學部案例作者研討會”,北京,2017年5月。

5.錢婧,陳萌,“職場排斥對員工反饋尋求行為的影響機制——基於情感事件理論的視角”, 第十三屆中國管理學年會,杭州,2018年11月。  


