

郭旭生,2004.9-2007.6 在中國農業大學動物科技學院草地研究所學習,獲農學博士學位,2001.9-2004.7 在在寧夏大學農學院畜牧系學習,獲農學碩士學位。








1997.9-2001.6 在寧夏農學院畜牧系學習,獲農學學士學位



2009.05-今,蘭州大學生命科學學院乾旱與草地生態教育部重點實驗室 副教授


2008年10月-11月 英國牛津大學/麥考利土地利用研究所,訪問學者

2007.07-2009.05 蘭州大學生命科學學院乾旱與草地生態教育部重點實驗室 講師













農業部公益性行業科研專項“人工草地優質牧草生產技術研究與示範”子課題(編號: nyhyzx07-22;時間:2007-2010)—主持


歐盟項目:Rangeland enclosure on the Tibetan Plateau of China: Impacts on pastoral livelihoods, markerting, livestock productivity and rangeland biodiversity(INCO-032350; 2007-2010)-主要參加人


X. S. Guo, Ruijun Long, Michael Kreuzer, Luming Ding, Zhanhuan Shang, Ying Zhang, Yang Yang and Guangxin Cui. 2012. Importance of functional ingredients in yak milk derived food from alpine region on health of Tibetan nomads living under high altitude stress. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition. (In press. doi:10.1080/10408398.2011.584134;IF2010=4.51;SCI一區)

L. Tao, X.S. Guo*, H. Zhou, D.J. Undersander. 2012. Characteristics of proteolytic activities of endo- and exopeptidase in alfalfa herbage and their implications for proteolysis in ensilage. (*共同一作). Journal of Dairy Science (Accepted;IF2010=2.466;SCI一區).

X.S. Guo, L.M. Ding, R. J. Long, B. Qi, Z.H. Shang and M. L. Lian. 2012. Changes of chemical composition to high altitude result in Kobresia littledalei growing in alpine meadow of the Tibet Plateau with high feeding values to local herbivores. Animal Feed Science and Technology (In press. doi:10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2012.01.011. IF2010=1.71;SCI二區).

X. S. Guo, Y. Zhang, J. W. Zhou, R. J. Long, G. S. Xin, B. Qi, L. M. Ding, H. C. Wang. 2012. Nitrogen metabolism and recycling in yaks (Bos grunniens) offered a forage:concentrate diet differing in N composition. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture (or Animal Production Science. In press: doi:10.1071/AN11208)

L. Tao, Z. Yu, X.S. Guo and H. Zhou. Ensiling and in vitro digestibility characteristics of Ceratoides arborescens treated with lactic acid bacteria inoculants and cellulose. African Journal of Biotechnology, 2011, 10(66), 14947-14953.

L. Tao, H. Zhou, X.S. Guo*, R.J. Long, Y. Zhu. 2011. Contribution of Exopeptidase to the Formation of Nonprotein Nitrogen during the Ensiling process of Alfalfa. Journal of Dairy Science 94, 3928-3935 (IF2010=2.466; SCI一區;*通訊作者).

X.S. Guo, W. Cheng, F.Y. Yang, H. Zhou. 2011. Contribution of Endopeptidase to the Formation of Nonprotein Nitrogen during the Ensiling process of Alfalfa. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 168, 42-50;IF2010=1.71;SCI二區).

G.S. Xin, R.J. Long, X.S. Guo, J. Irvine, L.M. Ding, L.L. Ding and Z.H. Shang. 2011. Blood mineral status of grazing Tibetan sheep in the Northeast of the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau.Livestock Science. 136, 102-107.

Y. Zhu, C.S. Bai, X.S. Guo*, Y.L. Xue, Kazuo Ataku. 2011. Nutritive value of corn silage in mixture with Garden Pea. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture (or Animal Production Science) 51, 1117-1122.

Fang, X. W., Turner, N. C., Li, F. M., Li, W. J., Guo, X. S. 2011. Caragana korshinskii seedlings maintain positive photosynthesis during short-term, severe drought stress.Photosynthetica, 49(4), 603-609.

Wang Hucheng, Ruijun Long, Juan Boo Liang, Xusheng Guo, Luming Ding and Zhanhuan Shang. 2011. Comparison of Nitrogen Metabolism in Yak (Bos grunniens) and Indigenous Cattle (Bos taurus) on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Science, 24(6):766-773

Xin Guo-sheng, Hu Zheng, Zhou Wei, Yang Zhi-qiang, Guo Xu-sheng, Long Rui-jun. Determination of Inorganic Elements in the Soil-Grass-Animal System by Sealed Microwave Digestion ICP-AES . Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 2010, 30(2), pp 546-550

Ding Xue-zhi, Long Rui-jun, Mi Jian-dui, Guo Xu-sheng. Measurement of Methane and Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Ruminants Based on the NDIR Technique. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 2010, 30(6), pp 1503-1506

Yu Zhu, Naoki Nishino, X.S. Guo*. Chemical changes during ensilage and in sacco degradation of two tropic grasses: Rhodesgrass and Guineagrass treated with cell wall degrading enzymes. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Science. 2010, 24, 214-221.

Guo-xusheng, Shang-zhanhuan, Long-ruijun. Progress of Application of Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy in the Study of Ruminant Nutrition. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis. 2009,29(3):641-646.

H. Wang, R. Long, W. Zhou, X. Li, J. Zhou and X.S. Guo. A comparative study on urinary purine derivative excretion of yak (Bos grunniens), cattle (Bos taurus), and crossbred (Bos taurus x Bos grunniens) in the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau, China. J. Anim Sci. 2009. 87:2355-2362.

Shang Z. H., Guo X. S., Long R. J. Spectroscopy Technique and Ruminant Methane Emissions Accurate Inspecting. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis. 2009,29(3):740-744

Ding W. R., Gan Y. M., Guo X.S. Yang F.Y. Application of Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy Technique in Evaluation of Hay Quality. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis. 2009,29(2):358-361

X.S. Guo, W.R. Ding, H. Zhou. Characterization of protein fractions and amino acids in ensiled alfalfa treated with different chemical additives. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 2008,142,89-98

X.S. Guo, H. Zhou and W.R. Ding. Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation on the quality of different mixed feeds for fattening lambs by using in vitro method. Livestock Science, 2008,115,137-143.

R. J. Long, L. M. Ding, Z. H. Shang, X. S. Guo. The yak grazing system on the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau and its status. The Rangeland Journal. 2008, 30:241–246

X. S. Guo, Ruijun Long, Luming Ding, Wolfgang Bayer. Goat Products, Breeding Objectives and Flock Structure on the Tibetan Plateau. In: Multifunctional Grasslands in a Changing World. Organizing Committee of 2008 IGC/IRC (eds.) Proceeding of the ⅩⅪInternational Grassland Conference and Ⅷ International Rangeland conference, Hohhot, China. 2008, Vol.Ⅱ,105.

X.S. Guo, H. Zhou, and Y. Zhu. Changes in the distribution of N and plant enzymatic activity during ensilage of lucerne treated with different additives. Grass and Forage Science, 2007, 1: 35-43.

X.S. Guo, W.R. Ding, H. Zhou. Protein fractions (Cornell system) of lucerne dried or ensiled with different additives. Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences, 2007,16 (suppl.2), 261-265

X.S. Guo, H. Zhou. Effect of different additives on nitrogen distribution of alfalfa silage. In: Long P.G. and Z.B. Nan (eds.) Proceeding of the 2th China-Japan-Korea international Grassland Conference, Lanzhou, China, 2006, 47-48.

陶蓮,周禾,郭旭生, 玉柱. 苜蓿中金屬肽酶對青貯過程中蛋白降解的作用. 農業工程學報,2011,27(增刊2)258-262, 27(supp.2), pp 258-262.

米見對,郭旭生,周建偉, 辛國省, 張瑩,朱玉環,龍瑞軍.日糧氮水平對氂牛瘤胃發酵參數和氮組分的影響. 中國農業科學,2011,44(22):4678-4686

張瑩, 郭旭生,龍瑞軍,周建偉,朱玉環,米見對. 飼糧氮水平對氂牛瘤胃發酵及營養物質消化代謝特徵的影響. 動物營養學報,2011, 6: 68-74

程巍,郭旭生*. 苜蓿絲氨酸蛋白水解酶及青貯時對蛋白降解作用研究. 草業科學,2011,28 (05): 855-860

辛國省, 龍瑞軍, 郭旭生. 青藏高原東北緣放牧綿羊血清礦物元素動態研究. 甘肅農業大學學報, 02, 32-36.

張瑩,郭旭生*,龍瑞軍,丁路明. 反芻動物尿素氮代謝研究進展.動物營養學報,2009,21:609-616

丁路明,龍瑞軍,郭旭生,尚占環. 放牧生態系統家畜牧食行為研究進展. 家畜生態學報,2009,5:4-9

尚占環,姬秋梅,多吉頓珠,後源,郭旭生,丁路明,龍瑞軍. 西藏“一江兩河”農區草業發展探討. 草業科學2009, 8:141-146.

尚占環, 劉興元, 丁路明, 郭旭生, 馬玉壽, 龍瑞軍. 三江源區草地資源與環境現狀、問題及其對策探討 . 2009年中國草原發展論壇, 2009.會議論文

丁路明, *龍瑞軍, 郭旭生, 尚占環. 放牧生態系統家畜牧食行為研究進展 . 2009中國草原發展論壇, 2009.會議論文

郭旭生,丁武蓉,玉柱. 青貯飼料發酵品質評定體系及其新進展.中國草地學報,2008,4:100-106.

陽伏林,王虎成,郭旭生,龍瑞軍. 用尿中嘌呤衍生物估測瘤胃微生物蛋白產量的研究進展.草業學報,2008,1:121-129


丁武蓉,楊富裕,郭旭生.添加乳酸菌和纖維素酶對胡枝子青貯品質的影響.西北農林科技大學學報. 2008,4:8-14


郭旭生, 周禾,玉柱. 青貯中苜蓿蛋白的降解特性及化學添加劑的影響. 草地學報,2007,5:506-508


丁武蓉, 乾有民, 郭旭生, 楊富裕. 近紅外光譜技術(NIRS)在乾草品質檢測中的研究與套用 . 2007中國草學會飼料生產委員會學術論壇, 2007.會議論文

郭旭生, 周禾. 不同添加劑對青貯飼料有氧穩定性的影響.中國奶牛,2006,9:18-21

郭旭生, 周禾. 提高反芻家畜對苜蓿青貯蛋白利用率的研究進展.草食家畜,2006,1:34-37

周禾, 郭旭生.大力發展飼草加工業 加快新農村經濟社會建設步伐. 中國草業發展論壇論文集.廣州:2006,67-70

郭旭生, 周禾. 苜蓿青貯過程中蛋白的分解及抑制方法. 草業科學,2005,11:46-50

郭旭生, 姚愛興 周禾. 不同瘤胃調控劑對日糧粗纖維體外降解及體外發酵合成產物影響的研究.飼料工業,2005,26(3):44-46.

尚占環, 姚愛興, 龍瑞軍, 郭瑞英, 郭旭生. 中衛山羊核心產地植物群落的數量分類與排序. 西北植物學報, 05期, pp 985-990.

郭旭生,姚愛興. 不同育肥羔羊日糧體外發酵效果的綜合評判. 飼料工業, 2004, 5:27-29

郭旭生,李愛華. 生化複合處理提高農作物秸稈營養價值方法的研究. 黑龍江畜牧獸醫, 2004,3:47-49

郭旭生, 姚愛興. 外源酶在反芻動物營養中的套用,飼料工業. 2003, 24:7-11

郭旭生, 崔慰賢, 姚愛興. 白腐真菌在降解秸稈木質素中的套用. 飼料博覽, 02, 36-39.

郭旭生, 崔慰賢. 提高秸稈飼料利用率和營養價值的研究進展. 飼料工業, 11,12-15.

尚占環, 姚愛興, 郭旭生. 寧夏香山地區植物群落α多樣性初步分析. 草地學報, 04, 244-250.

占環, 姚愛興, 郭旭生. 國內外生物多樣性測度方法的評價與綜述 . 農業科學研究, 03,68-73.




中國草學會青年學術委員會理事 。



