

gton eaten those


若雪 柯利
若雪·柯利(Rachel corrie, 1979年4月10日-2003年3月16日),來自美國華盛頓州、奧林匹亞市(Olympia, Washington)的和平工作者。她是「國際團結運動」組織的非武力志工。2003年3月16日,她和七名英美的年輕人組織的人體盾牌的行動,試圖勸阻以色列軍隊每日例行拆毀巴勒斯坦人住屋的工事。這一天,若雪手提擴音器呼籲以軍重型推土機不要摧毀一位巴勒斯坦醫生(及太太和三個小孩)的住家。她當時站在以色列軍的推土機前面,穿著一件橙色的風衣,以便於以色列軍人識別與看到。但迎面而來的以色列推土機並沒有停下來,活活把若雪輾死。她年僅二十三歲。




Songs for Rachel Corrie(若雪之歌)
Song and lyric: Heli (何力)
English translation: Simon S.C. Chau (周兆祥)
I’ve eaten so many years’ food, and worn out so many clothes;
Let me sing to thank mum and dad for these gifts.
I’ve gone to school so many years, and spent happy days of youth;
Let me sing to thank my teachers for their guidance.
People on this planet who love you
Planted seeds of goodness and brightness inside.
So that every loved one in your heart
Will harvest happiness and sunshine.
I’ve traveled through many countries, both foreign and home to me;
Let me sing to thank the earth for her nourishment.
This kind of a life bores me, it’s mere existence and death;
Now let me sing this song, and to life’s serendipity.
Every being on this planet
Rushing around so busy;
Have those who died in anger
Found their paradise?
For every one who loves humanity and each other
Let me sing to spread the energies in my heart.
For every year I survive in silence
I sing to air our joy and sorrow.
People who departed from this planet
Left behind such beautiful dreams.
The future awaiting you and me
Comes with so much frustration and hope.



