







1. Li W, Cui X, Meng ZL, Huang XH, Xie Q, Wu H, Jin HL, Zhang DB, Liang WQ * (corresponding author). Transcriptional Regulation of Arabidopsis MIR168a and ARGONAUTE1 Homeostasis in Abscisic Acid and Abiotic Stress Responses. Plant Physiol, 2012, 158: 1279-1292.
2. Hu LF, Liang WQ (co-first author), Yin CS, Cui X, Zong J, Wang X, Hu JP and Zhang DB, Rice MADS3 regulates ROS homeostasis during late anther development, The Plant Cell. 2011, 23: 515-533
3. Zhang H, Liang WQ (co-first author), Yuan XJ, Luo X, Jiang N, Ma Hong and Zhang DB. Carbon Starved Anther (CSA) encode a MYB domain protein regulates sugar partitioning required for rice pollen development. The Plant Cell, 2010, 22:672-689
4. Li HF, Liang WQ (co-first author), Jia RD, Yin CS, Zong J, Kong HZ, Zhang DB*. The AGL6-like gene OsMADS6 regulates floral organ and meristem identities in rice. Cell Res. 2010, 20:299-313.
5. Gao XC, Liang WQ (co-first author), Yin CS, Ji SM, Wang HM, Su X, Guo CC, Kong HZ, Xue HW, Zhang DB*. The SEPALLATA-like gene OsMADS34 is required for rice inflorescence and spikelet. Plant Physiol, 2010, 153: 728-740.
6. Shen HF, Qian BJ, Chen WW, Liu ZH, Yang LT, Zhang DB and Liang WQ* (corresponding author). Immunogenicity of recombinant F4 (K88) fimbrial adhesin FaeG expressed in tobacco chloroplast. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin, 2010, 42(8): 558-567.
7. Zhang DS, Liang WQ (co-first author), Yin CS, Zong J, Gu FW and Zhang DB. Tapetum Degeneration Retardation is Critical for Rice Pollen Wall Development. Plant Physiol, 2010, 154: 149-162.
8. 徐千惠, 張大兵梁婉琪*(corresponding author)。水稻成花素分子作用機制研究進展,上海交通大學學報(農業科學版),2010,28(3):296-304.
9. Zhang DS, Liang WQ (co-first author), Yuan Z,Li N, Shi J, Wang J, Liu YM, Yu WJ and Zhang DB. Tapetum Degeneration Retardation is Critical for aliphatic Metabolism and Gene Regulation during Rice Pollen Development. Molecular Plant 2008 1(4):599-610.
10. Liang WQ, Huang YH, Yang XH, Zhou ZA, Pan AH, Qian BJ, Huang C, Chen JX, Zhang DB. Oral immunization of mice with plant derived fimbrial adhesin FaeG induces systemic and mucosal K88 ad enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli specific immune responses. FEMS Immunology & Medical Microbiol. 2006, 46: 393-399.


以水稻生殖發育做為主要研究方向,圍繞與水稻產量密切相關的生殖發育過程進行了大量深入的研究工作。這些研究工作揭示了多個在水稻花序、花器官、雌雄生殖器官特徵決定和發育過程中起到關鍵作用的基因的功能和作用方式,其中關於雄蕊和花粉發育的相關研究工作為創製新型不育系、為雜交育種新思路提供了重要理論支持。部分研究成果已總結髮表了多篇有影響的研究論文,發表在Plant Cell、Plant Physiology、Cell Research等高水平學術期刊上。另外還開展了植物小RNA轉錄調節機制方面的研究工作,對一個影響表遺傳途徑穩定性的小RNA的轉錄機制進行了深入分析,相關研究成果發表在Plant Physiology上。目前共發表SCI論文32篇,申請國家發明專利多項,其中獲得授權2項。作為主要完成人之一的研究成果“主要轉基因農產品定性定量檢測技術研究”獲2004年上海市科學技術進步一等獎,“利用轉基因馬鈴薯研製口蹄疫基因工程亞單位疫苗”2006年獲寧夏回族自治區科學進步獎一等獎,2008年獲上海交通大學“晨星學者”稱號。



