

戴峰, 男,1978年生,教授,博士生導師,四川大學水利水電學院副院長,中組部“青年千人計畫”入選者,霍英東青年教師獎獲得者,四川省“百人計畫”入選者,教育部“新世紀優秀人才計畫”入選者。國際岩石力學協會(ISRM)動力學委員會委員,中國岩石力學學會地下工程分會常務理事 。



· 1996.09-2000.07,四川大學,土木工程與套用力學系,工學學士(Ba.E.)。

· 2000.09-2003.07,四川大學,固體力學,工學碩士(Ms.E.)。

· 2007.01-2010.11,多倫多大學(加拿大)土木工程系,哲學博士(Ph.D.)。


· 2003.07-2006.12,四川大學,基礎力學教研室,助教。

· 2007.01-2010.11,多倫多大學(加拿大)土木工程系,Research/Teaching Assistant。

· 2010.11-2011.10,多倫多大學(加拿大)土木工程系,Research Associate。

· 2011.11-現今, 四川大學,水利水電學院,教授,博士生導師。

本科畢業於四川大學,博士畢業於多倫多大學(加拿大)土木工程系岩土工程專業,國際著名SCI源刊 Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering、(ICE) Geotechnical Engineering、Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment 等的副主編或編委,加拿大自然科學和工程研究理事會(NSERC)國際評審。


· Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC),External referee 加拿大自然科學和工程研究理事會,國際評審, 2015-

· 中國岩石力學與工程學會/青年委員會 副主任, 2015-

· 第十三屆國際岩石力學大會(加拿大/蒙特婁),分會主席(Session Chair), 2015

· 中國岩石力學與工程學會/環境岩土分會青委會 副主任, 2014-

· 中國科協第268次青年科學家論壇 執行主席, 2013

· 中國岩石力學與工程學會/地下工程分會 常務理事, 2013-

· 國際岩石力學學會岩石動力學委員會(ISRM Commission on Rock Dynamics) 委員, 2012-

· 中國岩石力學與工程學會/動力學專委會 委員, 2012-

· 國際岩石力學學會(ISRM),加拿大岩土工程學會(CGS),美國試驗力學學會(SEM) 會員, 2009-



熱忱歡迎土木工程、水利工程、工程力學等專業的學生推免、報考碩士、博士研究生,歡迎博士後加盟合作研究 。



戴峰,1978年生,安徽巢湖人,多倫多大學(加拿大)博士,教授,博士生導師,國家“青年千人計畫”入選者,四川大學水利水電學院副院長,國家自然科學基金委青年千人計畫面試答辯會議的專家組成員,國際岩石力學與工程領域頂級期刊Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering、美國土木工程師協會(ASCE)會刊ASCE- International Journal of Geomechanics、英國土木工程師協會(ICE)會刊ICE-Geotechnical Engineering、日本岩土工程學會(JGS)會刊Soils and Foundations、國際工程地質與環境協會(IAEG)會刊Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment等7個國際著名SCI期刊的副主編或編委,《工程科學與技術》(原《四川大學學報(工程科學版)》)、《地下空間與工程學報》、《套用基礎與工程科學學報》編委。國際岩石力學學會(ISRM)動力學委員會委員,中國岩石力學與工程學會青年委員會副主任,環境岩土分會青委會副主任,中國岩石力學與工程學會地下工程分會常務理事、工程安全與防護分會常務理事、四川省科技青年聯合會常務理事。

長期從事岩石動力學和工程研究,研究成果列入3項ISRM動力實驗建議方法和5項行業標準,近年來已在白鶴灘、錦屏一級、烏東德、猴子岩等多項國家重大水電工程進行了推廣套用,經濟和工程效應顯著。主持國家重點基礎研究發展規劃項目“973計畫”課題、國家自然科學基金面上項目(兩項)、四川省傑出青年基金、教育部博士點基金(博導類)等縱向和國家重大工程技術諮詢項目等10餘項。近年來,在岩土工程權威雜誌IJRMMS、RMRE等發表學術論文150多篇,84篇SCI檢索(第一或通訊作者SCI論文62篇,影響因子>2的SCI論文50餘篇),100餘篇EI檢索;國家發明專利授權或申請15項,獲軟體著作權8項。多次受邀在國際、國內學術會議做特邀報告或大會報告。受邀擔任加拿大自然科學和工程研究理事會(Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada)、澳洲國家基金會(Australian Research Council)、波蘭國家科學中心(National Science Centre)國際評審(International Assessor )。任中國科協第268次青年科學家論壇的執行主席、第13屆國際岩石力學大會(加拿大)、第7(韓國)、8(日本)、9(印尼)屆亞洲岩石力學大會和首屆國際岩石動力學大會(瑞士)等多個國際學術大會的Session Chair。獲加拿大岩土工程學會論文競賽獎、國家優秀自費留學生、Grosso Group Fellowship Award、四川省“百人計畫”、四川省特聘專家、教育部新世紀優秀人才、四川省傑出青年學術與技術帶頭人資助計畫、教育部霍英東基金會高等院校青年教師獎、四川省青年科技獎、汪聞韶院士青年優秀論文獎、中國岩石力學與工程學會自然科學特等獎、四川省學術與技術帶頭人、“四川青年五四獎章”等多項學術獎項或榮譽。



29· F. Dai, Y. Xu, T. Zhao, N.W. Xu, Y. Liu, Loading-Rate-Dependent Progressive Fracturing of Cracked Chevron-Notched Brazilian Disk Specimens in Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar Tests, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2016. DOI:10.1016/j.ijrmms.2016.07.003。

28· F. Dai, B. Li, N.W. Xu, G. Meng, J. Wu, Y.L. Fan , Microseismic Monitoring of the Left Bank Slope at the Baihetan Hydropower Station, China, Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2016. DOI: 10.1007/s00603-016- 1050-9。

27· F. Dai, B. Li, N.W. Xu, Y.L Fan, C.Q Zhang, Deformation Forecasting and Stability Analysis of Large-Scale Underground Powerhouse Caverns from Microseismic Monitoring, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2016, 86:269-281。

26· Y. Xu, *F. Dai (corresponding author), N.W. Xu, T. Zhao. Numerical investigation of dynamic rock fracture toughness determination using a semi-circular bend specimen in split Hopkinson pressure bar testing. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2016, 49(3): 731-745.

25· N.W. Xu, *F. Dai (corresponding author), B. Li, Y. Zhu, T. Zhao, D. Yang, Comprehensive evaluation of excavation-damaged zones in the deep underground caverns of the Houziyan hydropower station, Southwest China, Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2016, DOI: 10.1007/s10064-016-0858-6.

24· Y. Xu, *F. Dai (corresponding author), T. Zhao, N.W. Xu, Y. Liu, Fracture toughness determination of cracked chevron notched Brazilian disc rock specimen via Griffith energy criterion incorporating realistic fracture profiles, Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2016, DOI: 10.1007/s00603-016-0978-0.

23· N.W. Xu, *F. Dai (corresponding author), Z. Zhou, P. Jiang, T Zhao, Microseismicity and its time-frequency characteristics of the left bank slope at the Jinping first-stage hydropower station during reservoir impoundment, Environmental Earth Sciences, 2016, 75: 608, DOI- 10.1007/s12665-016-5539-z..

22· T. Zhao, *F. Dai (corresponding author), N. W. Xu, Coupled DEM-CFD investigation of the formation of landslide dams in narrow rivers, Landslide, 2016, DOI: 10.1007/s10346-015-0675-1.

21· M.D. Wei, *F. Dai (corresponding author), N.W. Xu, T. Zhao, K. Xia. Experimental and numerical study on the fracture process zone and fracture toughness determination for ISRM-suggested semi-circular bend rock specimen. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2016, 154: 43-56.

20· N.W. Xu, *F. Dai (corresponding author), M.D. Wei, Y. Xu, T. Zhao. Numerical observation of three dimensional wing-cracking of cracked chevron notched Brazilian disc rock specimen subjected to mixed mode loading. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2016, 49: 79-96.

19· M.D. Wei, *F. Dai (corresponding author), N.W. Xu, J.F. Liu, Y. Xu. Experimental and numerical study on the cracked chevron notched semi-circular bend method for characterizing the mode I fracture toughness of rocks. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2016,49 (5), 1595-1609 DOI: 10.1007/s00603-015-0855-2.

18· R. Zhang, *F. Dai (corresponding author), M.Z. Gao, N.W. Xu, C.P. Zhang. Fractal analysis of acoustic emission during uniaxial and triaxial loading of rock. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2015, 79: 241-249.

17· F. Dai, M.D. Wei, N.W. Xu, T. Zhao, Y. Xu. Numerical investigation of the progressive fracture mechanisms of four ISRM-suggested specimens for determining the mode I fracture toughness of rocks. Computers and Geotechnics, 2015, 69: 424-441.

16· X. Liu, *F. Dai (corresponding author), R. Zhang, J. Liu, Static and dynamic uniaxial compression tests on coal rock considering the bedding directivity. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2015, 73(10): 5933-5949.

15· T. Zhao, *F. Dai (corresponding author), N.W. Xu, Y. Liu, Y. Xu. A composite particle model for non-spherical particles in DEM simulations. Granular Matter, 2015, 17(6): 763-774.

14· M.D. Wei, *F. Dai (corresponding author), N.W. Xu, Y. Xu, K.W. Xia. Three-dimensional numerical evaluation of the progressive fracture mechanism of cracked chevron notched semi-circular bend rock specimens. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2015, 134: 286-303.

13· N.W. Xu, T.B. Li, *F. Dai (corresponding author), B. Li, Y.G. Zhu, D.S. Yang. Microseismic monitoring and stability evaluation for the large scale underground caverns of Houziyan hydropower station, southwest China. Engineering Geology, 2015, 188: 48-67.

12· F. Dai, M.D. Wei, N.W. Xu, Y. Ma, D.S. Yang. Numerical assessment of progressive rock fracture mechanism of cracked chevron notched Brazilian disc. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2015, 48: 463-479.

11· N.W. Xu, *F. Dai (corresponding author), Z.Z. Liang, Z. Zhou, C. Sha, C.A. Tang. The dynamic evaluation of rock slope stability considering the effects of microseismic damage. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2014, 47: 621-642.

10· F. Dai, K. Xia. Laboratory measurements of the rate dependence of the fracture toughness anisotropy of Barre granite. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2013, 60: 57-65.

9· F. Dai, K. Xia, M.H.B. Nasseri. Micromechanical model for the rate dependence of the fracture toughness anisotropy of Barre granite. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2013, 63: 113-121.

8· F. Dai, K. Xia, J.P. Zuo, R. Zhang, N.W. Xu. Static and dynamic flexural strength anisotropy of Barre granite. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2013, 46(6): 1589-1602.

7· F. Dai, K. Xia, H. Zheng, Y. Wang. Determination of dynamic rock mode-I fracture parameters using cracked chevron notched semi-circular bend specimen. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2011, 78(15): 2633-2644.

6· F. Dai, K. Xia, L.Z. Tang. Rate dependence of flexural tensile strength of Laurentian granite. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Science, 2010, 47(3): 469-475.

5· F. Dai, R. Chen, J.M. Iqbal, K. Xia. Dynamic cracked chevron notched Brazilian disc method for measuring rock fracture parameters. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2010, 47(4): 606-613.

4· F. Dai, S. Huang, K. Xia, Z. Tan. Some fundamental issues in dynamic compression and tension tests of rocks using split Hopkinson pressure bar. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2010, 43(6): 657-666. (Cited by ISRM suggested methods on rock dynamics)。

3· F. Dai, K. Xia. Loading rate dependence of tensile strength anisotropy of Barre granite. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 2010, 167(11): 1419-1432. (Cited by ISRM suggested methods on rock dynamics)。

2· F. Dai, R. Chen, K. Xia. A semi-circular bend technique for determining dynamic fracture toughness. Experimental Mechanics, 2010, 50(6): 783-791. (Cited by ISRM suggested methods on rock dynamics)。

1· F. Dai, K. Xia, SN Luo. Semicircular bend testing with split Hopkinson pressure bar for measuring dynamic tensile strength of brittle solids. Review of Scientific Instruments 2008; 79(12):123903, 1-6.


· 編委(Editorial Board):Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering(SCI 源刊,Springer出版,影響因子IF=2.420)。

· 編委(Editorial Board):Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment(SCI 源刊,Springer出版,國際工程地質與環境協會(IAEG)會刊)。

· 編委(Editorial Advisory Panel):(ICE) Geotechnical Engineering (SCI 源刊,英國土木工程師協會(ICE)會刊)

· 編委: 套用基礎與工程科學學報(EI 源刊)。


獲"加拿大岩土工程學會論文演講競賽獎"、"國家優秀自費留學生"、 "Grosso Group Fellowship Award"、加拿大岩土工程學會(CGS) "Travel Award"、四川省"百人計畫"、四川省特聘專家、教育部新世紀優秀人才、四川省傑出青年學術與技術帶頭人資助計畫、四川省青年科技獎、霍英東教育基金會高等院校青年教師獎、中組部“青年千人計畫”等多項學術獎項或榮譽。

· 霍英東高等院校青年教師獎,2014。
· 四川省傑出青年基金,2014。
· 教育部“新世紀優秀人才計畫”,2013 。
· 國家“青年千人計畫”,2012。
· 四川省“百人計畫”,2012。
· Grosso Group Fellowship Award, 2010。
· 國家優秀自費留學生, 2010。
· Canadian Geotechnical Society Travel Award,2009。
· CGS Presentation Competition Award,2009。
· Grosso Group Fellowship Award, 2008。



