
孫金華,男,漢族人。畢業於日本東京大學,博士學位。是火災科學國家重點實驗室副主任、工業火災研究室主任。主要研究方向有:火焰微觀結構及其加速傳播機理研究、 多參數耦合的火蔓延與突變規律研究等多領域。







1989.1-1995.10 安徽理工大學化工系工作,歷任講師、副教授

1999.4-2002.3 受聘於日本科學技術廳,在日本國立消防研究所工作,任研究員

2002.4- 在中國科學技術大學火災科學國家重點實驗室從事教學和科研工作,教授、博導


l 中國消防協會學術委員會委員


l 中國城市規劃學會城市安全與防災學術委員會委員

l 《中國科學技術大學學報》、《工程力學》、《安全與環境學報》、《安全》等雜誌編委

l 8th International Symposium on Fire Safety Science、2003 International Symposium on Fire Science and Fire-Protection Engineering等國際重要學術會議組委會執行委員、委員

l 科技部國際科技合作計畫評價專家

l 安徽省安全生產專家組專家


l 火焰微觀結構及其加速傳播機理研究

l 多參數耦合的火蔓延與突變規律研究

l 危險化學品熱自燃動力學機理及其熱危險性評價方法研究


1. 揭示了典型可燃粉塵雲(金屬和有機粉塵)中傳播火焰的微觀結構,建立了單一微粒子燃燒的物理模型和火焰結構模型;從理論和實驗上揭示了可燃粉塵雲爆炸下限比可燃氣體爆炸下限低的本質規律,完善了貧燃極限附近氣-固非均相火焰傳播理論;揭示了典型雲霧火焰微觀結構特徵及火焰從層流向湍流轉變的動力規律;

2. 共同創建了基於火災雙重性規律與統計理論相耦合的火災風險評估的理論體系和方法學,實現火災風險的量化及動態評估;

3. 構建了危險化學物品熱自燃危險性評價的均溫、非均溫理論模型,建立了用直接疊代法和根據分歧理論發展的數值分析法計算非均溫系統的熱爆炸臨界參的方法;建立了評價危險化學品熱自燃危險性的小藥量實驗方法;

4. 解決了過期發射藥安全改型粉碎的理論問題和實際技術問題,成功地將過期發射藥通過改型後製備出了安全、高能、儲存性能優良的09-II系列漿狀炸藥,為國家軍需物資的戰略儲備安全提供了理論依據和技術保障。


2002年4月回國後,主持了中科院“百人計畫”項目、973項目子課題、國家自然科學基金面上項目等國家和省部級重要科研課題10餘項。近5年,在Combustion and Flame, Fire Safety Journal、《科學通報》等國內外高水平學術期刊發表學術論文80餘篇,其中SCI收錄28篇,EI收錄論文6篇(不計重複)。撰寫學術著作2部。部分研究成果已被套用於國家的重大工程中和公益項目,取得了顯著的社會效益和經濟效益。

² 主持或參加的國家級重大科研項目(2002年4月回國後)

l 973項目子課題(2001CB4096006),基於火災動力學和小樣本統計理論耦合的火災風險評估方法學,2002.4-2006.10

l 國家自然科學基金面上項目(50576093),瓦斯、煤塵複合火焰微觀結構及其加速傳播機理研究,2006.1-2008.12,

l 奧運科技專項子課題(2002BA904B11),化學品相關緊急事故處理及決策支持信息系統研究,2002.4-2005.12

l 國家自然科學基金委重點項目(50536030),多參數耦合的火災動力學演化與突變研究,2006.1-2009.12

l 國家自然科學基金委重大國際合作研究項目(50320120156),熱-力耦合作用下重大建築火災安全的基礎研究,2003.1-2006.12

l 國家科技部“十五”攻關滾動項目(2004BA803B05-06), 合肥市公共安全應急示範試點研究,2005.1-2006.6




l 1993年獲國家科技進步一等獎

l 2001年入選中國科學院《引進國外傑出人才》計畫(百人計畫)

l 2005年中國科學院“百人計畫”終期評估獲得“優秀百人”稱號

l 2006年國家科技進步二等獎(公示中)



l 《化學物質熱危險性評價》(科學出版社,2005, 5)

l 《火災風險評估方法學》(科學出版社,2004, 6)


1. Qingsong Wang,Jinhua Sun, Xiaolin Yao, Chunhua Chen. Micro calorimeter study on the thermal stability of lithium-ion battery electrolytes, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 19(5), 561-569, 2006

2. Chu Guanquan & Sun Jinhua, The Effect of Pre-movement Time andoccupantDensity on Evacuation Time, Journal of Fire Sciences, 24(3), 237-259, 2006.

3. Sun Jinhua, Dobashi Ritsu and Hirano Toshisuke, Velocity and number density profiles of particles across upward and downward flame propagating through iron particle clouds, J. Loss Prevention, .19(2-3), 135-141, 2006.

4. Qingsong Wang, Jinhua Sun, Xiaolin Yao, Chunhua Chen. Study on the Kinetics Properties of Lithium Hexafluorophosphate Thermal Decomposition Reaction, Solid State Ionics, 177(1-2)137-140, 2006.

5. Qingsong Wang, Jinhua Sun, Xiaolin Yao, Chunhua Chen. Thermal behavior of lithiated graphite with electrolyte in lithium ion batteries, Journal of The Electrochemical Society. 153(2) A329-333, 2006. SCI: 001NK

6. Qingsong Wang, Jinhua Sun, Xiaolin Yao, Chunhua Chen. C80 calorimeter studies on the thermal behavior of LiPF6 solutions, Journal of Solution Chemistry, 35(2)175-185, 2006.

7. Jinhua Sun, Ritsu Dobashi and Toshisuke Hirano, Structure of flames propagating through aluminum particles cloud and combustion process of particles, J. Loss Prevention, 19(6), 561-569, 2006

8. Chu Guanquan, Sun Jinhua, Chen Sining Effect of Pre-evacuation Time and Exit Width on Evacuation, Chinese Science Bulletin,

9. Chen peng, Sun Jinhua, He Xuechao, Behavior of Flame Spread Downward over Thick Wood Sheets and Heat transfer analysis, J. of Fire Science, 24(4),2006

10.Qingsong Wang,Jinhua Sun, Guanquan Chu Xiaolin Yao, Chunhua Chen, Effect of LiPF6 on the thermal behaviors of four organic solvents for lithium-ion batteries, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2006, in press

11.Chu Guanquan, Sun Jinhua, Chen Sining, Probabilistic Risk Assessment for Evacuees in Building Fires, Building and 2006,in press

12.Chen peng, Sun Jinhua, He Xuechao, Behavior of Flame Spread Downward over Thick Wood Sheets and Heat transfer analysis, J. of Fire Science, 2006,in press

13.Jinhua Sun, Zhanhui Sun, Qingsong Wang, Hui Ding, Tong Wang and Changsheng Jiang, Catalytic effects of inorganic acids on the decomposition of ammonium nitrate, J. Hazardous Materials, B127, 204-210, 2005.

14.Qingsong Wang, Jinhua Sun, Xiaolin Yao, Chunhua Chen, Thermal Stability of LiPF6/EC+DEC Electrolyte with charged electrodes for lithium ion batteries, Thermochimica Acta,437:12-16, 2005.

15.Qingsong Wang, Jinhua Sun, Xiaolin Yao, Chunhua Chen, Isopropyl phenyl diphenyl phosphate as flame-retardant additive for lithium-ion battery electrolyte,Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters,8(9), 467-470, 2005.

16.Jinhua Sun, Ping Lu and Kazutoshi Hasegawa, Cause analysis of the fire and explosion of asphalt-salt mixture in a nuclear wastes processing plant, Fire safety Journal, 40(5), 411-424, 2005.

17.SUN Jinhua, LIU Yi, WANG Qingsong &CHEN Peng, Experimental study on interference effect of rarefaction wave to laminar propagating flame, Chinese Science Bulletin, 50(9) 919-922, 2005

18.Xin-Rui Li, Jin-Hua Sun, Hiroshi Koseki, and Kazutoshi Hasegawa, Experimental Determination of the Minimum Onset Temperature of Run-away Reaction from a Radioactive Salt Disposal in Asphalt, Journal of Hazardous Materials, A120, 51-56, 2005.

19.X.L. Yao, S. Xie, C.H. Chen, Q.S. Wang, J.H. Sun, Y.L. Li, S.X. Lu, Comparative study of trimethyl phosphite and trimethyl phosphate as electrolyte additives in lithium ion batteries, Journal of Power Source, 144, 170-175, 2005.

20.X.L. Yao, S. Xie, C.H. Chen, Q.S. Wang, J.H. Sun, Y.L. Li, S.X. Lu, Comparisons of graphite and spinel Li1.33Ti1.67 O4 as anode materials for rechargeable lithium-ion batteries, Electrochimica Acta, 50(19), 4076-4081, 2005.

21.Jinhua Sun, Xinrei Li, Kazutoshi Hasegawa, Guangxuan, Liao, Thermal Hazard Evaluation of Complex Reactive Substance Using Calorimeters and Dewar Vessel,J. Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 76(2004) 883-893, 2004.

22.Ping Lu, Guangxuan Liao, Jinhua Sun, Peide Li, Experimental Research on Index Gas of the Coal Spontaneous Combustion at Low-temperature Stage, J. Loss Prevention, 17(2004) 243-247, 2004.

23.Mahong Yu, Yongfu Li, Jinhua Sun, Kazutoshi Hasegawa, Evaluation on Thermal Explosion by Slightly Exothermic Interface Reaction, J. Hazardous Materials, B113(2004) 165-174.

24.Jinhua Sun, Ritsu Dobashi and Toshisuke Hirano, Concentration Profile of Particles across a Flame Propagating through an Iron Particle Cloud, Combustion and Flame, 134(4), 381-387, 2003.

25.Sun, J. H., Li, Y. F. and Hasegawa, K. A Study of Self-accelerating Decomposition Temperature (SADT) Using Reaction Calorimetry, J. Loss Prevention, 14(5) pp.331-336,2001.

26.Sun, J. H., Dobashi, R. and Hirano, T. Temperature profile across the combustion zone propagation through an iron particle cloud, J. Loss Prevention, 14(6) pp.463-468,2001

27.Sun, J. H., Dobashi, R. and Hirano, T. Combustion Behavior of Iron Particles Suspended in Air, Combustion Science and Technology, 150: pp.99-114, 2000.

28.Sun, J. H., Dobashi, R. and Hirano, T. Behavior of Combustion Zones Propagating through Metal Particle Clouds, Combustion Science and Technology. In Japanese, Vol. 6, pp.283-292, 1999.

29.SUN Jinhua and HASEGAWA Kazutoshi, Reaction characteristics of asphalt-salts mixture which caused a fire and explosion accident, 2003 International Autumn Seminar on Propellants, Explosives andpyrotechnics, Guilin, China, October, 2003,650-655 (EI)

30.SUN Zhanhui, SUN Jinhua & FAN Weicheng, Thermal Hazard Evaluation of Ammonium Nitrate Using C80 II Calorimeter, 2003 International Autumn Seminar on Propellants, Explosives and Pyrotechnics, Guilin, China, October, 2003,373-379, (EI)

31.Wang Qingsong, Sun Jinhua, Fault Tree Analysis and Countermeasures for Lithium-ion Battery Explosion, Progress in safety science and technology IV. 2014-2018, 2004. (EI).

32.Chen Shining, Sun Jinhua and Wang Qingshong, Experimental investigation of the Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosion, Progress in safety science and technology IV. 2154-2158, 2004. (EI)


34.陳思凝,孫金華,褚冠全,陳先鋒,鍋爐沸騰液體膨脹蒸汽爆炸的小尺寸模擬實驗,熱能動力工程, 21(2),132-135,2006(EI)


1. 孫金華,劉義,王青松,陳鵬. 稀疏波對層流傳播火焰干涉作用實驗研究, 科學通報, 50(11),1149-1152,2005。

2. 孫占輝,王瑜,孫金華. 有機過氧化物的熱自燃小藥量評價法,套用化學, 22(1),1-4,2005

3. 劉義,孫金華,陳東梁, 管道內甲烷煤塵複合火焰結構的實驗研究,中國科學技術大學學報,36(1),65-68,2006.

4. 陳鵬,孫金華,碳化固體可燃物表面火蔓延實驗研究及建模,中國科學技術大學學報,36(1),56-60,2006.

5. 王青松,孫金華,姚曉林,陳春華, LixCoO2及其與LiF6/EC+DEC電解液的熱穩定性研究,化學通報,69(1),20-25,2006.

6. 陳思凝,孫金華,王青松,液化石油氣泄露的危險性分析及其事故後果評價方法,中國工程科學,7(9)61-64,2005

7. 王青松,孫金華,姚曉林,陳春華, 套用化學

8. 褚冠全,孫金華,王青松,陳思凝,疏散準備時間及出口寬度對人員疏散影響的模擬,科學通報,51(6), 738-744.

9. 褚冠全,孫金華. 基於火災動力學和機率統計理論耦合的建築火災直接損失預估,中國工程科學,6(8), 64-68, 2004.





