

奧斯卡動畫短片獎(Academy Award for Animated Short Film)是由美國電影藝術與科學學院奧斯卡頒獎典禮的一部分,每年一次,自第五屆(1931-1932)開始至今。 此類別在1932年至1970年間主題為“短片、卡通”,1971年至1973年間為“短片、動畫電影”。主題始於1974年。在下面的清單中,有頒給迪斯尼的22個奧斯卡獎中的12個,包括1968年的一個追授獎;占該類別最早的12次獎項中的10次。1952年之前,只有美國影片被提名。






1932 (5th) 1933 (6th) 1934 (7th) 1935 (8th) 1936 (9th) 1937 (10th) 1938 (11th) 1939 (12th) 1940 (13th) 1941 (14th) 花與樹 Flowers and Trees 三隻小豬 Three Little Pigs 烏龜與兔子 The Tortoise and the Hare 三隻小孤兒貓 Three Orphan Kittens 鄉巴佬 The Country Cousin 老磨坊 The Old Mill 公牛費迪南德 Ferdinand the Bull 醜小鴨 Ugly Duckling 銀河 The Milky Way 借一隻爪 Lend a Paw
1942 (15th) 1943 (16th) 1944 (17th) 1945 (18th) 1946 (19th) 1947 (20th) 1948 (21th) 1949 (22th) 1950 (23th) 1951 (24th) 元首的面孔 Der Fuehrer's Face 揚基都德鼠The Yankee Doodle Mouse 老鼠的麻煩 Mouse Trouble 請安靜 Quiet Please! 貓的協奏曲 The Cat Concerto 小鳥派 Tweetie Pie 小孤兒 The Little Orphan 臭美公子的追求 For Scentimental Reasons 砰砰傑瑞德 Gerald McBoingBoing 兩個火槍鼠 The Two Mouseketeers
1952 (25th) 1953 (26th) 1954 (27th) 1955 (28th) 1956 (29th) 1957 (30th) 1958 (31th) 1959 (32th) 1960 (33th) 1961(34th) 老鼠約翰 Johann Mouse 嘟嘟,噓噓,砰砰和咚咚 Toot Whistle Plunk and Boom 馬鴣飛去時 When Magoo Flew 飛毛腿岡薩雷斯 peedy Gonzales 馬鴣先生的小車 Mister Magoo's Puddle Jumper 吃鳥癮 Birds Anonymous 勇敢騎士兔八哥 Knighty Knight Bugs 月亮鳥 Moonbird 馬羅 Munro 代用品 The Substitute
1962 (35th) 1963 (36th) 1964 (37th) 1965 (38th) 1966 (39th) 1967 (40th) 1968 (41th) 1969 (42th) 1970 (43th) 1971 (44th) 洞 The Hole 評論家 The Critic 粉紅色的芬克 The Pink Phink 線戀點 The Dot and the Line 盒子 The Box 赫伯·阿爾帕特和提加納布拉斯雙重特點A Herb Alpert & the Tijuana Brass Double Feature 小熊維尼與大風吹 Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day 作一隻鳥很難 It's Tough to Be a Bird 總是對的就是對的嗎? Is It Always Right to Be Right? 嘎喳嘎喳的鳥 The Crunch Bir
1972 (45th) 1973 (46th) 1974 (47th) 1975 (48th) 1976 (49th) 1977 (50th) 1978 (51th) 1979 (52th) 1980 (53th) 1981 (54th) 聖誕頌歌 A Christmas Carol 弗蘭克影片 Frank Film 星期一閉館 Closed Mondays 偉大 Great 閒暇 Leisure 沙堡 The Sand Castle 特別快遞 Special Delivery 每個孩子 Every Child 蒼蠅 The Fly 搖椅 Crac
1982 (55th) 1983 (56th) 1984 (57th) 1985 (58th) 1986 (59th) 1987 (60th) 1988 (61th) 1989 (62th) 1990 (63th) 1991 (64th) 探戈Tango 紐約冰激凌 Sundae in New York 啞迷 Charade 安娜與貝拉 Anna & Bella 希臘悲劇 A Greek Tragedy 種樹的牧羊人 The Man Who Planted Trees 錫玩具 Tin Toy 平衡 Balance 動物悟語 Creature Comforts 操縱 Manipulation
1992 (65th) 1993 (66th) 1994 (67th) 1995 (68th) 1996 (69th) 1997 (70th) 1998 (71th) 1999 (72th) 2000 (73th) 2001 (74th) 蒙娜麗莎走下樓梯 Mona Lisa Descending a Staircase 超級無敵掌門狗:褲子錯了 The Wrong Trousers 鮑伯的生日 Bob's Birthday 超級無敵掌門狗:九死一生 A Close Shave 追尋 Quest 棋逢敵手 Geri's Game 棕兔夫人 Bunny 老人與海 The Old Man and the Sea 父與女 Father and Daughter 鳥!鳥!鳥! For the Birds
2002 (75th) 2003 (76th) 2004 (77th) 2005 (78th) 2006 (79th) 2007 (80th) 2008 (81th) 2009 (82th) 2010 (83th) 2011 (84th) 恰卜恰布 The Chubbchubbs 裸體哈維闖人生 Harvie Krumpet 瑞恩 Ryan 月亮和孩子 The Moon and the Son: An Imagined Conversation 丹麥詩人 The Danish Poet 彼德與狼 Peter & the Wolf 回憶積木小屋 つみきのいえ 商標的世界 Logorama 失物招領The Lost Thing 神奇飛書 The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore
2012 (85th) 2013 (86th) 2014 (87th) 2015 (88th) 2016 (89th) 2017 (90th) 紙人 Paperman 哈布洛先生 Mr. Hublot 盛宴Feast 熊的故事Bear Story 鷸 Alan Barillaro 親愛的籃球 Dear Basketball



