多倫多Toronto 3e


Toeing the line between being staunchly Canadian and culturally American, Toronto shifts between both worlds with verve and open-mindedness. This comprehensive guide is your entrée to its many facets: the culinary scene is as deliciously diverse as its population, the artistic community breaks conventions on a daily basis and its great outdoors are awash with options - from cycling and skiing to hiking and hockey. Socially enlightened, multicultural and uniquely Canadian - welcome to T.O.!
Save The Date- expanded arts and city calendars clue you in to Toronto's best festivals and events.
Torontonians Talk!- interviews with locals reveal the city's hidden haunts and favorite hotspots.
Charge It- craving couture or vintage? Get your fashion fix with our enhanced Shopping chapter, penned by a true fashionista.
Take The Fall- experience the iconic force of Niagra and other nearby wonders with our Excursions chapter.
Go Green- book-wide information on making your urban adventure an ecofriendly one.



