

英文名稱:The Andromeda Strain
版本:[雙語字幕][人人影視 YYeTs][RMVB]更新下集[RMVB]
導演:Mikael Salomon
演員:Benjamin Bratt ... Dr. Jeremy Stone
Rick Schroder ... Major Bill Keane MD
Christa Miller ... Dr. Angela Noyce
Daniel DAE Kim ... Dr. Tsi Chou
Eric McCormack ... Jack Nash
Andre Braugher ... General George Mancheck
Magda Apanowicz ... Suzie Travis
Viola Davis ... Dr. Charlene Barton
Anna Galvin ... Lisa Stone
斯科特兄弟重導《The Andromeda Strain》,迷你劇重磅上映,該劇講述了描述美國一枚太空艙墮落墨西哥荒郊小鎮上,導致鎮民全部離奇死亡,僅剩一老一少受重傷未死。特別營救小組將他們救回實驗室研究其病況,最終發現其中奧妙。
一點兒沒錯,Ridley Scott、Tony Scott倆兄弟將著手改拍暢銷書《The Andromeda Strain》,這次不是在影院的大螢幕上,而是改拍成一部四小時長的電視迷你劇。
《The Andromeda Strain》是由當今美國最受歡迎的作家Michael Crichto所寫,故事描述了美國一枚太空艙墮落墨西哥荒郊小鎮上,導致鎮民全部離奇死亡,僅剩一老一少受重傷未死的離奇故事。
如果你還不熟悉這位作家的話,那么《侏羅紀公園》、《升起的太陽》肯定讓你熟悉他的故事題材,他的小說以驚人的豐富想像、高超的敘事技巧使得他成為一名高質量的高科技驚悚小說作家。他的每部作品幾乎都曾被搬上過熒幕,包括這部《The Andromeda Strain》,它曾在1971年就被著名好萊塢導演羅伯特·懷斯搬上過影院。
除了大名鼎鼎的導演和編劇外,這部劇由兩次獲得艾美獎提名的Mikael Saloman執導,由Benjamin Bratt (“Law & Order”), Christa Miller (“Scrubs”), Eric McCormack (“Will & Grace”), Ricky Schroder (“NYPD Blue”), Andrew Braugher (“Homicide: Life on the Streets”), Christa Miller (“Scrubs”), Daniel Dae Kim (“Lost”), and Viola Davis (“Traveler”)等演員主演。
This powerful Original Presentation, based on Michael Crichton's classic sci-fi novel of the same name, combines science fiction thrills and chills with intelligent political commentary and boasts an all-star cast including Emmy-nominee Benjamin Bratt, Emmy-winners Eric McCormack and Andre Braugher, Rick Shroder and Christa Miller. In the Arizona desert, in a sleepy town in the middle of an arid Nowhere, something has just fallen from the sky and crashed to Earth. Within the hour, all of the townspeople - save a single infant and a drunkard old man - will be dead. Now an elite scientific unit attempts to study the deadly virus, determine its origin, and figure out a way to stop it!

