


--She is intelligent but lazy.
--They walk up and down, smiling.
--You can walk either across the gravel or down the drive.
--We both shrugged and laughed.
--I’ve asked him to come this evening, or (to) phone us tomorrow.
--His job consisted of displaying sales items, and helping the salesgirls at rush hours.
--All the villagers helped to rebuild the houses damaged by the storm or washed away by the floods.
--They feel both anxiety and joy.
--We don’t know who he is or where he is.
--He is clever, but on the other hand, he makes many mistakes.
(並列連詞but 和並列詞組on the other hand連線兩個分句。)
--John seemed to have no desire to go there; besides, his clothes were not good enough.
--Understanding is a two-way operation; learning doesn’t consist in being an empty receptacle.



1 並列連詞的含義
a. 添加或補充
常用來表示添加或補充的詞語有:and, also, besides, both─and, not─either, equally, furthermore, in addition, as well as, in the same way, likewise, moreover, neither, nor, neither─nor, not only─but(also), on the other hand, similarly, so, what’s more 等。這一類連詞表示所連線的並列成分在意義上是對前一項目作增補和引伸,包括肯定意義的引伸和否定意義的引
--If you don’t go, I won’t go either.
--This is a political as well as an economic question.
--She can neither speak nor read French.
neither, nor, so位於句首表示同樣看法時,引入的分句要倒裝。例如:
--I was not happy, neither were they.
--I will not do it, nor consider it.
--If your brother Adam can do it, so can I.
b. 轉折
常用來表示轉折的詞語有:but, again, by comparison, by contrast, conversely, however, instead, nevertheless, on the contrary, on the other hand, only, or (else), otherwise, still, though, after all, whereas, while, yet等。例如:
--A dictator, by contrast, may rule with an iron hand.
--I don’t like this one; give me that instead.
--We must be early; otherwise we won’t get a seat.
c. 結果
常用來表示結果的詞語有:accordingly, as a consequence/ in consequence, as a result, consequently, for this/ that reason, hence, so, therefore, thus等。例如:
--He was too sick to stay. Accordingly, we sent him home.
--We hadn’t enough money to pay our bus fare, and as a consequence, we had to walk.
--He studied hard, thus he got high marks.
d. 選擇
常用來表示選擇的詞語有:or, either─or, whether─or, rather─than等。例如:
--Is it green or blue?
--Either Sylvia or her sister will be staying with us.
--His opinion, whether right or wrong, should be taken into consideration.
--He would rather walk than drive to work.
either─or及whether─or所表示的選擇概念比單用or為強。whether─or構成的並列結構一般只能擔任句子的從屬成分;而either─or和and, or一樣,可以連線兩個以上並列的獨立分句。
--Either the vice-president has resigned through ill-health, or has died in office, or has succeeded to the presidency.
e. 原因
--It took us some time to get there, for it was a long way to go.
--The days are short, for it is now December.
--We rarely stay in hotels, for we can’t afford it.
f. 強調或舉例
常用來表示強調或舉例的詞語有:above all, for example/ instance, indeed, in fact, in other words, in particular, namely, specially等。例如:
--A lot of people here, for example, John, would rather have coffee.
--He became, in other words, a great hero.
--Only one boy was absent, namely Harry.
g. 順序
常用來表示順序的詞語有:afterwards, to begin/ start with, finally, first, last, later, meanwhile, next, then, subsequently等。例如:
--To begin with, there must be close co-operation between them.
--He laughs best that laughs last. (誰笑得最後就笑得最好。)
--The train won’t leave for an hour. Meanwhile we can have lunch.
h. 對照
--This tool is not made of iron but of steel.
--The chairs were not polished but painted.
--It is not that I’m unwilling to go with you, but (that) I’m busy now.
i. 總結
常用來表示總結的詞語有:all in all, altogether, to conclude, in conclusion, overall, to summarize, to sum up, then, therefore 等。例如:
--All in all, the party was pleasant.
--To sum up, we can say that this novel is a failure.
--He worked day and night, and therefore he was able to buy the sports car.
2 並列連詞的句法特徵
a. 並列連詞一般置於被連線的兩個分句之間,其前有逗號與第一分句隔開。例如:
--He not only washed the car, but polished it as well.
b. 有些連線性副詞或並列詞組位置比較靈活,須注意標點符號的使用。例如:
--He slipped and broke his leg. As a result, he will have to be away from school for two or three months.
--He slipped and broke his leg. He, as a result, will have to be away from school for two or three months.
--He slipped and broke his leg. He will, as a result, have to be away from school for two or three months.
c. 有時,兩個並列連詞可一起使用。例如:
--It is a simple game and yet interesting enough to be played with skill.
--We must protect children, but equally we must leave them alone.
--Sometimes she is very friendly; then again, she can be very unfriendly.
and的語義內涵(Semantic implications of and)


--He is Jack of all trades and master of none. (他樣樣都會,門門不精。)
--She was unhappy about it, and yet she did as she was told.
--Bob often gets up late and has no time for breakfast.
--He closed the window, turned off the light and left the room.
--Go straight on and you’ll see a church.
--She tried hard and (yet) she failed.
--Robert is talkative and David is reserved.
--George can’t go with us, and that’s too bad.
--He did it and did it well.
--And as for us, we are fortunate.
並列分句中的省略(ellipsis in coordinated clauses)


--When she recognized Morris she went pale, then (she) blushed.
--I work in a factory and my brother (works) in a company.
--They won’t go but I will (go).
--Either Sally must be responsible for the matter or we’ll be (responsible for the matter).
--Someone may be killed or (may be) seriously injured.
--One of its sides was painted black and the other (sides were painted) white.
--She was poor but (she was) honest.
--Perhaps he can’t be a good artist and (he) will never be able to (be so).
--John was the winner in 1997, and Bob (was the winner) in 1995.
--You aren’t a member of the club, but your sister is (a member of the club).
--The coal output of the region went up by 10%; the steel output (of the region) went up by 7%.
2 前一分句的省略
--Either your team (will win the game) or our team will win the game.
--Linda likes (drinking), but her husband hates, drinking.
--The ship sailed up (the river) and a raft floated down the river.
--He is (an officer in the army), and his son will also be, an officer in the army.
--Mr. Brown teaches (in Oxford), and his son studies, in Oxford.



