United Nations Climate Change conference

United Nations Climate Change conference

Copenhagen World Climate Conference, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, the 15 th meeting, on 7 December 2009 The Law of the People's Republic of China on the People's Bank of China in the Danish capital Copenhagen.December 7, 192 countries of environment ministers and other officials to be held in Copenhagen UN climate conference to discuss the Kyoto Protocol commitments expire after the issue of follow - up programme, to respond to future climate change on a global deal to sign new agreements.This is on top of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol after a landmark global climate agreement, there is no doubt that the future of climate change on Earth towards a decisive impact.This is the one who has been dubbed the "last chance for human beings to be saved".Modernization of the conference in the Bella Center, for a period of two weeks.

Conference Overview

Full name: "the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, the 15 'AGENDA: December 7, 2009 The Law of the People's Republic of China on the People's Bank of China, location: the Bella Center in Copenhagen, Denmark is participating personnel: more than 85 heads of State or Government, Minister of Environment of the 192 countries attending the focus: the main problems lie in a common and shared responsibility, as Objective: To discuss the Kyoto Protocol commitments expire after the issue of follow - up programme, to respond to future climate change on a global deal to sign new agreements on Full name: "the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, the 15 'AGENDA: December 7, 2009 The Law of the People's Republic of China on the People's Bank of China, location: the Bella Center in Copenhagen, Denmark is participating personnel: more than 85 heads of State or Government, Minister of Environment of the 192 countries attending the focus: the main problems lie in a common and shared responsibility, as Objective: To discuss the Kyoto Protocol commitments expire after the issue of follow - up programme, to respond to future climate change on a global deal to sign new agreements on . structure and in the Member States: to date by 192 countries having ratified the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change" structure and in the Member States: to date by 192 countries having ratified the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change" .
partners:in collaboration with the Global Environment Facility, to poorer countries to transfer funds, support them with an emission reduction partners:in collaboration with the Global Environment Facility, to poorer countries to transfer funds, support them with an emission reduction . 1 1.
United Nations Climate Change conference

Summit Process

the agenda of the General Assembly (please see here)the agenda of the General Assembly (please see here).
United Nations Climate Change conference

Important Schedules

07 December 12 opening ceremony on Feb. 7, the Conference of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol 10 - 11 Informal group meeting on 17 December, statements were made by the State, the High - level Meeting concluded on December 18, 2003: Adoption of Decisions and Conclusions

G - 20 Summit

local time on 7 December, from 10 a.m. Beijing time (17: 40: 40), the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change at the 15th meeting of the Parties, in Copenhagen, the capital of the formal opening of

The Official "draft Text" Of The 192 States Parties To The Home Identity

2009 - 12 - 11, with the possible exception of the United Nations Climate Change Conference produces official draft text: "the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (hereinafter referred to as" the Convention") and long - term cooperation action "the President's draft text", and the Kyoto Protocol, "the President's draft text" 2009 - 12 - 11, with the possible exception of the United Nations Climate Change Conference produces official draft text: "the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (hereinafter referred to as" the Convention") and long - term cooperation action "the President's draft text", and the Kyoto Protocol, "the President's draft text" . "long - term cooperation action on the draft is only seven pages, of the Kyoto Protocol and the amendment of the President's draft is a 27 page "long - term cooperation action on the draft is only seven pages, of the Kyoto Protocol and the amendment of the President's draft is a 27 page .

African Countries Were Forced To Suspend A Mass Protest To The General Assembly

On the 14th morning, Ethiopia, Kenya and Nigeria and other African countries to jointly organize the press conference, rejected by the President of the General Assembly's proposed negotiations on the morning of the first "long - term cooperative action" issue, then negotiating second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol will propose On the 14th morning, Ethiopia, Kenya and Nigeria and other African countries to jointly organize the press conference, rejected by the President of the General Assembly's proposed negotiations on the morning of the first "long - term cooperative action" issue, then negotiating second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol will propose . 10: 30am, since African countries blame developed countries attempt to abandon the Kyoto Protocol and held protest activities, the General Assembly, in its negotiation process and was forced to temporarily stop 10: 30am, since African countries blame developed countries attempt to abandon the Kyoto Protocol and held protest activities, the General Assembly, in its negotiation process and was forced to temporarily stop .

Group Of 77 May Exit The Collective Negotiations

on behalf of the Group of 77 developing countries, has said that if rich countries are in negotiations in the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol, the Group did not exclude the possibility of negotiating collective exit on behalf of the Group of 77 developing countries, has said that if rich countries are in negotiations in the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol, the Group did not exclude the possibility of negotiating collective exit . they said, the EU is not able to bear the burden of intermediary with they said, the EU is not able to bear the burden of intermediary with .
Previously, Australia and Japan and other developed countries has been successfully interrupted the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child discussion Previously, Australia and Japan and other developed countries has been successfully interrupted the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child discussion .

Climate Summit Confirmed The Single Track System

After nearly a week of bargaining, the Copenhagen Conference of the Parties serving as the basic framework of the General Assembly has finally begun to emerge from the After nearly a week of bargaining, the Copenhagen Conference of the Parties serving as the basic framework of the General Assembly has finally begun to emerge from the . exclusive access is marked 12 11 9: 30 on the upgraded version of the Kyoto Protocol and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change's recommendations, two were made by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, to be submitted to the secretariat of the Assembly, reflects the outcome of the negotiations for nearly a week of exclusive access is marked 12 11 9: 30 on the upgraded version of the Kyoto Protocol and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change's recommendations, two were made by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, to be submitted to the secretariat of the Assembly, reflects the outcome of the negotiations for nearly a week of .
from both copies of the draft, develope countries to adhere to the two - track process is confirmed, the Kyoto Protocol Annex I countries in the second commitment period of the emission reduction obligation, the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol will be upgraded in the form of provisions;United States non - Parties to the Kyoto Protocol, and the like of the participating countries, the will of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change under the framework of the provisions of the adopted documents give from both copies of the draft, develope countries to adhere to the two - track process is confirmed, the Kyoto Protocol Annex I countries in the second commitment period of the emission reduction obligation, the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol will be upgraded in the form of provisions;United States non - Parties to the Kyoto Protocol, and the like of the participating countries, the will of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change under the framework of the provisions of the adopted documents give . covers two separate negotiations, which has been reflected in the two years the official covers two separate negotiations, which has been reflected in the two years the official .
the light of the outcome of the discussions of the Kyoto Protocol negotiations did not include the U. S. 2 2.


According to 2007 in Bali at the thirteenth Conference of the Parties adopted the "Bali roadmap", at the end of 2009 in Copenhagen, convened 15 meetings will endeavour to adopt a new "Copenhagen Protocol", in 2012 to replace the expiring Kyoto Protocol According to 2007 in Bali at the thirteenth Conference of the Parties adopted the "Bali roadmap", at the end of 2009 in Copenhagen, convened 15 meetings will endeavour to adopt a new "Copenhagen Protocol", in 2012 to replace the expiring Kyoto Protocol . taking into account the implementation of the agreement of the operation time, if the "Copenhagen Protocol" cannot in 2009 of the Conference of the Parties agreed on and adopted in 2012, then the first Kyoto Protocol commitment period expires,The world will not have a common file to constrain emissions of greenhouse gases will cause taking into account the implementation of the agreement of the operation time, if the "Copenhagen Protocol" cannot in 2009 of the Conference of the Parties agreed on and adopted in 2012, then the first Kyoto Protocol commitment period expires,The world will not have a common file to constrain emissions of greenhouse gases will cause .
to mitigate global climate warming action to mitigate global climate warming action . therefore suffer a major setback, to a large extent, the meeting considered humanity as a whole, and joint action to curb global warming once very important efforts therefore suffer a major setback, to a large extent, the meeting considered humanity as a whole, and joint action to curb global warming once very important efforts .
3 3.
United Nations Climate Change conference


The importance of the climate change problem is put forward, and as early as in 1979 of the world's first World Climate Conference (The importance of the climate change problem is put forward, and as early as in 1979 of the world's first World Climate Conference (. in this mainly by scientists on the General Assembly on climate change, for the first time as one of international concern, the issue on the agenda, " in this mainly by scientists on the General Assembly on climate change, for the first time as one of international concern, the issue on the agenda, ".
1989 United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which provided the scientific assessments of climate change were the official 1989 United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which provided the scientific assessments of climate change were the official . platform so far, the IPCC issued four global climate change assessment report platform so far, the IPCC issued four global climate change assessment report .
which, 1995 's report highlights the need to take strong political action,2001 Annual report on climate change has provided more evidence of the which, 1995 's report highlights the need to take strong political action,2001 Annual report on climate change has provided more evidence of the . In 2007 Fourth Assessment Report that the warming is incontrovertible In 2007 Fourth Assessment Report that the warming is incontrovertible .
since the industrial revolution, human activity is causing atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases increased significantly over the next 100 years in global surface temperature may be increased by 1. 6 to 6. 4 degrees, thereby causing the melting glaciers, rising sea levels, floods and drought and the like would be a direct threat to human survival, increased morbidity and mortality of 1 1.
United Nations Climate Change conference

Differentiation Of Interest Group

In early 1990, the IPCC first assessment report, the politicians had mobilized In early 1990, the IPCC first assessment report, the politicians had mobilized . This is a landmark of the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, the General Assembly established the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), and in 1994, entered into force for the This is a landmark of the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, the General Assembly established the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), and in 1994, entered into force for the .
started in 1994.hold an annual meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC (COP) the 1996 Geneva Conference of the Parties to the Protocol to formally enter the negotiation stage the 1996 Geneva Conference of the Parties to the Protocol to formally enter the negotiation stage .
OS_COP3.htm 1997 adopted by the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (hereinafter referred to as" the Protocol ") is undoubtedly another milestone specified 2012 major developed countries of reducing emissions of greenhouse gases, the kinds of the event table and a group of such reductions and to design Three Pioneering institution: emissions trading (ET), Joint Implementation mechanism (JI) and Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) 2012 major developed countries of reducing emissions of greenhouse gases, the kinds of the event table and a group of such reductions and to design Three Pioneering institution: emissions trading (ET), Joint Implementation mechanism (JI) and Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) .

Road To Copenhagen

In 2005, in Montreal, Canada COP11 function of following some traditions and sticking them, opening the Protocol for the second commitment period of the negotiations, and many other important issues, and established the "dual system": in the "Protocols" under the Ad Hoc Working Group, developed countries negotiating second commitment period of the emission reduction obligation under the Convention to the United States, Australia and non - Parties to the Protocol that went into a long - term cooperative action In 2005, in Montreal, Canada COP11 function of following some traditions and sticking them, opening the Protocol for the second commitment period of the negotiations, and many other important issues, and established the "dual system": in the "Protocols" under the Ad Hoc Working Group, developed countries negotiating second commitment period of the emission reduction obligation under the Convention to the United States, Australia and non - Parties to the Protocol that went into a long - term cooperative action . COP13 negotiation in 2007 and a" Bali roadmap ", the" authorized "the mandate of the Ad Hoc Working Group in 2009 for the second commitment period of the emission reduction targets for developed countries in the negotiations,This is why Copenhagen is so crucial to COP13 negotiation in 2007 and a" Bali roadmap ", the" authorized "the mandate of the Ad Hoc Working Group in 2009 for the second commitment period of the emission reduction targets for developed countries in the negotiations,This is why Copenhagen is so crucial to .
4 4.


Everyone must contribute strength Everyone must contribute strength . climate change is affecting all countries of the global challenge, therefore, to reach a new global climate change agreement is intended to be for the common good of all and climate change is affecting all countries of the global challenge, therefore, to reach a new global climate change agreement is intended to be for the common good of all and .
, climate change is a global task, involving everyone's , climate change is a global task, involving everyone's Therefore, the industrialized countries, emerging economies and developing countries with the participation of all
is necessary, however, to deal with global warming in the "common but differentiated responsibilities" is the fundamental principle of the Copenhagen climate conference is necessary, however, to deal with global warming in the "common but differentiated responsibilities" is the fundamental principle of the Copenhagen climate conference . new climate agreement needs to solve four problems: 1) establish the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions in the mid - term emission reduction targets;2) help the poorest countries to adapt to the damaging effects of climate change; 3) development and transfer of technology; 4) financial support new climate agreement needs to solve four problems: 1) establish the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions in the mid - term emission reduction targets;2) help the poorest countries to adapt to the damaging effects of climate change; 3) development and transfer of technology; 4) financial support .
"Bali Action Plan is a step in the right direction, but also for the future of the negotiation process to determine a road map for "Bali Action Plan is a step in the right direction, but also for the future of the negotiation process to determine a road map for . established the United Nations that are members of the climate change negotiating process, and the Group of Eight summit and major economies will be in the play a vital role in that process established the United Nations that are members of the climate change negotiating process, and the Group of Eight summit and major economies will be in the play a vital role in that process .
It is also important that the NGOs, science and technology, the extensive participation of It is also important that the NGOs, science and technology, the extensive participation of .
United Nations Climate Change conference

Anticipated Target

Officials will agree a new climate change treaty, and as of 2012 under the Kyoto Protocol after the end of the first stage of the programme in accordance with the Secretary - General on the follow - up to the Officials will agree a new climate change treaty, and as of 2012 under the Kyoto Protocol after the end of the first stage of the programme in accordance with the Secretary - General on the follow - up to the . de Boer of the UNFCCC, was made at that meeting, the international community needed to reach agreement on the following four points: 1, the industrialized countries of greenhouse gas emission reductions?2, such as India and China the biggest developing nations should be how to control greenhouse gas emissions?3, how the developing countries to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, adapting to the effects of climate change?4, how to manage money?4 de Boer of the UNFCCC, was made at that meeting, the international community needed to reach agreement on the following four points: 1, the industrialized countries of greenhouse gas emission reductions?2, such as India and China the biggest developing nations should be how to control greenhouse gas emissions?3, how the developing countries to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, adapting to the effects of climate change?4, how to manage money?4.

Focal Point Problem

issues at the center of the main problems are concentrated in the "shared responsibility" issues at the center of the main problems are concentrated in the "shared responsibility" . climate scientists say the world must stop increasing greenhouse gas emissions, and in 2015 to 2020 for the climate scientists say the world must stop increasing greenhouse gas emissions, and in 2015 to 2020 for the .
start reducing emissions scientists projected that it wants to prevent global average temperatures rise by 2 C by 2050, global greenhouse - gas reductions needed to reach the 1990 level of 80% start reducing emissions scientists projected that it wants to prevent global average temperatures rise by 2 C by 2050, global greenhouse - gas reductions needed to reach the 1990 level of 80% . government argues that it has a moral right to develop and grow its economy, increased carbon emissions will almost inevitably government argues that it has a moral right to develop and grow its economy, increased carbon emissions will almost inevitably .
And that industrialized countries carbon emissions" outsourcing "to give developing countries China Western buyers for a lot of carbon - intensive production of manufacturing And that industrialized countries carbon emissions" outsourcing "to give developing countries China Western buyers for a lot of carbon - intensive production of manufacturing . as a consumer of manufactured products in the process of the carbon emissions isn't responsible for the export of these products in the country as a consumer of manufactured products in the process of the carbon emissions isn't responsible for the export of these products in the country .
such problems will affect the success of the such problems will affect the success of the . to COP15 at the same time, is there any doubt now taking any measures to address climate change may seem negligible, that did it, to COP15 at the same time, is there any doubt now taking any measures to address climate change may seem negligible, that did it, .
the guardian of a questionnaire showed that nearly 90 percent of climate scientists do not believe that through political means can avoid global average temperatures rise by 2 C the guardian of a questionnaire showed that nearly 90 percent of climate scientists do not believe that through political means can avoid global average temperatures rise by 2 C . defined according to the EU level, 2 C, meaning "dangerous" defined according to the EU level, 2 C, meaning "dangerous" .


The planet is warming.
United Nations Climate Change conference


Globally, a total of 192 countries participating in a global climate agreement, among other things, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change ", and in 1997 signed the Kyoto Protocol", a 2012 commitment to binding cuts in greenhouse gas emissions and help vulnerable areas to respond to the warming of the disaster by Globally, a total of 192 countries participating in a global climate agreement, among other things, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change ", and in 1997 signed the Kyoto Protocol", a 2012 commitment to binding cuts in greenhouse gas emissions and help vulnerable areas to respond to the warming of the disaster by from a scientific and social development and other aspects are being exposed to the impacts of climate change, and have begun to receive a positive response to
China 2005 passed its first "renewable energy using" China 2005 passed its first "renewable energy using" . in this proactive policy, by the end of 2008, China's wind power generating capacity of 128 billion kwh of electricity a year,A year - on - year increase of 126. 79%
wind power generation has become the energy revolution in our country's main strength wind power generation has become the energy revolution in our country's main strength . also has become the world's largest photovoltaic industrial base with the also has become the world's largest photovoltaic industrial base with the .
In addition, China has also been proposed to achieve, by 2010 reduce the 2005 per - unit GDP resource consumption by around 20 percent by 2010 and increasing forest coverage rate to 20 percent by 2020 and that the proportion of 16% to attain such goals In addition, China has also been proposed to achieve, by 2010 reduce the 2005 per - unit GDP resource consumption by around 20 percent by 2010 and increasing forest coverage rate to 20 percent by 2020 and that the proportion of 16% to attain such goals . China wants to build a global response to climate change funding mechanisms, in the framework of the Convention, China wants to build a global response to climate change funding mechanisms, in the framework of the Convention,.
accepted convention guidance developed out of the fund should give developing countries, especially priority to African countries, small island States and least developed countries, as well as the nations most affected by climate change using accepted convention guidance developed out of the fund should give developing countries, especially priority to African countries, small island States and least developed countries, as well as the nations most affected by climate change using . China is today, nor willing to continue through South - South cooperation, and bilateral cooperation, form in these LDCs, African countries, small island States that funded China is today, nor willing to continue through South - South cooperation, and bilateral cooperation, form in these LDCs, African countries, small island States that funded .


"Kyoto Protocol" has led to a change of attitude in the hope that it will pull in the development is large between the CPC and the KMT retreat into total emissions, and stressed the "common responsibility" "Kyoto Protocol" has led to a change of attitude in the hope that it will pull in the development is large between the CPC and the KMT retreat into total emissions, and stressed the "common responsibility" . American conservative forces in domestic US emissions and the country's emissions - reduction responsibilities are associated together American conservative forces in domestic US emissions and the country's emissions - reduction responsibilities are associated together .
after Obama's election was announced, to the year 2020 or greenhouse - gas emissions down to 1990 levels.


Climate change negotiations the EU is undoubtedly the most aggressive movers and shakers in the front - runner for Climate change negotiations the EU is undoubtedly the most aggressive movers and shakers in the front - runner for . EU leaders" to 2020 greenhouse gas emissions in 1990 on the basis of a 20 percent cut in all of the details of the agreement by EU leaders" to 2020 greenhouse gas emissions in 1990 on the basis of a 20 percent cut in all of the details of the agreement by .


Currently in Australia's efforts to push through a "planned way", and in this way, the countries are identified by their targets and policies to cut emissions such as carbon trading) Currently in Australia's efforts to push through a "planned way", and in this way, the countries are identified by their targets and policies to cut emissions such as carbon trading) . Next States should timely report the process of achieving these goals Next States should timely report the process of achieving these goals .


India's current greenhouse gas emissions worldwide about greenhouse gas emissions of 5 per cent, India will be never agreed in the negotiations in Copenhagen to set specific targets for emissions reductions, and moved to China to resist US - led developed countries pressure India's current greenhouse gas emissions worldwide about greenhouse gas emissions of 5 per cent, India will be never agreed in the negotiations in Copenhagen to set specific targets for emissions reductions, and moved to China to resist US - led developed countries pressure .


Since 2008, the parties have held nine rounds of talks, but in the mid - term emission reduction targets for developed countries and help developing countries, developed and developing countries" and had a great many differences of Since 2008, the parties have held nine rounds of talks, but in the mid - term emission reduction targets for developed countries and help developing countries, developed and developing countries" and had a great many differences of .

Mid - Term Emission Reduction Target

Developing countries have called for the developed countries should by 2020 from 1990 levels by the reduction of at least 40% Developing countries have called for the developed countries should by 2020 from 1990 levels by the reduction of at least 40% . currently only Norway make commitments, while only 20 per cent to 30 per cent, Japan proposed to cut their emissions by 25 percent, the U.S. commitment is only about 4 per cent, and if the goal is not in the passage of the

Financial Issues

EU leaders agree that by 2020 developing countries to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to climate change has had a disastrous impact on the order of 100 billion euros per year needed to fund the EU EU leaders agree that by 2020 developing countries to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to climate change has had a disastrous impact on the order of 100 billion euros per year needed to fund the EU . But can bear and how many of them did not give specific figures on the U.S. always
also doesn't propose a funding for developing countries expressing disappointment also doesn't propose a funding for developing countries expressing disappointment . .
5 5.

Ahead Of The Tape

The Developed Countries Must Set Targets For Reducing Emissions

President of the Conference in Copenhagen, the Danish climate and energy minister Connie Hedegaard: "the Kyoto Protocol are shown in the first stage of achieving its goal of resolve President of the Conference in Copenhagen, the Danish climate and energy minister Connie Hedegaard: "the Kyoto Protocol are shown in the first stage of achieving its goal of resolve . Copenhagen agreement must for developed nations to commit to specific emissions - cutting targets Copenhagen agreement must for developed nations to commit to specific emissions - cutting targets .
. We hope that the developed countries would be agreed to in 1990 on the basis of their emissions by 25 percent to 40 percent of the overall target

Most Of The Assembly; And

the most elusive of the leaks is supposed to be, and the mood of the climate of the General Assembly, but fought the email leak opening the most elusive of the leaks is supposed to be, and the mood of the climate of the General Assembly, but fought the email leak opening . in the Siberian city of Tomsk a cyber - security company server 3500 more e - mails by a mysterious hacker capture, and in Copenhagen before exposure in the Siberian city of Tomsk a cyber - security company server 3500 more e - mails by a mysterious hacker capture, and in Copenhagen before exposure .
mail display, climate expert of conspiring to manipulate scientific data, the hide of the science of climate change "unfavourable" mail display, climate expert of conspiring to manipulate scientific data, the hide of the science of climate change "unfavourable" .; the most fuss of proposals a year of political conferences, there is always some resourceful journalist can advance to the conference proposal text ; the most fuss of proposals a year of political conferences, there is always some resourceful journalist can advance to the conference proposal text .
this time, the British "Guardian" journalist a lot trouble, "the Danish proposals",In the climate negotiations next day rage with billows of this time, the British "Guardian" journalist a lot trouble, "the Danish proposals",In the climate negotiations next day rage with billows of . yesterday by the British, American and Danish draft proposal will be part of the developing countries included in the "most vulnerable", separately to set targets and to try and split the ranks of developing countries yesterday by the British, American and Danish draft proposal will be part of the developing countries included in the "most vulnerable", separately to set targets and to try and split the ranks of developing countries .
most combative exchanges as the world's largest developing country and largest developed nation, China itself put the spotlight in the most combative exchanges as the world's largest developing country and largest developed nation, China itself put the spotlight in the . due to respective memberships of the camp's interests were different times, the conference site, which also competes head due to respective memberships of the camp's interests were different times, the conference site, which also competes head .
meeting on the third day, the top U.S. climate negotiator Todd Stern have just walked off the aircraft's news conference, the muzzle towards China,"Public funds, public funds the U.S. government in particular, never to China - -" he denies that developed countries should be in the process of industrialization as a result of the accumulation of atmospheric environmental pollution "Buried", urging China to adopt more ambitious targets he denies that developed countries should be in the process of industrialization as a result of the accumulation of atmospheric environmental pollution "Buried", urging China to adopt more ambitious targets .
most packed news conference at the Bella Conference Center, the most heartfelt feelings and "warming" of local Chinese news and exchange center, which translates as" heat - island effect, a sharp rise in most packed news conference at the Bella Conference Center, the most heartfelt feelings and "warming" of local Chinese news and exchange center, which translates as" heat - island effect, a sharp rise in . Chinese delegation here all day and held various seminars, briefings and press conferences, the room is not that small,but still could not cope with the deluge of Chinese delegation here all day and held various seminars, briefings and press conferences, the room is not that small,but still could not cope with the deluge of .
from chinese and foreign reporters at a news conference in half an hour, reporters arrived, but even the feet also go from chinese and foreign reporters at a news conference in half an hour, reporters arrived, but even the feet also go . tightest conference hosted in Copenhagen is likely to be a journalist, he took part in many international conferences in most "mean" one, not only is no gift bags, briefcases, souvenirs, to all of the food composition have to shell out a few months ago to buy tightest conference hosted in Copenhagen is likely to be a journalist, he took part in many international conferences in most "mean" one, not only is no gift bags, briefcases, souvenirs, to all of the food composition have to shell out a few months ago to buy .
Think of Italy to the g - 8 summit in earthquake - stricken areas. But there was a sumptuous buffet dinner, wine, coffee, dessert and drink casually during a spending spree even waste caused by climate warming, such"Kou Men" has got all the reporters and the attendees of the most generous support of during a spending spree even waste caused by climate warming, such"Kou Men" has got all the reporters and the attendees of the most generous support of .
hardware facilities in many hardware facility, the Copenhagen meeting, but also reflected a very generous hardware facilities in many hardware facility, the Copenhagen meeting, but also reflected a very generous . 4500 laptop with an exclusive selection of Lenovo and IBM, is free for journalists and dozens of computers - - microphones, webcams and Skype software for video - call reporter 4500 laptop with an exclusive selection of Lenovo and IBM, is free for journalists and dozens of computers - - microphones, webcams and Skype software for video - call reporter .
row press box has a laser printer, the printing material by row press box has a laser printer, the printing material by . exhibition center transformed into vast public spaces, and leave all site AC and non - governmental organizations, with a cozy sofa and warm lights and a strong environmental theme of the layout,nowhere to let people feel the Host's generosity and exhibition center transformed into vast public spaces, and leave all site AC and non - governmental organizations, with a cozy sofa and warm lights and a strong environmental theme of the layout,nowhere to let people feel the Host's generosity and .
, surely one of the work of the organization was able to accommodate over 3,500 reporters of the news center for more than 10,000 people have been interviewed by , surely one of the work of the organization was able to accommodate over 3,500 reporters of the news center for more than 10,000 people have been interviewed by . unprepared for the application of the organizers were forced to in the last day, stop issuing press cards, a control procedure of the General Assembly, the number of unprepared for the application of the organizers were forced to in the last day, stop issuing press cards, a control procedure of the General Assembly, the number of .
When hundreds of reporters made up to 1 km, with the door shut, security queues, enqueue When hundreds of reporters made up to 1 km, with the door shut, security queues, enqueue . all the more creditable given the drive, the Chinese delegation, Xie Zhenhua had three consecutive days the venue all the more creditable given the drive, the Chinese delegation, Xie Zhenhua had three consecutive days the venue .
rejected outside the door in accordance with the procedures of the General Assembly, all the negotiators,non - governmental organizations and the media must be worn with electronic barcode registration cards, making entry and exit must be scanned bar code authorization required.

Previous Climate Conference

The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is the United Nations that are members of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee on the issues of climate change reached in the Convention, on 4 June 1992 in Rio de Janeiro Earth Summit held in The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is the United Nations that are members of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee on the issues of climate change reached in the Convention, on 4 June 1992 in Rio de Janeiro Earth Summit held in . convention on 21 March 1994 entered into force for the convention on 21 March 1994 entered into force for the .
currently, the Convention has 189 States parties to the Convention for the first time currently, the Convention has 189 States parties to the Convention for the first time . of the Conference of the Parties (COP) in 1995 in Berlin, Germany held of the Conference of the Parties (COP) in 1995 in Berlin, Germany held .
COP1, Berlin, Germany in 1995, with the adoption of the "Berlin mandate", which had agreed to begin negotiations immediately,After the 2000 ought to take the proper action to protect the climate, consult with a view to the adoption of a Protocol was signed in 1997, the Protocol should be clearly defined within a certain period of time from the developed countries should limit and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by COP1, Berlin, Germany in 1995, with the adoption of the "Berlin mandate", which had agreed to begin negotiations immediately,After the 2000 ought to take the proper action to protect the climate, consult with a view to the adoption of a Protocol was signed in 1997, the Protocol should be clearly defined within a certain period of time from the developed countries should limit and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by . COP2, Geneva, Switzerland in 1996 as" The Berlin Mandate as" the Protocol "the drafting of the discussion, without the unanimous decision by all Parties to participate in the" ad hoc "group in the continuation of the discussion, and to submit a report by COP2, Geneva, Switzerland in 1996 as" The Berlin Mandate as" the Protocol "the drafting of the discussion, without the unanimous decision by all Parties to participate in the" ad hoc "group in the continuation of the discussion, and to submit a report by .
OS_COP3.htm result of other decisions of the developing countries is ready to start the communication of information, technology transfer,jointly perform activities such as detailed OS_COP3.htm, Kyoto, Japan in 1997 to 149 countries and regions on behalf of the Conference of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol, the provisions it from 2008 to 2012, the main developed countries of greenhouse gas emissions to 1990 levels decreased on average by 5. 2%, which the EU will be six greenhouse gas emission cuts of 8%, 7% for the United States,Japan to cut 6%
COP4 in Buenos Aires, the General Assembly, in 1998, the group of developing countries into three groups, one is vulnerable to climate change, emissions itself has little of the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS), they assume voluntary emission reduction targets; those in the CDM is expected of the country, which hopes to gain foreign currency; the third is China and India, currently does not adhere to the emission reduction obligation COP4 in Buenos Aires, the General Assembly, in 1998, the group of developing countries into three groups, one is vulnerable to climate change, emissions itself has little of the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS), they assume voluntary emission reduction targets; those in the CDM is expected of the country, which hopes to gain foreign currency; the third is China and India, currently does not adhere to the emission reduction obligation . COP5, Bonn, Germany in 1999, adopted the Convention on the Law of the People's Republic of China listed in the Annex for the preparation of national communications by Parties included in guidelines, the guidelines for the technical review of greenhouse gas inventories,Global observing systems for climate, as well as guidelines for the preparation of the report, and the development and transfer of technology, developing countries and countries with economies in transition for capacity - building issues in consultative COP5, Bonn, Germany in 1999, adopted the Convention on the Law of the People's Republic of China listed in the Annex for the preparation of national communications by Parties included in guidelines, the guidelines for the technical review of greenhouse gas inventories,Global observing systems for climate, as well as guidelines for the preparation of the report, and the development and transfer of technology, developing countries and countries with economies in transition for capacity - building issues in consultative .
COP6 in the Hague, the Netherlands 2000 - EU - US negotiations with major developing countries (India) a three - way COP6 in the Hague, the Netherlands 2000 - EU - US negotiations with major developing countries (India) a three - way . US afew developed insisted to sell "offsets" from other, and to try to replace emission reduction; the EU is emphasizing the implementation of the Kyoto Protocol, emission reduction by trying to gain an advantage; China and India do not adhere to the emission reduction obligation of the Conference of the Parties in Marrakech, Morocco, US afew developed insisted to sell "offsets" from other, and to try to replace emission reduction; the EU is emphasizing the implementation of the Kyoto Protocol, emission reduction by trying to gain an advantage; China and India do not adhere to the emission reduction obligation of the Conference of the Parties in Marrakech, Morocco, .
2001 held in Marrakech, Morocco, at the seventh meeting of the Conference of the Parties,the adoption by the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol compliance issues (in particular CDM) of the package of the high - level political decisions of the Marrakesh agreement 2001 held in Marrakech, Morocco, at the seventh meeting of the Conference of the Parties,the adoption by the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol compliance issues (in particular CDM) of the package of the high - level political decisions of the Marrakesh agreement . file which is the Kyoto Protocol Annex I Parties to ratify the Kyoto Protocol and its entry into force and paved the way for file which is the Kyoto Protocol Annex I Parties to ratify the Kyoto Protocol and its entry into force and paved the way for .
COP8, New Delhi, India in 2002, adopted the Delhi Ministerial Declaration emphasized that reducing greenhouse gas emissions and sustainable development are still the future States parties to the Performance of important task COP8, New Delhi, India in 2002, adopted the Delhi Ministerial Declaration emphasized that reducing greenhouse gas emissions and sustainable development are still the future States parties to the Performance of important task . Declaration reiterated the commitment of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol,urge the industrialized countries in 2012 until the end of their greenhouse gas emissions from 1990 levels is reduced by 5. 2%
COP9 Milan, Italy in 2003 in the US from the Kyoto Protocol, despite the many delegates of persuasion, which still refused to ratify the Protocol, which was the consequence of the entry into force of the Protocol cannot COP9 Milan, Italy in 2003 in the US from the Kyoto Protocol, despite the many delegates of persuasion, which still refused to ratify the Protocol, which was the consequence of the entry into force of the Protocol cannot . To curb climate change, thereby reducing the cost, though,the adoption by the Conference of about 20 bar with legally binding environmental protection resolution To curb climate change, thereby reducing the cost, though,the adoption by the Conference of about 20 bar with legally binding environmental protection resolution .
COP10 in Buenos Aires, 2004 from more than 150 representatives of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change to the tenth anniversary of the entry into force of the accomplishments and future challenges, the impact of climate change, greenhouse gas reduction policies in the framework of the Convention and under the technology transfer, funding mechanisms, capacity - building and other important problems are discussed about COP10 in Buenos Aires, 2004 from more than 150 representatives of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change to the tenth anniversary of the entry into force of the accomplishments and future challenges, the impact of climate change, greenhouse gas reduction policies in the framework of the Convention and under the technology transfer, funding mechanisms, capacity - building and other important problems are discussed about . COP11, Montreal Canada 2005 on 16 February 2005, the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol entered into force for the COP11, Montreal Canada 2005 on 16 February 2005, the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol entered into force for the .
, in November 2001,In Montreal, Canada of COP11 reached 40 on a number of important decisions including starting , in November 2001,In Montreal, Canada of COP11 reached 40 on a number of important decisions including starting . the Kyoto Protocol to the new two - stage negotiations to cut greenhouse gas emissions the Kyoto Protocol to the new two - stage negotiations to cut greenhouse gas emissions .
for the 2005 Review Conference of the important results are referred to as" Montreal Road Map " for the 2005 Review Conference of the important results are referred to as" Montreal Road Map ". COP12, Nairobi, Kenya in 2006, the General Assembly has achieved two major results: one that includes the" Nairobi work programme, including the dozens of decisions to help developing countries enhance their ability to respond to climate change; on the other hand, in the management of the "Adaptation Fund" on the issue of uniform,used to support developing countries in particular to adapt to climate change activities COP12, Nairobi, Kenya in 2006, the General Assembly has achieved two major results: one that includes the" Nairobi work programme, including the dozens of decisions to help developing countries enhance their ability to respond to climate change; on the other hand, in the management of the "Adaptation Fund" on the issue of uniform,used to support developing countries in particular to adapt to climate change activities .
COP13 in Bali, Indonesia 2007 conference will focus on the Kyoto Protocol commitments expire in 2012 issue of how to further reduce greenhouse gas emissions COP13 in Bali, Indonesia 2007 conference will focus on the Kyoto Protocol commitments expire in 2012 issue of how to further reduce greenhouse gas emissions . adopted the "Bali roadmap", in 2009, before the end of the post - Kyoto global climate change, the new arrangements for the negotiations and signed the relevant protocol adopted the "Bali roadmap", in 2009, before the end of the post - Kyoto global climate change, the new arrangements for the negotiations and signed the relevant protocol .
COP14, Poznan, Poland 2008 Group of Eight leaders of the greenhouse gas emission reductions and long - term objectives, theand seek a statement with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change to the other States parties to jointly achieve the 2050, global greenhouse gas emissions by at least half of long - term goals, and to the Convention in the negotiations with these countries to discuss and adopt this goal COP14, Poznan, Poland 2008 Group of Eight leaders of the greenhouse gas emission reductions and long - term objectives, theand seek a statement with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change to the other States parties to jointly achieve the 2050, global greenhouse gas emissions by at least half of long - term goals, and to the Convention in the negotiations with these countries to discuss and adopt this goal . COP15, in Copenhagen, Denmark 2009 2009 December 7, negotiators from 192 countries convene in Copenhagen for the COP15 conference to discuss the Kyoto Protocol commitments expire after the issue of follow - up programme COP15, in Copenhagen, Denmark 2009 2009 December 7, negotiators from 192 countries convene in Copenhagen for the COP15 conference to discuss the Kyoto Protocol commitments expire after the issue of follow - up programme .
This is on top of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol after a landmark global climate agreement, who has been dubbed the ""the last chance for human beings to be saved" This is on top of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol after a landmark global climate agreement, who has been dubbed the ""the last chance for human beings to be saved" .

Outcome Of The Conference

framework convention (English: the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, UNFCCC or FCCC) is an international convention, in September 1992, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil held by countries in the world, with the participation of Heads of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development on the formulation of framework convention (English: the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, UNFCCC or FCCC) is an international convention, in September 1992, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil held by countries in the world, with the participation of Heads of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development on the formulation of . aims to control greenhouse gas emissions in order to stave off the effects of global warming but not aims to control greenhouse gas emissions in order to stave off the effects of global warming but not .
participating States specific obligations to be assumed,specific issues in the future of the Kyoto Protocol to the Convention in the participating States specific obligations to be assumed,specific issues in the future of the Kyoto Protocol to the Convention in the . 189 participating countries, the five countries to participate as observers in the 189 participating countries, the five countries to participate as observers in the .
convention participants will be divided into three categories 1. industrialized countries promised to these countries in 1990 (on the basis of the emissions reductions from the industrialized countries promised to these countries in 1990 (on the basis of the emissions reductions from the .
undertake to cut greenhouse gas emissions reduction obligation undertake to cut greenhouse gas emissions reduction obligation . if unable to complete the task, to learn from other countries to buy emission index if unable to complete the task, to learn from other countries to buy emission index .
The United States is the only one to have signed the Kyoto Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child in industrialized countries. The developed countries that are not among to assume a specific obligation to cut, but the consequences for developing countries as part of the funds,Technical assistance to assume a specific obligation to cut, but the consequences for developing countries as part of the funds,Technical assistance .
3. cuts in developing countries does not assume the obligation, as this may affect the economic development, developed countries can accept funding, technical assistance, but it is forbidden to sell emissions targets under the Kyoto Protocol to the cuts in developing countries does not assume the obligation, as this may affect the economic development, developed countries can accept funding, technical assistance, but it is forbidden to sell emissions targets under the Kyoto Protocol to the .
(English: to replace the Kyoto Protocol, the Kyoto Protocol, the Kyoto Treaty; full name of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (Kyoto Protocol) United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change,As the UNFCCC (English: to replace the Kyoto Protocol, the Kyoto Protocol, the Kyoto Treaty; full name of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (Kyoto Protocol) United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change,As the UNFCCC . supplementary terms in December 1997 in Kyoto, Japan by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Conference ( supplementary terms in December 1997 in Kyoto, Japan by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Conference (.
participating countries three times its goal is" to greenhouse - gas concentrations in the atmosphere is stable at a proper level, then, will prevent drastic climate change cause human suffering " participating countries three times its goal is" to greenhouse - gas concentrations in the atmosphere is stable at a proper level, then, will prevent drastic climate change cause human suffering ". December 1997 in Kyoto, Japan by the Treaty, and on 16 March 1998 to 15 March 1999, which was opened for signature during the day, a total of 84 countries signed the treaty on 16 February 2005 began forcibly entered into force in February 2009,There are a total of 183 countries, adopted the terms of the Treaty (more than 61 per cent of global emissions), notably the U.S. did not sign
treaty provisions, it is not less than the 55 participating countries that signed the treaty and greenhouse gas emissions is reached as referred to in Annex I to the national total emissions in 1990 of 55% after 90 days on the occasion of the entry into force, these two conditions, the "55 parties" on 23 May 2002 when Iceland through which first arrives after the December 2004 the Law of the People's Republic of China on the People's Bank of China, Russia saw that adoption of the Treaty to reach its" 55%" of the condition,treaty in 90 days later on 16 February 2005 started whenever the entry into force of the protocol content treaty provisions, it is not less than the 55 participating countries that signed the treaty and greenhouse gas emissions is reached as referred to in Annex I to the national total emissions in 1990 of 55% after 90 days on the occasion of the entry into force, these two conditions, the "55 parties" on 23 May 2002 when Iceland through which first arrives after the December 2004 the Law of the People's Republic of China on the People's Bank of China, Russia saw that adoption of the Treaty to reach its" 55%" of the condition,treaty in 90 days later on 16 February 2005 started whenever the entry into force of the protocol content . meeting is being held at the non - binding agreement: the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change to the Fifteenth Meeting of the Conference of the Parties and fifth session of the Conference of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol 19 afternoon local time in the Danish capital Copenhagen ended meeting is being held at the non - binding agreement: the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change to the Fifteenth Meeting of the Conference of the Parties and fifth session of the Conference of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol 19 afternoon local time in the Danish capital Copenhagen ended .
meeting legally non - binding "Copenhagen Accord" meeting legally non - binding "Copenhagen Accord" . Ban Ki - moon day published an emotionally charged speech, Ban Ki - moon day published an emotionally charged speech, .
he said, the past two days, "exhausted" he said, the past two days, "exhausted" . our discussions" and sometimes dramatic, sometimes very warm " our discussions" and sometimes dramatic, sometimes very warm ".
"The accord upheld the framework of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and its Kyoto Protocol, which was entrenched in the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities, developed countries and developing countries to adopt mandatory emissions cuts and the autonomous mitigation actions and to the global long - term target, financial and technical support, transparency on such focal issues and reached broad consensus "The accord upheld the framework of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and its Kyoto Protocol, which was entrenched in the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities, developed countries and developing countries to adopt mandatory emissions cuts and the autonomous mitigation actions and to the global long - term target, financial and technical support, transparency on such focal issues and reached broad consensus . Ban Ki - moon says he is a climate change conference in Copenhagen is satisfied with the progress made, this meeting is a step in that right direction Ban Ki - moon says he is a climate change conference in Copenhagen is satisfied with the progress made, this meeting is a step in that right direction .
, he said, referring to the past, the thirteenth of rather complicated negotiations,, he said, referring to the past, the thirteenth of rather complicated negotiations,. progress. "It's tough though this meeting is not a legally binding deal, but that he will endeavour to promote in its 2010 achieve this
at the current session of the Conference on Climate Change on December 7 to 19 in Copenhagen, later than planned on the occasion of the closing day of the Conference of the Parties serving as the final stage of the at the current session of the Conference on Climate Change on December 7 to 19 in Copenhagen, later than planned on the occasion of the closing day of the Conference of the Parties serving as the final stage of the . the leaders' meeting, held on 18, about a hundred and thirty countries participating leaders, officials of the United Nations is described as a" historical event " the leaders' meeting, held on 18, about a hundred and thirty countries participating leaders, officials of the United Nations is described as a" historical event ".

Environmental Significance

If the "Copenhagen Protocol" happening this year of the Conference of the Parties agreed on and adopted in 2012, then the first Kyoto Protocol commitment period expires, he will not have a common file to constrain emissions of greenhouse gases will cause If the "Copenhagen Protocol" happening this year of the Conference of the Parties agreed on and adopted in 2012, then the first Kyoto Protocol commitment period expires, he will not have a common file to constrain emissions of greenhouse gases will cause . mankind to curb global warming action mankind to curb global warming action .
suffer a major setback for that reason, the meeting has been hailed as the "last chance for human beings to be saved" suffer a major setback for that reason, the meeting has been hailed as the "last chance for human beings to be saved" .

Political Significance

Copenhagen Climate Conference for international political influence is immense, and it changed the landscape of international relations, international relations of the Continental Divide, Copenhagen Climate Conference for international political influence is immense, and it changed the landscape of international relations, international relations of the Continental Divide, . never Which session of the General Assembly on the copenhagen - like, attracting so many heads of State, has attracted so much international attention never Which session of the General Assembly on the copenhagen - like, attracting so many heads of State, has attracted so much international attention .
Influence mainly include the following types: Sino - US relations at the Copenhagen conference, the US wants China to shoulder more responsibility to frustrate the intent of the General Assembly, after all, the U.S. public opinion on both sides of the one - sided blasted the central government, no thought for the media in developed countries over the last 200 years of carbon emissions relations will deteriorate further,Carbon tariff will be a thorough shuffling of Sino - US bilateral trade relations between Europe and America relations will deteriorate further,Carbon tariff will be a thorough shuffling of Sino - US bilateral trade relations between Europe and America .
Europe in the General Assembly on the complete absence of discourse right, although the General Assembly on the European continent. But there was not one of Europe's mainstream media marvelled at europe's marginalized Euro - American relationship will further Perplexing Euro - American relationship will further Perplexing .
EU - China relations in Europe in the General Assembly on trying to become lead, but the General Assembly is the protagonist of the USA, Europe and did not play the leading role of the meeting for EU - China relations in Europe in the General Assembly on trying to become lead, but the General Assembly is the protagonist of the USA, Europe and did not play the leading role of the meeting for . blaming China, Europe has slapped punitive tariffs on China and the UK because British drug dealer again,Sino - EU relations will not work as good blaming China, Europe has slapped punitive tariffs on China and the UK because British drug dealer again,Sino - EU relations will not work as good .
take countries cut carbon emissions are poised for a period of economic development, China and India and other developing countries in order to avoid the "discharged", had formed a brief alliance, while the developed countries for the international speeking - right was dominant and divisive, international relations without further clarity on take countries cut carbon emissions are poised for a period of economic development, China and India and other developing countries in order to avoid the "discharged", had formed a brief alliance, while the developed countries for the international speeking - right was dominant and divisive, international relations without further clarity on .

Regret Has Drawn To A Close

Greenpeace 19 December's strong condemnation of the developed countries at the Copenhagen climate summit on the ground either by agreement or - the arrogance of the developed countries enjoy Greenpeace 19 December's strong condemnation of the developed countries at the Copenhagen climate summit on the ground either by agreement or - the arrogance of the developed countries enjoy . heads claiming to have the agreement and leave for the airport, the Copenhagen climate summit but ultimately failed to draw up a legally binding agreement text heads claiming to have the agreement and leave for the airport, the Copenhagen climate summit but ultimately failed to draw up a legally binding agreement text .
(in that order, is still the chaos and confusion (in that order, is still the chaos and confusion . Greenpeace International Kumi Naidoo, Director General (Kumi Naidoo, warned that the world is facing a leadership crisis in the developed world,the leaders of these countries and the world hundreds of millions of people for no future consideration, reached a historic climate deal to avoid the deterioration of the climate, but is betrayed by the people of the world now and future interests, avoid confront thorny questions Greenpeace International Kumi Naidoo, Director General (Kumi Naidoo, warned that the world is facing a leadership crisis in the developed world,the leaders of these countries and the world hundreds of millions of people for no future consideration, reached a historic climate deal to avoid the deterioration of the climate, but is betrayed by the people of the world now and future interests, avoid confront thorny questions .
Greenpeace said in a statement, the current protocol, which are not covered by the developed countries to reduce emissions of the powerful measures, this is perfect for those polluting industries and a huge concession Greenpeace said in a statement, the current protocol, which are not covered by the developed countries to reduce emissions of the powerful measures, this is perfect for those polluting industries and a huge concession . Greenpeace statement also said that, although the related problems of the climate agreement will be in the next discussion had continued, but this year's Copenhagen climate summit failed to reach a final"legally binding documents that people" miss a golden opportunity Greenpeace statement also said that, although the related problems of the climate agreement will be in the next discussion had continued, but this year's Copenhagen climate summit failed to reach a final"legally binding documents that people" miss a golden opportunity .
which they acknowledge that the Copenhagen climate summit outcome, and also includes some "positive factors", such as those relating to the establishment of a new climate fund under the terms of the developing countries in improving the climate aspects required for a large - scale funding that was agreed to, so as to enable developing countries to protect their forests, embarked on a low - carbon development, while helping developing countries to adapt to the impacts of climate change which they acknowledge that the Copenhagen climate summit outcome, and also includes some "positive factors", such as those relating to the establishment of a new climate fund under the terms of the developing countries in improving the climate aspects required for a large - scale funding that was agreed to, so as to enable developing countries to protect their forests, embarked on a low - carbon development, while helping developing countries to adapt to the impacts of climate change .

Further Reading

Environmental groups expressed disappointment with various environmental organisations and associations on the agreement that only a legally non - binding statement, Ireland were insufficient to supply the world with a sufficiently clear signal Environmental groups expressed disappointment with various environmental organisations and associations on the agreement that only a legally non - binding statement, Ireland were insufficient to supply the world with a sufficiently clear signal . activists during the demonstrations in Copenhagen for the United States, China, India, South Africa and Brazil, the five countries agreed at a Copenhagen agreement, on Dec. 19, the first time in a plurality of environmental groups expressed dismay with
"is not fair, not ambitious, not to mention more legally binding, leaders at the climate change problem on "is not fair, not ambitious, not to mention more legally binding, leaders at the climate change problem on . dereliction of duty"Greenpeace Global Director Kumi Naidoo Kumi Naidoo (all) said, "Today, they are to avoid catastrophic climate change before the fact that all fail dereliction of duty"Greenpeace Global Director Kumi Naidoo Kumi Naidoo (all) said, "Today, they are to avoid catastrophic climate change before the fact that all fail .
" had also expressed optimism of the WWF Global Climate Initiative leader Carl '(Kim) also could not hide his frustration that the " had also expressed optimism of the WWF Global Climate Initiative leader Carl '(Kim) also could not hide his frustration that the . In his view, through years of negotiations, and got only one "does not have any legally binding" of the statement of intentions,and not for our offspring and provide any security In his view, through years of negotiations, and got only one "does not have any legally binding" of the statement of intentions,and not for our offspring and provide any security .
Oxfam International executive director Jeremy Hobbs for $100bn of funding commitment, also think "is just a wonderful goal rather than a commitment to Oxfam International executive director Jeremy Hobbs for $100bn of funding commitment, also think "is just a wonderful goal rather than a commitment to ." Moreover, as a trade association, the Global Wind Energy Council (), called the short two pieces of paper of the "Interim Agreement", and are inadequate to satisfy the market and investors with a sufficiently clear signal " Moreover, as a trade association, the Global Wind Energy Council (), called the short two pieces of paper of the "Interim Agreement", and are inadequate to satisfy the market and investors with a sufficiently clear signal .
Steve Sawyer, the director - general of the agency's author said, "we need to hear the voices of the other 188" Steve Sawyer, the director - general of the agency's author said, "we need to hear the voices of the other 188" . he thought,a clear on the use of renewable energy and emission reduction of long - term political commitment will encourage more private investment in clean technology, "while a weak contrast energy technologies will miss an opportunity he thought,a clear on the use of renewable energy and emission reduction of long - term political commitment will encourage more private investment in clean technology, "while a weak contrast energy technologies will miss an opportunity .
" US Natural Resources Defense Council (NDRC), the international climate policy director Jack Schmitt (Jake Schmidt, believes that this political declaration is a "step forward", although did not pay enough attention to " US Natural Resources Defense Council (NDRC), the international climate policy director Jack Schmitt (Jake Schmidt, believes that this political declaration is a "step forward", although did not pay enough attention to . take into account the fact that the U.S. over the past eight years,U.S. climate negotiations on the attitude has definitely changed
Obama needs such a declaration to the Senate in next spring, by the energy and climate bill that put the U.S. in 2020 which has been put forward in 2025 and cut emissions by 17 per cent target, it is possible to write into the domestic law, so that the emission reduction commitment practical US the world of the global climate change solutions program yang fuqiang, director, pointed out that this is a political compromise before the world of the global climate change solutions program yang fuqiang, director, pointed out that this is a political compromise before .
Though as you expect it to reach a fair, impartial, legally binding agreement but has been at least Though as you expect it to reach a fair, impartial, legally binding agreement but has been at least . agreement "on some looks,over sales of say, $100 billion aid plan, the emissions reduction target at least know their numbers, before is empty, and especially America's digital reading agreement "on some looks,over sales of say, $100 billion aid plan, the emissions reduction target at least know their numbers, before is empty, and especially America's digital reading .
"Copenhagen Protocol", "Copenhagen Accord" is the international community to tackle climate change and marks a significant step for this protocol at least has the following characteristics: First, the maintenance of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol established the principle of "common but differentiated responsibilities", adhere to the" mandate of the Bali Roadmap, adhere to and maintain "and" protocol "and the" dual "of the negotiating process and secondly "Copenhagen Protocol", "Copenhagen Accord" is the international community to tackle climate change and marks a significant step for this protocol at least has the following characteristics: First, the maintenance of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol established the principle of "common but differentiated responsibilities", adhere to the" mandate of the Bali Roadmap, adhere to and maintain "and" protocol "and the" dual "of the negotiating process and secondly .,the principle of "common but differentiated responsibilities", the maximum range to include countries' efforts to fight climate change action, in the developed countries to carry out mandatory emissions cuts and developing nations to take independent mitigation actions taken a new step ,the principle of "common but differentiated responsibilities", the maximum range to include countries' efforts to fight climate change action, in the developed countries to carry out mandatory emissions cuts and developing nations to take independent mitigation actions taken a new step .
Third, the developed countries to address climate change in the provision of financial and technical support, and there had been positive developments Third, the developed countries to address climate change in the provision of financial and technical support, and there had been positive developments . fourth, in mitigation actions supported by measured, reported and verified in aspects, thereby protecting the legal rights and interests of developing countries and fourth, in mitigation actions supported by measured, reported and verified in aspects, thereby protecting the legal rights and interests of developing countries and .
fifth, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fourth Assessment Report of scientific views,The proposed global average temperature rise control in the 2 DEG C before the industrial revolution of the long - term goals to tackle climate change is a long way to go fifth, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fourth Assessment Report of scientific views,The proposed global average temperature rise control in the 2 DEG C before the industrial revolution of the long - term goals to tackle climate change is a long way to go . .
formed up to the outcomes of the Conference will mark not an end, but a new starting point formed up to the outcomes of the Conference will mark not an end, but a new starting point . "and" protocol "is the long hard "and" protocol "is the long hard .
achievements in the efforts of the parties shall continue to show political sincerity, and a step - by - step achievements in the efforts of the parties shall continue to show political sincerity, and a step - by - step . must adhere to the Convention on the Law of the People's Republic of China and established in the Protocol, following the principle of" Bali roadmap "authorization, deliver on their commitment to fulfil the obligation, to make unremitting efforts for the must adhere to the Convention on the Law of the People's Republic of China and established in the Protocol, following the principle of" Bali roadmap "authorization, deliver on their commitment to fulfil the obligation, to make unremitting efforts for the .
and the developed countries should face squarely up to their historical responsibility,must take the lead in * * deep quantified emission cuts and provide financial and technical support to developing countries, which was to be a legal obligation, it is an unshirkable moral responsibility and the developed countries should face squarely up to their historical responsibility,must take the lead in * * deep quantified emission cuts and provide financial and technical support to developing countries, which was to be a legal obligation, it is an unshirkable moral responsibility . China as a responsible major developing country, China would firmly take the road of sustainable development China as a responsible major developing country, China would firmly take the road of sustainable development .
As Premier Wen Jiabao at the party's solemn commitment to the People's Republic of China, the government determined to slow greenhouse gas emissions is a target in accordance with the actual conditions in our country take ownership, is on our people and humanity as a whole, without any strings attached, with none of the emission reduction target in Copenhagen As Premier Wen Jiabao at the party's solemn commitment to the People's Republic of China, the government determined to slow greenhouse gas emissions is a target in accordance with the actual conditions in our country take ownership, is on our people and humanity as a whole, without any strings attached, with none of the emission reduction target in Copenhagen . regardless of the outcome, my government will unswervingly is achieve,This even exceeds goals regardless of the outcome, my government will unswervingly is achieve,This even exceeds goals .
cope with climate change, is related to the country's economic development and the fundamental interests of the people cope with climate change, is related to the country's economic development and the fundamental interests of the people . facing climate change challenges, we must thoroughly apply the Scientific Outlook on Development, strengthening the construction of ecological civilization, a more robust policy measures and actions, and accelerating the transformation of our efforts to control greenhouse gas emissions, building a resource - conserving and environment - friendly society; take it as an important strategy for the development of national economy and society of our country facing climate change challenges, we must thoroughly apply the Scientific Outlook on Development, strengthening the construction of ecological civilization, a more robust policy measures and actions, and accelerating the transformation of our efforts to control greenhouse gas emissions, building a resource - conserving and environment - friendly society; take it as an important strategy for the development of national economy and society of our country .
would be set as part of the objectives of national economic and social development and long - term planning for,guarantee commitments in the implementation of the laws and supervision of the vox populi would be set as part of the objectives of national economic and social development and long - term planning for,guarantee commitments in the implementation of the laws and supervision of the vox populi . strengthen energy conservation, improving energy efficiency, clean coal, renewable energies, advanced nuclear energy, carbon capture utilization and storage, low - carbon and zero - carbon technology research and development investment and industrialization, accelerate the construction of low - carbon is used as a feature of the industrial, construction and traffic system strengthen energy conservation, improving energy efficiency, clean coal, renewable energies, advanced nuclear energy, carbon capture utilization and storage, low - carbon and zero - carbon technology research and development investment and industrialization, accelerate the construction of low - carbon is used as a feature of the industrial, construction and traffic system .
ancillary to the laws, regulations and standards, to improve the fiscal, taxation, price, finance and other policies and measures to improve the management system and oversee the implementation mechanisms ancillary to the laws, regulations and standards, to improve the fiscal, taxation, price, finance and other policies and measures to improve the management system and oversee the implementation mechanisms . China will further improve the domestic statistical, monitoring, evaluation methods, improve the information disclosure way of emissions reductions, increased transparency China will further improve the domestic statistical, monitoring, evaluation methods, improve the information disclosure way of emissions reductions, increased transparency .
in international exchanges, dialogue and cooperation, and effectively introduce, digest,absorb foreign advanced low - carbon and climate - friendly technologies, improve our ability to respond to climate change; Enhancing the awareness of climate change, and speed up the formation of low - carbon green lifestyle and consumption patterns in international exchanges, dialogue and cooperation, and effectively introduce, digest,absorb foreign advanced low - carbon and climate - friendly technologies, improve our ability to respond to climate change; Enhancing the awareness of climate change, and speed up the formation of low - carbon green lifestyle and consumption patterns . currently binding the international community's efforts to tackle climate change is a good opportunity, and let the public understanding and awareness of the importance and urgency, to address climate change on the national, regional and enterprise development and competitiveness has important influence to currently binding the international community's efforts to tackle climate change is a good opportunity, and let the public understanding and awareness of the importance and urgency, to address climate change on the national, regional and enterprise development and competitiveness has important influence to .
advocating universal conscious involvement, encourage enterprise voluntary action from advocating universal conscious involvement, encourage enterprise voluntary action from . advocates healthy, civilized consumption, luxury consumption advocates healthy, civilized consumption, luxury consumption .
suppression and to enhance their sense of social responsibility,consciously to develop and implement a carbon emission reduction targets and measures to guide the enterprise to suppression and to enhance their sense of social responsibility,consciously to develop and implement a carbon emission reduction targets and measures to guide the enterprise to . transformed society and people as well as a change in patterns of consumption, gradually forming the whole of the institutional mechanism to address climate change and cope with climate change transformed society and people as well as a change in patterns of consumption, gradually forming the whole of the institutional mechanism to address climate change and cope with climate change .
, , . IPCC assessment technology is the basis of the conclusions of the international community to take common actions against climate change is mainly a scientific basis for the promotion of international cooperation on climate change and has the pivotal status in the IPCC assessment technology is the basis of the conclusions of the international community to take common actions against climate change is mainly a scientific basis for the promotion of international cooperation on climate change and has the pivotal status in the .
China to draw up an overall strategy and policy are made in the process,To make participation in IPCC activities related to capacity as the country's ability to deal with climate change is an important aspect to strengthen the domestic China to draw up an overall strategy and policy are made in the process,To make participation in IPCC activities related to capacity as the country's ability to deal with climate change is an important aspect to strengthen the domestic . IPCC the work of the organization and coordination, promote what is beneficial and do a good job in work related to the IPCC Fifth Assessment IPCC the work of the organization and coordination, promote what is beneficial and do a good job in work related to the IPCC Fifth Assessment .
vigorously push forward the climate change science and special action for the implementation of the investment in science and technology, to build a high - quality climate change expert at the researchertroop, formed the independent intellectual property rights and for international scientific and technological achievements recognized by national participation in the work of the IPCC assessment and science and technology,China takes climate change and the decision - making scientific and powerful support vigorously push forward the climate change science and special action for the implementation of the investment in science and technology, to build a high - quality climate change expert at the researchertroop, formed the independent intellectual property rights and for international scientific and technological achievements recognized by national participation in the work of the IPCC assessment and science and technology,China takes climate change and the decision - making scientific and powerful support . at the same time, the IPCC should take full advantage of this platform in order to promote better understanding of China in climate change science, technology, mitigation and adaptation policies and measures in the area by one of the various efforts and achieved great success, pushing China to tackle climate change in the field of international cooperation at the same time, the IPCC should take full advantage of this platform in order to promote better understanding of China in climate change science, technology, mitigation and adaptation policies and measures in the area by one of the various efforts and achieved great success, pushing China to tackle climate change in the field of international cooperation.

