


代號:殺手/霹靂鳥探/清除代碼/終極密探/代號:清道夫 Code Name: The Cleaner ------- (2007)
神勇智探/硬漢教育/男人 The Man ------- (2005)
美國逃犯/美國流氓 American Outlaws ------- (2001)
笨賊妙探/賊變 Blue Streak ------- (1999)
飛天法寶/烏龍博士 Flubber ------- (1997)
"The Cape" Pilot ------- (1996)
34街的奇蹟/夢幻街奇緣 Miracle on 34th Street ------- (1994)
沉睡野人 Encino Man ------- (1992)
The China Odyssey: 'Empire of the Sun', a Film by Steven Spielberg ------- (1987)
The Making of 'Back to the Future' ------- (1985)
2010: The Odyssey Continues ------- (1984)
The Making of 'Terminator 2: 3-D' ------- (2000)
Beverly Hills Family Robinson ------- (1998)
The Love Bug ------- (1997)
魔法飯店 Tower of Terror ------- (1997)
Encino Woman ------- (1996)
"The Cape" Pilot ------- (1996)
Freaky Friday ------- (1995)
Saturday Morning: Cartoons' Greatest Hits ------- (1995)
The Barefoot Executive ------- (1995)
The Making of 'Jurassic Park' ------- (1995)
The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes ------- (1995)
Escape to Witch Mountain ------- (1995)
William Shatner's Star Trek Memories ------- (1995)
The Shaggy Dog ------- (1994)
Under Pressure: Making 'The Abyss' ------- (1993)
黑暗之心 Hearts of Darkness: A Filmmaker's Apocalypse ------- (1991)
All in the Family: 20th Anniversary Special ------- (1991)
驚魂記IV Psycho IV: The Beginning ------- (1990)
The Secrets of the Back to the Future Trilogy ------- (1990)
The China Odyssey: 'Empire of the Sun', a Film by Steven Spielberg ------- (1987)
Inside TV Land: African Americans in Television ------- (2002)
"The Cape" Pilot ------- (1996)
"The Cape" Pilot ------- (1996)
Back to the Future... The Ride ------- (1991)
Indiana Jones: Making the Trilogy ------- (2003)
"The Cape" Pilot ------- (1996)
The Making of 'Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom' ------- (1984)
作為視覺特效師的電影作品(數量:1)"The Cape" Pilot ------- (1996)
作為特技演員的電影作品(數量:1) "The Cape" Pilot ------- (1996)
作為助理導演的電影作品(數量:1)"The Cape" Pilot ------- (1996)
作為美術的電影作品(數量:1) "The Cape" Pilot ------- (1996)
作為服裝設計的電影作品(數量:1) "The Cape" Pilot ------- (1996)
作為化妝師的電影作品(數量:1) "The Cape" Pilot ------- (1996)
作為造型設計的電影作品(數量:1)"The Cape" Pilot ------- (1996)
作為藝術指導的電影作品(數量:1) "The Cape" Pilot ------- (1996)
作為原創音樂的電影作品(數量:1) "The Cape" Pilot ------- (1996)
作為攝像師的電影作品(數量:1)"The Cape" Pilot ------- (1996)
作為電影剪輯的電影作品(數量:1)"The Cape" Pilot ------- (1996)


