






Beijing Guangzehui
Spring Park Posthouse
Tongxinghe Club
The Intoxicating East Restaurant
Tianyi Restaurant
Qiaoting Live Fish Town
Xiyue European Cuisine Bar (Wanxiang City Store)
Top One Pot Zhongshan North Store
Top One Pot Chaofu Store
Tsuruichi Beijing
Five Rooms in Spring and Autumn Teahouse, Shijiazhuang
Karuizawa Sanduo Store
Flare Restaurant
Royal Jun Yi Restaurant
Jiuli River Restaurant
Penglai Yi Jing Restaurant
Sanya Qixian Ridge Western Restaurant
Namche Teahouse
Plum Trees Pavilion Restaurant
Japanese Dining "Kemuri Shanghai"
Bouyourou at Minami Aoyama
Chao Tai Xuan
Edge 餐廳
Edge Restaurant
Tangfang Hotel
Crystal Jade Restaurant, Tsuen Wan Store
Da Pai Dang Restaurant
Rong Restaurant
Ba Dao Cang Restaurant In Taizhong
Le Grand Blue At Taigucang Dock
Japanese BBQ Restaurant Magosaburou
Charme Restaurant
北京壽州大飯店SPA 館
Beijing Shouzhou Hotel SPA Club
Beijing Shouzhou Hotel
Hi Sushi Qingcheng Store
Krombacher Music Restaurant
Lao Gong Jia Yan
Temen Wine Club
Zhengshan Tang
Flowers Qintai Barbecue Restaurant
The Bavarian Western —Style Restaurant
Ellas Melathron Aromata 餐廳
Ellas Melathron Aromata
CB 餐廳
CB Restaurant
Macalister Mansion


As the Chinese saying goes, "food is the paramount necessity of the people." China has a long history of food culture, which differs in different regions in this great country. Chinese cuisine is called "art appreciated by tongues" by its people. The desire for food is part of human nature, and the dietary habit can reflect the spirit of a nation. Nowadays, catering industry has become inseparable in our daily life.
A dozen years working experience in catering industry has gifted me some perception and inspirations by Huazhong University of Science and Technology Press. I'd like to take this opportunity to share my opinion about "private-dish restaurants" with the readers and industry insiders.
Contrary with popular business catering, private dishes are different with the dishes supplied in star hotels and conventional social catering. They are unique and featured. You will feel at home and relaxed in private-dish restaurants, which is quite different from your experience in conventional business restaurants and hotels.
In my humble opinion, three factors should be taken into consideration in the design of private-dish restaurants: the first is to relax the dining environment, the second is to romanticize the whole atmosphere, and the last one is a deep planning based on dining procedure, such as tea
service before the meal, special performance at meal time, and recreation after the meal. The feature "private dishes" should also be reflected in the design.
What's more, it will be better to attach importance to the connection between the design of private-dish restaurants and courtyard, tea room, study, piano room. Humanistic spirit, the restaurant owner's view of life and traditional culture like tea ceremony and incense lore will add much spiritual connotation to the restaurant.
Private dishes are often related to cultural connotation, therefore, specific history and culture carried in a dish can find expression in the interior design, such as decorative style of the restaurant interior, furniture of a particular period, and even a doorknob. This kind of combinational planning will make a reminiscing and choice private-dish restaurant. It does not mean, however, do indulge the design in retro, but just to diversify the ways of expression.
It's worth noting that uncreative expression of cultural connotation of private dishes will just make a stuffy design which only presents a certain historical feature but lose the spirit of time. Therefore, an artistic expression of cultural connotation should remember to present the implication of culture. For example, in the center of a courtyard, a basin of rock with water and fish in it will be a metaphor of "the raining water merges into the hall" in a Shanxi Courtyard House. In this way, without need of building the whole place into a Courtyard House, an image of courtyard is established. This is the artistic expression of implication.
The practice of mix and match in the design will lighten the whole space. Let's take a look at three shining examples. Example one, in the moment the guest opens the door, he will meet a doorknob made from an idea of cloud, and a traditional Chinese landscape painting on the door. Example two, to hang on the wall a traditional Chinese Landscape Painting with carved wooden fish in it will increase the delights of the environment. Example three, paint color on Ming-style furniture of hardwood or make the Ming-style furniture of stainless steel, copper or acrylic materials. The mix and match style will bring a fresh air and much fun into the private-dish restaurant.
In this day and age when traditional culture is getting revitalizing, people not only appeal for cultural inheritance, but also yearn for fashion and art. This mix and match concept will be met with postmodern technique of expression in the design, which will bring about unexpected beauty.
s will soon come out. I believe that the readers will benefit and lean a lot from the excellent works, the designer's wisdom and the editor's effort in this fascinating book.
A CCTV documentary A Bite of China elaborates the relationship of food and culture around China. Take flour-made food for example. There are hundreds of types of eating flour-made food in China. If we look form another aspect, Chinese cuisine culture has developed to a stage that people enjoy the whole process of dining instead of just satisfying human palates. A dining space is a place for gathering and communicating. As a dining space designer, I'm always thinking about who will come to a restaurant and what do they need there. When designing a restaurant in a big city, a designer should remember that the guests'mental feeling in the restaurant is more important than their stomach feeling. This is a very interesting rule that reminds me of the process of making dumplings in the families of northern China. The key point in this process is family communications. A good communication will lead to a dumpling feast, and a bad one may make the dumplings unpalatable.
In the year of 2013, I have been to several countries for work and award reasons. I travelled to Fukuoka and Tokyo in Japan. In Fukuoka, I visited Starbucks and Kyushu Geibunkan designed by Kengo Kuma. In Tokyo, I also visited Kengo Kuma's works, Nezu Museum and Asakusa Culture Tourist Information Center. I appreciate Mr. Kengo Kuma's works a lot, which are perfect integration of culture and business. In the end of 2013, I went to Paris and visited Camelia at Mandarin Oriental, and Miss Ko designed by Philippe Patrick Starck after work. The two restaurants tell us the growth of life and creativity, which is very exciting.
Looking back at the past decade of architectural design in Beijing, we can find the repetition of "construction and abandonment". The decoration of even a large hotel or restaurant could not live long there. We can often come across a restaurant with decades-old decoration abroad. In China, however, the decoration of a restaurant has durability of only five to ten years. I hope that the life of our dining spaces can be prolonged by designs. The market-oriented decoration of a restaurant should live for twenty years or even more than a hundred years. We can try to achieve this aim though "slow design" which can be interpreted as this: to design and decorate a restaurant little by little, perfecting the completed, appreciating the matured, having fun in the collocation of various materials, and enjoying the compromise of creativity and technique, instead of finishing the design and decoration in three months without a break. Time-consuming and difficult designs and projects are always most fascinating, and the Forbidden City in Beijing is a typical example. Therefore, I conclude that designs born out of a compressed time are weak in power. However, a problem that Chinese designers are facing is that low-cost projects which demand the reduction of time and the pursuit of speed are still the mainstream in this field.
Private-Dish Restaurants is a wonderful book which assembles dining spaces of all sorts and full creativity. When a designer starts to design a restaurant, he should recall Naoto Fukasawa's "product fitness 80" advocation which means "cutting excessive material desires to live a fit life",
just like the philosophy of an old Chinese saying "Eat until you are eight percent full". An ordinary but comfortable chair is always silently playing a practical and important role in your daily life.
我在2013 年,由於工作與獲獎的原因得以到訪世界各國。日本去了兩趟,在福岡參訪了隈研吾的福岡星巴克與九州藝文館,在東京則去了根津美術館與淺草文化中心,我很欣賞他的作品,總是能將文化與商業結合得那么流暢。年底去了巴黎,工作之餘到訪Mandarin Oriental 的Camelia餐廳,又去了菲利普·斯塔克設計的Miss Ko餐廳,感受建築師的創意與生命的延續,真是太令人激動了。
回顧北京十年,便知我們設計師不斷的重複“建造與廢棄”的設計過程。即使設計、裝修一個面積很大的酒樓或餐廳,它們的使用壽命也很短,很快就損壞了。在國外,我們常常可以光臨裝修超過數十年的老店;在國內,一家餐廳的裝修卻只有5~10 年的耐久性。我希望能透過設計來延長餐飲空間的生命力,一個餐廳的設計僅僅因為市場的需要,也應該被保留二十年,甚至上百年。因此,我們應該思考嘗試著“慢設計”。 例如,我們試著不要在3 個月內一口氣將一家餐廳連設計帶裝修都完成,而是讓它一點一點的完成,一面打造,一面將已完成的部分進行完善,並欣賞它的老化,感受各種材料搭配運用的樂趣,享受創意與工
《私房菜館》是本絕對精彩的書,它聚集了五花八門、創意十足的餐飲空間,當我們提筆設計餐飲空間時,也許可以憶起深澤直人先生所提倡的:“物的八分目”,說的是“減低過高物質欲望的體認,達到生活更適切平衡”, 如同老祖宗所說,“飯要吃八分飽就好”。例如,一把看似平凡卻很舒適的椅子,永遠都靜靜地在生活里扮演實用且重要的角色。


不知何時開始,人們對酒樓食肆的喧囂變得有些厭倦了,熱愛美食者鑽進橫街窄巷,尋找美味佳肴,還有那份流失已久的恬淡心情…… 所謂私房菜,也就是在私密的自家廚房裡烹製而成、無所謂菜系,無所謂章法,只要別家沒有,只要味道獨特。獨特的味道需要獨特的環境,別無他家的菜式必然不能在千篇一律的室內空間裡享用,於是私房菜館的獨特與私密成為室內設計的一大亮點。


