





Part 1 服務人員接待顧客用語
Sentences for Servers and Customers
Unti 1招呼顧客用語 Welcome Customers
Unit 2接待顧客用語 Greet Customers
Unit 3顧客常用語 Common Sentences for Customers
Unit 4 送別顧客用語 See Customers off
Part 2 各種場合實用會話
Situational Conversations
Unit 1書店與音像店 The Book Store&The Music Store
Unit 2美容美髮廳 The Beauty Parlor&Barber's
Unit 3郵局 The Post Office
Unit 4銀行 The Bank
Unit 5藥店 The Drugstore
Unit 6百貨公司 Department Store
Unit 7其他 Others
Part 3英語進階實用會話用語
Classified English Sentences in Conversations
Unit 1道謝 Expressing Gratitude
Unit 2指示 Giving Directions
Unit 3請求 Making Requests
Unit 4禁止 Forbiddance
Unit 5邀請與勸告 Invitations&Advisenents
Unit 6提議 Offering Suggestions
Unit 7約定Giving Promise
Unit 8拒絕 Rejections
Unit 9願望、希望 Expressing Or Giving Wishes
Unit 10意願 Telling will
unit 11計畫、預定 Making Plans
Unit 12決心 Determinations
Unit 13許可 Asking Permission
Unit 14義務、責任 Responsibility
Unit 15必要 Necessity
Unit 16可能 Possibility
Unit 17能力 Ability
Unit 18目的、結果 Results&Purposes
Unit 19原因、理由 Giving Reasons
Unit 20忠告 Providing Counsel
Unit 21意見、見解 Giving Opinions
Unit 22服裝 Clothing
Unit 23對人的評價 Making Evaluations
Unit 24氣候 Weather
Unit 25飲食 Food&Drink
Unit 26健康、疾病、身體 Health&Disease
Unit 27運動、休閒Sports&Emterainments
Unit 28旅行 Traveling
Unit 29日常寒暄 Daily Civility
Unit 30其他會話 Others
Part 4實用分類英文單詞索引
Classified Vocabularies
Unit 1女士的服裝 Women's Clothes
Unit 2男士的服裝 Men's Clothes
Unit 3服裝的尺碼 Dress Size
Unit 4衣領尺寸 Collar band Size
Unit 5鞋子號碼 Shoes Size
Unit 6鞋、帽和皮包 Shoes,Hats and Bage
Unit 7裝飾品 Accessories
Unit 8商店和百貨公司 Stores& Department Stores
Unit 9各種專賣店 Special Stores
Unit 10色彩的表達 Colors
Unit 11英文數字 English Number
Unit 12表數量單位的詞 UNits of Measurment
Unit 13年和季節的表達 Year&Seasons
Unit 14月份和日期的表達 Months&Dates
Unit 15星期和時間的表達 Week&Time
Unit 16有關方向的表達 Directions
Unit 17度量衡 Length,Volume&Weight
Unit 18形狀的表達 Forms&Shapes
Unit 19味道的表達 Taste
Unit 20家人和親戚 Familyℜlatives
Unit 21按性別、年齡的稱呼 How to Call people by Sex&Age
Unit 22人體各部分名稱 Various Parts of the Human Body
Unit 23國家及地區名稱的表達 Name of Countries and Regions
Unit 24部分國家和地區貨幣名稱與縮寫 Each County Money Name&Addreviation
Part 5服務人員專業速成精選單詞 1000
Selected Useful Vocabularies 1000


